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Imagen de apoyo de  Quebrada Doña María : de amenaza a sujeto de derechos

Quebrada Doña María : de amenaza a sujeto de derechos

Por: Jean Mauricio Sánchez Silva | Fecha: 2020

In an era marked by climate change, disaster risk prevention and mitigation has been gaining strenght, especially since the last decade, which has resulted in increased attention from the scientific world, governments and citizenship. However, many people remain outside knowledge and awareness, regarding the risks posed by certain natural events, which increase their potential damage as urban growth occurs and there are more and more alterations on geographical scenarios, such as rivers and bodies of water. All this takes place in Doña María creek, in Itagüí, which has generated minor emergency situations, but which can become major disasters, if a thorough investigation and contingency work is not done in this regard. In this sense, the present work synthesizes the main policies on the subject, as well as some background, that allow us to understand the ravine as a subject of tights and the risks that the population located in the lower part of its basin experiences, all in order to formulate some recommendations that can contribute to planning instruments of isntances, as well as to more accurate decisions.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Quebrada Doña María : de amenaza a sujeto de derechos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Quenari Wii Tourism Lab: A Service Design approach to redefine the role of a hotel as the enabler of collaboration between locals in the remote town of Mitú, Colombia

Quenari Wii Tourism Lab: A Service Design approach to redefine the role of a hotel as the enabler of collaboration between locals in the remote town of Mitú, Colombia

Por: Daniela Álvarez Lleras | Fecha: 2019

‘Quenari Wii Tourism Lab’ is a project that aims to redefine the role of Quenari Wii, a bed & breakfast located in the remote town of Mitú, Colombia. The discussion is centred on the need of promoting collaboration between local stakeholders to make the destination attractive, contribute to the creation of a tourism cluster in which more people are benefited and to use tourism as an engine of development in the region. What started as a project to make the Hotel a protagonist of the tourist’s experience, soon shifted to a project that seeks to collaborate with diverse cultural initiatives to design, test and implement authentic experiences for Quenari Wii’s guests. It is expected that by working with more stakeholders in Mitú and nurturing the agreements that have been built over time, the visitors will perceive a higher value in the region and Quenari Wii. The design methodologies, the analysed case studies, and tools employed on each stage of the project to make the service accessible, effective, and attractive will be presented and analysed, together with relevant bibliography on service design and tourism. The entire iterative process and prototypes realised with a group of traditional dances from Mitú, will be clarified to analyse the evolution of the final concept – A lab within the hotel to design, test and implement unique tourism experiences for the hotel’s guests –. To conclude, the project also delves into the question of how this new service is an opportunity to develop a tourism culture in the region and to train professionals in this field, who will be ready for the challenges that tourism brings to Mitú.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Quenari Wii Tourism Lab: A Service Design approach to redefine the role of a hotel as the enabler of collaboration between locals in the remote town of Mitú, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

Por: Diana María Rodríguez Gómez | Fecha: 2009

This paper analyses how contemporary Colombian social studies and South African history textbooks represent notions of race and racism to combat the historical legacies of these countries. It uses Critical Discourse Analysis to argue that, while there has been significant progress made in overcoming racism in the new textbooks in the two countries, there are still many challenges. In particular the paper notes that notwithstanding the more equal and balanced representation of traditionally excluded subjects, new forms of exclusion still permeate new social studies and history textbooks in Colombia and South Africa. In reviewing the textbooks produced in the two countries, the paper provides markers for researchers and policy makers seeking to transform deep-seated inequities in society. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Race and racisms in selected history and social studies textbooks in Colombia and South Africa = Raza y racismos en libros- texto de historia y ciencias sociales en Colombia y Sur Africa

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Imagen de apoyo de  Radiographic and ultrasonographic assessment of the distal forelimb in lame horses = Aspectos radiográficos y ultrasonográficos de las regiones que causan claudicación en la porción distal de los miembros torácicos de equinos

Radiographic and ultrasonographic assessment of the distal forelimb in lame horses = Aspectos radiográficos y ultrasonográficos de las regiones que causan claudicación en la porción distal de los miembros torácicos de equinos

