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Imagen de apoyo de  Arquitectura híbrida para sistemas cognitivos artificiales con comportamiento emergente, adaptativo y auto-organizado = Hybrid architecture for cognitive artificial systems with emergent, adaptive and self-organized behavior

Arquitectura híbrida para sistemas cognitivos artificiales con comportamiento emergente, adaptativo y auto-organizado = Hybrid architecture for cognitive artificial systems with emergent, adaptive and self-organized behavior

Por: Oscar Javier Romero López | Fecha: 01/01/2011

En el campo de estudio de los Agentes Autónomos Inteligentes, uno de los retos más complejos de lograr es la simulación de los procesos cognitivos. Generalmente, la meta de integrar diversas micro-teorías en un solo modelo cognitivo que sea capaz de procesar ingentes cantidades de variables, las cuales cambian continuamente con una complejidad incremental, resulta ser una tarea intrincada cuyos frutos no siempre suelen reflejar las expectativas iniciales de sus diseñadores. En el área de la Cognición Artificial es posible distinguir tres grandes aproximaciones: la Cognitivista, basada en sistemas de representación simbólica y mecanismos de aprendizaje explícito; la Emergente, fundamentada en sistemas de representación sub-simbólica y procesos cognitivos de naturaleza implícita; y la Híbrida, que busca integrar lo mejor de cada aproximación.Esta última, a pesar de ser un enfoque conciliador que pretende compensar las debilidades y potenciar las fortalezas de cada aproximación, es un área de investigación muy reciente cuyos resultados son aún incipientes. En la presente tesis, se propone un modelo cognitivo híbrido y original, denominado Metáfora, cuyas aportaciones principales son: (1) la integración de teorías multi-disciplinares -- psicocognitivas, neurológicas, biológicas, de inteligencia artificial, etc. -- sobre la cognición; (2) un diseño arquitectónico basado en bloques de construcción cibernéticos, que adapta lo mejor de los modelos cognitivos más representativos -- diseño por capas, modular, multi-componente, descentralizado, y distribuido; (3) la fusión de los principios propuestos tanto por la aproximación cognitivista como por la aproximación emergente, y la definición de los mecanismos de integración y sincronización necesarios para comunicar estos dos niveles; y (4) un diseño innovador que articula tres niveles de auto-organización inspirados en principios de la biología evolutiva y del desarrollo: la epigénesis, la ontogénesis, y la filogénesis, a partir de los cuales emergen las diversas estructuras cognitivas de la arquitectura.En el nivel epigenético se define una capa cognitiva controlada por dos clases de máquinas autopoiéticas (i.e., los Sistemas Inmunes Artificiales y las Redes Neuronales Artificiales), cuya responsabilidad es crear las estructuras cognitivas de bajo nivel y dotar a la arquitectura con un grado significativo de plasticidad. En el nivel ontogenético, por un lado, se precisa un mecanismo atencional adaptativo el cual es capaz de orquestar los diversos comportamientos y procesos conscientes y subconscientes del agente, empleando para ello un modelo evolutivo de dispersión de energía de activación y, por otro, se define un mecanismo que evoluciona las estructuras cognitivas de orden superior. Por último, en el nivel filogenético, se propone un mecanismo basado en la ingeniería memética, encargado de co-evolucionar y trasmitir las estructuras cognitivas a través de la sociedad de agentes.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Arquitectura híbrida para sistemas cognitivos artificiales con comportamiento emergente, adaptativo y auto-organizado = Hybrid architecture for cognitive artificial systems with emergent, adaptive and self-organized behavior

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Imagen de apoyo de  Orbit ephemeris monitor for GBAS Cat-I aircraft precision approach operations = Monitor GBAS de orbitas de satelite para operaciones de aproximacion de presicion CAT-I para aeronaves

Orbit ephemeris monitor for GBAS Cat-I aircraft precision approach operations = Monitor GBAS de orbitas de satelite para operaciones de aproximacion de presicion CAT-I para aeronaves

