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Imagen de apoyo de  El Paso de la Quiebra en el Ferrocarril de Antioquia

El Paso de la Quiebra en el Ferrocarril de Antioquia

Por: Alejandro López | Fecha: 01/01/1899

Tesis presentada por Alejandro López, estudiante de la Facultad de Matemáticas e Ingeniería en el Colegio de Zea en 1899. A lo largo del documento, López estudia el trazado y la pertinencia de la construcción del ferrocarril de Antioquia. El texto está dividido en tres partes, en la primera habla de la topografía general de la región en la que se construye el ferrocarril, en la segunda hace referencia a los proyectos que se han desarrollado al respecto, entre ellos los distintos trazados, los descensos en la vía, los proyectos de túneles y cruces de vías férreas, así como los presupuestos destinados para la elaboración de las vías. Al final de la tesis aparecen varios cuadros sobre los sistemas ABT y Riggenbach de los ferrocarriles de cremallera, así como mapas que muestran la proyección de las vías por el Paso de la Quiebra.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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El Paso de la Quiebra en el Ferrocarril de Antioquia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

Por: David Santiago Moya Forero | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Abstract:Currently, there are available several models to design and evaluate sprinklers and heat vents independently. However, models that study the interaction between these two components are scarce and are not sufficiently developed. The following work presents a literature review of experiments and models developed to study this interaction.Next, a CFD model is developed based on the large test room from the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute reported by Ingason and Olsson (1992) . In this model, the effect of sprinkler location and water ow on heat vents is studied.A second CFD model based on the report of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Sprinkler, Smoke and Heat Vent, Draft Curtain Interaction (1998) is also developed to study the effect of vents on sprinkler activation times. A discussion of the experimental results and validation of the two models is presented to then show the main conclusions found during this work.Resumen:En la actualidad existen varios modelos para diseñar y evaluar independientemente sistemas de rociadores y extractores de calor. Sin embargo, no existen modelos completamente desarrollados que estudien la interacción entre estos dos sistemas de protección.El siguiente trabajo presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre experimentos y modelos disponibles en la actualidad. Posteriormente, un modelo basado en DFC es desarrollado con base a los experimentos reportados por Ingason y Olson (1992). En este modelo se ha estudiado la influencia que tiene la ubicación y el flujo de agua de los rociadores sobre los extractores de calor.Un segundo modelo es desarrollado con base a los experimentos a gran escala presentados por el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología (NIST por sus siglas en inglés). En este modelo, se ha estudiado el efecto que tienen los extractores de calor sobre el tiempo de activación de los rociadores. Este trabajo finaliza con una discusión sobre los resultados de los experimentos y los modelos para luego, presentar las principales conclusiones sobre esta interacción.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

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Imagen de apoyo de  Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

Por: María José Herrera Acosta Madiedo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The following research is an exploration on the development of solutions from the discipline of graphic communication, to support war victims in Colombia. The research was focused on the study of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the methods to treat this mental disorder such as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Art Therapy.The initial phase of the project consisted on creating a book inspired onthe therapies mentioned above, exploring how graphic communication could facilitate trauma treatment and visually reinforce those methods previously studied.Afterwards, the project advanced into using illustration as a tool to criticize the psychological and sociocultural effects of Colombian war on victims and society. The social discomfort motivated by war led me to think of Colombia as a nation suffering from analogue trauma, a moderated emulation of PTSD.Thus, my illustrations were collages inspired on each symptom of PTSD, Magic Realism – One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, and photojournalists Jesús Abad Colorado, Josh Rushing and Álvaro Ybarra.Finally, these illustrations explored how graphic communication could motivate debates and nurture critical perspectives about armed conflict in Colombia; also, raise awareness about the importance of supporting victims with mental health programs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

