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Imagen de apoyo de  Experiencia de estudiantes de medicina en un programa universitario de salud familiar y comunitaria de Bogotá (Colombia)

Experiencia de estudiantes de medicina en un programa universitario de salud familiar y comunitaria de Bogotá (Colombia)

Por: Rodolfo Rodríguez-Gómez | Fecha: 23/06/2023

Introducción: el estudio se desarrolló en el contexto de un programa de salud familiar y comunitaria de una universidad de Bogotá (Colombia), del cual participan los estudiantes de Medicina. El objetivo fue comprender los significados y sentidos que los estudiantes otorgan a la práctica de salud familiar y comunitaria en el sector de El Codito, ubicado en la localidad de Usaquén al nororiente de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: la investigación es un estudio cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico. Se realizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas a estudiantes de medicina pertenecientes a un programa universitario de salud familiar y comunitaria en Bogotá. Resultados: del proceso de análisis emergieron cuatro categorías: a) realidad y territorio; b) institucionalidad y salud familiar y comunitaria; c) agencia y proyección profesional, y d) comunicación, escucha y reconocimiento del otro. Se evidenciaron narrativas embebidas de experiencias significativas, dificultades y retos. Se destaca el rol participativo del estudiante en la interacción y comunicación con la familia. Conclusiones: la experiencia da cuenta de un proceso dinámico de donde emergen vivencias que confrontan a los estudiantes. Esta experiencia refleja aprendizajes y desafíos de carácter multidimensional, en especial por la vulnerabilidad del sector. De dicho proceso surge el reconocimiento de otras realidades, el autorreconocimiento y la proyección del estudiante como agente social y futuro profesional en medicina.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Revista Ciencias de la Salud Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Experiencia de estudiantes de medicina en un programa universitario de salud familiar y comunitaria de Bogotá (Colombia)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

Por: Arianna Alexandra; Medina Amaya Rodríguez | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: This review aimed at evaluating the state of availability, accessibility and model of delivery of oral health services in prisons, globally. Five databases of peer-reviewed literature and potential sources of gray literature were systematically searched. Inclusion criteria encompassed oral health papers related to prisons globally, with exclusion of certain article types. Selection involved independent evaluations by two researchers, followed by quality assessment. Data on the availability of oral health interventions in prisons came from18 countries, while information on the model of delivery of the services is scarce. In addition, two sets of individual and organizational barriers toward oral health service uptake in prisons were revealed and discussed in the text. Lack of oral health services in prisons affects people living in prisons and jeopardizes their reintegration. Urgent and concrete international actions are required to ensure the availability, accessibility, and quality of oral health services among people living in prisons.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

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Imagen de apoyo de  The double threat to human health: climate change and its influence on emergence and rapid spread of antibiotic resistance

The double threat to human health: climate change and its influence on emergence and rapid spread of antibiotic resistance

Por: Lina Maria Beltrán Toca | Fecha: 2023

Abstract: At the present time, climate change and antimicrobial resistance are considered as the most critical threats, affecting human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Although these terms may initially appear different, they are interconnected and share similarities in their causes (human interventions and natural cycles), health, and societal consequences. Climate change is associated through direct and indirect pathways with an increase in infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the association between global warming and antimicrobial resistance requires a comprehensive summary of evidence exploring it. Methods: A literature review was conducted to identify and describe the association between climate change and the rapid emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, Epistemonikos, and Google Scholar. The search period was restricted to articles published from January 2010 to June 2021. Additionally, a snowballing approach was conducted to identify any additional papers. Data extraction included study location, weather factors, environmental elements, antibiotics, and bacteria analysed, as well as the results. Results: 29 articles were included (ten literature or systematic reviews, eight experimental, six ecological, four observational, and one quasi-experimental). In terms of location, all the studies were conducted in countries between 35° and 75° north latitude. The results suggested some evidence of the effects of climate change (alterations in temperature, precipitation, and humidity) on the emergence and rapid spread of antimicrobial resistance in different environments (water, soil, cryosphere, and air). Temperature was described as a main effect of climate change that had effects on antibiotic resistance (increasing bacteria growth, altering metabolism, inducing crossprotection, and facilitating horizontal gene transfer between bacteria). Additionally, results also described the association between altered rain patterns and humidity and antimicrobial resistance, through the runoff of antibiotic molecules or the transport of antibiotic resistance mechanisms to other areas. Conclusions: This literature review has underscored the association between climate change and antimicrobial resistance. According to the results shown in the selected studies, the alterations in weather factors resulting from climate change have varying effects on the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance. However, further research is imperative to decipher the complex interactions between other environmental processes, pollutants, patterns of antibiotic consumption, wastewater, animal migration, and regions below the latitudes covered in this literature review.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The double threat to human health: climate change and its influence on emergence and rapid spread of antibiotic resistance

