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 Imagen de referencia Literatura y no ficción
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Literatura y no ficción

Encuentra libros digitales con temáticas variadas que van desde literatura, arte y filosofía hasta historia, política y ciencias.

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    • 40712 Libros
  • Creada el:
    • 5 de Marzo de 2020

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Lorca, poeta maldito

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Cita con la vida

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Imagen de apoyo de  Teatro: El relojero de Córdoba, Medusa, Rosalba y los llaveros, El día que se soltaron los leones

Teatro: El relojero de Córdoba, Medusa, Rosalba y los llaveros, El día que se soltaron los leones

Por: Emilio Carballido | Fecha: 01/01/1976

Las cuatro obras reunidas en este volumen están entre las más representativas del autor y entre las que mejor recepción han tenido en el público. La preocupación por los diversos rostros de la realidad, por la situación del hombre en el México del siglo XX, le confiere al teatro de Carballido un atractivo ameno para el lector.
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Teatro: El relojero de Córdoba, Medusa, Rosalba y los llaveros, El día que se soltaron los leones

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Cómo se construye una vivienda

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Imagen de apoyo de  Azorín íntegro

Azorín íntegro

Por: Santiago Riopérez | Fecha: 01/01/1979

Nos encontramos ante un libro monumental en el campo, ya bastante extenso, de la bibliografía azoriniana. Si lo califico de "monumental" no es sólo por lo voluminoso -que lo es-, sino por su contenido, significación y lograda plenitud. Su autor, Santiago Riopérez y Milá, ha dado forma literaria a una labor gestada durante muchos años y levantada sobre los sólidos cimientos del conocimiento minucioso de toda la obra de Azorín, del conocimiento del contexto histórico y literario en que ésta se produjo y, lo que es más singular, del asiduo trato y conversación con el maestro durante los últimos años de...
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Azorín íntegro

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Agent #2

The Agent #2

Por: Fernando. Dagnino | Fecha: 01/01/2024

While the incident in the subway remains foggy to her colleagues, Rhym just knows there's more than meets the eye. She's always been able to trust her intuition, but this time it leads her into deeper waters than she was prepared for. When she bites off more than she can chew, she meets Sebastian, a member of a mysterious organization tasked with keeping and using arcane knowledge. He's instructed to recruit her, but for what purpose? What makes Rhym so special?

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The Agent #2

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Art of Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

The Art of Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

Por: Juan. Calle | Fecha: 01/01/2024

Learn about the most popular game in human history! The Discovery of Chess is the first English children's book on how chess came to be. Dao is an adorable red panda who can travel back in time and place! He befriends the curious kids Ethan and Emma and transports them in the blink of an eye to Asia. Together they (and appreciative readers) have fun discovering how some very cool creations were invented there. If only every school field trip was like this! In their latest adventure, the trio teleport to India to see how chess was created! Using the traditional parts of the ancient Indian army, rajas strategized, using a board as a battlefield. This battle of wits traveled west along the Silk Road and across empires. Pieces and play evolved into Europe, influenced by royalty, religion, and the Renaissance. Through travel and media, chess conquered the world of recreation!

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The Discovery of Chess

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Imagen de apoyo de  Renunciando a todo

Renunciando a todo

Por: Fernando Termis Soto | Fecha: 01/01/1979

Long ago the whole of Southern England was covered in forest. Over time, this woodland has been gradually cut back, but small patches remain amidst the suburban sprawl of South-East London. A few ancient oaks still stand in gaps between housing estates, alongside railway lines and acting as boundary markers on roundabouts. The history and magic that once filled the ancient forest can still be felt even when the trees are long gone. Memories of the Great North Wood are recorded in the place names - Forest Hill, Honor Oak, Norwood. This graphic novels tells the stories of the bandits, outlaws and gypsies that once roamed the forest. Their presence can sometimes be felt when the hum of the city is quiet. Tim Bird's psychogeographical work depicts how memories live on in the landscape of The Great North Wood.

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The Great North Wood

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Imagen de apoyo de  La razón romántica

La razón romántica

Por: Gabriel Plata | Fecha: 01/01/1979

An oversized full-color edition that celebrates fifteen years of the iconic Assassins Creed video game saga! Discover the genesis of each Assassins Creed game and get an insider's look at the efforts that went into creating one the biggest franchises in the video game industry. In observance of Assassins Creeds fifteen-year anniversary, Ubisoft and Dark Horse Books have teamed up to create an extensive examination into the creation of the award-winning Assassins Creed franchise. Featuring gorgeous art from over a decade-and-a-half of development, and detailed interviews with the games past and present creators, this is the perfect companion piece for any aspiring Assassin.

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The Making of Assassin's Creed: 15th Anniversary

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Imagen de apoyo de  Azaña estadista

Azaña estadista

Por: Manuel Muela | Fecha: 01/01/1979

CHISPA: The Thirteen Origins is a series of one-shot origin stories for the members of The Thirteen, a group of Mexicans and Mexican Americans who discover they are chispas, able to wield impossible powers. When high school quarterback Pete Lumeras turns eighteen, he discovers he can now transform into a being of molten rock. His first attempts at using his new chispa powers against bullies go awry until his uncle George and his abuelita reveal dark family secrets that may either help him to become a warrior for justice-Pyroclast-or lead him down the same road to self-destruction that his mother once tread.

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The Thirteen Origins: Pyroclast #1

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