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  • Tesis

By giving our back to the River we cannot find our city’s future: planning for the future or the future demanding for planning? A case study of decision making around Parque del Río Medellín


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2014
  • Idioma Inglés
The shift from government to governance has committed its goal to realize a more inclusive and plural way to govern contemporary societies. It has allowed the different actors to interrelate themselves in decision-making processes around strategic metropolitan projects. Citizen participation is also increasingly playing a role in the planning domain, as the traditional role of government as the main decision-maker, becomes challenged or accompanied by new and emerging participatory structures. The recent literature on governance in the Latin American metropolitan context is just developing, as the term first appeared in the region in the 1990s. Although the region is advancing into the consolidation of governance structures, the metropolitan institutional framework is still deficient in the region for its short-lived background in democracy. By delving the context of the Aburrá Valley in Colombia, the present thesis is based on a single case study investigation which uses two frameworks: governance and citizen participation.The thesis aims to answer the question: How have the different actors been interrelated in the decision-making process of Parque del Río Medellín and what were the policy outcomes? Parque del Río Medellín is a project that not only aims to enhance the deficit of public space in the city and improve mobility and quality of life conditions for its inhabit-ants, but also to challenge the current land use model which has saturated to an almost un-sustainable point the slopes of the valley. The results of the investigation achieved through elite semi-structured interviews, show that public sector actors deploy enormous amounts of resources and decision-making capacity, while civil society actors mildly influence the decision-making process. On the other hand, the role of citizen participation around the project resembles classic ‘tokenism’ or symbolic participation achieved through ‘imaginary workshops’, ‘socializations’ or round tables. Finally, the investigation reveals the role of the municipal mayor and his ‘political’ will is crucial to understand the present and future a project, that while is strategic, paradoxically receives scarce attention on behalf of the citi-zens or other civil society actors.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Juan Rafael Peláez Arango, "By giving our back to the River we cannot find our city’s future: planning for the future or the future demanding for planning? A case study of decision making around Parque del Río Medellín", Medellín (Colombia):-, 2014. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-14.

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By giving our back to the River we cannot find our city’s future: planning for the future or the future demanding for planning? A case study of decision making around Parque del Río Medellín

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