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Imagen de apoyo de  Severe Fontan-Associated Liver Disease and Its Association With Mortality

Severe Fontan-Associated Liver Disease and Its Association With Mortality

Por: Carlos Eduardo; Therrien Guerrero Chalela | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Background: Data are rare about the incidence of severe Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD) and its association with mortality. We sought to: (1) estimate the probability of developing severe FALD in patients who undergo the Fontan procedure (Fontan patients), compared with severe liver complications in patients with a ventricular septal defect; (2) assess the severe FALD-mortality association; and (3) identify risk factors for developing severe FALD. Methods and Results: Using the Quebec Congenital Heart Disease database, a total of 512 Fontan patients and 10232 patients with a ventricular septal defect were identified. Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated significantly higher cumulative risk of severe FALD in Fontan patients (11.95% and 52.24% at 10 and 35years, respectively), than the risk of severe liver complica- tions in patients with a ventricular septal defect (0.50% and 2.75%, respectively). At 5years, the cumulative risk of death was 12.60% in patients with severe FALD versus 3.70% in Fontan patients without FALD (log-rank P=0.0171). Cox proportional hazard models identified significant associations between the development of severe FALD and congestive heart failure and supraventricular tachycardia, with hazard ratios (HRs) of 2.36 (95% CI, 1.38–4.02) and 2.45 (95% CI, 1.37–4.39), respectively. More recent Fontan completion was related to reduced risks of severe FALD, with an HR of 0.95 (95% CI, 0.93–0.97) for each more recent year. Conclusions: This large-scale population-based study documents that severe FALD in Fontan patients was associated with a >3-fold increase in mortality. The risk of FALD is time-dependent and can reach >50% by 35years after the Fontan operation. Conditions promoting poor Fontan hemodynamics were associated with severe FALD development.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Severe Fontan-Associated Liver Disease and Its Association With Mortality

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Imagen de apoyo de  vCSF Danger-associated Molecular Patterns After Traumatic and Nontraumatic Acute Brain Injury: A Prospective Study = Patrones moleculares asociados al peligro en el vLCR después de una lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática: un estudio prospectivo

vCSF Danger-associated Molecular Patterns After Traumatic and Nontraumatic Acute Brain Injury: A Prospective Study = Patrones moleculares asociados al peligro en el vLCR después de una lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática: un estudio prospectivo