Por: Cristhian Timote | Fecha: 01/01/2014

El sistema de aumentación en tierra GBAS permite mejorar el rendimiento de cualquier sistema de navegación por satélite, o GNSS, permitiendo proveer operaciones de precisión en aproximación y aterrizaje hasta la categoría CAT I para aeronaves civiles. El equipo a bordo de la aeronave confía en la validez y exactitud de la información suministrada por la estación GBAS para así calcular sus propios Niveles de Protección (PL). Por tanto, la estación GBAS es completamente responsable de evaluar los y asegurar los niveles de integridad de la señal que recibe, en cumplimiento con los requerimientos establecidos. De lo contrario, una notificación o mensaje ha de ser enviado por la estación GBAS a las aeronaves informando de esta situación.El error de posicionamiento de satélite debido a efemérides es una falla en la cual la ver- dadera posición del satélite no se corresponde con aquella calculada por las aeronaves. Pese al hecho de que la probabilidad de tales eventos es baja, y que normalmente cuando se sucede su magnitud no es lo suficientemente considerable para tener un impacto significativo en el posicionamiento, podría ocurrir que una combinación de factores diera lugar a una amenaza real a la integridad, y a potenciales errores en el posicionamiento.Este reporte se centra en el tipo de error de orbitas B, en el cual la discordancia entre la posición emitida por satélite y la verdadera es una consecuencia directa de un error en la información contenida en las efemérides. Trabajos previos han demostrado satisfactorios resultados detectando estas fallas comparando el mensaje de efemérides recibido con respecto a un mensaje previo que ya haya sido validado, implementando una aproximación de orden cero (ZOH), de primer orden (FOH) y de segundo orden (SOH).El objetivo principal es la implementación de estas aproximaciones, comparar los resultados y elegir un candidato para el monitor de error en orbitas de satélite de tipo B, cumpliendo los requerimientos para aproximaciones y aterrizajes de precisión categoría CAT-I. El siguiente trabajo de grado presentado para optar por el título de Master en Sistemas de Navegación por Satélite en la Escuela Nacional de la Aviación Civil Francesa, ENAC, también presentado como resultado final del trabajo de practicas la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, UPC, bajo el marco del Master de Ciencias y Tecnologías Aeroespaciales, detalla el desarrollo e implementación practica de un monitor de orbita de satélite para ser utilizado en aproximaciones de precisión CATI.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Orbit ephemeris monitor for GBAS Cat-I aircraft precision approach operations = Monitor GBAS de orbitas de satelite para operaciones de aproximacion de presicion CAT-I para aeronaves

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

Por: Andrés Oswaldo Calderón Romero | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Modern data acquisition techniques such as Global positioning system (GPS), Radio-frequency identification (RFID) and mobile phones have resulted in the collection of huge amounts of data in the form of trajectories during the past years. Popularity of these technologies and ubiquity of mobile devices seem to indicate that the amount of spatio-temporal data will increase at accelerated rates in the future. Many previous studies have focused on efficient techniques to store and query trajectory databases. Early approaches to recovering information from this kind of data include single predicate range and nearest neighbour queries.However, they are unable to capture collective behaviour and correlations among moving objects. Recently, a new interest for querying patterns capturing ‘group’ or ‘common’ behaviours have emerged. An example of this type of pattern are moving flocks. These are defined as groups of moving objects that move together (within a predefined distance to each other) for a certain continuous period of time. Current algorithms to discover moving flock patterns report problems in scalability and the way the discovered patterns are reported.The field of frequent pattern mining has faced similar problems during the past decade, and has sought to provided efficient and scalable techniques which successfully deal with those issues. This research proposes a framework which integrates techniques for clustering, pattern mining detection, postprocessing and visualization in order to discover and analyse moving flock patterns in large trajectory datasets. The proposed framework was tested and compared with a current method (BFE algorithm). Synthetic datasets simulating trajectories generated by large number of moving objects were used to test the scalability of the framework. Real datasets from different contexts and characteristics were used to assess the performance and analyse the discovered patterns.The framework shows to be efficient, scalable and modular. This research shows that moving flock patterns can be generalized as frequent patterns and state-of-the-art algorithms for frequent pattern mining can be used to detect the moving flock patterns. This research develops preliminary visualization of the most relevant findings. Appropriate interpretation of the results demands further analysis in order to display the most relevant information.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Mining moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal datasets using a frequent pattern mining approach

