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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later #9

28 Days Later #9

Por: María Paula Galeano Casas | Fecha: 2013

Résumé: Cette étude se fonde sur l’analyse des réalisations didactiques du texte litéraire en cours de langue. Au sein de la didactique de la littérature il existe plusieurs théories qui replacent aujourd’hui le texte littéraire comme un terrain très fertile pour le développement des capacités autres que langagières chez les apprenants. Ainsi nous nous centrons sur la didactisation des textes littéraires dans deux manuels de FLE, notre objectif est de faire un état de lieux concernant le potentiel transculturel des textes et comment ce potentiel est exploité dans la didactisation à travers des tâches qui impliquent l’investissement du lecteur, surtout au niveau culturel. Abstract: This research is based on the uses of literary text in foreign or second language courses. Nowadays, the latest waves in didactics of literature have placed these texts as one of the richest sources of elements which can help students develop not only linguistic skills but also cultural ones; therefore they are named “fruitful land”. In our case, our biggest interest is to analyze the didactisation of texts in two of the latest books conceived for FFL (French as a foreign language) teaching. Our main objective is to know what the current situation of our research is. In other words, we aim to know how the literary texts are didactised and whether or not their transcultural potential is taken into account in the process. In order to analyze this, we also take a look at the tasks and the type of relationship between the reader and the reader, mostly when it comes to cultural topics.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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The literary text as a vector of construction of transcultural awareness of young readers in FLE

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Omnibus

28 Days Later Omnibus

Por: Diego Luis Sierra Amador | Fecha: 2013

Un estudio sobre Twitter y los cambios que ha provocado en la forma en que las noticias se propagan en la era digital. Enfocado principalmente en el periodismo deportivo, se le hizo un cuestionario a 25 periodistas basados en el Reino Unido sobre los impactos que las redes sociales y en especial Twitter ha tenido (si algunas) en su trabajo, en el día a día y se hizo una compilación de sus mas recientes tweets para comparar sus acciones con lo que decían. Los resultados varían pero en general el uso de Twitter entre los periodistas deportivos es muy común y bastante útil, les ha dado la opción de estar más cerca a sus seguidores, de darles una nueva audiencia, y de informar mucho más rápido.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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Twitter and sports journalism: a study of how Twitter is changing sports journalism = Twitter y el periodismo deportivo: un estudio de como Twitter está cambiando el periodismo deportivo

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Vol 1 London Calling

28 Days Later Vol 1 London Calling

Por: Alejandro. Aragon | Fecha: 2013

This research explores the origin and evolution of value and growth investing strategies focusing on the principles that reduce risk and maximize the potential for future returns. These are contrasted with the theory and practice of efficient markets hypothesis which allows passive investors to achieve a respectable average return but discourages active portfolio management. Acknowledging the difficulty of outperforming the market by private investors, this research refers to the two drivers of successful stock picking: (i) the attitude of the investing community towards the market and/or the targeted stock at the time of purchase and, (ii) the value and growth potential of the underlying business. Concerning the first driver, asset overpricing and financial bubbles are analysed from the perspective of behavioural finance as a tool for timing the investing decision. Regarding the second driver, a framework for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the underlying business is developed in order to provide the enterprising investor with the tools to reduce risk and maximize returns. To support these findings, a number of business cases are presented showing that consistent valuation of long Competitive Advantage Period (CAP ) companies, complemented with adequate market timing has the potential to outperform the market in the long run.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
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  • Otros

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The modern intelligent investor: Can value and growth investing strategies evolve to maximize returns and reduce risk? = Colombia: pueden las estrategias de inversión por valor y por crecimiento evolucionar para aumentar los retornos y reducir el riesgo

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Vol 2 Bend in the Road

28 Days Later Vol 2 Bend in the Road

Por: Alejandro. Aragon | Fecha: 2013

The use of biochar such as a “gentle” in situ soil remediation technique has received attention in recent years. The production and characteristic of biochar are influenced mainly by the operating conditions of conversion process and feedstock composition. Although the commercialization of biochar as a soil amendment is still in its infancy, some companies in the UK have ventured into the production and development of biochar products with very good results in the management of contaminants in soils. The environmental benefits and impacts of biochar produced by fast pyrolysis were modelled and compared with carbon footprint and life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies. Four different kinds of feedstocks were selected. These were two kinds of straw (barley and wheat) and two kinds of wood chips (pine and beech). Pine wood reported the highest net emission with 4.9 1 t CO2 eqt-1 biochar while wheat straw was the lowest with 1.6 t CO2 eqt-1 biochar. This difference was correlated with the composition of lining in the feedstock. At the same time, the major contribution of GHG emission to the system boundary is for the pyrolysis process with the 99% for all feedstocks others aspects also were evaluated. Nine of fourteen impact categories selected were analysed for the LCA methodology. However, absolute values of this assessment remain difficult to interpret, and for that reason a normalisation with European and global loads step was applied. The biggest demonstrable impact from wheat straw charring is on ecotoxicity for aquatic fresh water. It was found that many factors, specially the selection of the type of feedstock in the production of biochar by fast pyrolysis, affect not only the characteristic of the product but also its environmental impacts in a significant level.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros

