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Imagen de apoyo de  The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

Por: Natalia Carolina; Wilksch Rosas Bastidas | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is driven by selection, but the degree to which a bacterial strain’s evolutionary history shapes the mechanism and strength of resistance remains an open question. Here, we reconstruct the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms of carbapenem resistance in a clinical isolate of Klebsiella quasipneumoniae. A combination of short- and long-read sequencing, machine learning, and genetic and enzymatic analyses established that this carbapenem-resistant strain carries no carbapenemase-encoding genes. Genetic reconstruction of the resistance phenotype confirmed that two distinct genetic loci are necessary in order for the strain to acquire carbapenem resistance. Experimental evolution of the carbapenem-resistant strains in growth conditions without the antibiotic revealed that both loci confer a significant cost and are readily lost by de novo mutations resulting in the rapid evolution of a carbapenem-sensitive phenotype. To explain how carbapenem resistance evolves via multiple, low-fitness single-locus intermediates, we hypothesised that one of these loci had previously conferred adaptation to another antibiotic. Fitness assays in a range of drug concentrations show how selection in the antibiotic ceftazidime can select for one gene (blaDHA-1) potentiating the evolution of carbapenem resistance by a single mutation in a second gene (ompK36). These results show how a patient’s treatment history might shape the evolution of antibiotic resistance and could explain the genetic basis of carbapenem-resistance found in many enteric-pathogens.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Artículos
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The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

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Imagen de apoyo de  3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

Por: Aytug; Yuste Dolores R.; Kara | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: 3D printing technologies enable medicine customization adapted to patients' needs. There are several 3D printing techniques available, but majority of dosage forms and medical devices are printed using nozzle-based extrusion, laser-writing systems, and powder binder jetting. 3D printing has been demonstrated for a broad range of applications in development and targeting solid, semi-solid and locally applied or implanted medicines. 3D printed solid dosage forms allow the combination of one or more drugs within the same solid dosage form to improve patient compliance, facilitate deglutition, tailor the release profile, or fabricate new medicines for which no dosage form is available. Sustained release 3D-printed implants, stents and medical devices have been used mainly for joint replacement therapies, medical prostheses, and cardiovascular applications. Locally applied medicines such as wound dressing, microneedles, and medicated contact lenses have also been manufactured using 3D printing techniques. The challenge is to select the 3D printing tech-nique most suitable for each application and the type of pharmaceutical ink that should be devel-oped that possesses the required physicochemical and biological performance. The integration of biopharmaceuticals and nanotechnology-based drugs along with 3D printing (""Nanoprinting"") brings printed personalized nanomedicines within the most innovative perspectives for the coming years. Continuous manufacturing through the use of 3D-printed microfluidic chips facilitates their translation into clinical practice.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

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Imagen de apoyo de  Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) =
La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) = La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

