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Imagen de apoyo de  La Dynamique des Prix et les Echanges : une Histoire Récente du ‘Processus de Hahn

La Dynamique des Prix et les Echanges : une Histoire Récente du ‘Processus de Hahn

Por: John Mauro Perdomo Munévar | Fecha: 01/01/2009

Resumen:La principal contribución de la economía a las ciencias sociales es la idea según la cual el mecanismo de libre mercado es capaz de organizar las actividades económicas privadas en un modo favorable para todos los miembros de la sociedad. En este sentido, una completa y satisfactoria teoría sobre el funcionamiento del mercado es el principal desafío para los economistas. Sin embargo, el análisis económico ha restringido la teoría de mercado al estudio del equilibrio general competitivo y sus características, a pesar de la ausencia de una demostración de su estabilidad y de no contar con una tecnología de intercambio que explique la dinámica del mercado.En este sentido, es nuestro propósito presentar una historia sobre la evolución de un modelo dinámico en el cual las transacciones pueden conducir a precios de desequilibrio, y en el que es posible obtener resultados robustos en términos de estabilidad. Dicho modelo, conocido como el ‘Proceso de Hahn’, evolucionó en el periodo comprendido entre 1962 y 1971 con la introducción de un medio de intercambio. Esta evolución, a pesar de su interés para la teoría del mercado, ha sido apenas abordada por los teóricos e historiadores del pensamiento económico.El argumento que desarrollamos muestra cómo, en la versión original del Proceso de Hahn (Hahn y Negishi 1962), hay que admitir la posibilidad de que los agentes sean forzados por el Subastador para que se lleven a cabo las transacciones que garantizan la estabilidad de los intercambios en torno a un equilibrio general competitivo (Veendorp 1969). No obstante, admitir que los intercambios sean forzados, va en contra del principio de interés privado que es base de la teoría del mercado.Siguiendo a Negishi(1982), mostramos que la introducción de medios de intercambio puede resolver tal problema al mismo tiempo que introduce una tecnología de intercambio en el modelo (Arrow and Hahn 1971).Concluimos esta historia con las preguntas y alternativas que surgen de la versión “monetaria” del Proceso de Hahn a la luz de los obstáculos que enfrenta el análisis en desequilibrio. Este ejercicio muestra el interés y la fecundidad de la historia del pensamiento económico como un recurso para la renovación y la la innovación teórica.Abstract:The main contribution of economics to social sciences is the idea that the free market mechanism is capable of organizing private economic activities in a way that is favorable to all members of society. In this sense, a complete and satisfactory theory about the function of the market is the principal challenge for an economist. However, the economic analysis has restricted market theory to the study of the competitive general equilibrium and its characteristics, despite the absence of a demonstration of its stability and despite not having a technology of exchange to explain the market dynamics.In this sense, it is our purpose to present a story about the evolution of a dynamic model in which transactions might lead to disequilibrium prices, and in which it is possible to obtain robust results in terms of stability. The latter model, known as the Hahn Process, evolved in the period between 1962 and 1971 with the introduction of a means of exchange. This evolution, in spite of being of great interest for the market theory, has been approached marginally by theoreticians and historians of economic thought.The argument we develop shows how, in the original version of the Hahn process (Hahn and Negishi 1962), one must admit the possibility of agents being forced by the auctioneer to carry out transactions that guarantee the stability of exchanges towards a competitive general equilibrium (Veendorp 1969). However, to admit that exchanges are forced, breaks down the principle of private interest that is at the very base of market theory.Following Negishi (1982), we show that the introduction of a means of exchange solves the latter problem and simultaneously introduces a transactional technology to the model (Arrow and Hahn 1971). We conclude this story with the questions and alternatives that arise from the “monetary” version of the Hahn Process in light of the obstacles established by the equilibrium analysis. This exercise shows the interest and the fecundity of the history of economic throught as a source of renewal and theoretical innovation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Economía

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La Dynamique des Prix et les Echanges : une Histoire Récente du ‘Processus de Hahn

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Imagen de apoyo de  Perspectives on the Industrial Development of Latin American Countries

