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Imagen de apoyo de  La desnutrición en los primeros años de vida: Un análisis regional para Colombia

La desnutrición en los primeros años de vida: Un análisis regional para Colombia

Por: Karina Acosta Ordoñez | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Colombia es un país con grandes diferencias regionales en los niveles de desarrollo. Además, tiene altos niveles de desnutrición que limitan su potencial productivo. Con base en los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional para el 2010, este trabajo caracteriza los estados nutricionales de los niños entre 1 y 4 años y también se analizan el acceso a una salud adecuada y las particularidades de los niños en esta materia. Entre los principales resultados, se percibe la importancia de las características de las madres, las condiciones de vida y una atención prenatal para las madres en la explicación de la desnutrición a nivel agregado. A nivel regional, se encuentra que Bogotá y el Caribe son las regiones con mayores niveles de desnutrición crónica y global, respectivamente. Al respecto, se encontró que las medidas de control de largo plazo a partir de las características maternas, el control de la edad en la que se es madre es más importante en Bogotá, mientras que en el Caribe características como los años de educación cobran mayor importancia. Esto explica el hecho de que el efecto de la educación de la madre se vuelve marginalmente decreciente en la medida en que estas alcanzan un nivel completo de secundaria. Adicionalmente, se resalta también la necesidad del cubrimiento de vacunas para controlar la desnutrición medida como retraso de peso. resalta también la necesidad del cubrimiento de vacunas para controlar la desnutrición medida como retraso de peso.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Series monográficas
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  • Medicina

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La desnutrición en los primeros años de vida: Un análisis regional para Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

Por: María Clara Echeverry Gaitán | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Abstract:Trypanosomes are unicellular early divergent eukaryotic microorganisms that cause sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. Genome sequencing has revealed that these parasites lack most of the highly conserved proteins involved in chromosome segregation. However, kinetochore-associated chromosome segregation has been proposed to occur in Trypanosoma brucei and the existence of centromeres, the locus that interacts with the kinetochores, has been inferred in T. brucei and Trypansoma cruzi. This work aimed to characterise, at a structural and functional level, the centromeres of Trypanosoma sp. Centromeres in T. brucei have been localised to chromosomal loci that contain an array of ~147 bp AT-rich tandem repeats. Using a long-range restriction endonuclease mapping approach, we found that the sizes of the arrays in T. brucei chromosomes 1-8 vary from 20 to 110 kb and present length heterogeneity between chromosome homologues. Topoisomerase II-? (TOP2?) plays a major role in sister chromatid segregation. TOP2? specific centromeric activity has been demonstrated in trypanosomes. In this project, we systematically evaluated through different approaches, regulatory mechanisms for the TOP2? activity/recruitment to trypanosome centromeres. In other eukaryotes, the Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) interaction with TOP2? is required for it to be recruited to centromeres during mitosis. In independent experiments, we found no evidence for this association in bloodstream form (BSF) T. brucei . Modifications to the carboxyl terminal region (CTR) of TOP2?, other than SUMOylation, have been described that affect cell cycle specific localisation on chromosomes. Here, we undertook experiments to further delineate regions of the CTR of trypanosome TOP2?. Using a sequential deletion approach, we found that amino acids 1223-1312 in the CTR of enzyme are not required for its centromeric-specific activity. Finally, we found that the condensin unit SMC2 is essential for growth of T. brucei BSFs and not for TOP2? specific centromeric activity.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

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Imagen de apoyo de  Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

Por: Joaquín Sarmiento | Fecha: 01/01/1881

Plan de curación y prevención contra la viruela, presentado a la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá en 1840, por orden del Gobierno nacional. En el documento, además de mostrar cómo se ha combatido la enfermedad en otros lugares, se mencionan las cuatro etapas que comprende el desarrollo de la epidemia y los cuidados que se deben tener para no contagiarse.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Prensa
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

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Imagen de apoyo de  Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

Por: María Angélica; Correa Arzuaga Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master’s in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013.Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles.Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master’s in which 65 master’s students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS.Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mercurio en la minería del oro: impacto en las fuentes hídricas destinadas para consumo humano

Mercurio en la minería del oro: impacto en las fuentes hídricas destinadas para consumo humano

Por: Farith Adilson Díaz Arriaga | Fecha: 01/01/2014

En regiones afectadas por la minería del oro, la inhalación de vapores de mercurio junto con la ingesta de peces contaminados, constituyen las principales fuentes de contaminación con este metal, el cual afecta la salud humana de múltiples maneras. No obstante, otra fuente adicional reconocida por la Organización Mundial de la Salud es el consumo de agua contaminada.Aunque por lo general las aguas superficiales contienen bajos niveles de mercurio debido a que este es rápidamente consumido por microorganismos acuáticos, se ha encontrado que bajo ciertas circunstancias su concentración en el agua puede alcanzar valores alarmantes, superando incluso los 2,0 ?g/L —valor estipulado en la legislación colombiana para aquellas fuentes hídricas destinadas para consumo humano y doméstico—.En algunos municipios colombianos se han detectado concentraciones de mercurio en aguas superficiales por encima de los 3,0 ?g/L y en otros lugares del mundo por encima de los 8,0 ?g/L. Si bien es cierto que el consumo de agua contaminada con mercurio constituye un problema menor en comparación con otras fuentes de contaminación, estas bajas concentraciones también contribuyen gradualmente a la carga contaminante que afecta la salud humana, tal como ha sido reportado por diferentes investigadores.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Mercurio en la minería del oro: impacto en las fuentes hídricas destinadas para consumo humano

