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Imagen de apoyo de  Street Salad

Street Salad

Por: July Katerine Oviedo Sánchez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Street Salad, modelo de negocio relacionado con la producción y comercialización de ensaladas listas para consumir; preparadas con productos alimenticios saludables, con alta carga nutricional, especializados en ofrecer un servicio de óptimos estándares de higiene y manipulación. El principal objetivo del proyecto es ayudar al bienestar de los habitantes de la Capital de Colombia, mediante la oferta de alimentos sanos que puedan complementar con sus almuerzos, cualquier comida o momento del día. Este plan de negocio se crea a partir de las necesidades que en la actualidad los bogotanos tienen acerca de mantener una dieta balanceada, es por ello que Street Salad brinda a sus clientes la posibilidad de alimentarse con una gran variedad de vegetales, frutas, proteínas, semillas, que pueden combinar según su preferencia y si es de su elección, consumirlo en el instante. El funcionamiento de Street Salad, se basa en un sistema de barra de ensaladas, la cual ofrece 2 presentaciones, 620 gr y 830 gr, que se pueden combinar a elección del cliente entre una variedad de ingredientes, que cumplen con patrones de consumo importantes para una dieta balanceada y de alta competitividad dentro de la industria de las comidas saludables, tanto en producto como en servicio.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Street Salad

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Imagen de apoyo de  Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

Por: María Clara Echeverry Gaitán | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Abstract:Trypanosomes are unicellular early divergent eukaryotic microorganisms that cause sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. Genome sequencing has revealed that these parasites lack most of the highly conserved proteins involved in chromosome segregation. However, kinetochore-associated chromosome segregation has been proposed to occur in Trypanosoma brucei and the existence of centromeres, the locus that interacts with the kinetochores, has been inferred in T. brucei and Trypansoma cruzi. This work aimed to characterise, at a structural and functional level, the centromeres of Trypanosoma sp. Centromeres in T. brucei have been localised to chromosomal loci that contain an array of ~147 bp AT-rich tandem repeats. Using a long-range restriction endonuclease mapping approach, we found that the sizes of the arrays in T. brucei chromosomes 1-8 vary from 20 to 110 kb and present length heterogeneity between chromosome homologues. Topoisomerase II-? (TOP2?) plays a major role in sister chromatid segregation. TOP2? specific centromeric activity has been demonstrated in trypanosomes. In this project, we systematically evaluated through different approaches, regulatory mechanisms for the TOP2? activity/recruitment to trypanosome centromeres. In other eukaryotes, the Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) interaction with TOP2? is required for it to be recruited to centromeres during mitosis. In independent experiments, we found no evidence for this association in bloodstream form (BSF) T. brucei . Modifications to the carboxyl terminal region (CTR) of TOP2?, other than SUMOylation, have been described that affect cell cycle specific localisation on chromosomes. Here, we undertook experiments to further delineate regions of the CTR of trypanosome TOP2?. Using a sequential deletion approach, we found that amino acids 1223-1312 in the CTR of enzyme are not required for its centromeric-specific activity. Finally, we found that the condensin unit SMC2 is essential for growth of T. brucei BSFs and not for TOP2? specific centromeric activity.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei

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Imagen de apoyo de  Suicidal Strangulation by double ligature: A case report

Suicidal Strangulation by double ligature: A case report

Por: Andrés Rodríguez Zorro | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Abstract:This article reports a self-strangulation suicide in which a double complex group of ligatures was used. Although similar cases have been referenced in forensic literature, this case is notable because of the unusual method used by the victim. A 61-year-old man was found in a locked room with a double elaborate ligature comprising six wire clothes hangers completely encircling the neck and a black rubber band in a double loop.Autopsy also documented parallel superficial cut lesions in proximal forearm interpreted as hesitation marks. It stresses the importance of characteristics such as analysis of number of ligatures, position of the knots, number of knots and turns of ligature marks and the absence of any defense and relevant internal injuries inherent to suicide ligature strangulation cases.Resumen:Este artículo reporta un suicidio de auto-estrangulación en el que se utilizó un grupo doble de ligaduras. Aunque casos similares se han referenciado en la literatura forense, este caso es notable debido al método inusual utilizado por la víctima.Un hombre de 61 años de edad fue encontrado en una habitación cerrada con un muy elaborado conjunto de doble ligadura que constaba de seis perchas de ropa de alambre que rodean completamente el cuello y una banda de goma negra de doble lazada.La autopsia también documentó lesiones paralelas de corte superficial en el antebrazo proximal interpretadas como heridas de vacilación. El artículo destaca la importancia de características tales como el análisis del número de ligaduras, la posición de los nudos, el número de nudos y giros de las ligaduras, la ausencia de signos de defensa y las lesiones internas relevantes en los casos de suicidio por estrangulación con ligadura.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Suicidal Strangulation by double ligature: A case report

