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Imagen de apoyo de  “We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

“We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

Por: Erika Alejandra Cortés Ibáñez | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This research project focuses on the experiences and narratives of Syrian exiles living in Turkey. The emphasis of this research was placed on the perceptions of each person about their new environment, and the way they rebuilt their lives in exile while the conflict intensified in Syria. The research question is: how do Syrian exiles configure their social worlds in exile and how do they narrate their experiences? By social worlds I refer to the participants’ relation with their new life in displacement, to the space and the people around them, and to the way their memories and expectations influence this relation. I conducted my research with Syrians from different social backgrounds, different ages, and different dreams for the future.Their experiences, varied as they were, shared many similarities and exemplified the anguish and hardship that forced displacement causes to people. Some participants tried to center their everyday lives in remembering past times in Syria, during the beginning of the revolution and before it began. These memories were brought back to life by sharing them with others, by spending days following the news of the destruction of their cities, and talking to their loved ones that remained in Syria. Their life was interrupted when the conflict intensified and they were forced to relocate in Turkey, thus, most participants did not have the opportunity to regard this as the past, but as an interrupted present. While living in exile, most participants lived day by day without making further plans, hoping for something to change. The fact that the conflict in Syria is not showing any signs of arriving to a peaceful solution soon, people’s uncertain condition perpetuates.
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“We wait…always…” The experience of Syrian exiles in Gaziantep and Istanbul = “Esperamos…siempre…” La experiencia de exiliados Sirios en Gaziantep y Estambul

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Imagen de apoyo de  WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

Por: Héctor Fabián Reyes Parada | Fecha: 01/01/2013

The following report describes the work done during my internship in AlbaTERN Ltd, a company focused in the design and construction of wave energy devices that capture energy from ocean waves and convert it into sustainable low- carbon electricity. A background of existing research in the area of Wave Energy conversion and its potential around the world is given in the first chapters. The main objective of my thesis has been support the design and construction of a unique wave energy conversion system constructed from multiple SQUID modules in a hexagonal array configuration.The project has been focused to look specifically at improving the hydraulic energy conversion efficiency, the feasibility of auto-setting operational variables according to the sea conditions, and the overall adaptability of the design to suit the specifications of the site and power requirements. Simulations using SimHydraulics have been developed to assess the design an optimal Hydraulic energy conversion system. With the output of the several simulations and hydraulic laboratory tests have been possible the sizing of its different components, and the design of special manifold blocks with self-setting hydraulic control, reducing the quantity and complexity the electronic devices for the general control.The key challenge facing the Wave Energy conversion Industry is lowering the cost of energy generation, where is required research and Development in order to design a device with high efficiency, high availability and low cost for the mass production. So achieving a viable wave energy future depends as much upon developing a technology that can be rapidly and economically scaled to high volume production. This project provides a solid foundation for scaling WaveNET arrays in excess of 10 MW.
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WaveNET efficiency improvement (hexagonal array wave energy converter system) = Optimizacion de la eficiencia de sistema WaveNET (sistema convertidor de energía mareomotriz de arreglo hexagonal)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Wavelet-RKHS-based functional statistical classification

Wavelet-RKHS-based functional statistical classification

Por: Margarita María; Ruiz Medina Rincón Hidalgo | Fecha: 01/01/2012

A functional classification methodology, based on the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) theory, is proposed for discrimination of gene expression profiles. The parameter function involved in the definition of the functional logistic regression is univocally and consistently estimated, from the minimization of the penalized negative log-likelihood over a RKHS generated by a suitable wavelet basis. An iterative descendent method, the gradient method, is applied for solving the corresponding minimization problem, i.e., for computing the functional estimate. Temporal gene expression data involved in the yeast cell cycle are classified with the wavelet-RKHS-based discrimination methodology considered. A simulation study is developed for testing the performance of this statistical classification methodology incomparison with other statistical discrimination procedures.
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Wavelet-RKHS-based functional statistical classification

