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Imagen de apoyo de  A multi-attribute decision-making methodology for selecting an optimal logistic ship for the colombian navy

A multi-attribute decision-making methodology for selecting an optimal logistic ship for the colombian navy

Por: Guillermo Villalba Torres | Fecha: 2022

Abstract: The Colombian Navy currently has a deficit of logistical vessels to support other maritime and landbased units. Through the Naval Development Plan 2042, the Navy’s objective is to acquire, among other objectives, one multipurpose vessel or Landing Platform Dock and four logistic ships. This study aims to apply the MCDA methodology for selecting a logistic ship within the alternatives presented by the Chief of Naval Planning. In developing this study, a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) model has been made for the Colombian Navy. The Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) has been applied to select the most optimal logistic vessel according to the considerations and specifications provided by the Navy. Four alternatives of different designs and companies were assessed in this study: KERSHIP B2M, FASSMER MPV 70 MKII, DAMEN Logistic Support Vessel LSV 6513 and BCC 6012 (Cargo and cabotage vessel) from COTECMAR shipyard. Our main idea was to break down the overall problem into smaller parts, focusing on them separately. The SMART model was structured in a step-by-step procedure described in an easy-to-follow and user-friendly manner. Six fundamental objectives were identified and assessed by experts. The decision-maker then assessed the main attributes resulted from the expert’s evaluation. The decision-maker preferences were identified for the following criteria: cost, operational capabilities, and support capacity to determine the most preferred alternative. The results suggest that the B2M and BCC 6012 were the most preferred alternative, lying on the efficient frontier. Through sensitivity analysis, the decision-maker was supported to assess how efficient the vessel selection is and thus achieve an optimal choice within the alternatives. The results indicate that MCDA and SMART can support decision-makers in analysing, structuring, and interpreting priorities in a decision-making process. The main output of this thesis has been the implementation of a decision model to assist decision-making in selecting a logistics vessel for the Navy.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A multi-attribute decision-making methodology for selecting an optimal logistic ship for the colombian navy

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Imagen de apoyo de  A multi-level framework for metabolism in urban energy systems from an ecological perspective = Un modelo en niveles para el metabolismo urbano en sistemas energéticos desde una perspectiva ecológica

A multi-level framework for metabolism in urban energy systems from an ecological perspective = Un modelo en niveles para el metabolismo urbano en sistemas energéticos desde una perspectiva ecológica

Por: Paola; Rosales Carreón Pulido Barrera | Fecha: 2017

Abstract: Cities have become the main centres of consumption and transformation of resources. As cities are still growing in terms of physical size, number of inhabitants and total energy consumption, unique challenges present themselves in order to safeguard a healthy urban living environment, while preventing resource shortages and pollution. The concept of urban metabolism may contribute to sustainable growth of cities as it can be used to understand emergent patterns in flows of energy and materials in the urban environment. The concept of urban metabolism draws upon an analogy with the biological meaning of metabolism, as it occurs in organisms and ecosystems. Here we present a review of the interpretation of urban metabolism in the context of urban energy dynamics and assess the validity of the proposed analogy with biology. Based on this analogy, we propose a conceptual framework for the role of urban metabolism in urban energy systems. Our review highlights that urban energy systems show a hierarchical organization comparable to ecological systems. However, the emergent patterns that result from the dynamics within urban systems differ from those occurring within ecological systems. We suggest that, in contrast to biological systems, urban energy systems lack energetic constraints at the lowest level of organisation that could enable the resource-efficient regulation of energy requirements at larger scales. The proposed framework highlights that low-level resource supply regulations may contribute to introduce scale-dependent relationships that increase energy use efficiency as cities grow. Resumen: Las ciudades han llegado a ser grandes centros de consumo y transformación de recursos. Debido a que las ciudades se mantienen en constante crecimiento en términos de tamaño físico, número de habitantes y consumo de energía, surge la necesidad de afrontar retos evidentes con el fin de salvaguardar el ambiente urbano, así como prevenir la escasez de recursos y el aumento de polución. El metabolismo urbano puede contribuir a explicar el crecimiento sostenible de las ciudades, ya que éste permite entender la emergencia de patrones en los flujos de energía y materiales en el ambiente urbano. Éste se basa en la analogía con el metabolismo en sistemas biológicos, el cual está presente tanto a nivel de organismos como de ecosistemas. En este artículo se plantea una revisión de la interpretación del metabolismo urbano en el contexto de sistemas energéticos urbanos. A partir de dicha revisión se plantea que los sitemas energéticos urbanos muestran una organización jerárquica comparable a la de los sistemas biológicos. No obstante, los patrones emergentes que resultan de la dinámica en los sistemas urbanos difieren de aquellos que ocurren en los sistemas biológicos. Nosotros sugerimos que, a diferencia de los sistemas biológicos, los sistemas urbanos no presentan limitaciones energéticas en los niveles inferiores de la organización, que trasciendan en una eficiente regulacion de los consumos energéticos en los niveles superiores del sistema. El marco conceptual propuesto en este artículo resalta que una regulación en el abastecimiento de recursos en los niveles inferiores, puede llegar a inducir relaciones de carácter alométrico que representen un aumento en la eficiencia energética en la medida que las ciudades continuan con su crecimiento.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A multi-level framework for metabolism in urban energy systems from an ecological perspective = Un modelo en niveles para el metabolismo urbano en sistemas energéticos desde una perspectiva ecológica