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Imagen de apoyo de  Surgery Versus Endoscopic Therapies For Early Cancer And High-Grade Dysplasia In The Esophagus: A Systematic Review

Surgery Versus Endoscopic Therapies For Early Cancer And High-Grade Dysplasia In The Esophagus: A Systematic Review

Por: Fabio Alberto; Hourneaux de Moura Castillo Bustamante | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Background:Esophageal cancer occurs as a local disease in 22% of cases, and a minority of this disease is limited to the mucosa or submucosa (early lesions). Endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, photodynamic therapy, laser therapy, and argon plasma coagulation have emerged as alternatives to surgical resection for early lesions.Objective:The aim of this systematic review is to identify studies that statistically compare survival, disease-free survival, morbidity and mortality associated with the procedure, and mortality associated with cancer in the endoscopic versus surgical therapies.Results:The survival rates after 3 and 5 years were different and exhibited superiority with the surgical therapies over time. Endoscopy is superior in the control of mortality related to cancer with a high rate of disease recurrence. With regard to the comorbidity and the mortality associated with the procedure, endoscopy is superior.Conclusion:There is no evidence from clinical trials. In this systematic review, surgical therapies showed superiority for survival, and endoscopic therapies showed superiority in the control of mortality related to cancer with a high rate of disease recurrence; also, for the comorbidity and the mortality associated with the procedure, endoscopy is superior. Prospective, controlled trials with large sample sizes are necessary to confirm the results of the current analysis.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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Surgery Versus Endoscopic Therapies For Early Cancer And High-Grade Dysplasia In The Esophagus: A Systematic Review

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Imagen de apoyo de  Síndromes asociados a intoxicación por organofosforados: abordaje médico y fisioterapéutico en cuidado crítico

Síndromes asociados a intoxicación por organofosforados: abordaje médico y fisioterapéutico en cuidado crítico

Por: Heiler Lozada Ramos | Fecha: 31/10/2019

Introducción: el artículo reporta un caso clínico de intento suicida de un paciente con síndrome intermedio a causa de intoxicación por organofosforados. Para ello se analizó la historia clínica, los exámenes complementarios y el estudio electromiográfico, y se realizó revisión no sistemática de la literatura. Presentación del caso: se describe un caso diagnosticado en la unidad de cuidado intensivo, el cual presentó trastornos neuromotores, requerimiento de soporte ventilatorio con destete difícil y extubación fallida, así como el tratamiento médico y fisioterapéutico instaurado. Dentro del manejo de la intoxicación por organofosforados se incluye la descontaminación del tóxico, administración de atropina y pralidoxima, diagnóstico oportuno del síndrome intermedio y la prescripción de ejercicio terapéutico. El paciente recibió manejo interdisciplinario, logrando liberación de su condición crítica, pero con persistencia de debilidad muscular proximal; sin embargo, con el ejercicio alcanzó recuperación funcional de sus actividades básicas cotidianas. Conclusión: el panorama mundial de las intoxicaciones por sustancias químicas muestra que son causa de morbilidad y discapacidad importante. Los organofosforados son los plaguicidas más frecuentemente involucrados. Los síntomas y signos clínicos de este tipo de intoxicaciones se clasifican en manifestaciones colinérgicas, el síndrome intermedio y la neuropatía retardada.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Revista Ciencias de la Salud Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Síndromes asociados a intoxicación por organofosforados: abordaje médico y fisioterapéutico en cuidado crítico

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Imagen de apoyo de  The acceptability and tolerability of Nasal Douching in Children with Allergic Rhinitis: a systematic review

The acceptability and tolerability of Nasal Douching in Children with Allergic Rhinitis: a systematic review