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Imagen de apoyo de  Wall-Temperature Effects on Flame response to Acoustic Oscillations = Effectos de la temperatura de la parad sobre la respuesta de una llama a oscilaciones acústicas

Wall-Temperature Effects on Flame response to Acoustic Oscillations = Effectos de la temperatura de la parad sobre la respuesta de una llama a oscilaciones acústicas

Por: Daniel Augusto Mejía Mejía | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This paper presents an experimental investigation of combustion instabilities for a laminar premixed flame stabilized on a slot burner. For certain operating conditions, the system exhibits an unstable mode locked on the Helmholtz mode of the burner. It is shown that the instability can be controlled and even suppressed by changing solely the temperature of the burner rim. A theoretical model accounting for this parameter in the flame transfer function is devised and the physical mechanisms for the temperature dependence of the flame response are investigated.
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Wall-Temperature Effects on Flame response to Acoustic Oscillations = Effectos de la temperatura de la parad sobre la respuesta de una llama a oscilaciones acústicas

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Imagen de apoyo de  Vulnerabilidade Social e ocorrência de doenças gastrointestinais associadas com inundações no Município de São Paulo / Vulnerabilidad social y la ocurrencia de enfermedades gastrointestinales asociadas a inundaciones en el municipio de Sao Paulo

Vulnerabilidade Social e ocorrência de doenças gastrointestinais associadas com inundações no Município de São Paulo / Vulnerabilidad social y la ocurrencia de enfermedades gastrointestinales asociadas a inundaciones en el municipio de Sao Paulo

Por: Doris Jimena Roncancio Benitez | Fecha: 01/01/2015

As inundações podem ter um grande impacto na saúde das populações. Doenças produzidas pela exposição direta ou indireta às águas, podem resultar em surtos de doenças gastrointestinais, infecções respiratórias, leptospirose entre outras. Já que os cenários de mudança climática predizem o aumento na frequência e severidade das inundações devido ao aquecimento global, é necessário ter claridade nos impactos gerados sobre a saúde humana como reflexo dos efeitos combinados das mudanças climáticas sobre os ecossistemas, o sistema econômico e o sistema social. A pesquisa visa analisar a vulnerabilidade da população do município de São Paulo às doenças infecciosas relacionadas com inundações. O processo tem como fio condutor o modelo de avaliação da vulnerabilidade conhecido como modelo de vulnerabilidade expandida. Dez variáveis consideradas como representativas para o município de São Paulo, foram escolhidas para a análise da vulnerabilidade social, correlacionadas e analisadas dentro da unidade espacial bacia hidrográfica para o ano 2010, mediante a análise de componentes principais. Bases de dados de precipitação da Rede Telemétrica de Pluviômetros de Superfície do Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica (DAAE), foram os dados usados para a avaliação dos níveis de precipitação. Adicionalmente, as estatísticas das bases de dados de Autorização de Internação Hospitalar do Sistema Universal de Saúde (AIH/SUS) foram usadas para a avaliação das variáveis epidemiológicas. Os resultados mostram que a vulnerabilidade social aumenta na direção centro-periferia e que as aglomerações de valores altos, evidentemente mais abundantes do que as aglomerações de valores baixos, aparecem nas bacias de vulnerabilidades sociais significativamente altas. Las inundaciones pueden tener un gran impacto sobre la salud de las poblaciones humanas. Las enfermedades producidas por la exposición directa o indirecta a agua contaminada, puede resultar en brotes de enfermedades gastrointestinales, infecciones respiratorias y Leptospirosis entre otras. Debido a que los escenarios de cambio climático predicen el aumento en la frecuencia y severidad de las inundaciones resultado del calentamiento global, es necesario tener claridad de los impactos generados sobre la salud humana que reflejan los efectos combinados de estos cambios ambientales sobre los ecosistemas, el sistema económico y el sistema social. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la vulnerabilidad de la población del municipio de Sao Paulo a enfermedades infecciosas relacionadas con inundaciones. El proceso tuvo como hilo conductor el modelo de evaluación de la vulnerabilidad conocido como modelo de vulnerabilidad expandida. Diez variables consideradas como representativas para el municipio, fueron escogidas para el análisis de la vulnerabilidad social por cuenca hidrográfica para el año 2010. El análisis final de la vulnerabilidad consistió en la correlación y análisis de componentes principales. Fueron utilizados datos de la red telemétrica de pluviómetros de superficie del departamento de aguas y energía eléctrica (DAAE), para analizar los niveles de precipitación. Adicionalmente, las estadísticas de las bases de datos de Autorizaciones de Hospitalización del Sistema Universal de Salud (AIH/SUS) fueron usadas para la evaluación de las variables epidemiológicas. Los resultados muestran que la vulnerabilidad social dentro del municipio aumenta en la dirección centro-periferia y que las aglomeraciones de valores altos, evidentemente más abundantes que las aglomeraciones de valores bajos, aparecen en las cuencas hidrográficas con vulnerabilidades sociales altamente significativas.
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Vulnerabilidade Social e ocorrência de doenças gastrointestinais associadas com inundações no Município de São Paulo / Vulnerabilidad social y la ocurrencia de enfermedades gastrointestinales asociadas a inundaciones en el municipio de Sao Paulo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Volunteer tourism, development and education in a postcolonial world: Conceiving global connections beyond aid

