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Imagen de apoyo de  Otolaryngologic manifestations of moebius síndrome

Otolaryngologic manifestations of moebius síndrome

Por: Sol María; González Sánchez De la Hoz Barandica | Fecha: 01/01/2016

Abstract: Introduction: Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that is treated by several specialists, moreover the role of the otolaryngologist is not well established and there are no specific guidelines for its management and follow-up. Methods: We made a descriptional, observational and prospective study where patients of all ages with the diagnosis of Moebius syndrome were included between June 2012 and September 2014 in the Otolarygology Department of the General Hospital “Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez”. After a complete otolaryngology history was made, we performed on patients under 4 years otoacoustic emissions and/or auditory brainstem response tests, and a audiometry on patients over 5 years old; besides that a tympanometry and stapedial reflexes were performed. A polysomnography was ordered in case patients had suggestive clinical data of any sleep diorder breathing. Results: The association with other genetic síndromes was low (17.5%) being primarily with Pierre Robin síndrome. Common craneofacial anomalies were wide nasal dorsum and micrognathia (37.5%), as well as mandibular hipoplasia, hiperterlorism and cleft palate. Seventy percent of patients had normal hearing and 52.5% of the tympanometries were abnormal. Patients who had suggestive clinical features for sleep apnea, 92% had a positive result in the polysomnography. Conclusions: There are no specific otolaryngologic clinical manifestations, moreover those who had craniofacial malformations were more susceptible in having them. The evaluation of the otolaryngologist is crucial in order to rule out these features and promote the correct rehabilitation of the patient along with other medical specialties. Resumen: Introducción: El síndrome de Moebius es un trastorno congénito raro, visto por varias especialidades médicas, sin embargo el papel del otorrinolaringólogo no está bien establecido ni existen guías para su manejo y seguimiento. Objetivos: Determinar las manifestaciones otorrinolaringológicas en estos pacientes para establecer un protocolo diagnóstico y terapéutico con fines multidisciplinarios. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y prospectivo donde se incluyeron a pacientes de todas las edades con diagnóstico de síndrome de Moebius, atendidos entre junio de 2012 a septiembre de 2014 en el servicio de otorrinolaringología del Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González. Posterior a una historia otorrinolaringológica completa, se realizaron emisiones otoacústicas y/o potenciales evocados auditivos de tallo cerebral en menores de 3 años y audiometría en mayores de 4 años, además de timpanometría y reflejos estapediales. Se solicitó una polisomnografía en pacientes con datos clínicos sugestivos de trastornos respiratorios del dormir. Resultados: La asociación con otros síndromes genéticos fue baja (17.5%) siendo principalmente con Pierre Robin (7.5%). Las anormalidades craneofaciales comunes fueron dorso nasal ancho y micrognatia (37.5%), así como hipoplasia maxilar, hipertelorismo y paladar hendido. El 68% presentó normoacusia y el 45% presentaron timpanometrías anormales. De los pacientes con datos sugestivos para apnea del sueño 92% presentaron un resultado positivo por polisomnografía. Conclusiones: No existe un patrón de manifestaciones otorrinolaringológicas específicas, sin embargo aquéllos con malformaciones craneofaciales son más susceptibles a presentarlos. La valoración del otorrinolaringólogo resulta imprescindible para descartarlos y promover la rehabilitación del paciente junto con otras especialidades médicas.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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Otolaryngologic manifestations of moebius síndrome

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Imagen de apoyo de  Osteología


Por: Emilio Martínez Marrero | Fecha: 2018

Este manual está dirigido a los estudiantes de Medicina. No obstante, la distribución de los temas abarca los contenidos generales que se estudian acerca del sistema musculoesquelético en cualquier programa o facultad de Medicina en el mundo. El manual consta de una serie de guías con información teórica esencial, así como tareas y ejercicios de aplicación que, sin duda, facilitarán a los estudiantes el aprendizaje de la materia.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Medicina

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Imagen de apoyo de  Osteología


Por: Emilio Martínez Marrero | Fecha: 2015

Este manual está dirigido a los estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad del Norte. No obstante, la distribución de los temas abarca los contenidos generales que se estudian acerca del sistema musculoesquelético en cualquier programa o facultad de Medicina en el mundo. El manual consta de una serie de guías con información teórica esencial, así como tareas y ejercicios de aplicación que, sin duda, facilitarán a los estudiantes el aprendizaje de la materia.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
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Imagen de apoyo de  Ortopedia maxilar integral