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Imagen de apoyo de  Dynamic System Performance Analysis of a Novel Grid Connection Topology for Offshore Wind Farms Using MMC-HVDC Transmission  /  Estudio dinámico de una nueva topología de conexión eléctrica para granjas eólicas marinas usando transmisión HVDC con topología MMC

Dynamic System Performance Analysis of a Novel Grid Connection Topology for Offshore Wind Farms Using MMC-HVDC Transmission / Estudio dinámico de una nueva topología de conexión eléctrica para granjas eólicas marinas usando transmisión HVDC con topología MMC

Por: Pedro Lozada Ayala | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Recent projections estimate that the Netherlands needs circa 33 GW of offshore wind capacity in the North Sea to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. To this end, the Dutch government has very ambitious plans to create new wind sites far from shore and integrate that power generation to the high-voltage power grid in the next years. Due to the challenges of connecting future massive amounts of offshore wind power into the grid TenneT operates it becomes urgent to investigate new alternatives for this purpose. A grid topology with transmission capacities above 1 GW connecting offshore wind farms at distances close to 100 km in a standardized, modular, and cost-efficient manner is the focus of this thesis. With eight point-to-point HVDC links in operation in Germany and more expected in near future, TenneT TSO is analysing new offshore grid connection concepts to achieve a reliable and secure operation of the infrastructure connecting wind energy both in Germany and the Netherlands. A solution is presented in this thesis report in which new wind farms are connected with 66-kV cables to a centralised platform with a connection capacity of 1050 MW. This platform will utilise HVDC technology based on VSC conversion techniques and MMC topology. It is expected that the 66-kV cables will not be connected to a single busbar through paralleled converter transformer, but that this will be done with at least three converter transformers connected to each other on the valve side but not connected on the 66-kV side. A dynamic performance study of a test network with the novel connection topology developed in PSCAD has been done. Each component of the system was studied to obtain a complete overview and understanding of the overall behaviour. All the associated control loops for the MMC terminals and wind turbines were modelled in detail. Through several simulations based on eight cases and scenarios the performance of the offshore 66-kV ac grid and the MMC-HVDC link using the control schemes of MMC converters as in a typical grid connection topology for OWFs was assessed. Proyecciones recientes estiman que los Países Bajos necesitan alrededor de 33 GW de capacidad eólica marina en el Mar del Norte para cumplir los objetivos del Acuerdo de París. Para este fin, el gobierno holandés tiene planes muy ambiciosos de crear nuevas plantas eólicas lejos de la costa e integrar esa generación de energía a la red eléctrica de alto voltaje en los próximos años. Debido a los desafíos de conectar cantidades masivas de energía eólica marina a la red que opera TenneT en el futuro, es urgente investigar nuevas alternativas para este propósito. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar una nueva topología de red con capacidades de transmisión por encima de 1 GW que conecte parques eólicos marinos a distancias cercanas a 100 km de manera estandarizada, modular y rentable. Con ocho enlaces HVDC punto a punto en operación en Alemania y más esperados en el futuro cercano, TenneT TSO está analizando nuevos conceptos de conexión a la red en el mar para lograr una operación confiable y segura de la infraestructura que conecta la energía eólica tanto en Alemania como en los Países Bajos. En este reporte de tesis se presenta una solución en la que los nuevos parques eólicos están conectados con cables de 66 kV a una plataforma centralizada con una capacidad de conexión de 1050 MW. Esta plataforma utilizará tecnología HVDC basada en las técnicas de conversión VSC con topología MMC. Se espera que los cables de 66 kV no se conecten a un solo punto eléctrico a través de transformadores convertidores en paralelo, sino que esto se hará con al menos tres transformadores convertidores conectados entre sí en el lado del convertidor, pero no en el lado de 66 kV. En este documento se presentan los resultados de un estudio dinámico de una red de prueba con la nueva topología de conexión desarrollada en PSCAD. Cada componente del sistema se estudió para obtener una visión general completa y una comprensión del comportamiento de toda la red. Todos los lazos de control de las estaciones convertidoras MMC y las turbinas eólicas se modelaron en detalle. A través de varias simulaciones basadas en ocho casos y escenarios se evaluó el comportamiento de la red de ac de 66 kV en alta mar y el enlace MMC-HVDC utilizando los esquemas actuales de control de los convertidores MMC de las topologías típicas de conexión de red para granjas eólicas marinas.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Dynamic System Performance Analysis of a Novel Grid Connection Topology for Offshore Wind Farms Using MMC-HVDC Transmission / Estudio dinámico de una nueva topología de conexión eléctrica para granjas eólicas marinas usando transmisión HVDC con topología MMC