Perspectives on the Industrial Development of Latin American Countries

Por: Lorena Esmeralda Guarnizo Bonilla | Fecha: 01/01/2016

A few years ago, most of the Latin American countries followed an import substitution strategy (Garay, L. J., 1998) that sought the protection of the industry inwards. After the Consensus of Washington , these followed more open market policies. It resulted in a poor industrial development focused on natural resource-intensive industries.This situation coupled with the political structure of these countries, -fragmented-multiclass states - left several of them behind the global marketplace, and struggling to become competitive.Nowadays, regarding the special circumstances the region is facing -the devaluation of most LA currencies, a drop of oil prices, the US economic recovery, and the boost of Free Trade Agreements along the region- the relevance of this issue is raised once again. This article discusses some programs that governments from the region should foster to yield deep structural changes that benefit from free trade whilst promoting industrial development.______________________1) Gore, C. (2000) claims that the Consensus of Washington was the shift from State-led to market-oriented policies. Additionally, he underpins that after this, problems related to development were framed in that time.2) Kohli, A. (2004) uses this term to classify developing countries that he considers are well-established because their leaders are held accountable by citizens for their bad performance or poor policies. Notwithstanding, in these countries, leaders are more worried about the political support they receive than for delivering good public policies. He also indicates that the countries are fragmented because they rely on a class alliance between Government and private sector. In these States is common to find leaders that promise more than they can deliver.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Economía

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Perspectives on the Industrial Development of Latin American Countries

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Imagen de apoyo de  Scarcity Price of Electricity: Lessons, new definitions and policy recommendations from the Colombian Electrical Market

Scarcity Price of Electricity: Lessons, new definitions and policy recommendations from the Colombian Electrical Market

Por: Emanuel Llanos Pérez | Fecha: 01/01/2016

The Colombian government introduced a capacity market to promote the diversification in the energy matrix, and protect users from high prices derived from dry seasonal events. Unfortunately, the flaws in the scarcity price definition- a mechanism that activates the capacity market obligation and sets a cap price for the spot market- have resulted in a market failure.Specifically, some generation plants have been forced to be unavailable because their variable costs are significantly higher than the scarcity price. This research presents an analysis and some possible alternatives fo the definition of the scarcity price in the Colombian Electricity market.An excel-based model was developed in order to analyse and compare different scarcity price definitions under three dimensions:i) Water management resources.ii) Penalty exposure of agents.iii) Change in prices for final demand.Results suggest that the proposed change in the scarcity price definition would induce to more efficient water management resources, and a reduction in the penalty exposure of agents. Complementary actions are recommended for policy makers in order to avoid some possible side effects of the implementation of a new scarcity price definition.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Economía

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Scarcity Price of Electricity: Lessons, new definitions and policy recommendations from the Colombian Electrical Market

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Imagen de apoyo de  Circular Economy Transition in the Context of Low and Middle-income countries: Assessment of the Circular Economy Transition Readiness in Colombia

Circular Economy Transition in the Context of Low and Middle-income countries: Assessment of the Circular Economy Transition Readiness in Colombia

Por: Claudia Lorena García Caicedo | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Colombia, as many low and middle-income countries, has been deeply influenced by the predominant linear economic model by using their extensive natural resources to create, to some extent, wealth. However, the current environmental problems and global economy deceleration are challenging the country to find new ways to growth the economy without harming the environment.The circular economy (CE) seems to be a promising model to achieve this goal by reducing the dependency on non-renewables, improving the competitiveness through innovation and ¬generating new and rewarding jobs. Thus, this paper explored the enablers that would facilitate the transition towards a CE in Colombia given its specific circumstances such as development gaps in infrastructure and a large informal sector involved in recycling.As a result, an enabling framework was proposed based on secondary data and the insights from interviewing an expert on the field. This framework was the baseline to assess the CE in Colombia and to identify the main interventions that are required to support a transition towards a more sustainable economy.This assessment was carried out through secondary data and some interviews with professionals performing in sustainable development in the country. The evaluation showed that Colombia does not have at the moment the right enabling conditions for a CE deployment.Therefore, the country presents opportunities to reinforce a CE transition in terms of political coherence and a suitable fiscal framework that promotes sustainable practices as well as a robust IT infrastructure and ICTs appropriation among the enterprises to develop business models framed within the CE principles. Moreover, it is required a safe and profitable recovery of materials discouraging the current practices of recycling.Finally, it is important to promote financing schemes and the development of design-led approaches to production among the industrial sector to foster innovation as a key building block of a CE. The findings of this dissertation provide a starting point for future research about the enablers for a CE transition in the context of low and middle-income economies.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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Circular Economy Transition in the Context of Low and Middle-income countries: Assessment of the Circular Economy Transition Readiness in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Lecturas en finanzas - Factores determinantes de los márgenes entre bonos del gobierno y bonos corporativos en los Estados Unidos

