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Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2013
  • Idioma Inglés
Gender-based violence during armed conflicts and under oppressive regimes is a reality. Although governments, NGOs, the international community and civil society have made efforts to address the impact of gender-selective practices on women their magnitude remains underestimated. When sexual violence has been systematically used as a strategy of terror and control, children born as a consequence of it emerge within the society as a generation conceived from violence. Even though these children are part of the narratives of wartime sexual violence survivors, they have neither gained a place in the agenda of human rights concerns nor in the post-violence political agenda. Indeed, in the aftermath of conflict they seem to be invisible subjects of the wounded society and therefore, their role in the process of national reconciliation is denied. Although there is a significant lack of information on these children, empirical evidence shows that their human rights are highly compromised in a number of ways and that their presence cannot be underestimated. In this dissertation I argue that the omission to include these children in the agenda towards reconciliation hinders the project of national reconstruction. By being excluded from this process, they are not just marginalised from the political process towards reconstruction of the society but also from society itself. My analysis is enriched by elements coming from sociology, psychology and international human rights law. I based my research on the review of International Human Rights Instruments; Literature on gender based violence during conflicts; war-affected children; trauma; and reconciliation. In addition, I reviewed literature on the plight of these children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, East Timor, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Tatiana Sánchez Parra, "Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación", Bosnia y Herzegovina; Ruanda; Sierra Leona; Uganda; República Democrática de Timor Oriental:-, 2013. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2025-01-18.

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Children born as a consequence of wartime sexual violence: subverting structures of discrimination = Niños nacidos como resultado de violencia sexual en tiempos de Guerra: subvirtiendo estructuras de discriminación

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