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Imagen de apoyo de  Implementing value engineering studies in public infrastructure project delivery framework

Implementing value engineering studies in public infrastructure project delivery framework

Por: Felipe Castro Arenas | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Some authors argue that Value Engineering (VE) is just an audit exercise carried out over the work of planners and designers, and that the large success it has had in organizations like the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the USA is just a proof that engineers are doing things wrong from the outset (Winch, 2002).In many cases, VE studies are executed just in a reactive manner when project managers face budget overruns and schedule delays.However, VE has shown ever more effective when it is fully integrated into the organization’s project delivery framework. Nonetheless, deciding upon the best timing for executing VE studies still remains controversial. The timing is a critical factor for the effectiveness of VE studies and this article attempts to shed light on this issue
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Implementing value engineering studies in public infrastructure project delivery framework

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Imagen de apoyo de  Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in China: A Research Agenda for Science and Technology Studies

Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in China: A Research Agenda for Science and Technology Studies

Por: Rodolfo Andrés Hernández Pérez | Fecha: 01/01/2015

hina’s air pollution has reached a critical state, and is characterized by heavy coal smoke and a wide presence of ozone and particulate matter (PM2.5). From 2011, through the 12th five year plan, the prevention and control of air pollution entered a new ‘transition stage’ guided by the principles of sustainability and energy conservation, and also intensified by pressure from the society.This article is divided into two parts: first, it introduces the most important changes, problems and advances during this transition, including a brief explanation of the policy mechanisms. Second, it illustrates how research in the area of Science and Technology Studies (STS) can bring about new ways to understand the problems of the knowledge-policy and public engagement of air pollution in China.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in China: A Research Agenda for Science and Technology Studies

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Imagen de apoyo de  UMTS Capacity simulation study (carried out at Vodafone Netherlands)

UMTS Capacity simulation study (carried out at Vodafone Netherlands)

Por: Andrés Felipe Cosme Hurtado | Fecha: 01/01/2003

The purpose of this report is to investigate the performance, measured in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of a UMTS radio network (UTRAN) under different traffic and mobility scenarios and develop general guidelines for dimensioning the UMTS network optimally. In this work, simulations are performed using Wines tool, which is a dynamic simulator that models all the radio-resource management functionality of the UTRAN. Two main series of experiments have been performed. In the first series, the distribution of the traffic is homogeneous and the main purpose is to find capacity figures when increasing the traffic density of one of the four possible defined services (WWW, FTP, voice and video-call) and also with a given traffic mix involving all services together.Two mobility profiles are used (pedestrian and vehicular). In the second series of experiments, a more realistic scenario, based on detailed geographical characteristics relevant for signal propagation, and traffic densities based on traffic maps (non homogeneous scenario), has been simulated. The purpose was to analyze the possible differences in capacity between the “ideal” model and the more “realistic” model.For the single-service scenario analysis, circuit-switched services (speech and video-call), it can be observed that the capacity is mainly uplink-limited. The corresponding results for the packet-switched services (FTP, WEB) have shown that capacity is mostly downlink-limited, as it was expected due to the more asymmetrical data rates in the downlink compared to the uplink for both services. For the service mix analysis in both scenarios (homogeneous and non homogeneous) it was found that the capacity is mostly downlink-limited (i.e. the downlink power target level is exceeded before the uplink load target level).
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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UMTS Capacity simulation study (carried out at Vodafone Netherlands)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Performance, instrumentation and numerical simulation of one museum park west excavation = Desempeño, instrumentación y modelación numérica de la excavación del edificio “One museum park west”

Performance, instrumentation and numerical simulation of one museum park west excavation = Desempeño, instrumentación y modelación numérica de la excavación del edificio “One museum park west”