Volunteer tourism, development and education in a postcolonial world: Conceiving global connections beyond aid

Por: Carlos Mauricio Palacios Obregón | Fecha: 01/01/2010

This paper contributes to the public and academic debate on the appropriateness of young Westerners’ participation in projects of volunteer tourism conducted in developing countries. Ethnographic research was carried out in the context of an Australian program that organizes short-term group placements for university students in countries like Vietnam, Mexico and Fiji.The results illustrate that such projects can produce similar benefits to other educational initiatives of international volunteering and service (IVS) in terms of global engagement, career development, intercultural competence and psychological support. However, for these projects to avoid public critiques and negative outcomes, they need to harmonize personal and institutional expectations with real volunteer capacities.Thus, until IVS programs in the university context distance themselves from a development aid discourse, they will potentially fall under the umbrella of “neo-colonialism”. The research provides a model of impact analysis and raises challenging questions for universities or similar organizations involved with short-term group placements of volunteer tourism.
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Volunteer tourism, development and education in a postcolonial world: Conceiving global connections beyond aid

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Imagen de apoyo de  Voces y miradas alternas a Efraín: Del amor y otras historias

Voces y miradas alternas a Efraín: Del amor y otras historias

Por: Elvia Jeannette Uribe Duncan | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Voces y miradas alternas a Efraín: Del amor y otras historias es una lectura sobre la novela Afuera crece un mundo de la escritora colombiana Adelaida Fernández Ochoa. La lectura hace referencia a la novela María de Jorge Isaacs como fuente primaria en la construcción de la novela, y señala la importancia del tema africano teniendo en cuenta el contexto histórico al cual la novela alude. Igualmente, el artículo hace hincapié en algunas transformaciones y cruces de fronteras de los personajes como también a las referencias literarias de las que la autora se vale para su composición.
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Voces y miradas alternas a Efraín: Del amor y otras historias

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Imagen de apoyo de  Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

Por: Juana Brugman Guerrero | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The aim of this study was to identify differences in brain activation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patients and typically developing pre-adolescents and adolescents while performing a working memory task. Within this important cognitive domain, visuo-spatial working memory was specifically selected for study, being a fundamental cognitive impairment in the disorder. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in children and adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age while they performed a visuo-spatial working memory task.During performance of the task the ADHD group showed lower activation than the typically developing children in 4 specific brain regions. Between-group differences in activation were observed in the right and left superior frontal gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, and cuneus. The results of the present study support the hypothesis of mainly cortical dysfunctions in ADHD.
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Visuo-spatial working memory in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : an FMRI analysis

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Imagen de apoyo de  Visibility of ethnic identity traits of minority groups in state schools’ history curriculum: The case of San Andres island, home of the ‘Raizals’, in colombia’s western caribbean sea area = Visibilidad de las características étnicas de grupos minoritarios o vulnerables en el currículo de Historia de los colegios públicos: el caso de San Andres Isla, tierra de los raizales, en el territorio marítimo oeste de Colombia