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Life cycle assessment and carbon footprint for the production of biochar as an alternative of soil remediation = Análisis del ciclo de vida y huella de carbono para la producción de biocarbón como alternativa de remediación de suelos

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Vol 3 Hotzone

28 Days Later Vol 3 Hotzone

Por: Alejandro. Aragon | Fecha: 2013

Recently, Latin American countries have experienced a series of upgrades in their sovereign credit ratings that are reflecting the region’s appeal for sovereign portfolio managers around the globe. Paradoxically, Latin American economies have shown strong economic fundamentals during the whole last decade and did not experienced any significant local common shock during 2009 - 2012, years in which credit agencies started upgrading the ratings of the region. Given these facts a valid question that springs up is which circumstances triggered the change in perception over the region’s creditworthiness during the last years. In this document I intend to explore a possible explanation to this change in risk perception, which consists in a positive wake–up-call contagion generated after the 2009 Greek debt crisis. The thesis will follow the methodology proposed in Giordano, Pericolli and Tomassino (2012), in which an analysis of contagion was conducted exclusively over developed European countries. Estimations show robust evidence of positive wake – up – call contagion towards the Latin American region. This outcome confirms that pricing of Latin American sovereign bonds in international financial markets is finally acknowledging the efforts of Latin American economies in correcting fiscal imbalances, implementing inflation targeting regimes and creating capital buffers to counter the effects of new coming local and international crises.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Economía

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Positive wake–up–call contagion: New prospects for latin american bonds market after the greek debt crisis = Llamado de atencion a un contagio positivo: Nuevas perspectivas para el mercado de bonos latinoamericanos después de la crisis de deuda griega

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Vol 4 Gangwar

28 Days Later Vol 4 Gangwar

Por: Alejandro. Aragon | Fecha: 2022

Collects issues #13-16. The film that changed horror forever continues here in volume 4 of the series that connects the movie 28 Days Later to its sequel 28 Weeks Later and focuses on fan-favorite character Selena! With the Infected still on the loose, just getting back into Great Britain was horrific. But to survive, Clint, Selena and Derrick must make sacrifices they never thought possible. And those sacrifices cannot be ignored!
Fuente: Comics Plus Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Literatura
  • Otros

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28 Days Later Vol 4 Gangwar

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28 Days Later Vol 5 Ghost Town

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Imagen de apoyo de  28 Days Later Vol 6 Homecoming

28 Days Later Vol 6 Homecoming

Por: Alejandro. Aragon | Fecha: 2022

Collects issues #21-24. This is it, people - the grand finale revealing Selena's secret is finally here! As Selena and Clint reach London, they will learn the real reason why Selena decided to come back to Great Britain. And the American occupation isn't the only thing preventing her from accomplishing her secret goal... The series that connects 28 Days Later to 28 Weeks Later concludes here in this final volume!
Fuente: Comics Plus Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Literatura
  • Otros

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28 Days Later Vol 6 Homecoming

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Imagen de apoyo de  2M84


Por: Eduardo Santiago Soto | Fecha: 2019

La utopía feminista del siglo XXI. ¿Te atreverías a leer la Biblia en clave femenina? Año 84 del segundo milenio. El mundo está dividido en tres grandes naciones: la dictadura americana, la dictadura asiática y la democracia europea. La población de la UE goza de la libertad y de todas las garantías que proporciona el Estado democrático de derecho. A pesar de todo, hay un grupo -que representa a la mitad de la población- que se siente discriminado en esta sociedad. Los masculinistas reivindican la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, porque son ellas las que ocupan los puestos de responsabilidad en la política, la justicia, la cultura, la educación, las empresas y en todas las instituciones estatales. Los hombres están relegados a un segundo plano, y la religión es la base sobre la que se asienta esta cultura matriarcal. En la realidad paralela de 2M84 la Biblia fue escrita por mujeres y la Diosa es la única deidad verdadera. Iacobus, un joven idealista de dieciocho años, se enfrenta a lo
Fuente: Digitalia Formatos de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Literatura

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Imagen de apoyo de  3 0 0 2 0 7

3 0 0 2 0 7

Por: Ana Hernandorena González | Fecha: 2021

¿Y si tus problemas fueran una gran oportunidad? Elena teme salir de su aislamiento. Se refugia en el mar y en el trabajo, donde ser ella misma y sentirse momentáneamente feliz. Su familia la presiona para que vuelva a tener vida social, pero ella no ve motivos para hacerlo, hasta que un encuentro fortuito al amanecer lo cambiará todo. Nuevas oportunidades, la atracción de los opuestos y el lastre de los prejuicios. Las heridas pueden convertirse en felicidad en cuanto se aprende a cerrarlas. Antes, la protagonista tendrá que enfrentarse a sus miedos. ¿Qué pasa cuando un mundo distinto al tuyo...
Fuente: Digitalia Formatos de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Literatura

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3 0 0 2 0 7

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