Por: Carlos Andrés; Vincent Santacruz Herrera | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at an increased risk of developing chronic neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), an association thought to be related to several factors, including altered production and clearance of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and amyloid-? (A?). We previously reported decreased CSF expression of proteins related to cholesterol metabolism in patients with ABI, which may potentially lead to reduced neuro-steroid production, increased risk of neurodegenerative disease, and worse functional outcomes. In this post hoc analysis, ApoE (ApoEelisa), amyloid beta 1–40 (A?1–40), and amyloid beta 1–42 (A?1–42) concentrations were measured in vCSF taken from an external ventricular drain on Days 1–5 after non-traumatic ABI. The vCSF concentrations of ApoE were measured using a commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test . The vCSF concentrations of A?1–40 and A?1–42 were also measured using a commercial ELISA test, with 50 ?l/patient (robotic pipette) per sample in duplicate using A?1–40 and A?1–42 monoclonal antibody, respectively. Day 1 ApoEelisa concentrations were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in patients with non-traumatic ABI than in control patients. vCSF A?1–40 (p < 0.001) and A?1–42 (p < 0.001) concentrations were also lower in the ABI patients. Day 1–5 ApoEswath protein expressions were significantly lower in patients with nontraumatic ABI than in controls (p < 0.0001). APLP1 values, but not those of APP or APLP2, were also significantly lower in non-traumatic ABI (p < 0.0001) throughout the 5-day period. These findings suggest that specific precursors of neurotoxic A? may be expressed in the early phase of nontraumatic ABI, such as that caused by vascular injury after ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes. Resumen: Los pacientes con lesión cerebral traumática (LCA traumática) tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades neurodegenerativas crónicas, incluida la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), una asociación que se cree que está relacionada con varios factores, incluida la producción alterada y la eliminación de la apolipoproteína E (ApoE). y ?-amiloide (A?). Anteriormente informamos una disminución de la expresión en el LCR de proteínas relacionadas con el metabolismo del colesterol en pacientes con LCA, lo que potencialmente puede conducir a una reducción de la producción de neuroesteroides, un mayor riesgo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y peores resultados funcionales. En este análisis post hoc, se midieron las concentraciones de ApoE (ApoEelisa), beta amiloide 1–40 (A?1–40) y beta amiloide 1–42 (A?1–42) en vCSF extraído de un drenaje ventricular externo en los días 1 a 5 después LCA no traumática. Las concentraciones de ApoE en vCSF se midieron utilizando una prueba comercial de ensayo inmunoabsorbente ligado a enzimas (ELISA). Las concentraciones de vCSF de A?1–40 y A?1–42 también se midieron utilizando una prueba ELISA comercial, con 50 ?l/paciente (pipeta robótica) por muestra por duplicado utilizando los anticuerpos monoclonales A?1–40 y A?1–42, respectivamente. Las concentraciones de ApoEelisa en el día 1 fueron significativamente más bajas (p <0,01) en pacientes con LCA no traumática que en pacientes de control. Las concentraciones de vCSF A?1–40 (p <0,001) y A?1–42 (p <0,001) también fueron más bajas en los pacientes con LCA. Las expresiones de la proteína ApoEswath de los días 1 a 5 fueron significativamente menores en pacientes con LCA no traumática que en los controles (p <0,0001). Los valores de APLP1, pero no los de APP o APLP2, también fueron significativamente más bajos en la LCA no traumática (p <0,0001) durante el período de 5 días. Estos hallazgos sugieren que precursores específicos de A? neurotóxico pueden expresarse en la fase temprana de una LCA no traumática, como la causada por una lesión vascular después de un accidente cerebrovascular isquémico o hemorrágico.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Artículos
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Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) = La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

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Imagen de apoyo de  Narrativas de estudiantes universitarios indígenas en Bogotá (Colombia) sobre el proceso vital humano indígena, 2021

Narrativas de estudiantes universitarios indígenas en Bogotá (Colombia) sobre el proceso vital humano indígena, 2021

Por: Zulma Consuelo Urrego-Mendoza | Fecha: 27/05/2022

Introducción: en Colombia, la mayoría de los pueblos indígenas se encuentran en riesgo de extinción física y cultural. Además, existe una deficiencia de estudios relacionados con el análisis de narrativas propias sobre los asuntos que rodean la salud indígena. Tal ausencia deriva en las dificultades de análisis e intervención culturalmente apropiada a problemas indígenas. Así, se planteó como objetivo develar las narrativas sobre el proceso vital humano en pueblos indígenas de Colombia construidas por estudiantes universitarios indígenas migrantes en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: esta investigación es cualitativa con enfoque narrativo y está basada en el paradigma hermenéutico-interpretativo. Se entrevistó a ocho estudiantes que cursan el pregrado en Bogotá, con edades entre 18 y 40 años, pertenecientes a los pueblos kamentsá, pastos, pijao, kankuamo, nasa y misak. Resultados: se identificó la vida en armonía, anclada al territorio de origen, como el concepto clave organizador de todas las comprensiones relativas a la salud, la enfermedad, la muerte y el cuidado. Conclusiones: el diseño de intervenciones sanitarias apropiadas dirigidas a indígenas requiere considerar sus propias comprensiones sobre el proceso vital humano, en relación intrínseca con la armonia integral entre persona, comunidad y territorio.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Revista Ciencias de la Salud Formatos de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina
  • Cine

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Narrativas de estudiantes universitarios indígenas en Bogotá (Colombia) sobre el proceso vital humano indígena, 2021

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Imagen de apoyo de  Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

