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 Imagen de referencia Cómics, manga y novela gráfica
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Cómics, manga y novela gráfica

Asómbrate y practica tu inglés con lo mejor de la narrativa gráfica en sus distintos géneros: aventura, terror, no ficción, romance, aventura y más.

  • Encuentra en esta colección
    • 26627 Cómics
  • Creada el:
    • 16 de Diciembre de 2021

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Zorro #13

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Zorro #12

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Zorro #11

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Zorro #10

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zorro #1

Zorro #1

Por: Francesco. Francavilla | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Dynamite presents the return of yet another Legend as Matt Wagner unveils the all-new Zorro! Writer, Art Director and cover artist Matt Wagner is in command of this all-new "year one" Zorro comic book adventure. Similar in tone and scope to Dynamite's acclaimed Lone Ranger series, Zorro also features artist Francesco Francavilla who complements Wagner's pulp action writing! Zorro was created in 1919 by pulp writer Johnston McCulley, and first made his appearance in The Curse of Capistrano, serialized in the pulp magazine All-Story Weekly. From there Zorro has been the star of countless films and has been noted by Bob Kane as a main influence on Batman (Bruce Wayne even went to see Zorro the evening his parents were killed) and recently featured in a WORLD WIDE BEST-SELLING novel by Isabel Allende! Joining Wagner and Francavilla for the return of the legendary Zorro is cover artists Mike Mayhew (with the incredible colors of Dean White) and Lone Ranger cover artist John Cassaday!

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Zorro #1

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zoo: The Graphic Novel

Zoo: The Graphic Novel

Por: Andy. MacDonald | Fecha: 01/01/2021

The latest graphic novel by renowned author James Patterson leaps off the page and goes straight for the jugular! Animals the world over are setting their sights on fresh prey - man. Only biologist Jackson Oz has recognized the patterns in an escalating chain of violent attacks by animals against mankind, and these incidents are just the prelude to something far, far more terrifying. Now Oz is in a race against nature to try to warn humanity about the coming catastrophe, but is it already too late?!

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Zoo: The Graphic Novel

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Zoom! & Come Back, Mack!

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Imagen de apoyo de  Zoohunters   Free Preview

Zoohunters Free Preview

Por: Peter. Steigerwald | Fecha: 01/01/2014

There IS life on other planets-THEY find it. Abros Kel is a ZooHunter-a man who is hired to capture animals for zoos on alien worlds. He and his young son Ty have lost everything due to a tragedy, and together this uncomfortable pair set out into the stars to train Ty as a ZooHunter. Along the way they encounter scores of alien life-forms on far away worlds including Qaurec-an unscrupulous rival ZooHunter who is hunting Abros down. Can Abros and Ty stay one step ahead of his villainy and prove successful in their quest? Creator and artist Peter Steigerwald presents to you the newest Aspen hit series - THE ZOOHUNTERS!

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Zoohunters #3

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Zoohunters #2

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