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Memberships And Other Underutilized Resources: The Case Of The Metropolitan Opera


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
  • Idioma Inglés
Why if 20% of over 50 million people who visit New York City yearly, and disburse half of total touristic spending, about $20 billion per year, The Metropolitan Opera is not currently addressing them to come to the house? Goals: 1. To demonstrate that The Metropolitan Opera has not yet a clear strategy addressing the visitors crowd coming to New York City. 2.To propose a strategy to achieve it. Methods: First, collecting information at the Metropolitan Opera house concerning visitors’ origins. Then, reviewing tourism trends and data in NYC, to finally search for correlations between the Met Opera marketing strategies and the tourists’ approaches in the city. Results: Visitors are coming to The Met by their own interests to get to know the house and get the live experience.They revealed that one of their main drives to attend a performance at The Met was having been exposed to Met Productions through the HD Live program in their hometowns. Nonetheless, Met staffers proved that visitors have not been yet a priority for the organization. Conclusion: The financial situation at The Met Opera is unsound, when an audience and resources are timidly coming to the door; there’s an urge to suitably address this crowd to improve the unstable finances of one of the greatest performing arts organizations in the world.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Angélica María Bueno Ñañez, "Memberships And Other Underutilized Resources: The Case Of The Metropolitan Opera", Nueva York (Estados Unidos):-, 2015. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-03.

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Memberships And Other Underutilized Resources: The Case Of The Metropolitan Opera

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