Por: Nelson Alexander Gutiérrez Cardona | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Abstract:Background: Allergic rhinitis may affect up to 50% of children. Treatment options include allergen avoidance, pharmacotherapy, immunotherapy and multimodal therapies. Nasal saline douching is well established in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults, and has recently gained more acceptability in children as the evidence builds for its effectiveness in this age group. To date, however, there is limited data regarding the acceptability and tolerability of nasal saline douching in children with allergic rhinitis.Methods: A search was conducted using Medline and Embase databases from January 1946 until June 2015 on the use of nasal douching in children aged 4 to 12 with allergic rhinitis. All publications identified that assessed the beneficial effects, acceptability and tolerability were included. The evaluation focused on primary (proportion of patients who adopted nasal douching routinely, symptom and quality of life scores) and secondary outcome measures (effects related to delivered method, dose, technique, and frequency of administration).Results: 35 studies were analyzed. Data varied considerably in terms of saline solutions used, modality of application, participant numbers, study design, follow up and outcomes. Factors that appear to influence the acceptability and tolerability of nasal saline douching are parental and health professionals’ preconceptions, and characteristics of the solution. Overall nasal saline irrigation appears to have a positive impact on quality of life, being accepted and tolerated in the majority of children (78-100%).Conclusions: Nasal saline douching has a significant positive impact on the quality of life in children aged 4 to 12 with allergic rhinitis. Among the principal factors that influence acceptability and tolerability of this therapy are the child´s age, delivery system and method, and tonicity. Encouragement and reinforcement is vital to successful compliance. Saline nasal douching provides an accessible, low cost, low morbidity, easy to use treatment that could be standardized as part of allergic rhinitis management in children.Resumen:Antecedentes: La rinitis alérgica puede afectar hasta el 50% de los niños. Las opciones de tratamiento incluyen evitar el alergeno, la farmacoterapia, la inmunoterapia y las terapias multimodales. La aplicación de la solución salina nasal hace parte del tratamiento de la rinitis alérgica en adultos, y recientemente ha ganado más aceptación en los niños a medida que la evidencia demuestra su eficacia en este grupo etario. Hasta la fecha, sin embargo, hay datos limitados en cuanto a la aceptabilidad y la tolerabilidad de la solución salina nasal en niños con rinitis alérgica.Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda a través de Medline y EMBASE desde enero de 1946 hasta junio de 2015 sobre el uso de solución salina nasal en niños de 4 a 12 años con rinitis alérgica. Todas las publicaciones identificadas que evaluaron los efectos beneficiosos, la aceptabilidad y la tolerabilidad, fueron incluidas. La evaluación se centró en resultados primarios (proporción de pacientes que adoptaron las duchas nasales de forma rutinaria, los síntomas y la calidad de vida de las puntuaciones) y resultados secundarios (efectos relacionados con el método de entrega, la dosis, la técnica y la frecuencia de administración).Resultados: Se analizaron 35 estudios. Los datos variaron considerablemente en términos de soluciones salinas utilizadas, modalidad de aplicación, el número de participantes, el diseño del estudio, el seguimiento y resultados. Los factores que parecen influir en la aceptabilidad y la tolerabilidad de la solución salina nasal son las ideas preconcebidas de los padres y profesionales de la salud, y las características de la solución. En general, la irrigación salina nasal parece tener un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida, siendo aceptado y tolerado en la mayoría de los niños (78-100%).Conclusiones: La solución salina nasal tiene un impacto significativamente positivo en la calidad de vida en niños de 4 a 12 años con rinitis alérgica. Entre los principales factores que influyen en la aceptabilidad y la tolerabilidad de esta terapia son la edad del niño, el sistema de entrega y su forma, así como la tonicidad de la solución. El estímulo y refuerzo de este hábito como parte de la terapia, es vital para su adherencia. La solución salina nasal proporciona una terapia de bajo costo, accesible, de baja morbilidad, y fácil de usar que podría ser estandarizada como parte del tratamiento de la rinitis alérgica en niños.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The acceptability and tolerability of Nasal Douching in Children with Allergic Rhinitis: a systematic review

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Effects of Kinesiology Tape on Neuromuscular Facilitation of the Knee in Healthy Subjects = Los Efectos del Vendaje Kinesiologico en la Facilitaciòn Neuromuscular de la Rodilla en Sujetos Sanos