Lecturas en finanzas - Factores determinantes de los márgenes entre bonos del gobierno y bonos corporativos en los Estados Unidos

Por: Alejandro C. Revéiz Herault | Fecha: 01/01/2002

El objeto de este documento es examinar los factores determinantes de los márgenes entre bonos del gobierno y bonos corporativos. Estos márgenes son siempre positivos, difieren para distintas calificaciones crediticias y están determinados en su mayoría por la pérdida esperada por incumplimiento, un premio impositivo y un premio de riesgo sistémico no diversificable. De existir opcionalidades implícitas en los títulos, el valor de esta opción también hace parte del margen. En la primera parte se examinan las características de los instrumentos de riesgo crediticio, haciendo énfasis en sus características de riesgo y sus diferencias con los títulos del gobierno. La segunda sección presenta las conclusiones del análisis estadístico de las series de los índices de títulos de gobierno de los Estados Unidos y las series, desagregadas por calidad crediticia, de los bonos corporativos. La tercera sección resume la literatura relevante al tema de riesgo crediticio, en particular los estudios comparativos de los spreads de tasa de interés de los títulos corporativos con las tasas de interés de los títulos del Tesoro, los cambios en la calidad crediticia de los emisores y/o títulos y el papel que pueden desempeñar dichos títulos en un portafolio global. La última sección presenta un análisis final resumiendo de las consideraciones que deben hacerse al decidir incluir bonos corporativos en un portafolio, así como sus implicaciones. Tomado y adaptado de la introducción a este documento
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Economía

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Lecturas en finanzas - Factores determinantes de los márgenes entre bonos del gobierno y bonos corporativos en los Estados Unidos

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Pensamientos de un representante sobre la cuestión: si se aprueba el Convenio con Venezuela?

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Proyecto de acuerdo sobre consecusión de un empréstito

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Programa de Formación Económica: El pensamiento económico - modulo 1

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Imagen de apoyo de  Allelopathic Effects of Sphaeranthus suaveolens on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris and Oryza sativa

Allelopathic Effects of Sphaeranthus suaveolens on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris and Oryza sativa

Por: Hindawi | Fecha: 01/01/2021

Se ha informado de que las malas hierbas con efecto alelopático causan un daño significativo en la agricultura, especialmente en los sistemas agrícolas de pequeños agricultores. Este estudio evaluó los efectos alelopáticos de diferentes concentraciones de extracto crudo de una maleza nociva, Sphaeranthus suaveolens, sobre la germinación de semillas y el crecimiento de plántulas de Phaseolus vulgaris y Oryza sativa, examinando la germinación, la altura de las plántulas y el contenido total de clorofila después de siete y catorce días de tratamiento con el extracto crudo, respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron que la germinación de las semillas y el crecimiento de las plántulas fueron significativamente (p
Fuente: Revista Virtual Pro Tipo de contenido: Otros

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Allelopathic Effects of Sphaeranthus suaveolens on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris and Oryza sativa

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Imagen de apoyo de  A theoretical approach to volatility surfaces in the Colombian market using the jump-diffusion model

A theoretical approach to volatility surfaces in the Colombian market using the jump-diffusion model

Por: Carlos Eduardo León Rincón | Fecha: 01/01/2009

Option markets recognize that the Black & Scholes model does not account for the empirical behavior of prices. The volatility surface is the main result of such shortcoming and provides market practitioners with useful information regarding the underlying’s volatility. Colombia’s option market is almost inexistent and no volatility surface can be observed or calculated. In an attempt to lay down theoretical foundations for the local market, this paper approaches the volatility surface based on the jump-diffusion model. Results are not only intuitive and supported by developed market’s evidence, but useful for immature options markets’ development and for risk management. Tomado del resumen de esta publicación
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Economía

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A theoretical approach to volatility surfaces in the Colombian market using the jump-diffusion model

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