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Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2006
  • Idioma Inglés
The study will be based on an anthropological view of learning in which the central idea is to find out how people become to be who they are. On that account, it will be interested in the social influences of the environment people are settled in, as well as the individual’s agency in their process of making sense of their experience. The discovery of the common practices individuals execute at a particular setting –as it is the school- will be one of the aims of this study that is to contribute to the revelation of the social relations structured within the community. Studying deeper these social relations structured in practice (Lave & Wegner, 1991) and in the material dispositions, will bring us to an understanding of how people are valued in the specific situations inside a particular society.On that account, I am concerned with the idea of what it means to be a child and how children come, in particular contexts, like educational institutions, to be valued in historically specific ways. Taking two primary school classrooms in a West London school as my case study, I analyse how value is created as the outcome of socially structured processes of interaction between teachers and children and between children themselves. Comparing and contrasting the teachers’ ideas of what makes children valued at school, I describe how the structuring influence exerted by the teachers in the classroom infringe on the formation of friendship relations among the children. 
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Luz Adriana Chávez Villegas, "Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres", Londres (Inglaterra):-, 2006. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-13.

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Valuing children at school: Case Study of two primary school classrooms in a West London school = Valorando a los niños en el colegio: estudio de caso en dos salones de clase de una escuela primaria en Londres

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