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 Imagen de referencia Cómics, manga y novela gráfica
Colección institucional

Cómics, manga y novela gráfica

Asómbrate y practica tu inglés con lo mejor de la narrativa gráfica en sus distintos géneros: aventura, terror, no ficción, romance, aventura y más.

  • Encuentra en esta colección
    • 26627 Cómics
  • Creada el:
    • 16 de Diciembre de 2021
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Imagen de apoyo de  Breakwater


Por: Katriona. Chapman | Fecha: 01/01/2024

A loner and an introvert, Chris has worked in one of Brighton's movie theatres for years. It's the kind of job that people drift through. When a new colleague joins, Chris feels she's found a real friend to spend time with and share things with. But as Chris and Dan become closer, she realises that he's dealing with complicated mental health issues that are playing havoc with his ability to work and take care of himself. As she becomes a bigger and bigger part of his life, and he becomes less stable, she's the only one who's there for him - and the only one who can decide how to help him have a better future. With gorgeous, lush pencil artwork, Breakwater tells the story of a woman abruptly plunged out of her depth, and her struggles to be a good friend when friendship is complicated.

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Bold and the Brave #26

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Imagen de apoyo de  Vectors #1

Vectors #1

Por: Rubén Gil. López | Fecha: 01/01/2024

A NASA capsule unexpectedly crashes back to Earth after being presumed lost in space almost fifty years ago. But its sudden return raises more questions than answers when it's revealed that its crew are not only still alive, but haven't aged since their launch. And so begins a far-reaching quest to uncover the mysteries and conspiracies surrounding their original mission, their disappearance and, ultimately, the future-altering reasons of why they've suddenly returned to Earth.

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Vectors #1

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Kitsune #6

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Kitsune #5

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Kitsune #4

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Kitsune #3

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Kitsune #2

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Imagen de apoyo de  Big Ugly

Big Ugly

Por: Ellice. Weaver | Fecha: 01/01/2024

Mel isn't going anywhere - except to work every day. But when she offers the spare room in her apartment to her struggling brother, everything she loves and hates about wanting to live up to the expectations of her family becomes part of her every day again. It turns out that even as adults, living with your sibling brings back the dynamics of tween rivalries. As Mel tries to rebalance things with her brother, she navigates how to offer help to someone who doesn't want to need it. Renowned illustrator Ellice Weaver brings her crisp artwork to the graphic novel form in this powerful story of contemporary life.

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Big Ugly

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Kitsune #1

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