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Imagen de apoyo de  Transiciones socioecológicas hacia la sostenibilidad: Gestión de la biodiversidad en los procesos de cambio de uso de la tierra en el territorio colombiano

Transiciones socioecológicas hacia la sostenibilidad: Gestión de la biodiversidad en los procesos de cambio de uso de la tierra en el territorio colombiano

Por: María Eugenia Rinaudo Mannucci | Fecha: 01/01/2018

La transformación de los ecosistemas del territorio continental colombiano, su ocupación productiva y la persistencia de una confrontación armada interna atraviesan en la actualidad por un momento histórico crucial, que puede significar cambios profundos en la biodiversidad de los territorios. El inicio de la implementación del Acuerdo Final de paz entre el Gobierno Nacional y las Farc-EP, y la eventual firma de un acuerdo con el ELN, sumado a las grandes dinámicas económicas y sociales en un contexto de globalización, conllevan transformaciones que afectarán regiones reconocidas por sus altos valores de biodiversidad y su fragilidad ambiental, estimulando transiciones sociales y ecológicas que ya se comienzan a ver pero que solo se expresarán de manera contundente a mediano y largo plazo. En este documento se ponen en consideración estos procesos de cambio de la biodiversidad, algunos de ellos hoy acelerados, bajo el concepto de transiciones socioecológicas y que, gracias a una nueva generación de políticas y acciones de gestión de la biodiversidad, deberían estar orientados hacia la sostenibilidad.
Fuente: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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Transiciones socioecológicas hacia la sostenibilidad: Gestión de la biodiversidad en los procesos de cambio de uso de la tierra en el territorio colombiano

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Imagen de apoyo de  Traditional Investment Tools Using Backtesting Simulations: The Case of Colombian Stock Market for the Period 2007-2013

Traditional Investment Tools Using Backtesting Simulations: The Case of Colombian Stock Market for the Period 2007-2013

Por: Orlando Enrique; Vecino Arenas Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2016

This study intends to prove the viability of the mean-variance portfolio methodology introduced by Harry Markowitz in 1950 as a traditional concept that modern retail investors could use to improve the performance of their investments, over and above that offered by the average actively managed or index equity fund. Likewise, represents a final dossier with several outputs obtained by the design and running of an optimization model, which was developed by using basic financial concepts.This algorithm which is based on a back testing analysis, simulated four investment strategies by taking into account historical data on the Colombian stock market. From this application, recommended portfolios for each strategy are obtained and ran for the period between 2007 and 2013, which are compared in terms of return and risk to the most representative Colombian stock index (IGBC) behavior.Results achieved indicate that the designed algorithm is effective, yet demonstrate a more superior integral performance than the market. Its main contribution is the model’s potential use for supporting actual investment decisions. It is believed there is sufficient evidence to support the use of traditional concepts and financial tools like the mean-variance optimization as a valid, value-adding mechanism for investors.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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Traditional Investment Tools Using Backtesting Simulations: The Case of Colombian Stock Market for the Period 2007-2013

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Imagen de apoyo de  Todo lo que querías saber sobre bitcoin, criptomonedas y blockchain

Todo lo que querías saber sobre bitcoin, criptomonedas y blockchain

Por: Carlos Domingo | Fecha: 24/05/2018

¿Ha llegado el dinero digital para quedarse definitivamente? ¿Es la blockchain la próxima revolución tecnológica? ¿Cómo va a afectar en nuestras vidas la llamada criptoeconomía? Casi no queda nadie que no haya oído hablar del bitcoin, las criptomonedas y la blockchain. Sin embargo, continúa siendo un universo sobre el que se mantienen demasiados mitos y que provoca muchas dudas y posiciones encontradas. Carlos Domingo, una de las voces más autorizadas en esta materia y con un discurso comprensible y bien documentado, arroja luz sobre un tema que cada vez más nos afecta a todos. Desde el convencimiento de que estamos ante una auténtica disrupción, estas páginas nos acercan a la historia del bitcoin y otras criptomonedas de nueva generación y al enorme potencial de una tecnología que va a transformar numerosas industrias y revolucionar el sistema financiero.
Fuente: Planeta
  • Temas:
  • Economía
  • Otros