Por: Carlos Andrés; Vincent Santacruz Herrera | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) may be implicated in the pathophysiological pathways associated with an unfavorable outcome after acute brain injury (ABI). Differences in vCSF protein expression over time were evaluated using linear models and selected for functional network analysis using the PANTHER and STRING databases. The primary exposure of interest was the type of brain injury (traumatic vs. nontraumatic), and the primary outcome was the vCSF expression of DAMPs. Secondary exposures of interest included the occurrence of intracranial pressure ?20 or ? 30 mm Hg during the 5 days post- ABI, intensive care unit (ICU) mortality, and neurological outcome (assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Score) at 3 months post-ICU discharge. Secondary outcomes included associations of these exposures with the vCSF expression of DAMPs. A network of 6 DAMPs (DAMP_trauma; protein-protein interaction [PPI] P= 0.04) was differentially expressed in patients with ABI of traumatic origin compared with those with nontraumatic ABI. ABI patients with intracranial pressure ?30 mm Hg differentially expressed a set of 38 DAMPS (DAMP_ICP30; PPI P< 0.001). Proteins in DAMP_ICP30 are involved in cellular proteolysis, complement pathway activation, and post-translational modifications. Specific patterns of vCSF DAMP expression differentiated between traumatic and nontraumatic types of ABI and were associated with increased episodes of severe intracranial hypertension. Resumen: Los patrones moleculares asociados al peligro (DAMP) pueden estar implicados en las vías fisiopatológicas asociadas con un resultado desfavorable después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA). Las diferencias en la expresión proteíca vCSF a lo largo del tiempo se evaluaron utilizando modelos lineales y se seleccionaron para el análisis de redes funcionales utilizando las bases de datos PANTHER y STRING. La principal exposición de interés fue el tipo de lesión cerebral (traumática versus no traumática), y el resultado primario fue la expresión de DAMP en vCSF. Las exposiciones secundarias de interés incluyeron la aparición de presión intracraneal ?20 o ? 30 mm Hg durante los 5 días posteriores a la LCA, mortalidad en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y resultado neurológico (evaluado mediante el Glasgow Outcome Score) 3 meses después del alta de la UCI. Una red de 6 DAMP (DAMP_trauma; interacción proteínaproteína [PPI] P = 0,04) se expresó diferencialmente en pacientes con LCA de origen traumático en comparación con aquellos con LCA no traumática. Los pacientes con ITB con presión intracraneal ?30 mm Hg expresaron diferencialmente un conjunto de 38 DAMPS (DAMP_ICP30; PPI P <0,001). Las proteínas en DAMP_ICP30 participan en la proteólisis celular, la activación de la vía del complemento y las modificaciones postraduccionales. Los patrones específicos de expresión de vCSF DAMP diferenciaron entre tipos de LCA traumática y no traumática y se asociaron con un aumento de episodios de hipertensión intracraneal severa.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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vCSF Danger-associated Molecular Patterns After Traumatic and Nontraumatic Acute Brain Injury: A Prospective Study = Patrones moleculares asociados al peligro en el vLCR después de una lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática: un estudio prospectivo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Evaluation of flexible three-dimensionally printed occlusal splint materials: An in vitro study = Evaluación de materiales flexibles de férula oclusal impresos tridimensionalmente: un estudio in vitro

Evaluation of flexible three-dimensionally printed occlusal splint materials: An in vitro study = Evaluación de materiales flexibles de férula oclusal impresos tridimensionalmente: un estudio in vitro

