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 Imagen de referencia Departamento de Derecho Constitucional
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Departamento de Derecho Constitucional

Esta colección reune diferentes documentos producidos por el Departamento de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, entre los que se encuentran los trabajos de grado de la Maestría en Derecho de Estado con Énfasis en Derecho Público.

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    • 9 de Noviembre de 2020
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Imagen de apoyo de  Hupecol Operating Co Llc. vs. Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales (ANLA) y Corporación para el Desarrollo del Área de Manejo Especial La Macarena (Cormacarena) : ¿La protección del medio ambiente o el desarrollo económico?

Hupecol Operating Co Llc. vs. Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales (ANLA) y Corporación para el Desarrollo del Área de Manejo Especial La Macarena (Cormacarena) : ¿La protección del medio ambiente o el desarrollo económico?

Por: John Fredy Echeverri Gallego | Fecha: 01/01/2020

Research is fa~used on a case study: the controversy raised between the American company Hupecol Operating Co. Lle. against the National Authority of environmental licenses (ANLA) and the Corporation to the sustainable development of special handling area La Macarena (CORMACARENA), according to the revocation of the environmental license that was granted to the project "Serranía Exploratory drilling interest area", located in the jurisdiction of the municipalities of La Macarena and San Vicente del Caguán", once it started by the local authority the "Integral Management plan far the Sector "Río Losada" - "Caño Perdido", located in the recuperation zone far the production south of the integrated management district "DMI" Ariari-Guayabero of the ANEM, department of Meta. In this, it warns clearly the macroeconomics consequences that would entail to Colombia, to be compelled to respond on stages of international controversies resolutions, because of setting up an international illicit fact, far affecting the transnationals direct investments, according to the farmulation and implementation of public politics of environmentai"protection, considering that the Colombian State acquired international commitments that guarantee the investment and limit its sovereignty.
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Hupecol Operating Co Llc. vs. Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales (ANLA) y Corporación para el Desarrollo del Área de Manejo Especial La Macarena (Cormacarena) : ¿La protección del medio ambiente o el desarrollo económico?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la política pública de reincorporación de mujeres ex combatientes de las FARC como aporte a las garantías de no repetición

Análisis de la política pública de reincorporación de mujeres ex combatientes de las FARC como aporte a las garantías de no repetición

Por: Ana María Martínez Roa | Fecha: 01/01/2020

This document adresses widespread acceptance of the gender approach in public policy of reintegration. This document intends to analyze how the structure of the policy contributes to the Guarantees of Non-Repeating Violence against Women and contributes to the transformation of oppressive structures of power. The primary sources of information were the official documents of the Federeal Government, as well as interviews with ex-combatant women belonging to the initial peace processes and the experiences of women directly involved in the process with the FARC-EP. From the data found, progress was made gradually in the regulatory framework, as in the institutional discourse to address the problem. However, the strategies developed in the current design and implementation of the policies are insufficient to achieve the necessary adjustments that impact on the lives of ex-combatant women in the new roles assumed to see them reach their full potential in society. In this sense, the Staet must Carry out periodic evaluations of the impact of their policies, based on the evolution of new visions such as eco-feminism, a return to the belief that all deserve good life, and inclusive urbanism.
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Análisis de la política pública de reincorporación de mujeres ex combatientes de las FARC como aporte a las garantías de no repetición

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Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la política institucional del Ejército Nacional como garantía de no repetición : la nueva doctrina Damasco

Análisis de la política institucional del Ejército Nacional como garantía de no repetición : la nueva doctrina Damasco

Por: Germán Camilo González Martín | Fecha: 01/01/2020

This research was oriented to inquiry the most relevant factors of the institutional policy of the Colombian National Army implemented for the post-conflict, with the idea to verify whether it is a guarantee of non-repetition of serious human rights violations and serious violations of International Humanitarian Law . Special attention was paid to the framework and concepts of the military doctrines analyzed, to reconfirm Damascus's promise, about the change in the operational perspective and the conceptual leap that makes the National Army a multimission force interoperable with NATO forces. As a relevant conclusion, it was found that the new Damascus Doctrine reoriented the conception of the War Driving Function, granting more leeway to subordinates and subalterns, which resulted in disrumptions in the chain of command. Furthermore, some weaknesses were found in the provisions of the Manuals of the doctrine; therefore, it could not be verify that Damascus is a guarantee of non-repetition.
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Análisis de la política institucional del Ejército Nacional como garantía de no repetición : la nueva doctrina Damasco

