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  • Tesis

The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2000
  • Idioma Inglés
This dissertation is a research studies on the dynamics of Crafts its consumerism and contemporary significance within the developed and the developing countries leading to a better understanding of the critical factors and necessary conditions to build up effective strategies to enable craftspeople and organisations to adapt better to the requirements of contemporary society. This study contains relevant reference material to understand the meaning of crafts in different cultural contexts. It also analyses collaborative efforts and promotional strategies which local and international organisations are undertaking in response to new market opportunities for crafts. The outcome is to provide guidance and recommendations on possible new directions for successful exports to organisations and craftspeople concerned with these issues. Following the abstract and introduction, information on “crafts” as an economic issue in the UK and information about International organisations working for the development of crafts in the world such as UNESCO, the World Crafts Council and Aid to Artisans is given in Section I. Section II starts addressing the question that originated from the findings that arise from the review of the topic in section I followed by an explanation of the method of investigation used to carry out the research. This section will provide the reader with information of the Crafts Council and Artesanías de Colombia, the British and Colombian organisations selected as case studies. This section investigates what are the collaborative efforts and the strategies these organisations have undertaken to help craftspeople export their products. Literature review on the relationship design management and marketing and Internet-based research on craft’s promotion are also analysed. Section III will go on to analyse the critical factors that have an impact on the success of British and Colombian crafts within international markets. I will be attempting to respond the key question by discussing the following issues: Understanding the role of crafts in a consumer society, International organisations Vs national organisations, International markets – obstacles for successful exports, The market link – what it is necessary?, Internet – an economically viable promotional medium. Finally, this dissertation concludes with lessons drawn from current practices, which instruct on possible directions for a Colombian craft export model.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
María Cristina Hernández Monsalve, "The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías", Colombia:-, 2000. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-11-14.

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The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías

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