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Imagen de apoyo de  Peritonitis tuberculosa

Peritonitis tuberculosa

Por: Arístides Lores | Fecha: 1892

Tesis de Aristides Lores para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1892. A lo largo del documento Lores estudia la peritonitis tuberculosa, complicación producida por inflamación del intestino. El autor define la enfermedad, su historia, etiología, causas predisponentes, causas determinantes, sintomatología, y otras particularidades como la enquistada o ulcerosa de la misma, anatomía patológica, marcha de las formas crónicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y tratamiento quirúrgico. Finalmente, Lores presenta observaciones sobre la autopsia realizada a tres personas que murieron de esa enfermedad.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Peritonitis tuberculosa

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Imagen de apoyo de  Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

Por: Guillermo Andrés Orjuela Falla | Fecha: 2009

CD34+ cell dose in the transplanted product is still considered a measure of the engraftment potential in haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). CD34+ selected products are characterised by their high purity and depleted T-cells. These characteristics have made them traditionally suitable to decrease the incidence of graft versus host disease, particularly in haploidentical HSCT. The CliniMACS is a state of the art cell sorting system based on magnetic particles conjugated to CD34 antibodies. This study retrospectively evaluated the CliniMACS system performance in terms of CD34+ purity and cell recovery, and T-cell depletion in the selected product. The results were compared against target values fixed by the processing centre, as well as against published data. Factors affecting the CD34+ cell recovery were also investigated and a pilot study was carried out to assess the effect of cryopreservation on the viability of the selected products. In total, 151 procedures were analysed. The mean recovery and purity were 64.82 + 16.19 and 88.0 + 11.0% respectively. The mean T-cell depletion was 4.7021 + 0.5129 logs. Only purity was slightly below the specification (90%), with the lowest values obtained from peripheral blood (PB) collections. Factors affecting the recoveries were the overall age of the product (p=0.001), overnight storage (p=0.002), and the use of a particular tubing set with the instrument (p=0.002). The mean CD34+ viability was not significantly different to the value before cryopreservation (p=0.068). Results from this study were comparable with published data of the CliniMACS system performance. Local investigations regarding the purity of PB products should be performed. For the first time, using a magnetic separation method, factors affecting CD34+ recovery were identified. The significance of the effect of product age and overnight storage on cell recovery, provide a rationale for further prospective studies
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery

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Imagen de apoyo de  Pelagra en Colombia

Pelagra en Colombia

Por: Eduardo Uribe R. | Fecha: 1891

Tesis para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia 1891. A lo largo del documento, Eduardo Uribe R. estudia la pelagra, enfermedad producida por la falta de vitamina B3 en la alimentación. Finalmente, se mencionan los nombres comunes de la enfermedad, su historia, etiología, anatomía patológica, diagnóstico diferencial, lesiones amatomo – patológicas, y casos registrados de la enfermedad en el país, que por el mal diagnóstico de los médicos, se han confundido con otros padecimientos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Pelagra en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

Por: Juan Nicolás; Bermedo Carrasco Peña Sánchez | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Background: Physicians face intrinsic tensions when practicing medicine; therefore, extrinsic factors that could affect distress, such as payment methods, need to be assessed. The study objectives were to: compare levels of distress by payment method, identify factors predicting distress in a two-level regression model, and explore interactions between predictors of distress and payment method. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among physicians in the Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatchewan. Physicians completed a pre-tested questionnaire about their distress. Analysis of variance was used to compare distress levels of physicians paid by fee-for-service (FFS), alternative payment plans (APPs), and blended methods. A mixed linear regression model was built to predict distress with geographical area of practice as the random component. Demographics, workload, complexity of patients, payment method, career satisfaction, and practice profile were the independent variables. The interactions between payment method and predictors of daily distress were evaluated. Results: A total of 382 physicians participated. Response bias was tested and found to be negligible. In the multivariable analysis, payment method was a predictor of distress which interacted with the proportion of complex cases. Lower levels of distress were found among physicians who had more than 75% of patients with complex conditions and were paid by APPs, compared to those paid by FFS and blended methods. Career satisfaction was found to be an important predictor. Nine percent of the outcome variation was explained by geographic area of practice. Conclusions: Payment method is a predictor of distress when adjusting by confounders, interacting with proportion of complex cases. APPs may promote provision of care for patients with complex conditions. Career satisfaction can be considered a protective indicator of distress. Practice environment influences distress experienced by physicians.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Payment method as a predictor of daily distress experienced by physicians

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Patología general [recurso electrónico] : explicación o comento de todas las proposiciones de patología, insertas al principio de la segunda edición del examen de las doctrinas médicas. por José Francisco Víctor Broussais ; traducidas del francés al español por Manuel Hurtado de Mendoza

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Imagen de apoyo de  Para entender la psiquiatria : diez temas básicos

Para entender la psiquiatria : diez temas básicos

Por: María Jesús García Cantalapiedra | Fecha: 2015

Se presenta un trabajo breve, pero actualizado y con casos reales, que ofrece al lector un aprendizaje clínico de las distintas patologías, con una utilidad real de abordaje práctico de las mismas, tanto desde el punto de vista diagnóstico como terapéutico. Para una comprensión fácil de los temas se ha incluido una breve biografía de cada autor, su descubrimiento en la investigación del psiquismo, su conceptualización sobre la misma, casos clínicos estudiados por él y en la clínica actual, y finalmente sus principales obras.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
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  • Medicina

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Para entender la psiquiatria : diez temas básicos

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Panorama de la parteras.

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Panacée de Swaim [recurso electrónico] : pour guérir les écrouelles, les ulcères, le rhumatisme, le mal vénérien, la maladie mercurielle, les obstructions du foi; Enfin la plus part des mauxproduits dans les constitutions affoiblies, ou provenus de l' impurté du sang / W M Swaim

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Imagen de apoyo de  Palma de aceite híbrido alto oleico :módulo de cultivo .

Palma de aceite híbrido alto oleico :módulo de cultivo .

Por: | Fecha: 2018

Por la importancia que ha adquirido la siembra de cultivos de palma de aceite con materiales hibridos OxG el Convenio de Asociación en Palma de Aceite con las autorizaciones pertinentes de la Corporación para el Desarrollo Agroempresarial de Turnaco (Cordeagropaz) reproduccíon el presente material para apoyar la electiva, que sobre este tema figura en la malla curricular del programa tecnológico en gestión de plantaciones de palma de aceite.
Fuente: Agrosavia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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  • Medicina

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Palma de aceite híbrido alto oleico :módulo de cultivo .

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Imagen de apoyo de  Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

Por: Isabel Pereira Aranda | Fecha: 2018

This report compiles the results of a research project aimed at describing the current palliative care situation in eight Latin American countries. The project’s general objective—to raise awareness and influence public policy around the need to approach palliative care from a human rights perspective—was achieved through rapprochement among professionals from various fields in the region, which in and of itself is a key step forward in terms of bringing together communities that defend patients’ rights with communities that advocate a drug policy embracing a public health focus. We hope that this diagnostic report is useful for professional associations, health professionals, patients’ rights advocates, drug policy reform activists, and decision makers, who can rely on its findings to better integrate palliative care into general health services and to use human rights language to promote public policy reform and guarantee the human rights of those in the Americas who suffer from severe and chronic pain. Description tooked from: Consulte la versión en español en la siguiente URL:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

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