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Todo lo que querías saber sobre bitcoin, criptomonedas y blockchain

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Imagen de apoyo de  To what extent does financial inclusion improve individual health status? Evidence from Colombia

To what extent does financial inclusion improve individual health status? Evidence from Colombia

Por: Juan David; Ottovordemgenschenfelde Correa Carmona | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Financial inclusion helps poor households to improve their consumption levels, protect against risks and significantly reduce the need to sell assets to meet basic needs. With access to savings, credit, insurance, and other financial services, poor people take advantage of economic opportunities, are more resilient and better able to cope with the everyday crises they face. Thus, the use of financial services is associated with improvements in household economic welfare and enterprise stability or growth. By reducing vulnerability and increasing earnings and savings, financial services allow poor households to make the transformation from ‘every-day survival’ to ‘planning for the future’ (Kiva-Organization).Microfinance is even more than providing a fundamental economic basis for planning and expanding business activities. By supporting women's economic participation, microfinance helps to empower women, thus promoting gender-equity and greater investment in their children's education. Also, increased earnings from financial services lead to better nutrition and better living conditions, which translates into a lower incidence of illness. With more money, poor people may seek out and pay for health care services when needed, rather than go without or wait until their health seriously deteriorates. The availability of credit for entrepreneurs is likely to lead to economic diversification and wealth creation in the community, which might support the development of health-related infrastructure such as sanitation and medical facilities (UNCDF Microfinance).Many different studies have shown that poor people who participate in microfinance programs that had access to financial services have better economic conditions than those who did not have access to financial services (Nawaz, 2010). While this empirical evidence seems almost to be done, we looked for a field that is nearly unexplored. Instead of understanding the determinants of financial inclusion or exclusion, this study will focus on the outcomes of interest that are shaped by financial exclusion.One such outcome is individual health. To start with, individual health (and mostly mental rather than physical health) is lower the larger the uncertainty individuals face, for a given level of income. As long as financial inclusion provides insurance against many possible shocks, and allows a better planning of one's life, we should expect a positive effect of financial inclusion on individual health. Also, it seems that in most impoverished communities, financial inclusion serves to raise the level of general sanitation, which also improves individual health. With research data from Columbia, this study considers if there is any statistical significance for the linkage between financial inclusion and health.The organization of this study is the following. In Section 2 we describe the principals of financial inclusion, determinants of health and the current linkage between microfinance and health. After the theoretical part, Section 3 offers the data collection process, explains the basic survey and gives an analysis of the descriptive statistics. Section 4 includes the definition of the relevant variables as well as the regression of the models we used. The empirical findings are shown in Section 5, while the evaluation and the discussion of the results are shown in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 presents some conclusions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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To what extent does financial inclusion improve individual health status? Evidence from Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Tipologías de imaginarios sobre gestión ambiental de empresarios del sector Hotelero De Bogotá Norte

Tipologías de imaginarios sobre gestión ambiental de empresarios del sector Hotelero De Bogotá Norte

Por: Juan Carlos Ruiz-Urquijo | Fecha: 01/01/2017

El documento construye tipologias de imaginarios sobre las acciones de gestión ambiental de los actores empresariales de un sector ideal para el desarrollo sostenible como lo es el del turismo, especialmente, los hoteles, la investigación se desarrolla aplicando metodología cualitativa, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, y logra determinar como el actuar empresarial proviene de manifestaciones culturales derivadas de sus imaginarios de ambiente, las cuales generalmente son heterogéneas, permitiendo estructurar cuatro tipologías frente a la gestión ambiental, que van desde posiciones legalistas-reactivas hasta actuaciones enmarcadas en un plano ideal en el marco de la sustentabilidad, develando como las políticas de desarrollo sostenible deben ser replanteadas hacia una gestión ambiental de corte participativo y constructivista.
Fuente: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Temas:
  • Administración
  • Economía
  • Otros

