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Literatura en Bogotá

Reúne contenidos digitales para que lectores del mundo tengan acceso a diversas formas de escritura sobre la ciudad de Bogotá. A través de sus contenidos, los lectores entrarán en un viaje imaginario por una Bogotá real y compleja, pero desconocida.

Una Bogotá que se ha ido haciendo a través de las historias, personajes y acontecimientos, muchos de ellos ignorados, que aparecen en esta colección de novelas, libros de cuento, poesía y drama. A través de ellos, nos acercamos a su historia y sus historias; a su pasado remoto y a su presente vertiginoso; al ser de sus habitantes; a sus muchas diferencias y a sus muchas similitudes, pero también a muchas de sus conquistas.

  • Encuentra en esta colección
    • 3 Audios
    • 50 Libros
  • Creada el:
    • 30 de Octubre de 2019
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Imagen de apoyo de  Cuando yo empezaba

Cuando yo empezaba

Por: Arnoldo Palacios | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Resumen:En este documento se estudia en prospectiva el posible comportamiento futuro de las emisiones provenientes de las fuentes móviles en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey y los diferentes mecanismos para su mitigación. Para esto se estimó una línea base a 2012 de las emisiones generadas teniendo en cuenta el tipo de vehículo, el año de fabricación, y el tipo de combustible. Se construyó un modelo dinámico hacia el 2030 que permitió ver el comportamiento de dichas emisiones a partir de la relación entre variables ambientales, económicas y demográficas tales como cantidad de vehículos, consumo de combustibles, ingreso per cápita, población, número de personas movilizadas, entre otras. Posteriormente se evaluaron 4 escenarios con posibles políticas a seguir hacia el 2030 para buscar reducir las emisiones de contaminantes criterio y de gases de efecto invernadero.Entre estas se incluye la renovación del parque automotor, la implementación de un transporte público integrado, la ampliación de las líneas del metro, incentivos por uso de transporte público, la reducción de número de vehículos, entre otras buscando mejorar la movilidad en el AMM y a la ves reducir las emisiones del transporte. En el desarrollo de los escenarios se consideraron criterios ambientales, económicos y sociales. La línea base muestra que aunque la tecnología tiene un beneficio inicial en la reducción de emisiones, a lo largo del tiempo el aumento de vehículos termina por incrementar las emisiones. Los escenarios para diferentes estrategias que se pudieran seguir, muestran que la opción más viable es el uso del transporte público para sustituir el uso del automóvil particular.Abstract: This paper studied prospectively the possible future behavior of emissions from mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey and the various mechanisms for mitigation. For this, a baseline to 2012 emissions generated taking into account the type of vehicle, year of manufacture and the type of fuel was estimated. A dynamic model by 2030 that allowed see the behavior of these emissions from the relationship between environmental , economic and demographic variables such as number of vehicles , fuel consumption, per capita income, population, number of mobilized people was constructed between other. Subsequently 4 stages with policy options to 2030 to seek to reduce emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases were evaluated.These include the renewal of the fleet , the implementation of an integrated public transport, the extension of subway lines , incentives for use of public transport , reducing the number of vehicles , including seeking to improve mobility in the metropolitan area of Monterrey is already included you see reduce transport emissions.In developing scenarios environmental, economic and social criteria were considered. The baseline shows that although the technology has an initial benefit in reducing emissions during the time the vehicle finishes increased by increasing emissions. Scenarios for different strategies that could be followed, show that the most viable option is the use of public transport to replace the use of private cars. 
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Prospective behavioral of emissions generated by mobile sources in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico = Prospectiva del comportamiento de las emisiones generadas por las fuentes móviles en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, México

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Imagen de apoyo de  Cuatro hombres extraordinarios y dos personas comunes

Cuatro hombres extraordinarios y dos personas comunes

Por: Marta Orrantia | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This work constitutes an inquiry into the field of memory studies. Through the presentation and the analysis of a particular case study I will provide an insight to some approaches to address the field. To begin with a general background of the case study will be presented to fully understand its social, historical and cultural connotation, and then I introduce the dynamic of how this work will be developed from this point. Finally this research concludes with some recommendations about the concepts previously developed.
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A drop of hope in an ocean of impunity: An analysis from the Memory Studies of the Parque Monumento in Trujillo, Colombia = Una gota de esperanza en un mar de impunidad: Un análisis desde los estudios de memoria del Parque Monumento en Trujillo, Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Essays on specification and estimation of models of markets for heterogeneous housing = Ensayos sobre la especificación y estimación de modelos de mercados de vivienda heterogéneos

Essays on specification and estimation of models of markets for heterogeneous housing = Ensayos sobre la especificación y estimación de modelos de mercados de vivienda heterogéneos

