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The pedagogy of the birds – instinct + practice = La pedagogía de los pájaros – instinto + práctica


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2013
  • Idioma Italiano
The pedagogy of the birds’ is a cultural initiative, consisting of four creative collaborative actions, which seeks to develop conversations between the inhabitants of Brisas del Volador, a whole community living in extreme poverty in the south part of Bogotá, the Colombian capital, and [with] the society in which they live; with the intention of questioning and reconstructing the individual and collective identity they have lost because of the social problems they have faced, which has led them to a complete invisibility and exclusion of society.A series of events around talking, eating, walking, and unlearning are proposed as possible ways to provide the tools for the self-valorization of these people within the dynamics of the city, as political and social beings able to make real changes in the community. The whole initiative seeks to create a form of resistance to the label these people have, and empower them to potentialize their abilities, because they deserve to be seen by the rest of us and they are as precious as we all are, and they have to get aware of it.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Jessica Rucinque Arbeláez, "The pedagogy of the birds – instinct + practice = La pedagogía de los pájaros – instinto + práctica", Bogotá (Colombia):-, 2013. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-04-25.

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The pedagogy of the birds – instinct + practice = La pedagogía de los pájaros – instinto + práctica

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