Por: Luis Guillermo Arboleda Monsalve | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The excavation for the 53-story reinforced concrete One Museum Park West building (OMPW) in Chicago was constructed using combined support systems. The building was supported by caissons and a perimeter wall formed by secant piles which transitioned to tangent piles below the bottom of the cut. After installing the perimeter wall and deep foundations for the building, the excavation for the reinforced concrete central core was supported by a circular cofferdam made of sheet piles and steel ring beams. This excavation was made using conventional bottom-up excavation techniques. The excavation for the rest of the building was made using a top-down method and was laterally braced with reinforced concrete floor slabs structurally connected to the secant pile walls and the reinforced concrete core. Field performance data during construction of the OMPW basements were collected with settlement points, inclinometers and strain gages installed in the concrete basement slabs.Significant settlements were observed adjacent to the excavation during wall and deep foundation installation, central core construction and top-down excavation. The influence of concrete material time-dependence of the floor slabs on the performance during top-down excavation is evaluated and a method for the separation of temperature-related strains from the excavation-induced strains in the concrete is described. The construction of the basements is simulated with a 3D numerical structural model to study the influence of the concrete material time-dependence of the floor slabs in the excavation-induced movements resulting from top-down construction. Computed strains in the floor slabs are compared with the observed performance data collected from the strain gages.For use in numerical simulation of the entire excavation process, hypoplasticity constitutive parameters for clays (HC model) at the element test level were calibrated with tests conducted on high quality block samples obtained from the excavation of Block 37 project in Chicago. They included oedometer tests, bender element measurements, and triaxial tests following different stress probes, and were further refined with seismic cone penetration results.  The entire OMPW excavation is simulated with the calibrated parameters with a fully coupled-flow deformation, three-dimensional finite element model. Influence of the construction of secant pile walls, concrete material time-dependence, and nonlinear concrete behavior of the perimeter pile walls on the performance of the OMPW excavation is determined. Conclusions about top-down construction are drawn in light of the measured and simulated performance of the OMPW excavation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Performance, instrumentation and numerical simulation of one museum park west excavation = Desempeño, instrumentación y modelación numérica de la excavación del edificio “One museum park west”

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Imagen de apoyo de  The underestimated value of safety in achieving organizational goals: cast analysis of the macondo accident = El subestimado valor de la seguridad industrial en el logro de objetivos organizacionales: Análisis CAST del Accidente de Macondo

The underestimated value of safety in achieving organizational goals: cast analysis of the macondo accident = El subestimado valor de la seguridad industrial en el logro de objetivos organizacionales: Análisis CAST del Accidente de Macondo