Por: Luis Eduardo Quintero Escobar | Fecha: 01/01/2014

My dissertation proposes new ways to study decisions in the housing market with structural models that deliver a consistent connection between house values and rents, incorporating investment and consumption motives for housing consumption, and allowing for preference heterogeneity. The models also take into account the difficulty of measuring complete housing quality in estimation by treating it as latent. The dissertation includes applications where I analyze issues like the size of agglomeration benefits of larger cities (New York City vs Chicago), and the dynamics of rent and prices as a reaction to household financial and demographic conditions during the re- cent housing crisis (in Miami).I find that New York has relatively lower qualities of housing and higher prices than Chicago, which implies positive compensating variations required by households moving from the latter to the former; and that there was a disconnect between the rent and ownership markets that suggest that the crisis mainly affected the asset and not the real market, respectively. Also, I find that heterogeneity in tastes plays an important role in the behavior of households in the housing market. I also present models that introduce heterogeneity in tastes to analyze the interaction between households with different demographics. Going beyond a single type of household presents additional challenges for estimation and identification that are addressed.I define types as households with and without children, and asses the effect of the presence of children on how sensitive households are to changes in the market. I obtain the robust result that the presence of children reduces the sensitivity of demand for housing quality to changes in the market. Additionally, I also use machine learning clustering methods to categorize house- holds into different demographic types based on age, number of children and expenditure in the housing market. With these types, I per- form analyses that contrast the implied demands for housing quality in the different obtained clusters.The methods developed in the different chapters are of interest to policy makers and agents who want to follow the evolution of rental rates and prices at different levels of the quality distribution, as well as for those interested in making welfare evaluations of policies that affect local housing markets differently for households with different demographics. Also, they give insight on agglomeration benefits of larger cities and compensations required when moving a household from one area to another.
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  • Economía

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Essays on specification and estimation of models of markets for heterogeneous housing = Ensayos sobre la especificación y estimación de modelos de mercados de vivienda heterogéneos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Futurs enseignants de FLE étudiant à l’étranger: Effets du séjour linguistique et culturel et enjeux identitaires analysés à la lumière de leur récit de vie

Futurs enseignants de FLE étudiant à l’étranger: Effets du séjour linguistique et culturel et enjeux identitaires analysés à la lumière de leur récit de vie

Por: Doris Colorado López | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Résumé:Nombre d’enseignants de langues étrangères partent étudier dans le(s) pays où on parle la langue qu’ils enseignent, ce qui constitue une expérience bouleversante. Intégrer une culture différente et se socialiser par le biais d’une langue étrangère modifie à la fois notre façon d’appréhender la réalité et le regard que l’on a sur soi, comme sur autrui. Un séjour linguistique et culturel à l’étranger aurait donc des effets sur les constructions identitaires des (futur(e)s) enseignant(e)s.L’identité, considérée d’un point de vue dynamique, évolue et se construit dans l’interaction, un phénomène qui se produit dans le pays d’accueil et grâce au langage. Je présenterai une recherche qualitative dans le cadre de laquelle j’ai analysé les effets d’un séjour linguistique et culturel à l’étranger, m’intéressant de manière particulière aux aspects identitaires, mis en discours dans le récit de vie de 9 (futur(e)s) enseignant(e)s de FLE.Abstract: Many foreign language teachers go to study in the country where the language they teach is spoken, which is an overwhelming experience. Integrating a different culture and socializing through a foreign language modifies both the way we perceive reality and the way we perceive ourselves and the others.Being in contact with another language and another culture abroad would affect the identity constructions of future teachers. Identity, considered from a dynamic point of view, evolves and is built through interaction, a phenomenon that occurs in the host country and where language plays an important role. I will present a qualitative research that I conducted in order to analyze the effects of living abroad, concentrating mainly on the identity aspects in the narratives of 9 future Colombian French teachers.
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Futurs enseignants de FLE étudiant à l’étranger: Effets du séjour linguistique et culturel et enjeux identitaires analysés à la lumière de leur récit de vie

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Imagen de apoyo de  Green politics in Latin American cities: sustainable transport agendas = Políticas verdes en ciudades Latinoamericanas: agendas de transporte sostenible

Green politics in Latin American cities: sustainable transport agendas = Políticas verdes en ciudades Latinoamericanas: agendas de transporte sostenible

Por: Carlos Cadena Gaitán | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This work examines the conditions that determine variations in urban transport sustainability outcomes in metropolitan areas of Latin America. Current theory suggests that building urban sustainability cannot just be a local technical dynamic; rather, it must be constructed and contested at various governance levels and through multiple political spaces.Similarly, theory posits that present urban policies are predetermined by previous decisions, which implies high reversal costs for making major changes to the system. Deviating from previous studies that have focused on analyzing urban sustainability technically, and at the local level, this study develops an empirical characterization of transport sustainability for Latin American metropolitan areas, and maps the political determinants of urban sustainability.
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Green politics in Latin American cities: sustainable transport agendas = Políticas verdes en ciudades Latinoamericanas: agendas de transporte sostenible

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Imagen de apoyo de  The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