Por: Leila; Gibreel Perea Mosquera | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate and compare the mechanical properties, water sorption, water solubility, and degree of double bond conversion of three different commercially available threedimensional (3D) printing resins used for the fabrication of flexible occlusal splints. Methods: A digital printer was used to generate specimens from the evaluated splint materials (KeySplint Soft, IMPRIMO LC Splint flex, and V-Print splint comfort). The specimens were equally divided and tested either dry or after water storage at 37 ? C for 30 days. A three-point bending test was used to assess flexural strength, elastic modulus, and fracture toughness. A two-body wear test was performed using a dual-axis chewing simulator. Water sorption and water solubility were measured after 30 days. The degree of double bond conversion was determined by FTIR-spectrometry. All data for the evaluated properties were collected and statistically analyzed. Results: Both material and storage conditions had a significant effect on the flexural strength (P < 0.001), elastic modulus (P < 0.001), fracture toughness (P < 0.001), and wear (P < 0.001). The highest water sorption was noticed with IMPRIMO LC Splint flex (1.9 ± 0.0 %), while V-Print splint comfort displayed the lowest water solubility (0.2 ± 0.0 %). For the degree of conversion, it was statistically nonsignificant among the different materials (P = 0.087). Significance: Different flexible 3D-printed splints available in the market displayed variations in the evaluated properties and clinicians should consider these differences when choosing occlusal device materials. Among the tested flexible splint materials, KeySplint Soft had the greatest flexural strength, elastic modulus, fracture toughness, wear resistance, and degree of conversion. It also showed the lowest water sorption. Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar y comparar las propiedades mecánicas, sorción de agua, solubilidad en agua y grado de conversión de doble enlace de tres resinas de impresión tridimensionales (3D) diferentes, disponibles comercialmente, utilizadas para la fabricación de férulas oclusales flexibles. Métodos: Se utilizó una impresora digital para generar muestras a partir de los materiales de férula evaluados (KeySplint Soft, IMPRIMO LC Splint flex y V-Print splint comfort). Las muestras se dividieron equitativamente y se probaron en seco o después del almacenamiento en agua a 37 ? C durante 30 días. Se utilizó una prueba de flexión de tres puntos para evaluar la resistencia a la flexión, la elasticidad módulo y tenacidad a la fractura. Se realizó una prueba de desgaste de dos cuerpos utilizando un simulador de masticación de doble eje. La sorción y la solubilidad en agua se midieron después de 30 días. El grado de conversión del doble enlace fue determinado por espectrometría FTIR. Todos los datos de las propiedades evaluadas fueron recopilados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: Tanto el material como las condiciones de almacenamiento tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre la resistencia a la flexión (P < 0,001), módulo de elasticidad (P <0,001), tenacidad a la fractura (P <0,001) y desgaste (P <0,001). La mayor sorción de agua fue notado con IMPRIMO LC Splint flex (1,9 ± 0,0 %), mientras que la férula V-Print comfort mostró la menor solubilidad al agua (0,2 ± 0,0 %). Para el grado de conversión, no hubo diferencia significativa estadísticamente entre los diferentes materiales (P = 0,087). Importancia: Las diferentes férulas flexibles impresas en 3D disponibles en el mercado mostraron variaciones en las propiedades evaluadas y los clínicos deben considerar estas diferencias al elegir los materiales para dispositivos oclusales. Entre los materiales de férula flexibles probados, KeySplint Soft tuvo la mayor resistencia a la flexión, módulo elástico, tenacidad, resistencia al desgaste y grado de conversión. También mostró la menor sorción de agua.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Evaluation of flexible three-dimensionally printed occlusal splint materials: An in vitro study = Evaluación de materiales flexibles de férula oclusal impresos tridimensionalmente: un estudio in vitro

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Imagen de apoyo de  The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

Por: Natalia Carolina; Wilksch Rosas Bastidas | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is driven by selection, but the degree to which a bacterial strain’s evolutionary history shapes the mechanism and strength of resistance remains an open question. Here, we reconstruct the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms of carbapenem resistance in a clinical isolate of Klebsiella quasipneumoniae. A combination of short- and long-read sequencing, machine learning, and genetic and enzymatic analyses established that this carbapenem-resistant strain carries no carbapenemase-encoding genes. Genetic reconstruction of the resistance phenotype confirmed that two distinct genetic loci are necessary in order for the strain to acquire carbapenem resistance. Experimental evolution of the carbapenem-resistant strains in growth conditions without the antibiotic revealed that both loci confer a significant cost and are readily lost by de novo mutations resulting in the rapid evolution of a carbapenem-sensitive phenotype. To explain how carbapenem resistance evolves via multiple, low-fitness single-locus intermediates, we hypothesised that one of these loci had previously conferred adaptation to another antibiotic. Fitness assays in a range of drug concentrations show how selection in the antibiotic ceftazidime can select for one gene (blaDHA-1) potentiating the evolution of carbapenem resistance by a single mutation in a second gene (ompK36). These results show how a patient’s treatment history might shape the evolution of antibiotic resistance and could explain the genetic basis of carbapenem-resistance found in many enteric-pathogens.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The evolutionary mechanism of non-carbapenemase carbapenem-resistant phenotypes in Klebsiella spp