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Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la construcción e implementación de la política pública de equidad de género en el marco de la justicia transicional a favor de la mujer víctima del conflicto armado en el departamento del Huila

Análisis de la construcción e implementación de la política pública de equidad de género en el marco de la justicia transicional a favor de la mujer víctima del conflicto armado en el departamento del Huila

Por: Diana Lorena Monje Albarracín | Fecha: 01/01/2020

The materialization of fundamental and collective rights, together with the restoration of their rights of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-repetition of the victims of gender-based violence within the framework of the armed conflict, must be within the governmental agenda throughout the national territory, to benefit from the transitional justice that is being developed in Colombia, in order to rebuild and strengthen the peace, which is in the magnifying glass of the international community in regards to the implementation of the peace agreements with the FARC, that fortunately, have a differential and gender-based approach in favor of the thousands of women which have been victims of the war, which is why it is intended to contribute academically to the reconstruction of their cycle of life, based on a practical theoretical analysis of the situation that the women victims of the conflict of the department of Huila live with within the existence of the public policy of gender equity in coordination with the Public Policy of Victims and the Peace Accords, finalizing the importance of building public policies with implementation plans that allow measuring their effectiveness and thereby generating impact in their favor.
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Análisis de la construcción e implementación de la política pública de equidad de género en el marco de la justicia transicional a favor de la mujer víctima del conflicto armado en el departamento del Huila

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Imagen de apoyo de  Responsabilidad de mando en la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz : especial referencia a su aplicación en casos de violencia sexual contra las mujeres

Responsabilidad de mando en la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz : especial referencia a su aplicación en casos de violencia sexual contra las mujeres

Por: María Cristina Ortega Santacruz | Fecha: 01/01/2020

The present dissertation studies the responsibility of the superior in Colombian legal system, in the light of the Constitutional Court's decisions on the matter. In particular, this figure, the superior's responsibility, is presented as a fundamental tool of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace to prosecute the people responsible for the sexual violence committed against women in the Colombian armed conflict. To address this issue, the notion of "the most responsible" and the "doctrine of indirect authorship through an organized power apparatus," are briefly explained. Then, the responsibility of superiors is extensively analyzed, first, by a historical evolution of the figure in international law. Second, by a thorough study of its requirements in Colombia in order to point out possible legal inconveniences in its application, and to propose an interpretation of the figure that guarantees the rights of the victims.
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Responsabilidad de mando en la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz : especial referencia a su aplicación en casos de violencia sexual contra las mujeres

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ciudadela Cultural Palatino : una propuesta de asociación público privada para el desarrollo de infraestructuras de gestión cultural

Ciudadela Cultural Palatino : una propuesta de asociación público privada para el desarrollo de infraestructuras de gestión cultural

Por: Andrea Zharay Orejarena Benítez | Fecha: 01/01/2020

This document analyzes the viability of a public-private partnership to develop infrastructure for the cultural management. To do so, the concept of culture, cultural management and the current structure at national and district level is studied, as well as experiences in this sector at national and international level. The study of these associatíons also carried out, reviewing their concept, characteristics, modalities and legislation. Once the particularities have been raised, a reflection about the viability of setting up a private public association for the generation of infrastructure in the field of cultural management is presented. Concluding with the structuring of a proposal of a public-private partnership for the Capital District.
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Ciudadela Cultural Palatino : una propuesta de asociación público privada para el desarrollo de infraestructuras de gestión cultural

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Imagen de apoyo de  La responsabilidad patrimonial del estado por omisión del legislador en Colombia

La responsabilidad patrimonial del estado por omisión del legislador en Colombia

Por: Libia Inés Chacón Maldonado | Fecha: 01/01/2020

Este escrito surge como consecuencia del análisis de la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado y de la Corte Constitucional, en el cual se puso en evidencia una tensión entre estas altas cortes frente a "La Responsabilidad Patrimonial del Estado por Omisión del Legislador en Colombia", denotando dos posturas: la primera establece que el Estado no es responsable, y la segunda está encaminada a demostrar la existencia de una responsabilidad. De lo anterior, surge el siguiente cuestionamiento ¿El Estado colombiano es responsable por la omisión del legislador? la hipótesis que se plantea en el escrito es que por regla general el Estado colombiano no debe responder patrimonialmente por la omisión del legislador, en función a dar respuesta a este interrogante se analizó una sentencia de carácter internacional que reconoció responsabilidad patrimonial del estado de Italia y un caso colombiano formulado en una tesis de grado que argumenta la responsabilidad del estado por omisión en "la mutilación sexual femenina en la comunidad Embera Chamí", este escrito concluye que hasta el momento no hay un caso en el cual se haya declarado la responsabilidad del Estado por omisión del legislador en Colombia, sin embargo se plantea una excepción a la regla general.
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La responsabilidad patrimonial del estado por omisión del legislador en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  El derecho fundamental a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Colombia