Ortopedia maxilar integral

Por: Camilo Hurtado Sepúlveda | Fecha: 2012

La ortopedia maxilar es un excelente medio terapéutico que, siendo indoloro para el paciente, previene, intercepta y corrige las maloclusiones a edad temprana, generando de manera positiva transformaciones a nivel maxilar, dental, facial , postural y del autoestima. Esta obra es una guía para la adecuada práctica de la ortopedia maxilar porque facilita de manera ordenada, su camino desde la etiología, pasando por el diagnóstico tratamiento y diferentes aparatos, hasta llegar a la retención.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
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Ortopedia maxilar integral

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Imagen de apoyo de  Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

Por: Arianna Alexandra; Medina Amaya Rodríguez | Fecha: 01/01/2023

Abstract: This review aimed at evaluating the state of availability, accessibility and model of delivery of oral health services in prisons, globally. Five databases of peer-reviewed literature and potential sources of gray literature were systematically searched. Inclusion criteria encompassed oral health papers related to prisons globally, with exclusion of certain article types. Selection involved independent evaluations by two researchers, followed by quality assessment. Data on the availability of oral health interventions in prisons came from18 countries, while information on the model of delivery of the services is scarce. In addition, two sets of individual and organizational barriers toward oral health service uptake in prisons were revealed and discussed in the text. Lack of oral health services in prisons affects people living in prisons and jeopardizes their reintegration. Urgent and concrete international actions are required to ensure the availability, accessibility, and quality of oral health services among people living in prisons.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Oral health services in prison settings: A global scoping review of availability, accessibility, and model of delivery

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Imagen de apoyo de  Oral health services in prison settings: A comprehensive assessment of availability, accessibility and model of delivery

Oral health services in prison settings: A comprehensive assessment of availability, accessibility and model of delivery

Por: Arianna Alexandra Amaya Rodríguez | Fecha: 2023

Abstract: Changes in demographics and epidemiology have made non-communicable diseases (NCDs) a global and highly relevant problem. Globally, oral diseases cause serious health and economic burdens, leading to a substantial reduction in quality of life for those affected. Oral diseases and other NCDs share modifiable risk factors, including tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets, as well as the same socioeconomic determinants. The oral cavity provides valuable insights into overall health, as systemic diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders often presents oral manifestations. However, in prison settings, where access to healthcare is limited and challenging as a human right, individuals experience exacerbated oral health outcomes and complications. Oral health status serves as a mirror of overall health, highlighting the interconnectedness between oral health and general well-being. The involvement of health authorities in prison settings plays a significant role in promoting and maintaining optimal oral health, which in turn has a profound impact on the physical and mental health of PLP. The World Health Organization's Oral Health Report of 2022 emphasizes the importance of addressing oral health inequalities as a crucial step in achieving fairness and implementing preventive interventions. Therefore, coherent and comprehensive regulation and legislation in oral health are needed to achieve social justice, ethical public health policies and professional practice. This study used a combination of methods with a focus on qualitative research. The first phase involved following the guidelines set out in “Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA)” to conduct a comprehensive and systematic scoping review addressing the primary and secondary objectives of the study. The third objective was covered by semi structured interviews involving purposive sampling, identified by three target groups: dentist personnel working in prisons; prison health experts; harm reduction policymakers, to gain insight from global prison health experts on potential areas of improvement for oral health in prison. In the first phase of this study, scientific articles published between January and August 2022 were gathered and reviewed. Subsequently, in 2023, a series of interviews were conducted involving fifteen participants. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Ruprecht Karls Faculty of Medicine in Heidelberg (S 288/2023). The data collection instrument was carefully designed to accommodate the specific profiles of the participants, all owing for necessary adjustments to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the study. Online in depth semi structured interviews were conducted via Zoom with relevant health prison experts. The combination of inductive and deductive approaches was used to design the study, collect and analyze data, and answer the research questions. The major findings of this study shed light on the persistent neglection of oral health into the health systems across different settings. Challenges and limitations in addressing oral health in prison, remains with a focus on the provision of emergency treatments and dental mutilations as services provided instead of conservatives approaches. Comprehensive and specialized dental care is necessary to avoid burdens on the health system, mostly from preventable oral disorders. Oral care and basic dental hygiene are still on the list of necessities in prison settings, as well as lack of resources, committed staff, and infrastructure to support the delivery of comprehensive dental services in prisons. In order to increase access to quality dental care, address oral health disparities, and promote the overall well-being of PLP, policy reforms, capacity building, and collaboration are necessary.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Oral health services in prison settings: A comprehensive assessment of availability, accessibility and model of delivery