Por: Eliana Paola Rodríguez Sierra | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: SEPSIS-3 IN PREGNANT WOMEN IN LABOUR Abstract Introduction: Maternal sepsis represents 10.7% of maternal deaths worldwide, ranking as the third cause of mortality after haemorrhage and hypertensive disorders. Despite its high incidence, it still lacks a gold standard diagnosis. The latest update that proposed new sepsis criteria and scores, Sepsis-3, did not mention pregnancy as part of the study population. This study aims to evaluate the inclusion or exclusion of Sepsis- 3 pregnancy. Methods: This is a literature review of the Sepsis-3 database looking for the inclusion or exclusion of pregnancy from the latest update in sepsis and the basis of current definitions and guidelines. In addition, I reported the retrospective measurement of qSOFA and SOFA scores in 100 pregnant patients in labour from the EPIFEVER-2 cohort at the Royal London Hospital compared to their infection status. Results: Sepsis-3 investigators evaluated the predictive validity of the SOFA and qSOFA score for mortality in sepsis among nearly 1 million patients, however, pregnant women were not included. The SOFA and qSOFA score overlap with the normal physiological changes of pregnancy and labour, in the EPIFEVER-2 cohort 16% of uninfected pregnant patients during labour scored 1 point on qSOFA and 17% 1 point on SOFA score. The highest SOFA score of 3 points was obtained in a patient with bleeding rather than infection. Conclusion: Pregnant patients were not included in the Sepsis-3 databases. Therefore, qSOFA and SOFA score have not been validated for use in this population. Furthermore, as they are not modified for the normal physiological changes of pregnancy, detection of patients without infection has been reported. Further validation of qSOFA or modified SOFA scores as sepsis-specific maternal warning scores is expected in future research.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Sepsis-3 in pregnant women in labour

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Imagen de apoyo de  Image-guided programming of electrical settings in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with bilateral subthalamic stimulation and suboptimal outcome

Image-guided programming of electrical settings in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with bilateral subthalamic stimulation and suboptimal outcome

Por: Viviana Torres Ballesteros | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery is a treatment in the advanced stage of Parkinson's disease (PD). Despite close follow-up, multiple evaluations, and several months of timeconsuming programming sessions, the clinical response may not be optimal in some cases. Imageguided programming (I-GP) could help optimize programming sessions with better clinical outcomes. Objective: To evaluate clinical and quality of life (QoL) outcomes with I-GP in PD patients with DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and suboptimal clinical improvement and refractory symptoms to conventional clinical programming. Methods: A prospective study in 16 patients with a diagnosis of PD with STN-DBS and remaining adverse effects or symptoms despite a clinical programming adjustment. We simulate potentially effective stimulation based on volume tissue activated (VTA) using commercially available software tools. Clinical outcomes were assessed with motor and quality of life scales. Results: The most frequent suboptimal symptom was gait disorder 33.3% (n=9), residual motor symptoms 25.9%(n=7), and speech 25.9%(n=7). Statistically significant results (p=0.001) were found after I-GP with change in the global Deep Brain Stimulation – Impairment score (41%), The 8- item version of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (47%), EuroQol visual analogue scale (62%), and motor scale (24%). Conclusions: In suboptimal cases of patients with PD and STN-DBS, especially with ongoing and residual motor symptoms, I-GP could be useful to optimize the programming of DBS and improve patients' QoL.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Image-guided programming of electrical settings in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with bilateral subthalamic stimulation and suboptimal outcome

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Imagen de apoyo de  Risk factors associated with late diagnosis and mortality in Latin American migrants living with HIV in England = Factores de riesgo asociados con el diagnóstico tardío y la mortalidad en migrantes latinoamericanos que viven con VIH en Inglaterra

Risk factors associated with late diagnosis and mortality in Latin American migrants living with HIV in England = Factores de riesgo asociados con el diagnóstico tardío y la mortalidad en migrantes latinoamericanos que viven con VIH en Inglaterra

