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Imagen de apoyo de  Indemnizaciones por accidentes del trabajo

Indemnizaciones por accidentes del trabajo

Por: Rafael Abello Salcedo | Fecha: 01/01/1911

Tesis presentada por Rafael Abello Salcedo, con el fin obtener el título de doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad Republicana, en 1911. A lo largo del documento, Abello Salcedo señala antecedentes y definiciones que le permiten estudiar el caso de las indemnizaciones laborales en Colombia a inicios del siglo XX y los sustentos legales y normativos que rigen el bienestar de los trabajadores.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Indemnizaciones por accidentes del trabajo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

Por: Leonardo De la Motta | Fecha: 01/01/1891

Tesis presentada por Leonardo de la Motta para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1891, en la que discute acerca de los procedimientos utilizados para curar heridas por armas de fuego. A lo largo del documento se explican los procedimientos a seguir en dos tipos de tratamiento: el general que exige reposo, y el tratamiento local que se aplica en casos de hemorragia, desbridamiento, extracción de cuerpos extraños y amputación. Adicionalmente, el autor presenta una serie de consideraciones a tener en cuenta según el sitio de la herida, estas últimas documentadas con registros de pacientes que acudieron a la clínica del Hospital San Juan de Dios y casos de hombres heridos en campos de batalla.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Tratamiento de las heridas por armas de fuego

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Imagen de apoyo de  Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

Por: Hobeth Isnardo Martínez Carrillo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract:Regarding regulative changes in Latin America, the literature has highlighted a decisive role played by International Financial Institutions (hereafter, IFI's), suggesting a direct influence in determining reforms on policies and particular norms. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and, in the Latin American region, the Inter-American Development Bank, are seen as having a central role in inducing structural and concrete reforms and, more specifically, changes in land regulation.Research on the topic has shown that those transformations occur when there is a conjunction of factors such as economic difficulties in the recipient country (crisis), sympathetic technocrats sharing a common mindset with those of the IFI's and a proper political environment willingly to facilitate the reforms. The changes seem to depend on the country's characteristics and its interaction with international agents, making more complex the process of legal change, rather than on impositions from IFI's based upon their bargaining power.This research tries to answer whether the Colombian land regulation has been determined by IFI's, by focusing on the last legal change introduced in the country: Law 1776/2016, also known as ZIDRES law. It is argued that in the Colombian case the regulative change embodied in ZIDRES law was the outcome of a confluence among interests from local elites, big national and international agro-industrial companies and the general land policy of the country, instead of a direct determination from IFI's. Moreover, it is suggested that the developmentalist discourse played a central role in providing the ideological and rhetoric toolbox for supporting the regulative change.Resumen:En relación con los cambios regulativos en América Latina la literatura ha destacado el rol decisivo jugado por las Instituciones Financieras Internacionales (IFI), para sugerir una influencia directa en la determinación de reformas sobre políticas publicas generales y normas concretas.El Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y, en América Latina, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, son vistos como actores centrales en la inducción de reformas de diverso nivel y, concretamente, en cambios en la regulación sobre tierras. Investigaciones relacionadas han mostrado que dichas transformaciones ocurren cuando confluyen factores como el surgimiento de dificultades económicas en los países que implementan las reformas (crisis), la participación de tecnócratas locales que simpatizan con los puntos de vista de las IFI y la existencia de un ambiente político dispuesto a facilitar las reformas.Los cambios regulativos parecen depender de las características internas de los países y de su interacción con agentes internacionales, lo que hace más complejo el proceso de cambio regulativo, en lugar de las imposiciones que puedan venir de las IFI con base en su poder de negociación.Esta investigación se cuestiona si la regulación colombiana sobre tierras ha sido determinada por IFI, lo cual se explora teniendo como foco de atención el último cambio regulativo sobre tierras introducido en el país: la Ley 1776 de 2016, también conocida como Ley ZIDRES. Se argumenta que en el caso colombiano el cambio regulativo encarnado en la Ley ZIDRES fue el resultado de una confluencia de los intereses de élites locales, grandes empresas agroindustriales nacionales e internacionales y la política pública de tierras del país, en lugar de ser una determinación directa de IFI. Adicionalmente, se sugiere que el discurso desarrollista jugó un papel central al proveer de las herramientas ideológicas y discursivas para facilitar el cambio regulativo.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Regulating land: Contending discourses in the field of land regulation in Colombia between 2006 and 2016 (ZIDRES Law case)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

