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Selected Poems = Poesía selecta


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  • Autor
  • Año de publicación 2000
  • Idioma Otros
  • Publicado por Arte Público Press
Although today Luis Palés Matos is virtually unknown to most American readers, the eminent U. S. poet and writer William Carlos Williams once praised his younger contemporary as “one of the most important poets out of Latin America. ” Palés Matos was a native, and lifelong resident, of Puerto Rico. Though he was not black, he became one of the Caribbean’s leading advocates of poesía negra (black Poesía). His landmark 1937 collection Tuntún de Pasa y Grifería: Poesía Afro-Antillana (Tom-Tom of Kinky Hair and Black Things: Afro-Caribbean Poesía) joyously celebrated the African aspects and sources of...
Citación recomendada (normas APA)
Luis Palés Matos, "Selected Poems = Poesía selecta", -:Arte Público Press, 2000. Consultado en línea en la Biblioteca Digital de Bogotá (, el día 2024-09-12.

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