The Effects of Kinesiology Tape on Neuromuscular Facilitation of the Knee in Healthy Subjects = Los Efectos del Vendaje Kinesiologico en la Facilitaciòn Neuromuscular de la Rodilla en Sujetos Sanos

Por: Adriana Pinzón Rojas | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Kinesiology tape is commonly applied to enhance muscle functioning. The targeted improvement could be influenced by the neuromuscular stimulation acquired within the muscle and modulated by the mechanoreceptor after its application. The importance of the muscular facilitation effect that K-TAPE may produce within the muscle lies on the direct impact of this property on athletes’ performance, health promotion, injury- prevention and rehabilitations programs. This study seeks to investigate if the application of K-TAPE, from origin to insertion of the RF, significantly increase the motor unit firing within the muscle, after performing a MVC. More precisely, this study examines whether this application leads to a better muscle functioning or conversely, no significant differences on the electrical stimulation within the rectus femuris muscle when using K-TAPE after MVC. Based on an EMG experimental study and using pre-test/post-test designs, twenty healthy subjects were randomly allocated into experiment and control groups. Using regression analysis to compare pre-test and post-test EMG outputs, findings of this study confirm a significant improvement on the neuromuscular facilitation of the rectus femuris of 7% on average. This result is statistically significant at 5% confidence level. Additional tests show that the difference can be as high as 25% after the application of the K-tape. Further analysis on the control group could not reject the theory proved on the experiment group. The contribution made in this study proves that Kinesiology tape can be used to enhance the muscular functioning.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The Effects of Kinesiology Tape on Neuromuscular Facilitation of the Knee in Healthy Subjects = Los Efectos del Vendaje Kinesiologico en la Facilitaciòn Neuromuscular de la Rodilla en Sujetos Sanos

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Imagen de apoyo de  The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

Por: Sandra Liliana; Avendaño López Arana | Fecha: 01/01/2016

OBJECTIVE: Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes provide income to low-income families in return for fulfilling specific behavioural conditions. CCT have been shown to improve child health, but there are few systematic studies of their impact on multiple determinants of child health. We examined the impact of a CCT programme in Colombia on: (i) use of preventive health services; (ii) food consumption and dietary diversity; (iii) mother's knowledge, attitudes and practices about caregiving practices; (iv) maternal employment; and (v) women's empowerment.DESIGN: Secondary analysis of the quasi-experimental evaluation of the Familias en Accion programme. Children and families were assessed in 2002, 2003 and 2005-06. We applied a difference-in-differences approach using logistic or linear regression, separately examining effects for urban and rural areas.SETTING: Colombia.SUBJECTS: Children (n 1450) and their families in thirty-one treatment municipalities were compared with children (n 1851) from sixty-five matched control municipalities.RESULTS: Familias en Accion was associated with a significant increase in the probability of using preventive care services (OR=1·85, 95 % CI 1·03, 3·30) and growth and development check-ups (?=1·36, 95 % CI 0·76, 1·95). It had also a positive impact on dietary diversity and food consumption. No effect was observed on maternal employment, women's empowerment, and knowledge, attitudes and practices about caregiving practices. Overall, Familias en Accion's impact was more marked in rural areas.CONCLUSION: CCT in Colombia increase contact with preventive care services and improve dietary diversity, but they are less effective in influencing mother's employment decisions, empowerment and knowledge of caregiving practices.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on determinants of child health: evidence from Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

Por: Diana Guarnizo Peralta | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Through the financial support from the Open Society Foundations, Dejusticia developed a diagnostic research from eight countries, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama and Uruguay, regarding the access to palliative care, the institutional development and the guidelines, and the existing barriers of access to opioid medications – used for pain relief. This document is aimed at medical personnel, civil society organizations, policy makers, and any¬one interested in addressing the issue of palliative care from a human rights perspective. Although for years palliative care was confined to a strictly medical analysis, in recent times the international community and United Nations bodies have recognized palliative care as a human rights issue. This document seeks to demonstrate the many linkages between palliative care and human rights in terms of both the conception and the protection of palliative care. We hope this report serves as a useful tool for the medical community, patients, and patients’ fam¬ilies throughout the American continent who seek legal and human rights arguments to facilitate access to more humane end-of-life care, as well as for litigants and human rights activists who wish to protect and guarantee a life without pain for patients, including during their last days of life. Description taken from the introduction Consulte la versión en español en la siguiente URL:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

