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Estrategias de promoción lectora para la formación de hábitos lectores

Por: Lidia Valencia Rusinque | Fecha: 01/01/2019

This research was intended to describe the strategies that were relevant in promoting reading and generating the formation of reading habits. In this regard, surveys and interviews were conducted with the different participants of the educational community, in order to collect information that would allow the relevant proposal to be structured. To this end, a didactic proposal was made that from the arrival ofthe travel library to the school and to different places in the sector of the rural school La Venta, generated reading situations in the day to day and in the context of everyday life. Toe results analysis compared the initial findings to what was observed at the end ofthe process. Initially, within the frequent activities of the participants, there was no reading, there was not enough material, but at the end of the process the panorama was modified, with a community very motivated by reading. Reading experiences made participants feel important, conveying to them the importance of doing so, and even the certainty that through it the human being manages to position himself significantly in society.
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Literatura infantil
  • Idiomas

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Estrategias de promoción lectora para la formación de hábitos lectores

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Canta palabras / ilustradores José Rosero, Rafael Yockteng

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