Por: Juan José Restrepo Bucheli | Fecha: 2018

The digits on equine forelimbs withhold a great variability of weight overload, mainly caused by motion. Bones are linked through tendons and ligaments, which receive the greatest loads during the different phases of the stride. Ultrasound has become an important aid on evaluating these structures, since they are highly prone to lesion. To that purpose, we ought to evaluate tendinous and ligamentous lesions associated to distal limb lameness in horses by ultrasonographic examination of the distal limb. Furthermore, we studied the incidence of ungular cartilages ossification through radiographic examination. Tendinous and ligamentous structures were assessed on longitudinal and transversal planes. Colateral ligaments of the distal interfalangeal joints were also evaluated at the dorsal aspect of the limb, over the coronary band of the hoof. Aditionally, transcuneal examinaition was performed following trimming the hoof and levelling the frog. Dorsopalmar radiographs of both forelimbs were taken in order to grade ossification of the ungular cartilages by using the Ruohoniemi scale. Palmar structures such as oblique sesamoidean ligaments (46,66%), straight sesamoidean ligament (53,33%) also presented ultrasonographic signs of disruption. Suprasesamoidean, sesamoidean and infrasesamoidean lessions were observed on the deep digital flexor tendon. There were correspondence between the grade 1 and 3 of the ossification of the ungular cartilages and the desmopathy of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint, characterized by loss of the echographic pattern and the presence of fibrotic or mineralized areas. The desmopathies of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint, does not always have correspondence relationship with the ossification of the ipsilateral ungular cartilage. When the ossification of the cartilages is severe, can disturb the ability to dampen.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Radiographic and ultrasonographic assessment of the distal forelimb in lame horses = Aspectos radiográficos y ultrasonográficos de las regiones que causan claudicación en la porción distal de los miembros torácicos de equinos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ratio profesional de enfermería : paciente en unidad  de cuidados intensivos adultos (UCIA) de IPS privadas y sus implicaciones en la responsabilidad civil

Ratio profesional de enfermería : paciente en unidad de cuidados intensivos adultos (UCIA) de IPS privadas y sus implicaciones en la responsabilidad civil

Por: Jesús Andrés Ramírez Zúñiga | Fecha: 2019

The main objective of this study is to identify the implications in civil liability of the ratio or professional nurslng ratio: patient in the Adult lntensive Care Unit (ICU) of the lnstitutions that provide prívate services. Understanding the ratio as the number of nursing professionals per patient. From this study it was possible to conclude that the ratio studied in Colombia is low and inadequate, because although there are no regulations that standardize this organizational indicator in the country, the standard suggested by scientific studies and regulations of other countries is maximum 1:3, while nationally it is 1:7 to 1:10, that is two to three times more patients assigned by professional in UCIA. This shows that the IPS do not carry out studies of installed capacity adjusted to the 2003 resolution of 2014, nor do they use international scales (eg TISS-28, NAS or NEMS). This increases the risk of adverse events in patients and therefore the risk of civil liability of the nursing professional, EPS and IPS. The first failure to observe the number 5 of article 20 of law 266 of 1996 and the last by default of the duty of risk management (EPS) and security obligation (IPS).
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Ratio profesional de enfermería : paciente en unidad de cuidados intensivos adultos (UCIA) de IPS privadas y sus implicaciones en la responsabilidad civil

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Imagen de apoyo de  Rayleigh wave dispersion curves from array-derived rotation and translational data = Curvas de dispersión de ondas Rayleigh por movimientos de rotación obtenidos de un arreglo de sensores y data de translación

Rayleigh wave dispersion curves from array-derived rotation and translational data = Curvas de dispersión de ondas Rayleigh por movimientos de rotación obtenidos de un arreglo de sensores y data de translación