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Musical Journey through the National Gallery of Ireland / Promenade: Un viaje musical a través de la Galería Nacional de Irlanda

A Musical Journey through the National Gallery of Ireland / Promenade: Un viaje musical a través de la Galería Nacional de Irlanda

Por: Andrés Gallo Molina | Fecha: 2016

Esta es la segunda parte de la tesis, en la que se encuentran partituras musicales y otros anexos que sirven de complemento al estudio realizado por el autor Promenade: A Musical Journey through the National Gallery of Ireland is a work based on the vision of guiding a visitor through a virtual tour of five exhibits at the National Gallery. Each piece of art has been carefully selected to ensure a variety of themes, and to highlight the broad range of artwork on public display in the National Gallery. These pieces of art have been analysed in terms of their style and historical significance. Five musical compositions have then been created to complement each artwork. The music reflects not only the subjects of the artwork but also the tone, style and artistic techniques of each piece. The result is a multisensory experience for the art enthusiast. What once could be enjoyed merely visually can now be experienced in a manner that actively engages the aural sense also. Promenade: A Musical Journey through the National Gallery of Ireland Es un trabajo basado en la visión de un visitante a través de cinco pinturas de la Galería Nacional de Irlanda. Cada pieza de arte ha sido meticulosamente seleccionada para asegurar una variedad de temas y resaltar el amplio rango de arte dispuesto al público en la galería. Estas piezas han sido analizadas en términos de estilo, estructura y significado histórico. Cinco composiciones musicales fueron creadas posteriormente para complementar las pinturas. Las cinco composiciones reflejan no sólo el tema de la pintura sino el tono, estilo y técnica artística de cada pieza. El resultado es una experiencia multisensorial para el entusiasta artístico. lo que alguna vez se podía disfrutar visualmente , ahora puede ser experimentado en una manera que activa el sentido auditivo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Musical Journey through the National Gallery of Ireland / Promenade: Un viaje musical a través de la Galería Nacional de Irlanda

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Imagen de apoyo de  A New Material Balance Methodology for Quintuple Porosity Shale Gas and Shale Condensate Reservoirs

A New Material Balance Methodology for Quintuple Porosity Shale Gas and Shale Condensate Reservoirs