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Imagen de apoyo de  3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

Por: Aytug; Yuste Dolores R.; Kara | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: 3D printing technologies enable medicine customization adapted to patients' needs. There are several 3D printing techniques available, but majority of dosage forms and medical devices are printed using nozzle-based extrusion, laser-writing systems, and powder binder jetting. 3D printing has been demonstrated for a broad range of applications in development and targeting solid, semi-solid and locally applied or implanted medicines. 3D printed solid dosage forms allow the combination of one or more drugs within the same solid dosage form to improve patient compliance, facilitate deglutition, tailor the release profile, or fabricate new medicines for which no dosage form is available. Sustained release 3D-printed implants, stents and medical devices have been used mainly for joint replacement therapies, medical prostheses, and cardiovascular applications. Locally applied medicines such as wound dressing, microneedles, and medicated contact lenses have also been manufactured using 3D printing techniques. The challenge is to select the 3D printing tech-nique most suitable for each application and the type of pharmaceutical ink that should be devel-oped that possesses the required physicochemical and biological performance. The integration of biopharmaceuticals and nanotechnology-based drugs along with 3D printing (""Nanoprinting"") brings printed personalized nanomedicines within the most innovative perspectives for the coming years. Continuous manufacturing through the use of 3D-printed microfluidic chips facilitates their translation into clinical practice.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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3D Printing Technologies in Personalized Medicine, Nanomedicines, and Biopharmaceuticals

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Imagen de apoyo de  The proteomic response to traumatic and non-traumatic acute brain injury = La respuesta proteomica a la lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática

The proteomic response to traumatic and non-traumatic acute brain injury = La respuesta proteomica a la lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática

Por: Carlos Andrés; Taccone Santacruz Herrera | Fecha: 2023

Abstract: Las lesiones cerebrales agudas (LCA) se asocian con altas tasas de mortalidad y malos resultados funcionales a largo plazo. La medición de biomarcadores del líquido cefalorraquídeo ventricular (vLCR) en pacientes con LCA puede ayudar a dilucidar algunas de las vías fisiopatológicas implicadas en el pronóstico de estos pacientes. Primero realizamos una búsqueda sistemática y una revisión descriptiva (Crit Care. 5 de agosto de 2021; 25 (1): 278; DOI: 10.1186/s13054-021-03698-z) donde concluimos que en pacientes con LCA, las concentraciones alteradas de biomarcadores proteicos en el vLCR relacionados con el daño citoesquelético, la inflamación, la apoptosis y el estrés oxidativo pueden predecir peores resultados neurológicos. Debido a estos resultados, realizamos un estudio de observación prospectivo (Neurocrit Care. 2022 Oct;37(2):463-470.doi:10.1007/s12028-022-01507-1.) donde concluimos que la expresión desregulada de la proteína en el vLCR diferenciaba entre LCA y no LCA. Luego realizamos otro estudio (J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 27 de abril de 2023. doi:10.1097/ANA.0000000000000916.) donde concluimos que la expresión de patrones moleculares asociados al peligro (DAMP) específicos del vLCR se asociaba con un aumento de episodios de hipertensión intracraneal severa y muerte. Por último, en otro estudio observacional (Crit Care. 2023 Jun 24;27(1):249. doi: 10.1186/s13054-023-04538-y.), concluimos que las concentraciones de proteínas del vLCR después de una LCA eran un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas crónicas después de una LCA no traumática. Los hallazgos más importantes de esta tesis fueron que la respuesta proteómica después de una LCA es homogénea entre la LCA traumática y no traumática, involucra múltiples proteínas (DAMP) y puede estar asociada con enfermedades neurodegenerativas a largo plazo también en la LCA no traumática.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The proteomic response to traumatic and non-traumatic acute brain injury = La respuesta proteomica a la lesión cerebral aguda traumática y no traumática

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Imagen de apoyo de  Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) =
La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) = La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