El derecho fundamental a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Colombia

Por: July Catherine Gaitán Ramírez | Fecha: 01/01/2020

In the first place, this research intends to delimit the internal and international regulatory framework in this area and, in this way, become a useful tool to advance the enormous challenge that implies the exercise of the fundamental right to abortion. Secondly, in a context marked by a medicalized and criminal vision of abortion, this research aims to show that talking about abortion does not only mean referring to a medical procedure or a crime, but also to a human rights issue, which implies talking about human dignity, physical and mental integrity and autonomy of women, girls and adolescents. To meet these objectives, the study is based on a review of the main international human rights standards that favor the recognition, protection and guarantee of sexual and reproductive rights and, in particular, access to abortion. Likewise, the investigation shows how Colombian constitutional jurisprudence has made use of these standards, how it has incorporated them into domestic law and how, even, it has exceeded them.
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El derecho fundamental a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  La implementación normativa del acuerdo final para la paz en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, en virtud a fallos relevantes de la Corte Constitucional

La implementación normativa del acuerdo final para la paz en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, en virtud a fallos relevantes de la Corte Constitucional

Por: Mariangela Zúñiga Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2020

El presente documento se caracteriza por el análisis jurisprudencial efectuado a varios fallos generados por la Corte Constitucional en relación con la implementación y desarrollo normativo del Acuerdo Final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera firmado por el por el Gobierno Nacional y las Farc EP el 24 de noviembre de 2016. En el desarrollo del mismo se evidenció el papel primordial ejercido por la Corte como guardiana de la Carta Política de 1991y la interpretación crucial que se adelantó de la Paz en su triple dimensión (valor, derecho y deber) y como su materialización se estableció como fin último de la normatividad objeto de control, la importancia del mandato otorgado en razón de los acuerdos a las instituciones y autoridades en escenarios de transición hacia la paz, así como la decantación, caracterización y ponderación realizada de los principios axiales que integran la Constitución Nacional tales como la supremacía constitucional, rigidez, separación de poderes, deliberación , legalidad entre otros.
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La implementación normativa del acuerdo final para la paz en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, en virtud a fallos relevantes de la Corte Constitucional

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Imagen de apoyo de  La declaratoria de interés público del medicamento Imatinib - Glivec, configura un responsabilidad internacional

La declaratoria de interés público del medicamento Imatinib - Glivec, configura un responsabilidad internacional

Por: Sandra Liliana Neira Cardona | Fecha: 01/01/2020

The case under study corresponds to the release of Patent No. 29270, granted to the company NOVARTIS regarding the drug IMATINIB - GLIVEC, a drug used for the treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), which in addition to being an important therapeutic resource in several types of cancer, it is a first-line therapy aimed at the cells that have the mutation and not the healthy cells. This decision is based on the high cost of the IMATINIB drug for the health system, which reflects a high impact of this medicine on the financia! viability of the health system. Novartis multinational Switzertand is a foreign investor in Colombia. This means that it is covered by a bilateral treaty that the two countries signed in 2006 on reciprocal investment protection. Consequently, specific obligations are assumed regarding the safeguarding of the interests of Swiss companies operating in their territory. Therefore, Colombia undertook to prevent the acts of its authorities from affecting the rights or economic expectations of Swiss investors. Said claim must be filed befare a private arbitration tribunal, under which Colombia could face international responsibility for an internationally wrongful act, since it is a behavior attributable, according to lnternational Law, to the State and constitutes a violation of an international obligation. The thesis is to prove that if there are exceptional circumstances that legitimize the lack of fulfillment of obligations, that is; that exclude the illegality of the behavior and verify it in the facts of the specific case. The circumstance that applies to the present case is that of necessity and this investigation concludes that said exceptional circumstance is applicable in the specific case.
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La declaratoria de interés público del medicamento Imatinib - Glivec, configura un responsabilidad internacional

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