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Imagen de apoyo de  Petrol policy in Colombia: challenges and opportunities = Política de gasolina en Colombia: retos y oportunidades

Petrol policy in Colombia: challenges and opportunities = Política de gasolina en Colombia: retos y oportunidades

Por: Jaime Ernesto Salas Bahamón | Fecha: 1999

In Colombia the petrol supply sector lags well behind other sectors such as electricity supply, ports, and motorways, in undertaking an open policy. However, freeing the petrol supply market is considered necessary in order to release the state from the economic burden that it would otherwise have. This situation is particularly true in the oil industry, which is one of the most capital-intensive businesses. This thesis assesses the petrol supply chain in Colombia identifying the key driving factors, the companies involved and the challenges they are facing in the light of world and regional trends. In this way, a comparative assessment of the Colombian Oil Company (Ecopetrol) is undertaken looking at how other state-owned companies such as the Venezuelan, Brazilian, Mexican and the Argentinian are tackling similar problems. In addition, the thesis will assess what is the best trade off between importing and/or refining for supplying petrol to Colombia regarding three different schemes under three different scenarios of demand.The analysis considers environmental, institutional, technical and economic issues; the latter is assessed using a Linear Programming (LP) model. The paper concludes that the Colombian government should elaborate a white paper to restructure Ecopetrol. Administratively, the chairman should be appointed for a fixed period of time with the provide it with autonomy for selecting its most convenient business strategy. Ecopetrol should be opened up to both international competition and foreign partnership in order to compete in the global market. This would involve improving its competitiveness, pursuing international standards of efficiency and using benchmarking targets for its planning and development.In addition, the government and Ecopetrol should separate their accountancy; thus, subsidies for middle distillates consumed by low income groups should be funded through the national budget and not charged to Ecopetrol. Similarly, the government must commit to a policy of not withdrawing economic resources from Ecopetrol to finance independent projects. After undertaking this first series of measures, the next step should be setting a legal and stable framework for the capitalization and opening of Ecopetrol. In this way Ecopetrol should be listed in the stock exchange market both in the country and abroad initially offering a minority stake of its shares in the search for fresh capital, should reduce its political dependency and form strategic alliances to scale up its businesses and improve its efficiency.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Petrol policy in Colombia: challenges and opportunities = Política de gasolina en Colombia: retos y oportunidades

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Imagen de apoyo de  The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías

The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías

Por: María Cristina Hernández Monsalve | Fecha: 2000

This dissertation is a research studies on the dynamics of Crafts its consumerism and contemporary significance within the developed and the developing countries leading to a better understanding of the critical factors and necessary conditions to build up effective strategies to enable craftspeople and organisations to adapt better to the requirements of contemporary society. This study contains relevant reference material to understand the meaning of crafts in different cultural contexts. It also analyses collaborative efforts and promotional strategies which local and international organisations are undertaking in response to new market opportunities for crafts. The outcome is to provide guidance and recommendations on possible new directions for successful exports to organisations and craftspeople concerned with these issues.Following the abstract and introduction, information on “crafts” as an economic issue in the UK and information about International organisations working for the development of crafts in the world such as UNESCO, the World Crafts Council and Aid to Artisans is given in Section I. Section II starts addressing the question that originated from the findings that arise from the review of the topic in section I followed by an explanation of the method of investigation used to carry out the research. This section will provide the reader with information of the Crafts Council and Artesanías de Colombia, the British and Colombian organisations selected as case studies.This section investigates what are the collaborative efforts and the strategies these organisations have undertaken to help craftspeople export their products. Literature review on the relationship design management and marketing and Internet-based research on craft’s promotion are also analysed. Section III will go on to analyse the critical factors that have an impact on the success of British and Colombian crafts within international markets. I will be attempting to respond the key question by discussing the following issues: Understanding the role of crafts in a consumer society, International organisations Vs national organisations, International markets – obstacles for successful exports, The market link – what it is necessary?, Internet – an economically viable promotional medium. Finally, this dissertation concludes with lessons drawn from current practices, which instruct on possible directions for a Colombian craft export model.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The dynamics of crafts, necessary conditions to establish a craft management model = La dinámica de las artesanías, condiciones necesarias para establecer un modelo de gerencia para las artesanías

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Imagen de apoyo de  Proposed methodology for the design and assessment of a biological corridor in the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, Costa Rica = Propuesta metodológica en el diseño y evaluación de un corredor biológico en la reserva forestal Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Proposed methodology for the design and assessment of a biological corridor in the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, Costa Rica = Propuesta metodológica en el diseño y evaluación de un corredor biológico en la reserva forestal Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Por: Germán Leonardo Jiménez Romero | Fecha: 2000