Por: Sergio Iván Rueda Forero | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The dissertation is an analytical review of the available literature on marine protected areas (MPAs) to propose some governance, and spatial management mechanisms in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, particularly in the Seaflower MPA.The Seaflower MPA is facing several challenges regarding political issues of boundary disputes and also adverse impacts on the marine environment from the increase in shipping activities. This is largely due to the expansion of the Panama Canal and the possible Nicaragua Canal, which is increasing the maritime traffic of international shipping to almost double that of today. In addition, the increase in seabed activities is also a threat to the ecosystems within it.This research describes the Colombian framework of MPAs, and it also shows the issues that face the Seaflower MPA today. The aim is to propose and to recommend some governance and management measures based on the ecosystem-based approach to establish a transboundary agreement keeping the integrity of the MPA and giving regional relevance for the protection of the unique ecosystems. Furthermore, to address the issues of negative impacts from shipping, some protective measures have to be taken to protect the ecosystems and safe navigation guaranteeing long-term sustainable development.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Marine regional planning measures to improve the Sustainability of the Seaflower MPA in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

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Imagen de apoyo de  Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

Por: María José Herrera Acosta Madiedo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The following research is an exploration on the development of solutions from the discipline of graphic communication, to support war victims in Colombia. The research was focused on the study of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the methods to treat this mental disorder such as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Art Therapy.The initial phase of the project consisted on creating a book inspired onthe therapies mentioned above, exploring how graphic communication could facilitate trauma treatment and visually reinforce those methods previously studied.Afterwards, the project advanced into using illustration as a tool to criticize the psychological and sociocultural effects of Colombian war on victims and society. The social discomfort motivated by war led me to think of Colombia as a nation suffering from analogue trauma, a moderated emulation of PTSD.Thus, my illustrations were collages inspired on each symptom of PTSD, Magic Realism – One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, and photojournalists Jesús Abad Colorado, Josh Rushing and Álvaro Ybarra.Finally, these illustrations explored how graphic communication could motivate debates and nurture critical perspectives about armed conflict in Colombia; also, raise awareness about the importance of supporting victims with mental health programs.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Head Noise: Illustrating the psychological effects of war in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

Por: David Santiago Moya Forero | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Abstract:Currently, there are available several models to design and evaluate sprinklers and heat vents independently. However, models that study the interaction between these two components are scarce and are not sufficiently developed. The following work presents a literature review of experiments and models developed to study this interaction.Next, a CFD model is developed based on the large test room from the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute reported by Ingason and Olsson (1992) . In this model, the effect of sprinkler location and water ow on heat vents is studied.A second CFD model based on the report of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Sprinkler, Smoke and Heat Vent, Draft Curtain Interaction (1998) is also developed to study the effect of vents on sprinkler activation times. A discussion of the experimental results and validation of the two models is presented to then show the main conclusions found during this work.Resumen:En la actualidad existen varios modelos para diseñar y evaluar independientemente sistemas de rociadores y extractores de calor. Sin embargo, no existen modelos completamente desarrollados que estudien la interacción entre estos dos sistemas de protección.El siguiente trabajo presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre experimentos y modelos disponibles en la actualidad. Posteriormente, un modelo basado en DFC es desarrollado con base a los experimentos reportados por Ingason y Olson (1992). En este modelo se ha estudiado la influencia que tiene la ubicación y el flujo de agua de los rociadores sobre los extractores de calor.Un segundo modelo es desarrollado con base a los experimentos a gran escala presentados por el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología (NIST por sus siglas en inglés). En este modelo, se ha estudiado el efecto que tienen los extractores de calor sobre el tiempo de activación de los rociadores. Este trabajo finaliza con una discusión sobre los resultados de los experimentos y los modelos para luego, presentar las principales conclusiones sobre esta interacción.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Numerical study on the interaction of sprinklers and heat vents

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Imagen de apoyo de  Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