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Tipologías de imaginarios sobre gestión ambiental de empresarios del sector Hotelero De Bogotá Norte

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Imagen de apoyo de  THIXIS - Nuestro contacto ambiental

THIXIS - Nuestro contacto ambiental

Por: Braulio Ernesto Ruiz Leal | Fecha: 01/01/2018

La presente propuesta no tratará el asunto ambiental en la ruta tema/objeto/solución. THIXIS está tratando de tocar o acercarse en comunidad a los sucesos de los conflictos ambientales, aquí entendidos como las consecuencias o problemas de sustentabilidad vital que se presentan, ante el modo en que la individualidad humana (incluso la propia), inflige a la naturaleza, la cultura y la sociedad, siendo entonces necesario proponer encuentros autocríticos con estos fenómenos, aquí / ahora, dentro del mismo espacio académico que los aborda; la (MDSGA-UD). Este intento autocrítico es consistente con las posturas: ética (del contacto) y política (de no fragmentación), que profesará esta investigación, siendo estas a su vez, los fundamentos de la propuesta ante la problemática que sigue.
Fuente: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Tipo de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía
  • Tecnología

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THIXIS - Nuestro contacto ambiental

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Imagen de apoyo de  The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

Por: María Ximena Caicedo Montana | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This paper studies the hedging activities of 104 non-financial UK MNEs from 2005 to 2009 to examine their potential effect on the cost of equity. We use the Fama and French Three Factor Model to estimate the cost of equity and we collect detailed information on hedging and risk management activities directly from the annual reports. Although we evidence a negative relation between the cost of equity and hedging activities, we find that the cost of equity is not significantly affected by whether firms are hedgers or non-hedgers.We further use different subsamples and we are able to observe that: (i) size and leverage are important factors in the analysis of hedging and cost of equity, and (ii) the financial crisis plays an active role in the way firms understand and react towards unexpected volatility and risk. Finally we find that controlling for endogeneity of the hedging decision and for potential sample selection bias our results are more robust and are supporting evidence for the negative and significant relationship between hedging and cost of equity.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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The use of derivatives and the cost of equity: Evidence from UK MNE’s = El uso de derivados y el costo de capital: Evidencia de empresas multinacionales en el Reino Unido

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Imagen de apoyo de  The stability of personality traits and economic preference parameters = La estabilidad de rasgos de personalidad y parámetros de preferencias económicas

The stability of personality traits and economic preference parameters = La estabilidad de rasgos de personalidad y parámetros de preferencias económicas

Por: Nicolás Salamanca Acosta | Fecha: 01/01/2010

This thesis contributes to the existing literature on personality traits and economic preference parameters by analyzing the stability of some of the main traits and parameters. Specically, I investigate whether (1) they change as individuals age in the cross-section and by individual, and (2) whether they are affected by an individual's personal situation changes. I use data from a large Dutch household panel survey (DHS) that includes measures for two key economic preference parameters: Risk Aversion and Future Orientation.On personality traits, the dataset contains information on the “Big Five”, a set of five general traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) that are said to capture individual differences in personality, and Economic Locus of Control, a lower-level (i.e. more specic; narrower) trait that measures the extent to which an individual believes economic outcomes are a result of her own actions. My results using pooled cross-section analysis suggest that most preference parameters and personality traits are not stable over time and are changed by many of the events investigated; in particular, there is strong evidence that Big Five Openness is negatively affected by marriage and widowing.Using fixed effects and random effects methodologies on a sub-sample of the data, most of the changes attributed to the events are no longer signifficant but the coefficients of marriage and widowing on Openness remain signifcant of similar size. If personality is modeled as a unit root process and their differences over four years are regressed against event dummies and age group indicators, the effects that are statistically signiffcant reduce to only a few, and the evidence on age instability is also contested. Overall, the evidence suggest that the hypothesis of age stability for most personality traits can be rejected (with the exception of Locus of Control) and only Openness seems to be negatively affected by marriage and widowing.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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The stability of personality traits and economic preference parameters = La estabilidad de rasgos de personalidad y parámetros de preferencias económicas

