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Imagen de apoyo de  Peritonitis tuberculosa

Peritonitis tuberculosa

Por: Arístides Lores | Fecha: 01/01/1892

Tesis de Aristides Lores para obtener el título de doctor en Medicina y Cirugía de la Facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1892. A lo largo del documento Lores estudia la peritonitis tuberculosa, complicación producida por inflamación del intestino. El autor define la enfermedad, su historia, etiología, causas predisponentes, causas determinantes, sintomatología, y otras particularidades como la enquistada o ulcerosa de la misma, anatomía patológica, marcha de las formas crónicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y tratamiento quirúrgico. Finalmente, Lores presenta observaciones sobre la autopsia realizada a tres personas que murieron de esa enfermedad.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Peritonitis tuberculosa

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Imagen de apoyo de  Phase Ii randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of whole-brain irradiation with concomitant chloroquine for brain metastases

Phase Ii randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of whole-brain irradiation with concomitant chloroquine for brain metastases

Por: Luis Leonardo; Arce Salinas Rojas Puentes | Fecha: 01/01/2013

Background and purpose: Chloroquine (CLQ), an antimalarial drug, has a lysosomotropic effect associated with increased radiationsensibility, which is mediated by the leakage of hydrolytic enzymes, increased apoptosis, autophagy and increased oxidative stress in vitro. In this phase II study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of radiosensibilization using CLQ concomitant with 30 Gray (Gy) of whole-brain irradiation (WBI) to treat patients with brain metastases (BM) from solid tumors.Methods: Seventy-three eligible patients were randomized. Thirty-nine patients received WBI (30 Gy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks) concomitant with 150 mg of CLQ for 4 weeks (the CLQ arm). Thirty-four patients received the same schedule of WBI concomitant with a placebo for 4 weeks (the control arm). All the patients were evaluated for quality of life (QoL) using the EORTC Quality of Life (QoL) Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) (Mexican version) beforebeginning radiotherapy and one month later.Results: The overall response rate (ORR) was 54% for the CLQ arm and 55% for the control arm (p=0.92). The progression-free survival of brain metastases (BMPFS) rates at one year were 83.9% (95% CI 69.4-98.4) for the CLQ arm and 55.1% (95% CI 33.6-77.6) for the control arm. Treatment with CLQ was independently associated with increased BMPFS (RR 0.31,95% CI [0.1-0.9], p=0.046).The only factor that was independently associated with increased overall survival (OS) was the presence of< 4 brain metastases (RR 1.9, 95% CI [1.12-3.3], p=0.017). WBI was associated with improvements in cognitive and emotional function but also with worsened nausea in both patients groups. No differences in QoL or toxicity were found between the study arms.Conclusion: Treatment with CLQ plus WBI improved the control of BM (compared with the control arm) with no increase in toxicity; however, CLQ did not improve the RR or OS. A phase III clinical trial is warranted to confirm these findings.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Phase Ii randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of whole-brain irradiation with concomitant chloroquine for brain metastases

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Imagen de apoyo de  Physical activity promotion at the local level: municipal sport authorities participation in Colombia = Promoción de la actividad física en el nivel local: participación de las autoridades deportivas municipales en Colombia

Physical activity promotion at the local level: municipal sport authorities participation in Colombia = Promoción de la actividad física en el nivel local: participación de las autoridades deportivas municipales en Colombia

Por: Daniela Rozo Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Physical activity promotion (PAP) has reached policy agendas worldwide due to the social and economic burden that non-communicable diseases have generated. Colombia is one of the countries that have taken the challenge of promoting healthy lifestyles in order to reduce this burden and in addition, take advantage of other benefits that promoting this healthy lifestyle brings. Although some research has been done on the field, no studies related to the local government contribution were found. The local government plays a crucial role in PAP, considering that it has a great influence on the physical and social environment of a city and consequently in the individual behavior of its citizens.Additionally, it has a great responsibility concerning public health, social and economic development and environmental sustainability, aspects that are related to PAP. The present research, aims to provide a general overview on the current state of PAP in the Municipal Sport Authorities (MSAs) of one department of Colombia. In this sense, it is important to highlight that the sport sector has had a major role in PAP in the country and the department. Hence, structured interviews were conducted among heads of the MSAs of the 14 municipalities of the department and development plans were analyzed.Using this data, two main aspects were studied in order to achieve the research aim: the current PAP interventions and the conditions to promote physical activity (PA) in the department. Results indicate that the current PAP interventions have both strengths and weaknesses. Among the most important aspects, it was noticed that PAP in Risaralda has neglected important environmental determinants for PA behavior. PAP has been oriented from an “anthropic” perspective (targeting the individual). However, this seems to have had a positive effect on PA levels in the department. Concerning the conditions to promote PA, there are important findings related to the knowledge and skills of policy-makers and the management process used to develop the interventions. Some of the weaknesses found in the interventions might be related to the conditions to develop them. Recommendations to MSAs and for further research are given.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Physical activity promotion at the local level: municipal sport authorities participation in Colombia = Promoción de la actividad física en el nivel local: participación de las autoridades deportivas municipales en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