Visibility of ethnic identity traits of minority groups in state schools’ history curriculum: The case of San Andres island, home of the ‘Raizals’, in colombia’s western caribbean sea area = Visibilidad de las características étnicas de grupos minoritarios o vulnerables en el currículo de Historia de los colegios públicos: el caso de San Andres Isla, tierra de los raizales, en el territorio marítimo oeste de Colombia

Por: Shelly Sulaicka Mclean Bent | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract:This study explores the visibility of ethnic identity features of the San Andreans in the history curriculum of its state schools. It uses a comparative approach through a content analysis of the Social Science curriculum, and the Afro Colombian Studies lecture plan of study. The findings of the research shed light on the theoretical perspectives of ethnic and social identity, and the implications these have on history education. In the findings, I highlight in particular the presence of global and national identifications and their correlation with national curricular guidelines. Finally, I argue that there is an urgent need for the inclusion of distinctive traits of the San Andreans within the history subject. By adopting this approach, students of the island will be able to develop a critical understanding of their histories and reflect on their presence and identity socially and politically.Resumen:Este estudio explora la visibilidad de las características identitarias étnicas propias de los San Andresanos en el curriculo de historia o Ciencias Sociales en colegios públicos. En la investigación se usa un enfoque comparativo por medio del cual se examina, a través de herramientas como el análisis de contenido textual, el currículo de la materia Ciencias Sociales y el plan de estudio de la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos. Los resultados muestran la correlación entre las perspectivas teóricas de la identidad social y étnicas y las implicaciones que estas tienen en la educación y enseñanza de la historia como materia. En lo encontrado resalto particularmente la presencia de identidades globales y nacionales y su relación con las políticas curriculares nacionales. Finalmente, presento la necesidad de incluir las distintas características de los San Andresanos en la materia de Historia o Ciencias Sociales ya que al tomar este enfoque, los estudiantes de las islas estarán en la capacidad de desarrollar el entendimiento y tener una perspectiva crítica acerca de su propia historia y el cómo se refleja en ella las identidades sociales y políticas a las que se encuentran expuestos.
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Visibility of ethnic identity traits of minority groups in state schools’ history curriculum: The case of San Andres island, home of the ‘Raizals’, in colombia’s western caribbean sea area = Visibilidad de las características étnicas de grupos minoritarios o vulnerables en el currículo de Historia de los colegios públicos: el caso de San Andres Isla, tierra de los raizales, en el territorio marítimo oeste de Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión

Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión

Por: Yudy Andrea Novoa López | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The following study aimed to establish the social and political factors involved in the extreme poverty suffered by most of forcefully displaced persons in Colombia. To do so, a conscientious research was made and a survey was conducted. In addition, it was demonstrated that forced displacement is a strategy used by every violent actor of the internal conflict in Colombia, intended for impose their particular regimes based on violence and inequality. Moreover, was also established the relevance that in conflict has had the unfinished construction of the Colombian state, as well as the key role that has its differentiated presence throughout national territory and its co-opted reconfiguration by legal and illegal actors.Then, it was also shown that poverty goes beyond the economic aspect and involves, specifically for the case of IDPs (Internal Displaced Populations), phenomena such as uprooting, revictimization and social exclusion. Above, remarking the multidimensional character of poverty studied from the Capability Approach (CA) introduced by Amartya Sen and, the central importance that integral measures of it have to acquire a veridical picture of poverty suffered by victims of violence, specifically IDPs.Finally, a case study was carried out in the municipality with the highest number of IDPs in the country after the city of Bogotá, called Soacha. To do so, a survey applied to persons included in the most important program to tackle poverty in the country was conducted, and the role that local authorities have addressing this matter was analyzed; to conclude with a set of policy recommendations.
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Victims of forced displacement and extreme poverty in Colombia: between uprooting, revictimization and social exclusión

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