Por: Andrés Felipe Mora Salamanca | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Background: Although Latin American migrants (LAMs) are one of the fastest-growing migrant populations in England, they still face health barriers that make them unaware of their HIV status, leading to late HIV diagnosis, AIDS, and even death. Thus, this study aims to assess the differences in HIV outcomes among newly HIV-diagnosed LAMs compared to other England populations. Methods: Data on new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the UK during the 2011-2020 period were obtained from the HIV and AIDS New Diagnoses and Deaths Database (HANDD) and the HIV and AIDS Reporting System (HARS). Potential associations between the region of birth and late HIV diagnosis, AIDS at HIV diagnosis, and mortality were analysed by logistic regression. Furthermore, a comparison between LAMs and the main populations living in the UK was examined. Lastly, a descriptive trend analysis was made. Results: From 2011 to 2020, 47,828 new HIV diagnoses were reported in the UK, with almost a third (29.2%) being late diagnoses. Over half of new diagnoses (52%) were made in migrants, LAMs representing 9.3% of those diagnoses. In general, newly diagnosed HIV LAMs are not more likely to be diagnosed late than UK residents (aRRR: 1.02; 95%CI: 0.90–1.15). However, some subgroups are more likely to be diagnosed late than their UK counterparts (e.g., 15-24 years old). Regarding AIDS and mortality, LAMs are less likely to be diagnosed with AIDS (aOR: 0.50; 95%CI: 0.35–0.71) or die by any cause (aOR: 0.29; 95%CI: 0.16–0.52) than UK residents. Finally, the number of new HIV diagnoses among LAMs increased in those ten years, but the number of late diagnoses remained nearly constant. Conclusions: Although the current HIV epidemiological situation of LAMs living in the UK is not troublesome, the expansion of the LAM population and their increasing number of new HIV diagnoses could become a public health challenge in the coming years. Therefore, to accomplish the 2030 zero HIV transmission goal, it is necessary to integrate the migrant community into future public policies and categorise them as the ‘sixth’ HIV key population in the UK.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Risk factors associated with late diagnosis and mortality in Latin American migrants living with HIV in England = Factores de riesgo asociados con el diagnóstico tardío y la mortalidad en migrantes latinoamericanos que viven con VIH en Inglaterra

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Imagen de apoyo de  Prevalence of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America: a systematic review = Prevalencia de anemia en niños indígenas en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática

Prevalence of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America: a systematic review = Prevalencia de anemia en niños indígenas en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática

Por: Carlos Alberto; Tercan Rosas Jiménez | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: Objective: To describe the prevalence pattern of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America. Methods: PRISMA guidelines were followed. Records were identified from the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, and Lilacs by two independent researchers between May and June 2021. Studies were included if the following criteria were met: a) studied Indigenous people b) was about children (from 0 to 12 years old); c) reported a prevalence estimate of anemia; d) had been conducted in any of the countries of Latin America; e) was published either in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; f) is a peer-reviewed article; and g) was published at any date. Results: Out of 2,401 unique records retrieved, 42 articles met the inclusion criteria. A total of 39 different Indigenous communities were analyzed in the articles, and in 21 of them (54.0%) child anemia was a severe public health problem (prevalence ? 40%). Those communities were the Aymara (Bolivia); Aruak, Guaraní, Kamaiurá, Karapotó, Karibe, Kaxinanuá, Ma-cro-Jê, Suruí, Terena, Xavante (Brazil); Cabécar (Costa Rica), Achuar, Aguaruna, Awajún, Urarina, Yomybato (Peru); Piaroa and Yucpa (Venezuela); and Quechua (Peru and Bolivia). Children below two years had the highest prevalence of anemia (between 16.2% and 86.1%). Among Indigenous people, risk factors for anemia include nutrition, poor living conditions, access to health services, racism, and discrimination. Bolivia and Guatemala are scarcely studied, despite having the highest proportion of Indigenous communities in Latin America. Conclusions: Anemia constitutes a poorly documented public health problem among Indigenous children in 21 Indigenous communities in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In all Indigenous communities included in this study child anemia was an issue, especially in younger children. Resumen: Objetivo: Describir el patrón de prevalencia de anemia en niños indígenas de América Latina. Métodos: Se siguieron las directrices PRISMA. Los registros fueron identificados en las bases de datos PubMed, Google Scholar y Lilacs por dos investigadores independientes entre mayo y junio de 2021. Los estudios se incluyeron si cumplían los siguientes criterios: a) estudiaban a indígenas; b) eran sobre niños (de 0 a 12 años); c) reportaban una estimación de prevalencia de anemia; d) se habían realizado en cualquiera de los países de América Latina; e) se publicaron en inglés, portugués o español; f) eran artículos revisados por pares; y g) se publicaron en cualquier fecha. Resultados: De los 2.401 registros únicos recuperados, 42 artículos cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Un total de 39 comunidades indígenas diferentes fueron analizadas en los artículos, y en 21 de ellas (54,0%) la anemia infantil era un problema grave de salud pública (prevalencia ? 40%). Esas comunidades eran aymara (Bolivia); aruak, guaraní, kamaiurá, karapotó, karibe, kaxinanuá, macro- jê, suruí, terena, xavante (Brasil); cabécar (Costa Rica), achuar, aguaruna, awajún, urarina, yomybato (Perú); piaroa y yucpa (Venezuela); y quechua (Perú y Bolivia). Los niños menores de dos años presentaban la mayor prevalencia de anemia (entre el 16,2% y el 86,1%). Entre los indígenas, los factores de riesgo de la anemia son la nutrición, las malas condiciones de vida, el acceso a los servicios sanitarios, el racismo y la discriminación. Bolivia y Guatemala están escasamente estudiados, a pesar de tener la mayor proporción de comunidades indígenas de América Latina. Conclusiones: La anemia constituye un problema de salud pública poco documentado entre los niños indígenas de 21 comunidades indígenas de Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, México y Perú. En todas las comunidades indígenas incluidas en este estudio, la anemia infantil era un problema, especialmente en los niños más pequeños.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Prevalence of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America: a systematic review = Prevalencia de anemia en niños indígenas en Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática

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Imagen de apoyo de  La salud pública es más que epidemiología = Public health is more than epidemiology

La salud pública es más que epidemiología = Public health is more than epidemiology

Por: Carlos Alberto Rosas Ramírez | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: One of the great challenges for students of any discipline is to be able to put into practice the knowledge learned in theory. Public health does not escape this challenge. Research Methods for Public Health is a book that seeks to help students understand in a simple way how to enter into the practice of public health research. This book stands out for its easy reading, but especially because it emphasizes the existence of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as the combination of both methods. On the other hand, the authors show between the lines, and sometimes more clearly, the importance of teamwork in research groups, a key element to avoid errors, validate procedures or instruments and increase the reliability of the results, as well as the importance of criteria of validity, reliability, precision, relevance, transparency and credibility, among others. Resumen: Uno de los grandes retos para los estudiantes de cualquier disciplina es poder poner en práctica los conocimientos aprendidos en la teoría. La salud pública no se escapa de este desafío. Research Methods for Public Health es un libro que busca ayudar a comprender de manera sencilla cómo introducirse en la práctica de la investigación en salud pública. Este libro se destaca por su fácil lectura, pero especialmente porque pone el énfasis en la existencia de los métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, así como en la combinación de ambos métodos. Por otro lado, los autores dejan ver entrelíneas, y a veces más claramente, la importancia del trabajo en equipo en los grupos de investigación, elemento clave para evitar errores, validar procedimientos o instrumentos y aumentar la confiabilidad de los resultados, así como la importancia de criterios de validez, confiabilidad, precisión, relevancia, transparencia y credibilidad, entre otros.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Otros
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La salud pública es más que epidemiología = Public health is more than epidemiology

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Imagen de apoyo de  Promoviendo ambientes escolares libres de comida chatarra en Colombia

Promoviendo ambientes escolares libres de comida chatarra en Colombia

Por: Adriana Carolina; Guarnizo Torres Bastidas | Fecha: 2022

El ambiente escolar es uno de los entornos más relevantes y significativos de nuestra vida, pues allí se tejen comportamientos, relaciones y hábitos que suelen modelar patrones de alimentación que impactan en nuestras preferencias de consumo. En este sentido, si bien es cierto que existe una combinación de factores individuales, como cuestiones psicológicas y culturales, que impactan en nuestros hábitos alimentarios, diversos estudios han demostrado el carácter determinante de los existen factores ambientales, entre ellos la disponibilidad, la accesibilidad y la invasiva publicidad de alimentos en los entornos donde nos relacionamos. Según UNICEF, en Colombia 3 de cada 10 niños y niñas entre 6 y 12 años padecen de sobrepeso. Esto lo confirman los datos recolectados por la ENSIN, reflejando que en 2005. El 4,3% de la población escolar (niños y niñas entre 5 y 12 años) tenía exceso de peso. Ya para el 2010 esta cifra habría aumentado a 18,8% y para el 2015 este porcentaje alcanzó el 24,4%. Este panorama es altamente preocupante, pues según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la obesidad infantil se asocia con una mayor probabilidad de muerte prematura y discapacidad en la edad adulta. Esta cartilla resume los argumentos legales y de salud pública, por los cuales la regulación de venta y publicidad de ultraprocesados en entornos escolares es una política necesaria para favorecer la salud y la alimentación de los niños y niñas en Colombia. Descripción tomada de:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Otros
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Promoviendo ambientes escolares libres de comida chatarra en Colombia

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