Por: Daniel Ricardo Orozco Ibarra | Fecha: 2016

Abstract: A recent petrophysical formulation states that all the storage mechanisms present in shale reservoirs are best represented by a quintuple porosity system that is further fed by dissolved gas in the solid kerogen. The quintuple porosity system is made up of: 1) adsorbed gas in the pore walls of the organic matter. 2) free gas stored in the inorganic matrix porosity. 3) free gas stored in natural fractures (microfractures and slot porosity) 4) free gas stored in the hydraulic fractures created around the wellbore by the stimulation job. 5) free gas stored in the organic nanopores. This thesis presents a new material balance methodology for shale gas and shale condensate reservoirs that considers all the aforementioned storage mechanisms. Results lead to the conclusion that ignoring the effects of gas diffusion from kerogen in shale material balance calculations can lead to pessimistic estimates of both OGIP and production forecasts. Resumen: Una formulación petrofísica reciente indica que todos los mecanismos de almacenamiento presentes en yacimientos de lutita son representados por un sistema de quíntuple porosidad que, además, se alimenta de gas disuelto en el kerógeno sólido. El sistema de quíntuple porosidad está compuesto de: 1) gas adsorbido en las paredes de los poros en la materia orgánica. 2) gas libre almacenado en la porosidad de la matriz inorgánica. 3) gas libre almacenado en las fracturas naturales (microfracturas y porosidad ranurada). 4) gas libre almacenado en las fracturas hidráulicas creadas alrededor de la cara del pozo por el trabajo de estimulación. 5) gas libre almacenado en los nanoporos de la materia orgánica. Esta tesis presenta una nueva metodología para balance de materia de yacimientos de lutita de gas y gas condensado que considera todos los mecanismos de almacenamiento previamente mencionados. Los resultados permiten concluir que si los efectos de la difusión de gas del kerógeno son ignorados en los cálculos de balance de materia en yacimientos de lutita, pueden obtenerse estimados pesimistas tanto de gas original en sitio como de los pronósticos de producción.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A New Material Balance Methodology for Quintuple Porosity Shale Gas and Shale Condensate Reservoirs

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Imagen de apoyo de  A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

Por: Oscar Alfredo Forero Larrañaga | Fecha: 2002

This thesis provides a description of political conflicts derived from differences in perspectives of environmental management and governance for Northwest Amazonia (NWA). A chapter is devoted to analysing the impact of State security policy in the development of indigenous’ territorial rights. The chapter concludes that the Colombian and USA government discourses of security coincide that the derived policies increase environmental risks and hinder indigenous peoples’ rights. Survey forms are treated as an additional source of discourse and are used to illustrate different perspectives with respect to governance and territorial ordering in Amazonia. It is argued that inhabitants of the industrialised countries with access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in many senses share the responsibility for the actual state of affairs in NWA, as well as other parts of the developing world where there is precarious access to ICT. Central to the thesis is the idea that we are passing through a moment of conceptual ‘dissolution’: dissolution of the divide ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ / ‘Western Sciences’, of the distinction between ‘Social Resistance’ and ‘Social Adaptation’, and of the differentiation between ‘Corporate Management’ and ‘State Security policy’. The thesis describes how this dissolution is occurring at the same time as cultural identity is mutating. The thesis goes beyond discourses surrounding the governance of NWA, by offering a contemporary critique of the concept of ‘globalisation’, and an attempt to locate it in the a 21st century cultural context.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

Por: Diego Fernando; Ten Kortenaar Quintero Pulido | Fecha: 2017

The research on electrochemical carbon molecule oxidation started in the past years as new electrochemistries were researched for new fuel cells systems and batteries that may line up as backup energy supply and storage systems in off-grid and on-grid microgrids, as modeled by our group at the University of Twente [1-3]. By lining up these two disciplines we hope to support the bridge between new electrochemical systems on one side, (pilot) production with partner companies, prediction, and validation of systems upon implementation in microgrids by our group. The electrochemical oxidation of glycerol in alkaline aqueous solution has been studied on gold and gold coated metals (Zn-Au and Cu-Au) by voltammetry and EIS (Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) for possible use in a new fuel cell as an outlet for the excess glycerol that is produced in the biodiesel industry. The observations show that the gold surface may change upon cycling by cyclic voltammetry. Besides, the current density shows non-linear behavior with the square root of the scan rate, implying that the reaction is not totally controlled by diffusion. EIS analysis using the EQUIVCRT software revealed that one out of twenty tested equivalent circuits fitted the data well at potentials of -0.05 V,- 0.15 V and -0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl, identifying resistors and a Warburg element in parallel with the double layer capacitance, the elements are possibly related to the presence of double layers associated with hydroxypyrovate and oxalate ions. The results are consistent with the low-frequency error fitting analysis (10-4), AC Simulink-Matlab fitting responds and the Kronig-Kramers transform test. The tested Zn-Au and Cu-Au electrodes show similar voltammetry behavior as the gold electrode, as witnessed by the results of cycle analysis and the scan rate analysis. The discharge chronoamperometry test further shows that the Zn-Au electrode and Cu-Au have higher current densities than the gold electrode at a potential of -0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl (5 mA cm-2, 4.5 mA cm-2, and 3 mA cm-2 respectively).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A practical approach in glycerol oxidation for the development of a glycerol fuel cell = Enfoque práctico en oxidación de glicerol para el desarrollo de la celda de combustible de glicerol