Por: Juan Nicolás Peña Sánchez | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Objective: Provide an instrument in Spanish for measuring and studying physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain. Method: It followed two general stages: An instrument adaptation and descriptive cross-sectional study. Factor analysis was performed with 16-item scale. Construct validity was verified through a correlation between the summed 16-items scale and the global item, and internal consistency reliability was estimated with a Cronbach’s alpha. Finally, physicians’ career satisfaction was measured and characteristics related to a higher level of satisfaction were explored through a multivariate logistic regression. Results: An instrument adaption into Spanish was developed. Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument was 0.92. The rate response was 40%. Mean career satisfaction was 4.36(SD=0.76) out of a possible score of 6.Multivariate logistic regression showed that physicians who reported having received non-economic incentives during last year have a level of career satisfaction 3.11(IC=1.19–8.13) times higher than those that have not received, and also that foreign physicians have a level of career satisfaction 7.81(IC=1.40–43.48) times higher than Spanish ones, controlling by personal, professional, work, and incentives factors. Conclusions: This study performed the adaptation and validation of an instrument which measures physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain.The methodology to translate and adapt the instrument was successful, making the method replicable in other languages and countries. The instrument demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency reliability and construct validity. It was found that foreign physicians have eight times higher career satisfaction, and physicians that referred having received non-economic incentives during the last year have three times higher career satisfaction.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España

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Imagen de apoyo de  Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

Por: Joaquín Sarmiento | Fecha: 01/01/1881

Plan de curación y prevención contra la viruela, presentado a la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá en 1840, por orden del Gobierno nacional. En el documento, además de mostrar cómo se ha combatido la enfermedad en otros lugares, se mencionan las cuatro etapas que comprende el desarrollo de la epidemia y los cuidados que se deben tener para no contagiarse.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Prensa
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Plan profilactico i curativo de la viruela: 28 de Julio de 1840

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Imagen de apoyo de  Posconflicto y violencia sexual: La garantía de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en los municipios priorizados para la paz

Posconflicto y violencia sexual: La garantía de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en los municipios priorizados para la paz

Por: Ana Jimena; Martínez Osorio Bautista Revelo | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Este documento planeta una reflexión sobre algunos de los retos más complejos y apremiantes, que la implementación del Acuerdo de paz enfrenta en materia de derechos de las mujeres y de aplicación del enfoque de género en las políticas destinadas al mundo rural. Entre 2008 y 2017, la Fiscalía General de la Nación (FGN) registró 36.881 casos de violencia sexual ocurridos en los 170 municipios rurales priorizados para la aplicación del Acuerdo de paz en Colombia. Además de que estos municipios han mantenido tasas críticas de ocurrencia de este delito durante el periodo de tiempo señalado, la Defensoría del Pueblo, en su sistema de alertas tempranas, también ha llamado la atención sobre el alto riesgo de violencia sexual que se ha presentado en algunas de estas zonas del país desde el momento del cese al fuego promovido en el marco del proceso de paz. ¿Se encuentra el Estado preparado para atender en salud y de manera integral a las víctimas de violencia sexual en estos territorios que históricamente han tenido precaria presencia institucional? ¿Cuál es la capacidad institucional de estos municipios para garantizar la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE) a aquellas mujeres víctimas que solicitan acceder a este derecho? ¿Qué factores se deben tener en cuenta para prevenir que los índices críticos de violencia sexual se sigan manteniendo o aumenten en estos territorios? El presente documento tiene por objetivo abordar estas preguntas, al evaluar cómo ha sido la aplicación del Protocolo de Atención a Víctimas de Violencia Sexual en los 170 municipios priorizados para la implementación de la reforma rural integral (RRI) del Acuerdo de paz; nos concentraremos, particularmente, en las posibilidades de acceso a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE) en estas zonas del país. Descripción tomada de:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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Posconflicto y violencia sexual: La garantía de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en los municipios priorizados para la paz

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Imagen de apoyo de  Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