Por: Paola Katherine Rodríguez Cabezas | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Current research on automated vehicles focuses mainly on the drivers of automated vehicles, on its potential to improve the efficiency of traffic operations, safety, congestion and societal benefits, public’s acceptance of automated vehicles as a transport system and the willingness to buy automated vehicles. Nevertheless, there is a research gap in an equally important topic of research; the interactions of the automated vehicles with Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), i.e., cyclists and pedestrians. The WEpods (shuttle buses) are the first automated pods on public roads amidst other traffic, for an extended period of time in the province of Gelderland, in the Netherlands. The main research question revolves around the safety perception of vulnerable road users (VRUs) when interacting with automated vehicles, specifically at unsignalised intersections, and their crossing behaviour in comparison with traditional motor vehicles. The data on road users’ perception was gathered through face-to-face interviews (𝑁=22), a focus group (𝑁=8), and an online survey (𝑁=198). The results of this research showed that in terms of perceived safety, in general, VRUs (pedestrians and cyclists) feel significantly safer when sharing the road with the WEpods (max. speed of 15 𝑘𝑚/ℎ) compared to traditional motor vehicles (max. speed of 30 𝑘𝑚/ℎ). However, cyclists reported feeling less safe when interacting at unsignalised intersections with the automated vehicles, while there was not significant effect on pedestrians. Similarly, pedestrians more often opted for crossing facilities in the presence of the WEpods than in the presence of traditional motor vehicles (this can be interpreted as the result of perhaps feeling less safe), while no significant difference was reported for cyclists. Some of the reasons that could explain the trust in the WEpods are its low operational speed and the trust of most (81.1%) of the VRUs in the automated technology. This makes them expect the WEpods will stop in all possible instances, even when other traffic participants violate traffic rules. Surprisingly, a significant proportion (63.2%) of the participants was not aware of the presence of the steward on board of the WEpods. On the other hand, variables such as the awareness of the steward and having interacted with the WEpods increased the perceived safety amongst VRUs. Moreover, eye contact and gestures use as part of the actual interaction with human drivers of traditional motor vehicles particularly when crossing, was reported to be of importance by the respondents and has also been previously reported in the literature. The VRUs who said that they rely on cues given by drivers, more often indicated a preference to cross at dedicated facilities in the presence of the WEpods than those who stated not to depend on this type of communication. In order to substitute this lack of “real” interaction, information about the WEpods’ operations appeared to be desired by most of the participants in the form of visual information or a mix of auditory and visual. Finally, it was found that individual characteristics of the VRUs, such as their gender and other demographic variables could also have an impact on their perceived safety of VRUs interacting with the WEpods. The findings of the current research appear to point at a prudent attitude of cyclists and pedestrians in their interaction with automated vehicles. Nevertheless, this conservative mindset could be balanced by informing other road users about both, the features (e.g., the presence of a steward on board) and the limitations (e.g., the technology unable to respond to unexpected conditions) of the WEpods. It is considered that this information, along with a suitable communication of intentions of the vehicle to its surroundings are adequate tools to achieve a safe interaction between VRUs and automated vehicles.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists when Interacting with Automated Vehicles – A Case Study of the WEpods = Seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas cuando Interactúan con vehículos autónomos caso de estudio: los WEpods

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Imagen de apoyo de  Transition into a consumption restricted context: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of homeless men in the UK

Transition into a consumption restricted context: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of homeless men in the UK

Por: Andrés Alberto Barrios Fajardo | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Generally studies about identity and consumption have assumed that individuals are immersed in a context of abundance, in which their possibilities to fulfil their needs and desires to purposefully construct a consumption lifestyle are granted. Within this context, studies from the Consumer Culture Theory perspective have described how individuals navigate consumer culture by developing enduring relationships with possessions that help them to build identities and a sense of self. However, this is not always possible during every individual’s life. Certain situational factors not only provoke the individual’s loss of what they have already built, but also lead them to a restricted consumption context. The present study focuses on forced and uncertain changing events, those whose severity and/or rapid change disrupts an individual’s entire life. Through a phenomenological approach of the homeless experience, this study attempts to understand individuals’ transition into a restricted consumption context. The empirical data obtained from a twenty two month ethnographic study evidences that experiencing homelessness, individuals’ loss of possessions and the perceived uncertainty that characterizes life on the streets, trigger not only a self-transformation process, but also alter their relationship with the material world. The findings are contrasted with the current literature extending previous work about transition and consumption by: a) Proposing a new transformational routine to describe the forced self-transformations and how consumption (or the lack of it) becomes an element that influences the deconstruction and construction of a new self. b) Identifying how in a restricted consumption context, individuals develop a different relationship with the material world, and how this changes their modes of consumption.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Transition into a consumption restricted context: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of homeless men in the UK

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Imagen de apoyo de  Deep Face Recognition = Reconocimiento de Rostros usando herramientas de aprendizaje de máquina

Deep Face Recognition = Reconocimiento de Rostros usando herramientas de aprendizaje de máquina

