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“Colombianazing” Breaking Bad: Setting Up An Audience For The Future?


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 01/01/2014
  • Idioma Inglés
Metástasis, a Colombian remake of the award-winning 5 season series created by Vince Gillian, Breaking Bad, will premiere in Latin America in the second semester of 2014 on the basic-cable television channel MundoFOX. The remake’s success is still to be seen, but Internet blogs and news sites commenting upon it reveal that fans of the original series are really upset, predicting it to be a complete failure. While identifying and explaining the process of adapting both the particular character and the “world” portrayed in Breaking Bad to make them as believable as possible for the Latin American audience, this essay will discuss whom its target audience might be. Thus, based on an analysis on cable television, it will propose that a stronger reason for the realization of this remake is to set-up a new audience in Latin America for the future benefit of United States television networks.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juan Pablo Solano Vergara, "“Colombianazing” Breaking Bad: Setting Up An Audience For The Future?", -:-, 2014. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-12-11.

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“Colombianazing” Breaking Bad: Setting Up An Audience For The Future?

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