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Imagen de apoyo de  Opciones profesionales y laborales del odontólogo

Opciones profesionales y laborales del odontólogo

Por: Benjamín Herazo Acuña | Fecha: 2011

Este es un texto en el que se describen las opciones laborales y profesionales del odontólogo, las cuales le permiten vincularse a la vida de un país, no sólo como profesional sino como ser integral y ciudadano. La gran mayoría de los odontólogos son personas que tuvieron o tienen cualidades, condiciones y calidades integrales que se les cercenan, o ellos mismos las eliminan, durante su formación y ejercicio profesional, por lo que lo prioritario, y a veces casi único en su vida, es el ejercicio de su profesión, y eso les impide participar en los avances científicos y en la vida de un país o...
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
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Opciones profesionales y laborales del odontólogo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Odontología en pacientes especiales

Odontología en pacientes especiales

Por: Andrés Plaza Costa | Fecha: 2007

Aquest llibre sobre odontologia en pacients especials, dirigit tant a l'odontòleg general com a l'estudiant de grau i de postgrau d'odontologia, és fruit de l'experiència en l'assistència, la investigació i la docència en el maneig clínic odontològic d'aquest col·lectiu. L'avenç de la medicina ha aconseguit una major esperança de vida en persones amb alteracions sistèmiques crítiques, en discapacitats físics i psíquics i en persones d'edat avançada. Aquests pacients plantegen la necessitat, des del punt de vista odontològic, d'una atenció específica amb l'ús de procediments clínics i tècniques...
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
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Odontología en pacientes especiales

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Imagen de apoyo de  Obstetric Violence in Latin America: A Scoping Review = Violencia Obstétrica en Latinoamérica: Una Revisión Sistemática Exploratoria

Obstetric Violence in Latin America: A Scoping Review = Violencia Obstétrica en Latinoamérica: Una Revisión Sistemática Exploratoria

Por: Bibiana Cristina Barrera Bernal | Fecha: 2021

Abstract: Latin American countries are experiencing a significant increase in the reports of mistreatment that women experience while using the maternity healthcare services, a phenomenon acknowledged as “Obstetric Violence” (OV). The Latin American region is crucial for the recognition of OV, not only because the term OV was originated there, but also because of its particular response to the matter. The present Scoping Review aimed to identify and review the available evidence about the response of Latin American countries to OV. As a result, it was found, firstly, that the emergence of the concept of OV in Latin America demonstrated to be a transformative tool useful to raise awareness about the mistreatment women face when giving birth. This OV concept also positions this problematic as subset of gendered violence and as a type of structural violence, through which the need to address it systemically is highlighted. Secondly, the used categorization of OV appears to be the broadest and more inclusive typology, emphasizing that OV might stem from both intentional and unintentional actions of healthcare professionals, as well as from conditions within healthcare organizations. Moreover, the identified variables that influence the response to OV in Latin America were synthetized into a theoretical framework, which offers insight into how the problem has been addressed until now and subsequently, provides useful lessons for other countries seeking approaches to combat mistreatment of women during childbirth. Lastly, it was determined that, in order to address OV and allow the progression of public policies to become regionally available, a broadened view encompassing a human rights-based approach is necessary. This research allowed to conclude that OV is a multi-faceted and complex phenomenon whose solution requires a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. Furthermore, OV should be understood as more than a simple act of mistreatment, but rather be viewed as a set of socially constructed symbolic, and violent, meanings allowing different stakeholders to reframe the abuse and violence that women undergoing childbirth experience as natural, expected, and accepted, reinforcing specific gender dynamics not merely in maternity care but in society overall. Finally, the framework to tackle OV within the human rights approach developed by the author is expected to be advantageous for the development of further research, programs, and policies to prevent OV in Latin America and beyond.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Obstetric Violence in Latin America: A Scoping Review = Violencia Obstétrica en Latinoamérica: Una Revisión Sistemática Exploratoria

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