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Imagen de apoyo de  The recent inequality reduction in Latin America: The role of tax policy = La reciente reducción de la desigualdad en América Latina: el rol de la política tributaria

The recent inequality reduction in Latin America: The role of tax policy = La reciente reducción de la desigualdad en América Latina: el rol de la política tributaria

Por: María Fernanda Valdés Valencia | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Abstract:Inequality in Latin America remains scandalously high but has improved remarkably in the last decade. Multiple reasons for this inequality reduction have been posited, but until now few have inquired as to the role of tax policy in this decline. Therefore, in this dissertation I attempt to fill this gap by investigating whether tax policy in Latin America has been more pro-equity during the recent period of declining inequality in comparison with the period of high and increasing inequality in the 1990s, such that it might have contributed to the decline in inequality observed in recent years. To answer this question, this dissertation begins by explaining, using both empirical and theoretical arguments, the importance of looking at taxation to explain changes in inequality. It then defines pro-equity taxation as dependent on three factors – collection, progressivity and cyclicality – and proposes measuring these factors using a novel methodology consisting of adjusting tax variables to business and commodity cycles. Using case studies of the five largest commodity-dependent economies in the region – Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – this study derives the conclusion that, although some improvements were made, particularly in cyclicality, the authorities’ use of the tax instrument when inequality was declining was no more pro-equity than in the 1990s, when inequality was high and increasing. This suggests that the inequality reduction was not achieved as a result of the tax policy pursued, but mainly in spite of it. It suggests as well that tax policy as an instrument for reducing inequality remains underused in the region and therefore much remains to be done -and certainly can be done- in the tax arena.Resumen:La desigualdad en América Latina sigue siendo escandalosamente alta pero se ha reducido. Este documento se pregunta si esta reducción ha tenido algo que ver con los impuestos. Luego de un análisis de 5 casos de estudios (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México y Peru) este estudio concluye que la forma en que se usaron los impuestos no han cambiado en los últimos años. Esto sugiere que la reducción de desigualdad no está relacionada con una nueva forma de hacer impuestos.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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The recent inequality reduction in Latin America: The role of tax policy = La reciente reducción de la desigualdad en América Latina: el rol de la política tributaria

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Imagen de apoyo de  The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

Por: Hans Christian Bock Mosquera | Fecha: 01/01/2012

China is a successful destination for companies that are looking to receive a good return on their investment and make part of the most outstanding economy in the world. The adverse condition promoted by the state, impact directly the performance of multinational companies, one of these consequences is the Trapped Cash caused by the regulated environment in which the corporation is developing the business.The specific problem of the trapped cash will be analyzed in three different levels; the first one is China in order to familiarize corporations with the environment, generating greater understanding of the basic concepts and concerns that the organization would face. Second, the current theoretical solutions to the problem that will offer and a handful of solutions; third and finally, the case of Alcatel Lucent, a multinational company that has a long background in the Chinese environment, and is struggling because of the trapped cash in China, however, is implementing a solution to solve the liquidity problems of the organization.Concluding the study is possible to highlight the various approaches to increase the liquidity of the company by improving the management practices for the trapped cash situations. Nonetheless, while the roots of the trapped cash remain, a significant amount of cash will be freed.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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The liquidity consequences of China’s socioeconomic environment in multinational companies = Las consecuencias del sistema socioeconómico chino sobre la liquidez de la empresas multinacionales

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