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Imagen de apoyo de  Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

Por: Leonardo De la Motta | Fecha: 01/01/1891

Tesis presentada por Leonardo de la Motta para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1891, en la que discute acerca de los procedimientos utilizados para curar heridas por armas de fuego. A lo largo del documento se explican los procedimientos a seguir en dos tipos de tratamiento: el general que exige reposo, y el tratamiento local que se aplica en casos de hemorragia, desbridamiento, extracción de cuerpos extraños y amputación. Adicionalmente, el autor presenta una serie de consideraciones a tener en cuenta según el sitio de la herida, estas últimas documentadas con registros de pacientes que acudieron a la clínica del Hospital San Juan de Dios y casos de hombres heridos en campos de batalla.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

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Imagen de apoyo de  Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

Por: Juan Nicolás; Bermedo Carrasco Peña Sánchez | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Background: Physicians face intrinsic tensions when practicing medicine; therefore, extrinsic factors that could affect distress, such as payment methods, need to be assessed. The study objectives were to: compare levels of distress by payment method, identify factors predicting distress in a two-level regression model, and explore interactions between predictors of distress and payment method.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among physicians in the Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatchewan. Physicians completed a pre-tested questionnaire about their distress. Analysis of variance was used to compare distress levels of physicians paid by fee-for-service (FFS), alternative payment plans (APPs), and blended methods. A mixed linear regression model was built to predict distress with geographical area of practice as the random component. Demographics, workload, complexity of patients, payment method, career satisfaction, and practice profile were the independent variables. The interactions between payment method and predictors of daily distress were evaluated.Results: A total of 382 physicians participated. Response bias was tested and found to be negligible. In the multivariable analysis, payment method was a predictor of distress which interacted with the proportion of complex cases. Lower levels of distress were found among physicians who had more than 75% of patients with complex conditions and were paid by APPs, compared to those paid by FFS and blended methods. Career satisfaction was found to be an important predictor. Nine percent of the outcome variation was explained by geographic area of practice. Conclusions: Payment method is a predictor of distress when adjusting by confounders, interacting with proportion of complex cases. APPs may promote provision of care for patients with complex conditions. Career satisfaction can be considered a protective indicator of distress. Practice environment influences distress experienced by physicians.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

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Imagen de apoyo de  Biofunctionalization of REDV elastin-like recombinamers improves endothelialization on CoCr alloy surfaces for cardiovascular applications

Biofunctionalization of REDV elastin-like recombinamers improves endothelialization on CoCr alloy surfaces for cardiovascular applications

Por: María Isabel; Gil Castellanos Arboleda | Fecha: 01/01/2015

To improve cardiovascular implant success, metal-based stents are designated to modulate endothelial cells adhesion and migration in order to prevent restenosis and late thrombosis diseases. Biomimetic coatings with extra-cellular matrix adhesive biomolecules onto stents surfaces are a strategy to recover a healthy endothelium.However, the appropriate bioactive sequences to selective promote growth of endothelium and the biomolecules surface immobilization strategy remains to be elucidated. In this study, biofunctionalization of cobalt chromium, CoCr, alloy surfaces with elastin-like recombinamers, ELR, genetically modified with an REDV sequence, was performed to enhance metal surfaces endothelialization.Moreover, physical adsorption and covalent bonding were used as biomolecules binding strategies onto CoCr alloy. Surfaces were activated with plasma and etched with sodium hydroxide previous to silanization with 3-chloropropyltriethoxysilane and functionalized with the ELR. CoCr alloy surfaces were successfully biofunctionalized and the use of an ELR with an REDV sequence, allows conferring bioactivity to the biomaterials surface, demonstrating a higher cell adhesion and spreading of HUVEC cells on the different CoCr surfaces.This effect is emphasized as increases the amount of immobilized biomolecules and directly related to the immobilization technique, covalent bonding, and the increase of surface charge electronegativity. Our strategy of REDV elastin-like recombinamers immobilization onto CoCr alloy surfaces via covalent bonding through organosilanes provides a bioactive surface that promotes endothelial cell adhesion and spreading.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Biofunctionalization of REDV elastin-like recombinamers improves endothelialization on CoCr alloy surfaces for cardiovascular applications

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Imagen de apoyo de  Live imaging of mitosomes and hydrogenosomes by halotag technology

Live imaging of mitosomes and hydrogenosomes by halotag technology

Por: David Esteban; De Napoli Sanín Peña | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Hydrogenosomes and mitosomes represent remarkable mitochondrial adaptations in the anaerobic parasitic protists such as Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis, respectively. In order to provide a tool to study these organelles in the live cells, the HaloTag was fused to G. intestinalis IscU and T. vaginalis frataxin and expressed in the mitosomes and hydrogenosomes, respectively.The incubation of the parasites with the fluorescent Halo-ligand resulted in highly specific organellar labeling, allowing live imaging of the organelles. With the array of available ligands the HaloTag technology offers a new tool to study the dynamics of mitochondria-related compartments as well as other cellular components in these intriguing unicellular eukaryotes.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Live imaging of mitosomes and hydrogenosomes by halotag technology

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