Por: María Fernanda Tafur Muñoz | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Abstract:On April 20, 2010, an explosion in the rig Deepwater Horizon performing drilling operations on the Macondo Prospect Well, in the Gulf of Mexico, led to the largest oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. Eleven crewmembers lost their lives and around 4.9 million barrels of oil were discharged into the ocean until the continuous subsea blowout of the well was contained in September 19, 2010.Given the magnitude and the complexity of the accident, several safety analyses have been proposed by the international community at different levels of the system involved in the accident. Most of these studies use accident analysis techniques based on chain-of-event models, whose main objective is to identify root-causes. However, while this approach describes physical phenomena accurately, it does not explain the role of organizational and socio-economical factors, human decisions, or design inaccuracies in accidents in complex, adaptive, and tightly coupled systems like Macondo. In response to this need, N. Leveson developed the new accident-analysis technique Causal Analysis Based on System Theory (CAST), based on her model System-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP). In STAMP accidents are not treated as chain of failure events, but as complex processes that result from a large variety of causes including component failures and faults, system design errors, unintended and unplanned interactions among system components, human operator errors, flawed management decision-making, inadequate controls and oversight, and poor safety culture.This thesis presents management recommendations based on a CAST analysis of the Macondo Accident. The goal is to help the oil and gas offshore drilling community achieve safer operations and understand the value of systems safety in achieving organizational goals.Resumen:El 20 de abril de 2010, una explosión en la plataforma Deepwater Horizon, la cual estaba ejecutando operaciones de perforación en el pozo exploratorio Macondo, en el Golfo de Méjico, resultó en el mayor derrame de crudo de la historia de la industria petrolera. Once trabajadores perdieron su vida y cerca de 4,9 millones de barriles de crudo contaminaron el océano hasta que el escape fue contenido el 19 de septiembre de 2010.Dada la magnitud y complejidad del accidente, múltiples análisis de seguridad industrial han sido propuestos por la comunidad internacional examinando diferentes niveles del sistema organizacional involucrado en el accidente. La mayoría de estos estudios usan técnicas de análisis basadas en modelos de cadena de eventos, cuyo objetivo principal es identificar causa raíces. Sin embargo, mientras este enfoque describe procesos físicos acertadamente, no explica el papel de factores organizacionales y socio-económicos, decisiones humanas, o imprecisiones de diseño en accidentes sucedidos en sistemas organizacionales complejos, adaptativos, y estrechamente acoplados como el de Macondo. En respuesta a esta necesidad, N. Leveson desarrolló la nueva técnica de análisis de accidentes Análisis Causal Basado en la Teoría de Sistemas (CAST por sus siglas en inglés), basada en su Modelo y Proceso Teórico de Análisis de Sistemas (STAMP por sus siglas en inglés). En STAMP, los accidentes no se tratan como eventos de cadena de fallas, sino como procesos complejos que resultan de una gran variedad de causas, incluidas defectos y fallas de componentes, errores de diseño del sistema, interacciones involuntarias e inesperadas entre los componentes del sistema, errores de operadores humanos, decisiones gerenciales equivocadas, controles y supervisiones inadecuados, y deficiencias en la cultura de seguridad industrial.Esta tesis presenta recomendaciones de gestión basadas en un análisis CAST del accidente de Macondo. El objetivo es ayudar a la comunidad de perforación petrolera a lograr operaciones más seguras y comprender el valor de la seguridad industrial en el logro de objetivos organizacionale.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The underestimated value of safety in achieving organizational goals: cast analysis of the macondo accident = El subestimado valor de la seguridad industrial en el logro de objetivos organizacionales: Análisis CAST del Accidente de Macondo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Massively parallel method of moments for fast and reliable electromagnetic simulations for dielectric bodies and metals

Massively parallel method of moments for fast and reliable electromagnetic simulations for dielectric bodies and metals

Por: Manuel Ricardo Pérez Cerquera | Fecha: 01/01/2013

The Interaction of electromagnetic waves with dielectric bodies and metals has been extensively studied because of its importance to problems including propagation through rain or snow, scattering by and detection of air borne particles, coupling to missiles with plasma plumes or dielectric-filled apertures, performance of communication antennas in the presence of dielectric and magnetic inhomogeneities, and medical diagnostics and power absorption in biological bodies.Computational electromagnetics methods (CEM) offer and indispensable tool for calculating the electromagnetic scattering from an internal field distribution of arbitrarily shaped, inhomogeneous, dielectric bodies. The aim of this thesis is the study and simulation of a RF coils system design by developing a novel parallel fast Method of Moments (MoM) modeling approach suitable for the simulation of dielectric bodies and metals. The parallel fast MoM implementation uses volume and surface basis functions with special properties appropriate for the representation of flux current densities for perfect electric conductors (PEC) and dielectrics.The results obtained with our modeling method were confirmed by comparisons with analytical solutions and other commercial software results, yielding very good agreement. The RF coil is employed in high field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to obtain high quality brain images. Among all the clinical imaging techniques, MRI stands as a noninvasive technique that provides accurate, detailed anatomic images, which has had a major impact in the diagnosis of human diseases.MRI is a widely use soft-tissue imaging modality that has involved over the past several years into a powerful and versatile medical diagnostic tool capable of providing in-vivo diagnostic images of human anatomy. Current research areas in MRI system design are driven by the need to obtain detailed high resolution images with improved image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at a given magnetic field strength. One of the most critical factor that influences the quality and resolution of the MRI is the homogeneity of the RF field. To this end, this requirement demands the development of high performance MRI radio frequency (RF) coils and a standard procedure for enhancing the uniformity of the field directly at the modeling stage of the RF Coil.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Massively parallel method of moments for fast and reliable electromagnetic simulations for dielectric bodies and metals

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