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  • Tesis

Social housing as a strategy for strengthening inclusion in a post-conflict scenario: The case of Colombia’s 100 thousand free houses


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2015
  • Idioma Inglés
Colombian cities have been for over 60 years witnesses of the internal conflict that through time morphed into a heterogeneous war, causing the forced displacement of approximately 6.3 million people during the period between 1985 and 2015. The lack of instruments able to benefit this population, triggered the issuance of two statements of the Constitutional court forcing the national government to take action towards their repair and integration.With the aim of building sustainable and inclusive cities through social housing and at the same time reducing quantitative housing deficits, the national government set the goal of building 100.000 free housing solutions. Over 90.000 housing units were built across the national territory, keeping the promise made, but raising questions about the quality of social housing and the impacts these projects are having on Colombian cities built environment.This dissertation will analyse the degree to which this programme can provide an effective basis for creating inclusive housing processes in post-conflict Colombian cities. The first chapter will try to understand the meaning of the word inclusion, and will conclude with an applicable analytical framework that will set the basis and a set of lenses to understand and analyse how the projects are conceived, built and delivered. The second part will explain the characteristics of the Colombian conflict, its effects on the urbanization patterns of cities and the way in which housing policy has developed in parallel to it. Additionally, the third chapter will try to confront the analytical framework with the 100.000 free houses program. The expected outcome of this analysis is to open a discussion on the role of social housing and the challenges it faces in the task of transforming Colombian cities into inclusive centres in which to acquire a tangible peace.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Nathalia Mosquera Palomeque, "Social housing as a strategy for strengthening inclusion in a post-conflict scenario: The case of Colombia’s 100 thousand free houses", Colombia:-, 2015. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-07-27.

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Social housing as a strategy for strengthening inclusion in a post-conflict scenario: The case of Colombia’s 100 thousand free houses

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