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 Imagen de referencia Doctorado en Estudios Políticos
Colección institucional

Doctorado en Estudios Políticos

Encuentra las tesis de grado del Doctorado en Estudios Políticos.  Se abordan temas de analisis desde lo político y la construcción de conocimiento a partir del quehacer investigativo dinámico y riguroso, de la ciencia política, la economía política y las relaciones internacionales.

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  • Creada el:
    • 9 de Noviembre de 2020
Logo Universidad Externado de Colombia
Creador Universidad Externado de Colombia
Imagen de apoyo de  Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

Por: Manuel Fernando Cabrera Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

The doctoral thesis, “SOCIAL CAPITAL AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN BOGOTÁ, D.C.: AN APPROXIMATION FROM THE LOCALITIES”, addresses the study of social capital in the context of the city of Bogotá, as a social field analyzed according to its impact on human development and its influence in the economic and social development of the community. To address the analysis of this relationship of incidence, we took into account the socio-economic characteristics of each one of the twenty localities that shape the city, as well as its level of perception against the cognitive dimension, structural and social representation of social capital, from the perspective of four actors considered a source of social capital such as households, NGO, JAL Local Administrative Boards and JAC Boards of Communal Action. The main findings of the work carried out, validate the hypothesis proposed where it is proposed that, in the endogenous context of the city of Bogotá, the trend of social capital generation tends to be low, not only by the poor levels of associativity registered, but also because of the incidence of factors such as inequality, distrust, low level of internalized reciprocity on the part of the citizens, among others, which implies, to manifest disinterest in the public administration and its management; favoring the search for the individual benefit over the collective, factor that affects the capacity as a society of generating social fabric, based on associativity and the recognition of social values that articulate institutions, organizations and people depending on the collective interest of the population.
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Capital social y desarrollo humano en Bogotá, D.C.: Una aproximación desde las localidades

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Imagen de apoyo de  Vinculación de las empresas en la reducción de la pobreza a partir del BOP: revisión

Vinculación de las empresas en la reducción de la pobreza a partir del BOP: revisión

Por: Marcela Forero Ramírez | Fecha: 01/01/2019

Este documento pretende reunir los elementos que constituyen la actual lucha contra la pobreza, repasando tanto la evolución del concepto, la pasada responsabilidad exclusiva del Estado, la transformación que ha vinculado a actores privados así como su posicionamiento como objetivo primordial de todos los actores económicos. De igual manera, se procura exponer las diferentes prácticas realizadas por las empresas para contribuir y generar bienestar, llegando finalmente al concepto de Mercados Base de la Pirámide (revelando algunas experiencias de estos mercados en países como la India, Brasil, y Colombia) y concluir sobre su incidencia en la pobreza y su estado actual.
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Vinculación de las empresas en la reducción de la pobreza a partir del BOP: revisión

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Imagen de apoyo de  Organizarse para negociar la paz. Un análisis político transaccional de las estructuras de Gobernanza de la paz negociada en Colombia, 1981-2016

Organizarse para negociar la paz. Un análisis político transaccional de las estructuras de Gobernanza de la paz negociada en Colombia, 1981-2016

Por: Germán Darío Valencia Agudelo | Fecha: 01/01/2017

This doctoral research analyzes the dynamic and evolution of the formal mechanisms created by the national government to negotiate the peace in Colombia between 1981 and 2016. The first section of the work identifies and presents the transactional institutional theory, and translates it into the political transactional analysis of the negotiated peace. The second section undertakes the empirical analysis of the peace transactions in Colombia during the study period; there it examines formal institutions and organizations created by the Colombian govemment to participate in the achievement of the peace by political means; these are organizations and institutions with which the structure of governance of the negotiated peace is configured. This analysis draws three conclusions: the first is that in Colombia the government has built a series of formal institutions - rules - through which has sought to regulate peace negotiations. The second is that the experience in peace negotiations has allowed the national government to create increasingly efficient governance structures to carry out specialized tasks arising from peace processes. And finally, that the structures of governance of the negotiated peace in Colombia have been conditioned by the leve! of political uncertainty in the country, the frequency of negotiations, and the experience of negotiating staff.
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Organizarse para negociar la paz. Un análisis político transaccional de las estructuras de Gobernanza de la paz negociada en Colombia, 1981-2016

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