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Imagen de apoyo de  The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

Por: Jairo; Mattsson Robledo Sierra | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Abstract:OBJECTIVE:To study the severity of symptoms and estimate the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a non-referral adult Swedish population, as registered by general dental practitioners. This study also aims to evaluate the possibility of dental practitioners collecting large quantities of reliable and accurate clinical data on oral mucosal lesions.STUDY DESIGN:Data from 6,448 adult Swedish patients were collected by general dental practitioners using a standardized registration method. A correlation analysis between a group with oral mucosal lesions and a control group, with no oral mucosal lesions, was performed for various parameters such as symptoms from the oral mucosa, systemic diseases, medication, allergy history, tobacco habits and the patient's own assessment of their general health. In addition, clinical photos were taken of all oral mucosal lesions in order to determine the degree of agreement between the diagnoses made by general dental practitioners and those made by oral medicine specialists.RESULTS:A total of 950 patients (14.7%) presented with some type of oral mucosal lesion and of these, 141 patients (14.8%) reported subjective symptoms. On a visual analogue scale, 43 patients (4.5%) scored their symptoms <30, 65 patients (6.8%) scored their symptoms ?30, and 28 patients (2.6%) scored their symptoms ?60. The most debilitating condition was aphthous stomatitis and the most common oral mucosal lesion was snuff dipper's lesion (4.8%), followed by lichenoid lesions (2.4%) and geographic tongue (2.2%). There was agreement between the oral medicine specialists and the general practitioners over the diagnosis of oral mucosal lesions on the basis of a clinical photograph in 85% of the cases (n=803).CONCLUSIONS:Nearly 15% of the patients with oral mucosal lesions reported symptoms. General practitioners could contribute significantly to the collection of large quantities of reliable and accurate clinical data, although there is a risk that the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions may be underestimated."Resumen:OBJETIVO: Estudiar la severidad de los síntomas y estimar la prevalencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral en una población de Suecia no referida, y registrada por odontólogos generales. Este estudio también tiene como objetivo evaluar la posibilidad de que odontólogos generales recolecten de forma confiable y precisa grandes cantidades de datos clínicos sobre lesiones de la mucosa oral. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: Datos de 6.448 pacientes adultos suecos fueron recolectados por odontólogos generales usando un método estandarizado de registro. Un análisis de correlación entre un grupo de pacientes con lesiones de la mucosa oral y un grupo control, sin lesiones de la mucosa oral, fue realizado para varios parámetros como síntomas en la mucosa oral, enfermedades sistémicas, medicamentos, alergias, tabaquismo, y la percepción del propio paciente sobre su estado de salud. Además, se tomaron fotos clínicas de todas las lesiones de la mucosa oral con el fin de determinar el grado de concordancia entre los diagnósticos realizados por los odontólogos generales y los especialistas en medicina oral. RESULTADOS: Un total de 950 pacientes (14.7%) presentó algún tipo de lesión de la mucosa oral, y de estos, 141 pacientes (14.8%) reportaron síntomas subjetivos. En una escala analógica visual, 43 pacientes (4.5%) calificaron sus síntomas <30, 65 pacientes (6.8%) calificaron sus síntomas ≥30, y 28 pacientes (2.6%) calificaron sus síntomas ≥60. La condición más debilitante fue la stomatitis aftosa y la lesión más común fue la lesión causada por el tabaco húmedo (4.8%), seguida por reacciones liquenoides (2.4%) y lengua geográfica (2.2%). Basado en las fotografías clínicas, hubo una concordancia en el diagnóstico de lesiones de la mucosa oral entre los especialistas en medicina oral y los odontólogos generales en el 85% de los casos (n=803). CONCLUSION: Aproximadamente el 15% de los pacientes con lesiones de la mucosa oral reportaron síntomas. Los odontólogos generales pueden contribuir significativamente en la recolección confiable y precisa de grandes cantidades de datos clínicos, aunque existe un riego de que la prevalencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral pueda ser subestimada."
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population

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