Por: Esteban Franco Bedoya | Fecha: 2016

The ambient noise analysis field has several methods used to study Microzonation with the aim to mitigate the risk of damage in structures. A new method to study seismic noise was developed by Wassermann et al., 2016. The novel technique uses the existent relation between the transverse component of acceleration and the vertical component of rotation generated by Love waves to retrieve their inherent dispersive character (Kurrle et al., 2010). The advantage of this implementation is that it only needs two instruments to measure acceleration and rotation in the same location, making it easy to deploy as the H/V spectral ratio. Moreover, the information retrieved is easier to interpret than the aforementioned technique. In addition, the same aspects of the wavefield retrieved from array echniques such as F-K and SPAC could be recovered. This thesis aims to complement this method by studying Rayleigh waves and using the implicit relation between the vertical acceleration and the horizontal rotation or tilt generated by them. We use a statistical process to build dispersion curves for this kind of wave, finding its phase velocities in the medium and its arrival direction. Our findings indicated that the new implementation overestimates the phase velocities, which may be due to the fact that a weak-rotational motion sensor was not available, and the array-derived rotation method was used. Hence, this led to high uncertainties in the measure of rotation and also to lower magnitudes of its horizontal components with respect to the vertical one. The method seems reliable to find the back azimuth of noise generated by Rayleigh waves and complements well the findings of the Love-wave technique previously mentioned.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Rayleigh wave dispersion curves from array-derived rotation and translational data = Curvas de dispersión de ondas Rayleigh por movimientos de rotación obtenidos de un arreglo de sensores y data de translación

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Imagen de apoyo de  RE-INTERPRETAR: El papel de la Pineda de Gavá

RE-INTERPRETAR: El papel de la Pineda de Gavá

Por: Andrea Paola Cuitiva Chavarro | Fecha: 2018

Aunque el proyecto de paisaje frecuentemente se relaciona con entornos altamente deteriorados, este proyecto intentará encontrar el potencial (por medio de la intervención) de un lugar que bien podría ser invisible y que se encuentra en abandono. Ya hemos reconocido que para convivir en lugares de valor, es necesario tener algún nivel de conexión con los entornos naturales, pero ¿qué significa tener un lugar de valor? Este proyecto explora este término como una condición que debería ser inherente a cualquier espacio natural conectado con áreas en proceso de urbanización. Entender estos lugares como paisajes en construcción, que aunque dependen de dinámicas complejas de gestión, se manifiestan de formas extremadamente sutiles y hasta frágiles, y que son capaces de generar innumerables beneficios para humanos y no humanos. Ahora, no basta con delimitar estas zonas y darles un nombre, sino que es imprescindible involucrarnos como parte de la naturaleza que modificará, cuidará o destruirá este espacio. Las operaciones que propone este proyecto apuntan a hacer de esta participación un proceso cercano, comprometido, bello, diverso y cambiante. El desarrollo de este trabajo final de Master se centra en un lugar específico (La pineda del municipio de Gavà, en el área metropolitana de Barcelona) pero apunta a desarrollar una base metodológica para tratar desde el paisaje cualquier área en proceso de urbanización. Es difícil ver la pineda como un área protegida, se supone que los instrumentos designados para proteger áreas naturales existen para evitar la degradación de espacios con alto valor de biodiversidad, patrimonial o de paisaje, y se podría decir que la pineda de Gavá no encaja en ninguna de estas definiciones. Sin embargo, existen características inherentes a los espacios de transición que son imprescindibles para los procesos del entorno y a su vez singularizan el espacio. Entonces, si dejáramos de ver este lugar como una zona de barrera entre dos franjas del territorio y la empezáramos a ver como una oportunidad de conexión, entenderíamos su fragilidad como un punto de vulnerabilidad importante del ecosistema. Como lugar de transición, la franja tiene la habilidad de disminuir las amenazas y de multiplicar los beneficios. Así, este trabajo se centrará en poner en valor los procesos y cualidades del sistema (ya no sólo de la pineda), y buscará proponer acciones que desencadenen procesos y que finalmente activen el lugar.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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RE-INTERPRETAR: El papel de la Pineda de Gavá

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Imagen de apoyo de  Real Utopias and Dystopias from the Colombian Amazon: Collective Future Scenarios under Government & FARC-EP post-agreement period = Utopias y distopias del Amazonas colombiano: escenarios futuros a partir del periodo posterior al acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno y las FARC-EP

Real Utopias and Dystopias from the Colombian Amazon: Collective Future Scenarios under Government & FARC-EP post-agreement period = Utopias y distopias del Amazonas colombiano: escenarios futuros a partir del periodo posterior al acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno y las FARC-EP