Por: María Ximena Caicedo Montana | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This paper studies the hedging activities of 104 non-financial UK MNEs from 2005 to 2009 to examine their potential effect on the cost of equity. We use the Fama and French Three Factor Model to estimate the cost of equity and we collect detailed information on hedging and risk management activities directly from the annual reports. Although we evidence a negative relation between the cost of equity and hedging activities, we find that the cost of equity is not significantly affected by whether firms are hedgers or non-hedgers.We further use different subsamples and we are able to observe that: (i) size and leverage are important factors in the analysis of hedging and cost of equity, and (ii) the financial crisis plays an active role in the way firms understand and react towards unexpected volatility and risk. Finally we find that controlling for endogeneity of the hedging decision and for potential sample selection bias our results are more robust and are supporting evidence for the negative and significant relationship between hedging and cost of equity.
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  • Economía

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The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

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Imagen de apoyo de  Evaluating the Efficiency of GUI Ripping for Automated Testing of Android Applications = Evaluando la eficiencia de GUI Ripping para automatización de pruebas de aplicaciones para Android

Evaluating the Efficiency of GUI Ripping for Automated Testing of Android Applications = Evaluando la eficiencia de GUI Ripping para automatización de pruebas de aplicaciones para Android

Por: Santiago Carrillo Barbosa | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Mobile devices and theri applications continue increasing at a fast rate. Android is the leading mobile operating system, with more than 1 billion active devices worldwide. In order to improve the quality of Android applications, we must explore and nd cost-e cient solutions to automate part of their testing process.GUI Ripping is a technique that allows a systematic and automated exploration of an application's Graphical User Interface (GUI).During this exploration, test cases are generated and executed. To evaluate GUI Ripping, I conducted an empirical experiment using GUI Ripper and the Monkey. The e ciency of these testing tools was evaluated, comparing the code coverage and the number of faults detected on two Android applications.The experiment results showed the better e ciency of GUI Ripping, achieving higher code coverage and fault detection rate.
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Evaluating the Efficiency of GUI Ripping for Automated Testing of Android Applications = Evaluando la eficiencia de GUI Ripping para automatización de pruebas de aplicaciones para Android

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Imagen de apoyo de  Effects of higher portions of variable renewable energy in electricity power systems = Efectos en los sistemas eléctricos de potencia con el incremento de energías renovables variables o intermitentes

Effects of higher portions of variable renewable energy in electricity power systems = Efectos en los sistemas eléctricos de potencia con el incremento de energías renovables variables o intermitentes

Por: Andrés Mauricio Ríos Echeverry | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Worldwide electricity power systems are evolving from conventional/dispatchable sources to environmental friendly but Not-dispatchable renewable energy (RE) sources. This has effects on the dynamic of the system and on conventional and RE generators, electricity quality and energy cost. This research identifies the main effects of higher portions of Non-dispatchable RE based on a reference case. An MATLAB/EXCEL “ad-hoc” model has been developed. It simulates the Unit Commitment (UC) and Economic Dispatch (ED) with 10 conventional generators and one zero fuel cost RE generator (Non-dispatchable RE as “study-case” and Dispatchable RE “reference-case”).Results indicated that higher portions of Non-dispatchable RE had a swapping effect where base load units were displaced. Consequently, the system ran at lower cost-efficient point, the number of Start-ups and RE curtailment increased compared to the reference case. Furthermore, conventional generators running cost and system running cost followed the variable pattern of the Non-dispatchable RE source. Meanwhile, these costs were linked to the demand in the reference case. Ultimately, higher portions of Non-dispatchable RE made the system underperform compared to the reference case. Therefore, this incentive technology that lessen unwanted effects. Future studies shall focus on increasing the number of units and complexity of the system by using more powerful software.
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  • Ingeniería

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Effects of higher portions of variable renewable energy in electricity power systems = Efectos en los sistemas eléctricos de potencia con el incremento de energías renovables variables o intermitentes

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Imagen de apoyo de  Arabs in Latin America: The representation of a community in diaspora.= Árabes en América Latina: La representación de una comunidad en diáspora

Arabs in Latin America: The representation of a community in diaspora.= Árabes en América Latina: La representación de una comunidad en diáspora

Por: Juliana González Fernandes | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This dissertation aims to discuss and analyse the images constructed of the Arabs in Latin America in the first half of the twentieth century. Based on mass media productions of the time, aspects of movie and novel narratives will be examined with the intention of forming an idea of what stereotypes Arabs had to deal with in their daily lives and how they overcame them. In order to understand the question of “How has the status of Arabs been represented in the Americas”, there will be a revision of what the main historical highlights of the Arab diaspora in Latin America are, and how historiography has approached Middle Eastern presence in the continent. I will examine the interplay between locals and Arab immigrants through the eyes of local stereotypes, and state discourses concerning immigration. Finally, I will argue that despite negative stereotypes, Arabs have managed to achieve very important professional goals in Latin America, and their contributions to society have been greater than what has been acknowledged so far in the continent.Esta tesis recibió una distinción meritoria.
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Arabs in Latin America: The representation of a community in diaspora.= Árabes en América Latina: La representación de una comunidad en diáspora

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