Por: Sergio Iván Rueda Forero | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The dissertation is an analytical review of the available literature on marine protected areas (MPAs) to propose some governance, and spatial management mechanisms in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, particularly in the Seaflower MPA.The Seaflower MPA is facing several challenges regarding political issues of boundary disputes and also adverse impacts on the marine environment from the increase in shipping activities. This is largely due to the expansion of the Panama Canal and the possible Nicaragua Canal, which is increasing the maritime traffic of international shipping to almost double that of today. In addition, the increase in seabed activities is also a threat to the ecosystems within it.This research describes the Colombian framework of MPAs, and it also shows the issues that face the Seaflower MPA today. The aim is to propose and to recommend some governance and management measures based on the ecosystem-based approach to establish a transboundary agreement keeping the integrity of the MPA and giving regional relevance for the protection of the unique ecosystems. Furthermore, to address the issues of negative impacts from shipping, some protective measures have to be taken to protect the ecosystems and safe navigation guaranteeing long-term sustainable development.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Por: Hobeth Isnardo Martínez Carrillo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract:Regarding regulative changes in Latin America, the literature has highlighted a decisive role played by International Financial Institutions (hereafter, IFI's), suggesting a direct influence in determining reforms on policies and particular norms. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and, in the Latin American region, the Inter-American Development Bank, are seen as having a central role in inducing structural and concrete reforms and, more specifically, changes in land regulation.Research on the topic has shown that those transformations occur when there is a conjunction of factors such as economic difficulties in the recipient country (crisis), sympathetic technocrats sharing a common mindset with those of the IFI's and a proper political environment willingly to facilitate the reforms. The changes seem to depend on the country's characteristics and its interaction with international agents, making more complex the process of legal change, rather than on impositions from IFI's based upon their bargaining power.This research tries to answer whether the Colombian land regulation has been determined by IFI's, by focusing on the last legal change introduced in the country: Law 1776/2016, also known as ZIDRES law. It is argued that in the Colombian case the regulative change embodied in ZIDRES law was the outcome of a confluence among interests from local elites, big national and international agro-industrial companies and the general land policy of the country, instead of a direct determination from IFI's. Moreover, it is suggested that the developmentalist discourse played a central role in providing the ideological and rhetoric toolbox for supporting the regulative change.Resumen:En relación con los cambios regulativos en América Latina la literatura ha destacado el rol decisivo jugado por las Instituciones Financieras Internacionales (IFI), para sugerir una influencia directa en la determinación de reformas sobre políticas publicas generales y normas concretas.El Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y, en América Latina, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, son vistos como actores centrales en la inducción de reformas de diverso nivel y, concretamente, en cambios en la regulación sobre tierras. Investigaciones relacionadas han mostrado que dichas transformaciones ocurren cuando confluyen factores como el surgimiento de dificultades económicas en los países que implementan las reformas (crisis), la participación de tecnócratas locales que simpatizan con los puntos de vista de las IFI y la existencia de un ambiente político dispuesto a facilitar las reformas.Los cambios regulativos parecen depender de las características internas de los países y de su interacción con agentes internacionales, lo que hace más complejo el proceso de cambio regulativo, en lugar de las imposiciones que puedan venir de las IFI con base en su poder de negociación.Esta investigación se cuestiona si la regulación colombiana sobre tierras ha sido determinada por IFI, lo cual se explora teniendo como foco de atención el último cambio regulativo sobre tierras introducido en el país: la Ley 1776 de 2016, también conocida como Ley ZIDRES. Se argumenta que en el caso colombiano el cambio regulativo encarnado en la Ley ZIDRES fue el resultado de una confluencia de los intereses de élites locales, grandes empresas agroindustriales nacionales e internacionales y la política pública de tierras del país, en lugar de ser una determinación directa de IFI. Adicionalmente, se sugiere que el discurso desarrollista jugó un papel central al proveer de las herramientas ideológicas y discursivas para facilitar el cambio regulativo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

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Imagen de apoyo de  L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

Por: Francisco Barreto Callamand | Fecha: 01/01/2012

El rock es un género musical surgido a finales de 1950 en los Estados Unidos y en Gran Bretaña. Tiene sus raíces en el rock 'n' roll, el rhythm and blues, country, así como de folk y jazz. Pero el rock no es sólo un movimiento musical desde mediados de los años 1950. Él todavía está vivo, y está presente en la industria durante más de seis décadas. Poco a poco ha influido en la cultura, por ejemplo en la moda, el cine, la pintura, en la literatura. Pero ¿el rock que está en la actualidad influye en los elementos que constituyen la identidad cultural de las sociedades?Para ello, he elegido las ciudades de Londres y París, dos ciudades que son muy diferentes en lo que respecta a la identidad cultural y también en lo que respecta al rock. De esta manera mi tesis se divide en cuatro capítulos, el primer capítulo está dedicado a recordar la definición y el contexto en el que voy a usar la cultura, la identidad cultural y el rock.En el capítulo segundo y tercer lugar, me referiré a la ciudad de París y la ciudad de Londres para hacer una comparación entre los dos en términos de su situación histórica y de los elementos del rock y de su identidad cultural. El cuarto y último capítulo se responde a la pregunta inicial de si existe influencia del rock en la identidad cultural de París y Londres, de acuerdo con el análisis realizado en el segundo y tercer capítulo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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L influence actuelle du rock sur l identité culturelle de Paris et Londres = La influencia actual del rock en la identidad cultural de Paris y Londres

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Imagen de apoyo de  Metodologia de análise e avaliação exergoambiental de plantas termoelétricas operando em combustão combinada carvão – Biomassa

Metodologia de análise e avaliação exergoambiental de plantas termoelétricas operando em combustão combinada carvão – Biomassa