Por: Danna Villada Orozco | Fecha: 2017

After more than 50 years of internal armed conflict, the peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People’s Army (FARC-EP) raises both hope and concern. There are several opportunities for people, derived from wealth and land redistribution. However, the environmental sustainability of the mechanisms to implement the agreements represent the biggest challenges facing the future. Constructing future scenarios with indigenous peoples living in Forest Reserves and external agents working in La Pedrera, Amazonas Department, is a good case example to define what kind of futures they can envision. For this research project, I designed and served as facilitator during six scenario construction exercises, with 40 Forest Reserve dwellers. Additionally, I conducted six semi-structured formal interviews with relevant actors. The process of synthesising participants’ views, the current state of the territory, and perceived future opportunities and threats, lead me to a baseline and three future scenarios: Utopian, Business as Usual, and Dystopian. Furthermore, I used the capabilities approach, and Political Ecology, to understand the kinds of conflicts present in the area, to explore real possibilities of peace for the territory, and to expand the roles participants described as more conducive to achieve desirable futures.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Real Utopias and Dystopias from the Colombian Amazon: Collective Future Scenarios under Government & FARC-EP post-agreement period = Utopias y distopias del Amazonas colombiano: escenarios futuros a partir del periodo posterior al acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno y las FARC-EP

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Imagen de apoyo de  Rear and Arraigo: Philosophical keys of the risk resettlement and its resistances in Bogota = Desgarre y arraigo: Claves filosóficas del reasentamiento por riesgos y sus resistencias en Bogotá

Rear and Arraigo: Philosophical keys of the risk resettlement and its resistances in Bogota = Desgarre y arraigo: Claves filosóficas del reasentamiento por riesgos y sus resistencias en Bogotá

Por: Duván Hernán López Meneses | Fecha: 2016

Resumen: Ensayo que pretende analizar, desde la disertación filosófica, los acontecimientos que se desarrollan en torno a la aplicación de la política de asignación de riesgos y reasentamiento de población en Bogotá y verificar la calidad de los mismos como manifestación de confrontaciones entre el poder hegemónico ejercido a través del Estado y el arraigo como expresión de fuerzas vivas de la heterogeneidad social, resaltando de estas últimas su contenido, como información fundamental para la cualificación de las estructuras de gobernanza del espacio. Abstract: A essay intending to analyze, from the philosophical dissertation, the events that take place around the application of the risk allocation policy and population resettlement in Bogotá, to verify their quality as a manifestation of confrontations between the hegemonic power exercised through the State and the roots as an expression of the living forces of social heterogeneity, highlighting such heteogeneity as fundamental information for the qualification of the governance structures of the space.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Rear and Arraigo: Philosophical keys of the risk resettlement and its resistances in Bogota = Desgarre y arraigo: Claves filosóficas del reasentamiento por riesgos y sus resistencias en Bogotá

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Imagen de apoyo de  Rebelión de las letras: una forma de hacer historia

Rebelión de las letras: una forma de hacer historia

Por: Luz Ángela Sabogal Peña | Fecha: 2019

El presente trabajo de grado para Maestría en Educación surgió a partir de la intervención pedagógica realizada con los estudiantes de grado sexto de la I.E.D Julio Garavito Armero. La propuesta tuvo como eje conductor la cualificación de los procesos de comprensión lectora a través de prácticas de escritura que promovieran el pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes. Para tal fin, se ejecutó un proceso formativo cimentado desde el diseño e implementación de una unidad didáctica estructurada en trece sesiones que se desarrollaron progresivamente durante la lectura del libro "Rebelión en la Granja" del autor George Orwell. La metodología, ejecución y sistematización de la experiencia, se abordó desde dos categorías de análisis. La primera hizo hincapié en el fortalecimiento de las habilidades de comprensión lectora desde el desarrollo de los niveles: literal, inferencial y crítico (Santiago, Castillo y Ruíz, 2005). Mientras que la segunda, fortaleció paulatinamente las prácticas de composición escrita mediante las etapas: planeación, textualización y revisión, fundamentadas en los planteamientos de los autores Flower & Hayes (1981). Finalmente, la información recolectada permitió efectuar un análisis cualitativo de la experiencia, identificando los principales hallazgos, así como, las conclusiones y recomendaciones que afianzarán la proyección y continuidad de la propuesta.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Otros
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Rebelión de las letras: una forma de hacer historia

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