Laura Alejandra Manrique Díaz
The financial industry operates in a rapidly changing environment, where participants need to adapt to the preferences and requirements of customers, the entrance of new competitors and regulation. Along history, Investment Banks have played an important role in the financial industry providing products and services that promote economic growth and providing structure to the market. They are sophisticated and powerful organizations, that before 2007 were believe to be too big to fail.
However, the financial crisis exposed their failures and how vulnerable their interconnected structure is, making evident the latent risk that they represent for the economy. Since the crisis regulation become strict and regulators strengthen the vigilance over the activities Investment Banks undertake, undoubtedly creating a new scenario. Simultaneously in the UK a credit crunch occurs, and the access to funds sources for SMEs and individuals suffer a drastic contraction. In that complex environment the Alternative Finance Market emerged, proposing a solution for that segment of the market that was claiming for an efficient, flexible and easy source of fundraising. P2P Lending and Crowdfunding are the most known and relevant models from the Alternative Finance sector, and they had played a significant role, exhibiting a rapid growth, since they began to operate in 2005.
After analysing both, the Investment Banking and the Alternative Finance Industry, and performing some empirical analysis, some conclusions were reached. First of all, from the Investment Banking side, they must recognize that more than a threat the Alternative Lending model represent a new source of opportunities. However, Investment Banks will face some challenges in the next years, and they need to work to defend their position in the industry. The research identified four main areas in which Investment Banks should work in the short term. Firstly, they should focus on restoring investors’ and clients’ confidence, which was weakened after the financial crisis. As it was mentioned in the paper, reputation plays a significant role in the financial industry and profits are highly related with it.
If Investment Banks do not recover their status and reputation they might lose market-share. On the second place, they must overcome the phase of adjusting to the new regulatory requirements. After meeting the requirements, they can focus their strategy to compete in the current environment and face the challenges that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding are proposing. Thirdly, for defending their position IBs can work to reinforce and innovate in other of their business, taking advantage of their diversified structure. Finally, regarding the Alternative Finance Market, Investment Banks can support the platforms with the complex infrastructure that they already have. Also, they can work towards financial integration and exploit the expertise and reputation they possess.
In respect to the Alternative Finance Market, this paper guided us towards some conclusions about some aspects regarding the current situation and the short-term perspectives for the industry. First of all, it was observed that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding have experienced exponential growth that began from the year the first platforms started to operate. Data from the Liberum AltFi Volume Index UK and the volume of origination showed in Zopa´s and RateSetter´s loan books confirmed the trend.
The fact that the industry was created to fulfil the demand and abolish the limitations to which SMEs, start-ups and individuals were subject, gave them an advantage from the beginning in the lending business sphere. In addition, they brought to the market a new investment opportunity and opened the access to small investors, who were seeking attractive investment opportunities. Furthermore, the Alternative Finance sector incorporates some elements that make of it an attractive and innovative lending model. Important factors such as transparency, differential pricing, disintermediation, flexibility and that it is built on the online concept give it competitive advantages over the traditional fundraising sources.
In the second place, it can be concluded that this alternative lending model may be possibly entering a phase of stabilization. The monthly volume of origination seems to be slowing its growing pace, even though it continues growing, as the Liberum AltFi Volume Index UK indicates. By stabilization, it means grow at a rate of no more than two digits. The next conclusion at which this projects led us is that it seems that everyone has a positive and optimistic perspective about the future of this emerging industry.
From academics to practitioners, they are expecting that in the short-term the knowledge and the awareness of the industry increase, causing that more borrowers and investors approach to the business. Moreover, the interest of the government and regulatory entities in the market will improve the existing regulation, creating high standards, what will be perceived by borrowers and lender as a safety signal, inviting them to select these alternatives over the traditional ones.
Other factors that are consider as a potential sources of growing are the partnerships that P2P and Crowdfunding platforms are establishing, the new products derived from P2P loans, the creation of a secondary market, the process of securitization and the big flows coming from institutional investors. There is much work that P2P Lending and Crowdfunding platforms need to do in the next years. It is vital that they work to meet the requirements that regulation imposes and achieve the challenges that borrowers, investors and competitors propose. If so, they can secure their position in the financial market.
The next years are crucial, they will define the way in which lending model will be structured from now on. The Alternative Finance Market represents a significant opportunity for borrowers, investors, as well for Investment Banks.They need to find a way that ensures that they are going to be active players of this emerging concept and defend their position. Finally, P2P Lending and Crowdfunding must continue working on developing the business model, walking towards establishing their reputation, imposing high standards and offering a differentiated service.
Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República
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