Por: María Angélica Acevedo Mesa | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Background: Functional Somatic Symptoms (FSS) are symptoms for which an underlying pathology cannot be found. High negative affect (NA) has been linked to the etiology of FSS, but little is known about the role of Positive Affect (PA). PA has been related to a lower risk for the onset of certain chronic diseases and it has been linked to healthier behaviors, which could mediate the association with FSS. Objectives: 1) To test if PA is related to current FSS and if it can predict longitudinal changes in FSS. 2) To test the role of health behaviors (alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical activity) as mediators. 3) To test if NA and sex modify the effect of PA on FSS. Methods: Data from the ‘TRacking adolescents’ individual lives’ survey’ (TRAILS) cohort were used (N=1247 cases). PA was measured with the PANAS schedule and FSS with the physical complaints subscale from the ASR. Regression analyses with bootstrapping were performed to explore the relationship between PA and FSS, and the interactions in moderation analysis. Mediation analyses were performed to estimate the indirect effect of PA on FSS through health behaviors. A PCA was performed on the physical complaints subscale of ASR, and secondary analyses were performed for the identified components. Results: PA had a negative significant association with current FSS when adjusted for covariates [B = - 0.004; BCa 95% CI = ( - 0.006 ; - 0.002)]. The association was not significant longitudinally when adjusted for covariates. No mediation or interaction was found. Two components of the physical complaints subscale were identified on the PCA. In the secondary analysis, PA was significantly related to the component “general physical symptoms” [B= - 0.019; BCa 95% CI = ( - 0.0028 ; - 0.011)] but not to the component “gastrointestinal symptoms”. Conclusion: High PA was significantly related to current lower levels of FSS, but the effect was small. Health behaviors did not mediate the association. The results of this study elucidate the need to further research individual variations, and day-to-day fluctuations on affect to obtain more insight on the etiology of FSS. The relevance of the results is theoretical rather than clinical. Introducción: Los Síntomas Somáticos Funcionales (SSF) son síntomas cuya patología subyacente no ha sido encontrada. Altos niveles de Afecto Negativo (AN) se ha relacionado con la etiología de los SSF, pero existe poca información sobre el rol del Afecto Positivo (AP). El AP se ha relacionado con un menor riesgo de aparición de enfermedades crónicas y se ha relacionado con la adopción conductas más sanas, las cuales podrían mediar la asociación entre el AP y los SSF. Objetivos: 1) Examinar si el AP está relacionado con SSF, transversal y longitudinalmente. 2) Evaluar el papel de los comportamientos de salud (consumo de alcohol, fumar y actividad física) como mediadores de la relación entre AP y SSF. 3) Explorar si el AN y el sexo modifican el efecto del AP en los FSS. Métodos: Se utilizó una muestra tomada del estudio de cohorte ‘TRacking adolescents’ individual lives’ survey’ (TRAILS) (N = 1247 casos). El AP se midió con el cuestionario PANAS y los SSF con la subescala de síntomas físicos del cuestionario “Adult Self Report” (ASR). Se realizaron análisis de regresión con método de bootstrapping para explorar la relación entre AP y SSF, y las interacciones entre AP y AN, y AP y sexo en el análisis de moderación. Se realizaron análisis de mediación para estimar el efecto indirecto del AP sobre los SSF a través de comportamientos de salud. Se realizó un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) en la subescala de síntomas físicos del cuestionario ASR y se realizaron análisis secundarios para los componentes identificados. Resultados: El AP tuvo una asociación significativa negativa con los SSF transversalmente cuando incluyeron las covariables en el modelo [B = - 0.004; BCa 95% CI = (- 0.006; - 0.002)]. Longitudinalmente, la asociación no fue significativa cuando se incluyeron las covariables. No se encontró mediación o interacción. Dos componentes de la subescala de quejas físicas se identificaron en la ACP. En el análisis secundario, el AP se relacionó significativamente con el componente "síntomas físicos generales" [B = - 0.019; BCa 95% CI = (- 0.0028; - 0.011)] pero no con el componente "síntomas gastrointestinales". Conclusión: Altos niveles de AP están relacionados significativamente con bajos niveles de SSF, pero tienen un efecto pequeño. Los comportamientos de salud no median esta relación. Los resultados de este estudio muestran la necesidad de investigar más las variaciones individuales y las fluctuaciones diarias en el afecto para obtener más información sobre la etiología de los SSF. La relevancia de los resultados es teórica más que clínica.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

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Prix distribués & proposés par la Société Royale de Médecine, dans sa Séance publique, tenue au Louvre le mardi 29 Août 1780 [recurso electrónico]

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Imagen de apoyo de  Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

Por: María Angélica; Correa Arzuaga Salazar | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master’s in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013.Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles.Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master’s in which 65 master’s students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS.Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Production of Knowledge in the Master’s Program in Collective Health of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, 1996-2013

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Productos medicinales a base de Cannabis

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