Por: Wilmar Fernando Moya Rueda | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Face recognition is a specific case of object recognition. It has received special attention in the recent years due to a great variety of applications such as robot-human interaction, control by gesture, surveillance, security, and people tracking. The idea of face recognition is to give a computer system the ability of finding and recognizing human faces fast and precisely in images or videos. Face recognition aspires to work similar to human perception. Humans identify a big number of known faces, even after years of separation, or under extreme occlusion conditions, e.g. just by looking at a small part of a face. It is a complex task since faces can have different colors, poses, expressions, and sizes or they can be affected by illumination variations or occlusion conditions. Today, there are different methods of face recognition: feature-based approaches (low-level analysis, feature analysis, active shape models) that make explicit use of facial-features such as skin color, facial landmarks or face geometry, and image-based approaches (linear subspace models, neural networks, statistical approaches). The recent increase in the volume of data and computational resources has led to the need for fast and scalable recognition techniques. These techniques should be robust to non-rigid deformations, clutter, occlusion and illumination variations, but, at the same time, they must be sensitive to variations among faces from different persons. For these reasons, neural networks have become a surge of interest Initially, shallow regular neural networks could be used for small image sizes, but they would not scale to deeper networks since a huge amount of parameters would be necessary to be learnt, which can easily cause overfitting. As a result, Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were proposed. In a CNN, neurons in a layer are connected to small regions of previous layers, which is different to regular neural networks, where all neurons are connected in a full manner. Besides, CNNs make correct assumptions about the nature of the images, for example locality of pixel dependencies \cite{ImageNet}. In general, CNNs have fewer connections and parameters, they are easier to train, and they present similar or better performance than the regular neural networks \cite{ImageNet}. As an extension of the CNNs, deep CNNs were introduced by Imagenet authors because a big number of high-resolution images and powerful GPUs are now available. The authors increased the number of convolutional layers, and they use large receptive fields in the first convolutional layer. As a result, overfitting, which is inherent to the large size of the model, is avoided and effective results are achieved. In addition, the authors of the VGGnet continued adding convolutional layers, but they keep the size of the receptive fields very small (3x3 convolutions) with a stride of 1, throughout the whole network, which decreases the amount of parameters.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Deep Face Recognition = Reconocimiento de Rostros usando herramientas de aprendizaje de máquina

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Imagen de apoyo de  ICTs use in collective memory-related initiatives in Colombia: The case studies of 'Digital Literacies' and 'Revealing Barrios'  =  Uso de las TIC en iniciativas relacionadas con memoria colectiva en Colombia: Los casos de estudio de ‘Alfabetizaciones Digitales’ y ‘Revelando Barrios’.

ICTs use in collective memory-related initiatives in Colombia: The case studies of 'Digital Literacies' and 'Revealing Barrios' = Uso de las TIC en iniciativas relacionadas con memoria colectiva en Colombia: Los casos de estudio de ‘Alfabetizaciones Digitales’ y ‘Revelando Barrios’.

Por: Tatiana Milena Joiro Rodríguez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

The field of Communication for Development and Social Change (CDSC henceforth) has enriching practices in peacebuilding contexts, especially in post-conflict and fragile states, with the use of approaches like behaviour change, edutainment and participatory media that aim to contribute to peace goals of reconciliation and reconstruction of social fabrics. Despite this, what happens ‘on the field’ has not been translated into theoretical developments of CDSC and peacebuilding studies, with few exceptions like Citizens’ Media (Rodríguez, 2000), Communication for Peace (Hoffmann, 2013) and ICT for Peacebuilding (Hattotuwa, 2004). Based on the above-mentioned frameworks and retaking the seminal CDSC works of Andreas Fuglesang (1982), this dissertation explores the potentialities and uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs henceforth) in one of the most sensitive aspects for reconciliation in post-conflict countries, collective memory. Particularly, the research seeks to explore methods used by the organisations and its dialogue with local expressions of memory in the creation of content and narratives that might contribute to the local peacebuilding processes. This is done through two case studies of memory-related initiatives in Colombia that use digital literacy and content production as part of their process. The first case study is the Alfabetizaciones Digitales (AD, Digital Literacies in Spanish), a project of the National Centre for Historical Memory, that worked with victims’ memory initiatives in the creation of websites and multimedia content. The second is Revelando Barrios (RB, Revealing Barrios in Spanish) an initiative of the NGO Ciudad Comuna based on social photography with youngsters of the Comuna 8 of Medellín, Antioquia. Using a methodology that combines Key Informant Interviews, content and data analysis, the main findings pointed to three aspects. First, that there is a general pattern of non-deterministic ICT use in both projects, with potential to foster ‘empowering’ collective actions and inter-generational dialogue. Second, the content analysis allowed the identification of a potential influence of what Fuglesang calls ‘conventions’ of digital language -i.e. the rules for writing on the web- in the content produced for the AD case study. Thirdly, that the main limitations of ICT use are those linked to the digital divide and the sustainability of the process; though, it is noted that participants and implementers developed solidarity mechanisms to alter the limitation of access to Internet and devices such as photo cameras. Dissertation awarded with Distinction, Award for Best Dissertation 2017 of the Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics, University of Reading.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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ICTs use in collective memory-related initiatives in Colombia: The case studies of 'Digital Literacies' and 'Revealing Barrios' = Uso de las TIC en iniciativas relacionadas con memoria colectiva en Colombia: Los casos de estudio de ‘Alfabetizaciones Digitales’ y ‘Revelando Barrios’.

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