Based on the characteristics of the study area, and those of the fauna studied, corridor designs were proposed using a methodology that considered three main elements: 1) Evaluation of habitat use by wildlife; 2) Use of a Geographical Information System (GIS) to define corridor boundaries (pathways between habitat quality ranks); 3) Management regulations using the corridor as part of the landscape. Herbivores were consistently present in those areas covered by primary forest. Omnivores were located in a wider variety of covers (grass and agriculture, secondary forest, primary forest, melina).Wildcats were located in primary and secondary forest cover types (mainly used by their herbivore prey). The three guilds were maintained far from highways and human settlements but near forest and water resources. Several species crossed the highways that surround the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (GDFR). Maps show that available habitat areas of ""excellent"" and ""good"" habitat quality features, were reduced for the species Panthera onca and Puma concolor, and their conflict areas were more extensive; this fact probably pushed these wildcats to move into heavily altered environments.This study reinforced affirmations about the necessity of corridors, based on identification of habitat that meets minimum quality requirements for wildlife (corridor users), and that defines or modifies their spatial distribution. The pathways designed by this procedure coincide with prior studies showing that critical areas for all wildcats species (and for other species related to them) were located north of Corcovado National Park (CNP), San Juan, Mogos, and the area where Piedras Blancas National Park (PBNP) borders the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (GDFR). However, the spatial location of corridors is quite different in this proposal and other possible pathway was identified for P. onca and its prey. This pathway was found to be in conflict toward Drake and wetlands of Sierpe Terraba too.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Proposed methodology for the design and assessment of a biological corridor in the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve, Costa Rica = Propuesta metodológica en el diseño y evaluación de un corredor biológico en la reserva forestal Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

Por: Jairo Castaño Galves | Fecha: 2001

The need for sustainable agricultural production is generally accepted, and it is increasingly investigated. However, although much has been written about the socio?economic causes of problems with sustainability and the policies needed to overcome them, this has generally been from the viewpoint of the farmer and/or government (FAO, 1991). There has been no assessment of sustainability problems and needs from of the perspective of the marketing system. What is the optimal match between marketing system and sustainability in agriculture ? This study is a first attempt to consider the question of sustainability of agricultural systems from a marketing system perspective. A stable commercial relationship between farmer and enterprise may be an economic incentive for investments in the productive natural resource.AimTo elucidate the contribution of different marketing arrangements on the sustainability of production systems under different conditioning environments. The performance of certain marketing systems may be driven to obtain sustainable effects on the farmer's use of resources.ResearchA conceptual framework is proposed. Different methods are used to assess and validate the stated hypotheses. Firstly, a positive model approach relates sustainability to physical (e.g. land slope), personal (e.g. attitudes), economic (e.g. income), and institutional (e.g. marketing) factors. Secondly, a normative model approach includes sustainability, but also other goals such as profitability, risk avoidance, and income distribution. The simulation optimizes multiple objectives under different marketing scenarios.Preliminary findings confirm that farmers more integrated to the market are adopters of sustainable technology. Conversely, farmers facing market imperfections do not make an appropriate use of the land. Market imperfections such as transport and communications handicaps, high interests of commercial loans, or ambiguity of input and output prices, can result in sub-optiomal managements of the natural resource. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Marketing systems effects on the sustainability of agricultural systems in andean hillsides

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Imagen de apoyo de  Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

Por: Claudia Jiménez Escobar | Fecha: 2001

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important pathogen of cattle that has been frequently associated with in vitro produced (IVP) embryos. The zona pellucida (ZP) of IVP embryos shows higher affinity for BVDV than the ZP of in vivo produced embryos and treatments that can eliminate BVDV from in vivo produced embryos are unsuccessful in the case of the IVP embryos. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether different culture conditions change the affinity of the ZP of day-7 IVP bovine embryos to BVDV. Morula and blastocysts were produced under four different culture systems: 1) in vitro culture in Menezo's B2 media and coculture with bovine oviductal epithelial cells (B2-BOEC culture); 2) in vitro culture in modified synthetic oviductai fluid with aminoacids (mSOFaa culture); 3) in vivo culture in ligated oviducts of synchronized sheep; and 4) in vivo produced embryos flushed from superovulated cows seven days after breeding. The embryos were exposed to BVDV for 24 hours, and washed 10 times and treated with trypsin, according to the recommendations of the international Embryo Transfer Society. After pooling the embryos in groups of five, the samples were homogenized and tested for the presence of BVDV by indirect immimoperoxidase assay (IIP) or reverse transcription-polymerase chah reaction (RT-PCR). No significant differences were found between the two detection systems but the IIP assay tended to detect a higher number of positive sarnples.According to the IIP assay, the mSOFaa group had a significantliy higher number of positive findings (78.6%) followed by the B2-BOEC group (32.1%), and the oviductal culture group (7.1%). None of the in vivo embryos tested positive for BVDV. These results show that different culture conditions in which embryos develop alter the way the ZP interacts with pathogens. The oviductal culture of in vitro produced zygotes seems to be beneficial in reducing the affinity of the ZP to BVDV and the washes and trypsin treatments applied to these embryos after culture appear to be more effective than in embryos completely produced in vitro.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Association of bovine viral diarrhea virus with day-7 bovine embryos produced under differente culture conditions = Asociación del virus de la diarrea viral bovina con embriones bovinos de 7 días producidos bajo diferentes condiciones de cultivo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Lecturas en finanzas - Learning and Institutional Factors in a Market with Artificially Intelligent Adaptive Agents: A case study of the Colombian Foreign Exchange Market