Por: Alvaro Hernán Restrepo Victoria | Fecha: 01/01/2012

A technological and environmental alternative has been studied for about a decade to reduce the consumption of coal. It consists of substitute one part of the coal by biomass (neutral generated of CO2) in a co-_ring process. The co-_ring process consists of the controlled combustion of two or more fuels in the same burner. According to research performed in the US and Europe this process has economic and technical viability. And depending on the characteristics of the fuel, this process can contribute reducing the greenhouse gases (GHG).This thesis presents a methodological proposal to analyze and evaluate a thermoelectric power plant from the exergoenviromental point of view, operating in co-_ring process and using coal and biomass. The boundary of the problem is composed by the power plant and the technological paths to obtain and manipulate the fuels. Exergy is used in the thermodynamic analysis and the life cycle assessment method is proposed to quantify the environmental impact. The climate change category was used following the global warming potential index.Two scenarios were evaluated: scenario A corresponds to the power plant operating with 100% coal and scenario B corresponds to the power plant operating in co-_ring with 90% of coal and 10% of biomass. The technological route used for the coal is established between the southern mineral region of the state of Santa Catarina and the Jorge Lacerda thermoelectric power plant complex, which is located at Capivari de Baixo. The information utilized for the biomass path was obtained from the research performed in the thermoelectric power plant complex. The purpose of this task was to use the biomass from the rice farms as fuel.The analysis showed that the power plant is largely responsible for exergy destruction. Moreover it has the largest generated impact associated with the analyzed category. From these results, an exergoenvironmental analysis for the representative thermodynamic cycle was performed. The results showed that the boiler constitutes the equipment with the largest potential of improvement. Finally, an exergoenvironmental global index was proposed to compare the exergoenvironmental impact of the thermoelectric generation process for both scenarios, which were compared with Carnot cycle scenario. The exergoenvironmental global index showed that 11% improvement is possible for the scenario B when compared with scenario A without taking in account the biomass microbial decomposition and up to the 35% when the decomposition was considered.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Metodologia de análise e avaliação exergoambiental de plantas termoelétricas operando em combustão combinada carvão – Biomassa

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Imagen de apoyo de  Risk management: disclosure effects

Risk management: disclosure effects

Por: Juan Francisco; Gutiérrez Diez | Fecha: 01/01/2009

This thesis explores the effect of disclosure on risk management policies. Following recent theory on risk management, with market imperfections, risk management creates value by reducing the volatility of the cash flows. Those risk policies are conditioned by actual disclosure rules that reduce information asymmetry between managers and shareholders, providing a comprehensive view of the firm.However, disclosure gives different accounting choices, hence affecting the decision-making process of managers. The purpose of this thesis is to establish if managers adapt their actual risk policy to disclosure rules. Specifically, we discuss how managers make decisions regarding exchange rate risk in forecasted transactions. In addition, we discuss how hedging affects valuation by using an investor perspective. This is done through the analysis of the automotive industry in Sweden, Germany and France and the considerations of analysts and auditors.We found that risk management policies are affected by accounting rules and that analysts are aware of those effects but have problems to measure them. However, not enough evidence was found to prove that managers try to avoid the volatility the fair value option brings when hedging a forecasted flow.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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Risk management: disclosure effects

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Imagen de apoyo de  Implementing a UV disinfection system in a low-income area of Bolivia, South America = Implementación de un sistema de desinfección ultravioleta en una comunidad de bajos ingresos en Bolivia, Suramérica

Implementing a UV disinfection system in a low-income area of Bolivia, South America = Implementación de un sistema de desinfección ultravioleta en una comunidad de bajos ingresos en Bolivia, Suramérica

Por: Mario Alberto Zapata Peláez | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Microbial pollution of water is one of the principal causes of life-threatening diarrheal diseases in the developing world. Ultraviolet (UV) light is increasingly recognized as a viable alternative for the disinfection of drinking water and wastewater in developed countries, but its feasibility in low-income areas has to be assessed further.The rural community of Cerro Grande, in Bolivia, has been hit by outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases, so two UV-based disinfection systems were implemented there. One of them was a fabricated unit, with materials available locally, whereas the other was a commercially-available unit.The fabricated unit was validated following USEPA procedures and was modeled using computational fluid dynamics. It was observed that a UV-based disinfection system can be sustainable for as few as 20 users, and even for 48 users in areas with poor feed water quality and lacking an electrical grid and distribution network, with a monthly cost of US$2.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Implementing a UV disinfection system in a low-income area of Bolivia, South America = Implementación de un sistema de desinfección ultravioleta en una comunidad de bajos ingresos en Bolivia, Suramérica

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Imagen de apoyo de  A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

Por: Juan Pablo Coy Navarro | Fecha: 01/01/2003

The main Topic of this dissertation is to critically analyze the obligations of States’ parties to the TRIPS Agreement in relation to the extent of protection that they are bound to confer on first and second medical use patents. In this sense, the Viagra case illustrates the tensions between the national pharmaceutical industries of the States members of the Andean Community and a leading pharmaceutical company like Pfizer. The dissertation pretends to demonstrate that the decisions taken by the authorities in the Andean Region were consistent with the international minimum standards of IPRs as embodied in the TRIPS Agreement.The Viagra case is the most important series of administrative and judicial decisions concerning first and second use patents in the Andean region. It is composed of the administrative rulings of the member States national authorities of the Andean Community, by the administrative rulings of the Andean Community Secretariat and by the judicial decisions of the Andean Tribunal of Justice. This case was elected as the topic of the dissertation because it doesn’t follow the international trend to expand the levels of patent protection, which has occurred in two ways. First, the scope of patentable subject- matter has been given an inclusive interpretation. Secondly, the restrictions on patentability have been narrowly interpreted.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

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