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Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2010
  • Idioma Inglés
The importance of child’s health relies on its economic significance, given that is a key indicator of the quality of life in developing countries and a measure of their economic development. Its main role is to help policy makers take into account the importance of education as a relevant factor of productivity and intergenerational mobility.Child health is not only related with adult health, educational attainment, productivity, and income, but is also a development indicator all by itself. Among the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000 by the United Nations (UN) and adopted by the 193 members and 23 international organizations, at least four are directly related to child health or nutritional status.Many papers have been written about the relationship between child’s health and mother’s education; however, so far only one study has aimed to evaluate the importance of such factor in Colombia3. By using different estimation methods, this investigation will attempt to establish the importance of mother’s education on child’s health by analyzing a sample of 15,038 women with children between 0 and 35/59 months in Colombia.A positive association has important policy implications. For instance, if more educated mothers do in fact tend to have healthier boys/girls, then policy makers should focus on better education policies (such as school and class size, school selection, privatizing education, advanced teacher training and teaching methods, graduation requirements, and investing in infrastructure development, amongst others) to improve the health level of the next generation.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juan Andrés Cabal Jaramillo, "Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?", Colombia:-, 2010. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-28.

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Estimating Child’s Health Demand in Colombia: Is mother’s education and important input?

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