Lecturas en finanzas - Learning and Institutional Factors in a Market with Artificially Intelligent Adaptive Agents: A case study of the Colombian Foreign Exchange Market

Por: Alejandro C. Revéiz Herault | Fecha: 2001

The focus of this study is to build, from the “bottom-up”, a market with artificially intelligent adaptative agents based on the institutional arrangement –monetary policy, regulations, trading conventions– of the Colombian Foreign Exchange Market prevailing between December 1994 and September 1999 in order to determine simple agents´ design, rules and interactions that are sufficient to create interesting behaviours at the macroscopic level – emerging patterns that replicate the properties of the time series from the case study. Tomado del resumen de este documento
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Lecturas en finanzas - Learning and Institutional Factors in a Market with Artificially Intelligent Adaptive Agents: A case study of the Colombian Foreign Exchange Market

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Imagen de apoyo de  ¿Son los procesos de selección usados por la industria hotelera culturalmente sensitivos? = Are The Selection Methods Used By The Hospitality Industry Culturally Sensitive?

¿Son los procesos de selección usados por la industria hotelera culturalmente sensitivos? = Are The Selection Methods Used By The Hospitality Industry Culturally Sensitive?

Por: Guillermo Herrera Pinilla | Fecha: 2002

La industria hotelera se ha convertido en un ‘jugador’ central dentro de la economía global. La creciente movilidad de la fuerza de trabajo y el proceso de globalización de la industria son una realidad. Las organizaciones expandiéndose más allá de las fronteras locales están enfrentando, más que nunca, el reto de dirigir una fuerza de trabajo culturalmente diversa. Por tanto, la importancia de desarrollar métodos de selección culturalmente sensitivos dentro de un ambiente multicultural, representa un gran reto para la industria. La primera parte comprende una revisión de la literatura, la cual destaca temas claves como el proceso de globalización, los mercados laborales internacionales, el concepto de cultura, las prácticas en el área de los Recursos Humanos, la diversidad cultural, las prácticas discriminatorias, la validez y sensibilidad cultural de los métodos de selección, y las reacciones de los candidatos ante el proceso de selección.Un modelo es sugerido con el propósito de comprender la interacción de estos elementos. La segunda parte describe la investigación empírica llevada a cabo en tres grupos hoteleros internacionales establecidos en el Reino Unido. Las conclusiones advierten que los ‘nuevos’ individuos que están llegando a la industria hotelera están retando las prácticas tradicionales en las organizaciones. Hay una falta de conciencia (preocupación) cultural de la industria en cuanto a los métodos de selección. El reto de seleccionar empleados multiculturales no ha sido logrado por la industria aún. Las recomendaciones apuntan a que podría ser tiempo de revaluar, revisar y, de ser necesario, cambiar las prácticas de la industria.El talento debería ser más importante que la nacionalidad cuando los reclutadores seleccionen aspirantes de diferentes orígenes étnicos. Los aspirantes mismos también podrían necesitar el desarrollo de una actitud diferente ante el proceso de selección. Finalmente, es evidente que no existen estudios enfocados a la selección dentro de un ambiente multicultural.Investigaciones posteriores deberían ser dirigidas a identificar las dimensiones de las diferencias culturales que afectan los métodos de selección así como a medir su objetividad y sensibilidad cultural. De igual forma, se sugiere el diseño de un modelo conceptual consistente que procure comprender la interacción de los factores internos y externos que inciden sobre el proceso de selección.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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¿Son los procesos de selección usados por la industria hotelera culturalmente sensitivos? = Are The Selection Methods Used By The Hospitality Industry Culturally Sensitive?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Optimización de Programación en Refinerías de Petroleo = Oil Refinery Scheduling Optimisation

