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Bogotá, my digital city


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2012
  • Idioma Inglés
According to the last census on 2005, Bogotá has a population of 7.363.782 inhabitants which makes it the sixth biggest city in Latin America and produces the 26% of the Colombian GDP, ranking on the tenth place, over cities as Caracas, Lima and Medellin. In 2010 occupied the 8th position on the ranking of the best cities for doing bussines in Latin America. In the last two decades Bogota has suffered several urban transformations, which largely have been influenced by the change of perspective with the arrival of visionary mayors as Enrique Peñalosa2 and Antanas Mockus. This drastic renovation on the city, had severe repercution even in the international context, with awards as the “Leone d’oro” as the best city in the Biennale di Venezia 2006, the Stockholm Challenge 2000 for the “car free day” and “Latin American Digital cities award” in 2004. However the positivism that at some point invaded Bogota citizens now its been seriously affected by the lack of continuity and evolution on the city programs, just 32% of the population considers that things on the city are on a good track3, furthermore the city has been hit by a public administration crisis by corruption cases. The role of digitalization in cities, for the flexibility of its tools and applications could determine a deffinitive step forward in developed countries, according to Paolo Fusero; “In the future while differences between rich and poor territories will become less significant, a new distinction will emerge between intelligent territories and those which do not have such aptitudes. An intelligent territory can apply adequate comunication techonologies within its perimeter in order to maximise efficiency.” (Fustero, 2008) Therefore the objective of this paper is to identify the strategy that the City of Bogota has adopted in order to implement its digitalization, but giving special importance on the iniciatives designed in order to extend its benefits to the most disadvantaged.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juana Marcela Leal Simbaqueba, "Bogotá, my digital city", -:-, 2012. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-24.

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