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Proposal for a Research and Production Laboratory in the Area of Digital Narrative and Storytelling- Research and Design a Sustainable Business Model, its Legal Frame, and its relevance in Today's Context = Propuesta de laboratorio de investigación y producción en el área de narrativa digital y storytelling - Investigar y diseñar un modelo de negocio sostenible, su marco legal, y su relevancia en el contexto actual

A Proposal for a Research and Production Laboratory in the Area of Digital Narrative and Storytelling- Research and Design a Sustainable Business Model, its Legal Frame, and its relevance in Today's Context = Propuesta de laboratorio de investigación y producción en el área de narrativa digital y storytelling - Investigar y diseñar un modelo de negocio sostenible, su marco legal, y su relevancia en el contexto actual

Por: Ginna Margarita Mendoza Ahumada | Fecha: 2020

Abstract: Conceptually explore and propose the creation of a Media Lab focused mainly on research and production in Digital Narratives and Storytelling. The Proposal for a sustainable business model based on collaborative networks. A process of reviewing the concepts around social and cultural entrepreneurship. Resumen: Explorar conceptualmente y proponer la creación de un Media Lab centrado principalmente en la investigación y producción en Narrativas Digitales y Storytelling. La propuesta de un modelo de negocio sostenible basado en redes de colaboración. Un proceso de revisión de los conceptos en torno al emprendimiento social y cultural.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Proposal for a Research and Production Laboratory in the Area of Digital Narrative and Storytelling- Research and Design a Sustainable Business Model, its Legal Frame, and its relevance in Today's Context = Propuesta de laboratorio de investigación y producción en el área de narrativa digital y storytelling - Investigar y diseñar un modelo de negocio sostenible, su marco legal, y su relevancia en el contexto actual

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Proposed Model for the Analysis and Measurement of the Green House Gas Emissions from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems = Modelo Propuesto para el Analisis y Medición de las Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de Sistemas de Recirculacion Acuicola

A Proposed Model for the Analysis and Measurement of the Green House Gas Emissions from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems = Modelo Propuesto para el Analisis y Medición de las Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de Sistemas de Recirculacion Acuicola

Por: Mateo Espejo Valencia | Fecha: 2016

Aquaculture is one of the most rapidly growing agriculture industries in the world. However, its rapid development could result in significant environmental concerns such as antimicrobial resistance, eutrophication and climate change. To this date, very few studies have been conducted to investigate the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions produced by aquaculture systems and their negative effect on the environment. The aim of this study was to create and propose a novel model capable of measuring the amount of direct GHG emissions produced by a modified recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) using an adapted respiration chamber design. In order to achieve this aim, two types of laboratory-scale Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) aquaculture systems, soil-based and non-soil-based RAS, were used to identify and quantify the Methane (CH4) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The results of the water parameters analysis indicated that there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in the water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and Nitrite (NO2) levels between treatments. The results of the gas analysis indicated that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in CH4 and CO2 emissions between treatments. However, a significant effect (P< 0.001) of time on the emissions of CH4 during the gas analysis and measurement period was evidenced, suggesting an increased methanogenic activity in the anoxic areas of the sediment through time. The results of this study suggest that the proposed novel model is effectively capable of measuring CH4 and CO2 emissions produced in recirculating aquaculture systems and that its application and adaptation to larger aquaculture production systems should be evaluated.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Proposed Model for the Analysis and Measurement of the Green House Gas Emissions from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems = Modelo Propuesto para el Analisis y Medición de las Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de Sistemas de Recirculacion Acuicola

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Imagen de apoyo de  A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis

A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis

Por: Jorge Marcelo Aráus Patiño | Fecha: 2016

Current sustainability models rely on the triple line approach, in which economic growth, environmental sustainability and social are fundamental pivots. In recent years, the model of Biomimicry has emerged as a sustainable option of production, challenging the industrial revolution in which resource depletion and maximization of profits are key .At present , economic growth and environmental benefits has been well documented, however little is known about how social justice can be impacted by this biomimicry production systems. In the present study, a framework has been created with the purpose of assessing biomimicry production systems (BPS) in terms of social justice. In specific, an approach of poverty that has been gaining attention in the past decades and which represent poverty as a result of social relations has been used for its construction. The framework has then been done to understand the extent to which BPS can disrupt relational poverty (RP). As a study case, the polyculture quinoa production systems in the South America altiplano is presented. Evidence shows that these ancient farming systems have disruption effects on RP mechanisms with different intensities. This model of production rivals monocroping areas in areas like the Peruvian coast in terms of the avoidance relations that perpetrate poverty and of diversity, a fundamental aspect of Biomimicry. Other beneficial relations relate to moral economy were found as opportunities for these BPS’s. The framework generated here can be used to analyse other BPS in terms of social justice, it is robust and covers much of the aspects involved in power relations, agency and empowerment.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A relational poverty approach in Biomimicry production systems = Una aproximación desde la pobreza relacional a sistemas de producción basados en biomímiesis

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Imagen de apoyo de  A residual infrastructure. The rise and obsolescence of big satellite televisión dishes in Colombia = Los residuos de una infraestructura. El auge y obsolescencia de las antenas parabólicas en Colombia

A residual infrastructure. The rise and obsolescence of big satellite televisión dishes in Colombia = Los residuos de una infraestructura. El auge y obsolescencia de las antenas parabólicas en Colombia

Por: Fabian M. Prieto Ñañez | Fecha: 2019

The first satellite dish arrived in the South American country of Colombia in 1970. Two decades later, hundreds of them covered the roofs of apartment buildings, community centers, and town halls all around the country. This dissertation follows the trajectory of big satellite dishes by looking at a network that connects amateurs in the United States and traders in Miami and Medellín to populations living in urban and rural Colombia. In a timescale of forty years, big satellite dishes changed not only technologically, but also in how government agents, businesses, and users conceived of them. Grounded in infrastructure studies of media and Latin American communication and science and technology studies, this dissertation looks at three particular aspects: the role of informal infrastructures in the development of technological modernity, the labor and knowledge of local technicians needed in transitions in media technologies, and the participation of media infrastructures in the production of culture. Despite considered stable and finished, infrastructure design and maintenance reveal an important set of values connecting culture and technology. In the case of television, the dissertation explores a network of actors, objects and practices that affected urban and rural spaces and shaped understanding of intellectual property in a Latin American Country. Resumen: La primera antena parabólica llegó a Colombia en 1970. Dos décadas después, cientos de estas cubrieron los techos de edificios de apartamentos, centros comunitarios y alcaldías de todo el país. Esta disertación sigue la trayectoria de las grandes antenas parabólicas al observar una red que conecta a los aficionados en los Estados Unidos y los comerciantes en Miami y Medellín con las poblaciones que viven en las zonas urbanas y rurales de Colombia. En una escala de tiempo de cuarenta años, las grandes antenas parabólicas cambiaron no solo tecnológicamente, sino también en cómo los concebían los agentes gubernamentales, las empresas y los usuarios. Basada en estudios de infraestructura de medios y estudios latinoamericanos de comunicación y ciencia y tecnología, esta disertación analiza tres aspectos particulares: el papel de las infraestructuras informales en el desarrollo de la modernidad tecnológica, el trabajo y el conocimiento de los técnicos locales necesarios en las transiciones en las tecnologías de los medios, y la participación de las infraestructuras de medios en la producción de cultura. A pesar de considerarse estable y terminado, el diseño y el mantenimiento de la infraestructura revelan un conjunto importante de valores que conectan cultura y tecnología. En el caso de la televisión, la disertación explora una red de actores, objetos y prácticas que afectaron los espacios urbanos y rurales y moldearon la comprensión de la propiedad intelectual en un país latinoamericano.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A residual infrastructure. The rise and obsolescence of big satellite televisión dishes in Colombia = Los residuos de una infraestructura. El auge y obsolescencia de las antenas parabólicas en Colombia

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