Optimización de Programación en Refinerías de Petroleo = Oil Refinery Scheduling Optimisation

Por: Cassio Rafael Tamara | Fecha: 2002

Nowadays, the development of global competition has been one of the main factors that have driven the efforts toward the optimisation development. Therefore, oil refineries have been encouraged to be restructured for competing successfully in this new scenario with low profit margin, tighter environmental regulations and more efficient plant operation. However, many years and a lot of human and computational efforts have been dedicated to improve the techniques applied for the overall refinery optimisation.Good developments have come successfully operating at the planning level; but developing and solving rigorous overall plant optimisation models at the production scheduling level still are at research stage and much more work must be done to continue improving in this field through the involvement of difficult tasks due to the mathematical complexity of the models which have the compulsory use of a large quantity of equations and variables that hugely increase the size of the problem. This Thesis presents a new generic mixed integer linear programming model for optimising the scheduling of crude oil unloading, inventories, blending and feed to oil refineries that usually unload several kinds of crude oils with different compositions. The objective function of the model consists on minimising the operational cost generated during the mentioned operation.Case studies are presented and compared each other illustrating the capabilities of the model to solve operation scheduling problems in this area and to support future expansion projects for the system as they happen in real situations. The solution involves optimal operation of crude oil unloading, optimal transfer rates among equipments in accordance with the pumping capacities and tank volume limitations, optimal oscillation of crude oil blended compositions and fulfilment of the oil charging demand per process unit. border’s fringe. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Optimización de Programación en Refinerías de Petroleo = Oil Refinery Scheduling Optimisation

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Imagen de apoyo de  Our Native Thing. Estudio sobre la imagen histórica de los sanandresanos en el mar Caribe Colombiano

Our Native Thing. Estudio sobre la imagen histórica de los sanandresanos en el mar Caribe Colombiano

Por: Claudia Leipold | Fecha: 2002

Tesis presentada por la investigadora Claudia Leipold para optar por el título de Doctora en Ciencias Históricas y Filosofía, de la Universität de Marburg (Alemania), en 2002. A lo largo de la investigación, cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar la historia de la isla de San Andrés y la noción de conciencia histórica de sus habitantes, para de esta manera, comprender la forma en que el pasado es utilizado como herramienta de definición de la cultura local; la autora parte de la etnohistoria para conocer a la comunidad nativa de la isla, su percepción sobre el pasado, los cambios y transofrmaciones de su cultura, así como aspectos relacionados con sus creencias, su lengua y la música que escuchan. En la parte final del documento se adjuntan varias entrevistas y conversaciones que sirvieron de insumo para la investigación de Leipold como se muestra a continuación. Apendice - Entrevistas realizadas para el Estudio sobre la imagen histórica de los Sanandresanos en el Mar Caribe Colombiano: Cecilia Francis Hall: Iris Abrahams: Thomas Livingston: Alvaro Archbold: Orly Livingston: Walwin Peterson: Lolia Pomare (Primera parte): Lolia Pomare (Segunda parte): Delwin May: Miss Bowie y al reverendo George M. May:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Our Native Thing. Estudio sobre la imagen histórica de los sanandresanos en el mar Caribe Colombiano

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Imagen de apoyo de  A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

Por: Oscar Alfredo Forero Larrañaga | Fecha: 2002

This thesis provides a description of political conflicts derived from differences in perspectives of environmental management and governance for Northwest Amazonia (NWA). A chapter is devoted to analysing the impact of State security policy in the development of indigenous’ territorial rights. The chapter concludes that the Colombian and USA government discourses of security coincide that the derived policies increase environmental risks and hinder indigenous peoples’ rights.Survey forms are treated as an additional source of discourse and are used to illustrate different perspectives with respect to governance and territorial ordering in Amazonia. It is argued that inhabitants of the industrialised countries with access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in many senses share the responsibility for the actual state of affairs in NWA, as well as other parts of the developing world where there is precarious access to ICT.Central to the thesis is the idea that we are passing through a moment of conceptual ‘dissolution’: dissolution of the divide ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ / ‘Western Sciences’, of the distinction between ‘Social Resistance’ and ‘Social Adaptation’, and of the differentiation between ‘Corporate Management’ and ‘State Security policy’. The thesis describes how this dissolution is occurring at the same time as cultural identity is mutating. The thesis goes beyond discourses surrounding the governance of NWA, by offering a contemporary critique of the concept of ‘globalisation’, and an attempt to locate it in the a 21st century cultural context.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A political ecology of Northwest Amazonia: Indigenous ‘Management of the World’ and the Politics of Territorial Ordering in Colombia

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