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Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2021
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Publicado por Valiant Entertainment,
A better future. Or no future at all. Super-powered teenager Peter Stanchek is on a dangerous path. Skipping across the country in a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, Peter is quickly realizing that hes a psionically-charged harbinger with the potential to reshape the course of human history. But Peters plight has not gone unnoticed. Respected philanthropist and fellow harbinger Toyo Harada is about to offer Peter the chance at the things for which the boy has always longed family, inner peace, self-control and induct him into the sprawling, secret network of conspiracy and subversion known as the Harbinger Foundation. Now Peter begins his long road towards a destiny that will shake the very foundations of the Valiant Universe. His first lesson? All power comes with a price. Collecting the first five issues of the critically acclaimed series by New York Times best-selling author Joshua Dysart (Unknown Soldier), acclaimed artists Khari Evans (Carbon Grey) and Lewis Larosa (PunisherMAX), this is the perfect place to catch up with the series that Comic Book Resources calls superheroes at its best.
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Khari. Evans, "Harbinger Vol 1: Omega Rising", -:Valiant Entertainment,, 2021. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-05-05.

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Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes

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