Por: Carlos Andrés; Vincent Santacruz Herrera | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at an increased risk of developing chronic neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), an association thought to be related to several factors, including altered production and clearance of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and amyloid-? (A?). We previously reported decreased CSF expression of proteins related to cholesterol metabolism in patients with ABI, which may potentially lead to reduced neuro-steroid production, increased risk of neurodegenerative disease, and worse functional outcomes. In this post hoc analysis, ApoE (ApoEelisa), amyloid beta 1–40 (A?1–40), and amyloid beta 1–42 (A?1–42) concentrations were measured in vCSF taken from an external ventricular drain on Days 1–5 after non-traumatic ABI. The vCSF concentrations of ApoE were measured using a commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test . The vCSF concentrations of A?1–40 and A?1–42 were also measured using a commercial ELISA test, with 50 ?l/patient (robotic pipette) per sample in duplicate using A?1–40 and A?1–42 monoclonal antibody, respectively. Day 1 ApoEelisa concentrations were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in patients with non-traumatic ABI than in control patients. vCSF A?1–40 (p < 0.001) and A?1–42 (p < 0.001) concentrations were also lower in the ABI patients. Day 1–5 ApoEswath protein expressions were significantly lower in patients with nontraumatic ABI than in controls (p < 0.0001). APLP1 values, but not those of APP or APLP2, were also significantly lower in non-traumatic ABI (p < 0.0001) throughout the 5-day period. These findings suggest that specific precursors of neurotoxic A? may be expressed in the early phase of nontraumatic ABI, such as that caused by vascular injury after ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes. Resumen: Los pacientes con lesión cerebral traumática (LCA traumática) tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades neurodegenerativas crónicas, incluida la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), una asociación que se cree que está relacionada con varios factores, incluida la producción alterada y la eliminación de la apolipoproteína E (ApoE). y ?-amiloide (A?). Anteriormente informamos una disminución de la expresión en el LCR de proteínas relacionadas con el metabolismo del colesterol en pacientes con LCA, lo que potencialmente puede conducir a una reducción de la producción de neuroesteroides, un mayor riesgo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y peores resultados funcionales. En este análisis post hoc, se midieron las concentraciones de ApoE (ApoEelisa), beta amiloide 1–40 (A?1–40) y beta amiloide 1–42 (A?1–42) en vCSF extraído de un drenaje ventricular externo en los días 1 a 5 después LCA no traumática. Las concentraciones de ApoE en vCSF se midieron utilizando una prueba comercial de ensayo inmunoabsorbente ligado a enzimas (ELISA). Las concentraciones de vCSF de A?1–40 y A?1–42 también se midieron utilizando una prueba ELISA comercial, con 50 ?l/paciente (pipeta robótica) por muestra por duplicado utilizando los anticuerpos monoclonales A?1–40 y A?1–42, respectivamente. Las concentraciones de ApoEelisa en el día 1 fueron significativamente más bajas (p <0,01) en pacientes con LCA no traumática que en pacientes de control. Las concentraciones de vCSF A?1–40 (p <0,001) y A?1–42 (p <0,001) también fueron más bajas en los pacientes con LCA. Las expresiones de la proteína ApoEswath de los días 1 a 5 fueron significativamente menores en pacientes con LCA no traumática que en los controles (p <0,0001). Los valores de APLP1, pero no los de APP o APLP2, también fueron significativamente más bajos en la LCA no traumática (p <0,0001) durante el período de 5 días. Estos hallazgos sugieren que precursores específicos de A? neurotóxico pueden expresarse en la fase temprana de una LCA no traumática, como la causada por una lesión vascular después de un accidente cerebrovascular isquémico o hemorrágico.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Cerebral apolipoprotein E and amyloid precursor?like protein 1 as risk factors for chronic neurodegeneration after non?traumatic acute brain injury (ABI) = La apolipoproteína E cerebral y la proteína 1 similar al precursor de amiloide como factores de riesgo de neurodegeneración crónica después de una lesión cerebral aguda (LCA) no traumática

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