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Imagen de apoyo de  ACL injury mechanism: Are ACL injury motion patterns from standardised tests representative of real-life situations? / Mecanismo de lesión del LCA: ¿Son representativos los patrones de movimiento de una lesión de LCA identificados en pruebas standard en situaciones reales?

ACL injury mechanism: Are ACL injury motion patterns from standardised tests representative of real-life situations? / Mecanismo de lesión del LCA: ¿Son representativos los patrones de movimiento de una lesión de LCA identificados en pruebas standard en situaciones reales?

Por: María Alejandra Díaz Pinilla | Fecha: 2018

Context: 32-52/100,000 people per year have an ACL injury. The majority of injuries occur during sports practices and 53% of the total in football players. Almost half of the injuries happen without physical contact between athletes and practically all occur during landing or sidestepping. The ACL injury rate has been increasing in the last ten years, which brings us to the problem that ACL injury prevention research along athletes community is not translated efficiently into injury prevention practices. Biomechanical studies suggest that knee valgus moment increases ACL injury risk and focus on studying the kinematic correlations that contribute to this loading pattern at the knee, explaining body dynamics at the moment of the injury. However, a successful method for screening and identifying athletes at increased risk of ACL injury is currently unavailable. If links between peak joint loading (kinetics), kinematics and muscular support (biomechanically relevant risk factors) could be identified, these would be useful for developing ACL injury prevention training programs. Additionally, if we could transfer these positive laboratory-based findings to real-world community level training environments the efficacy and effectiveness of those training programs would increase. Objective: Determine correlations between kinematic variables related to ACL injury mechanism in standardised tests, and test if they are representative of real-life situations. Results: PCs space from the standardised tests give correlations between features that describe a drop vertical jump and a sidestepping cut and allow to differentiate between risky and non-risky ACL injury motion patterns. A comparison between those PCs spaces to the PCs space from the plyometric test suggests similar motion patterns. Conclusion: A PCA is an optimal tool to describe correlations between kinematic features and allows for discrimination between motion patterns. Besides, geometrical interpretation of PCs allows answering if motion patterns that occur in standardised test appear in real-life situations. Contexto: 32-52 personas por año sufren de ruptura del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA). La mayoría de las lesiones ocurren durante practicas deportivas y el 53% del total en jugadores de futbol. Casi la mitad de las lesiones suceden sin ningún contacto físico entre deportistas, y casi todas suceden debido a la caída luego de un salto o cambios de dirección. La tasa de ruptura del LCA ha venido aumentando durante los últimos 10 años, lo que quiere decir que la investigación relacionada con prevención de ruptura del LCA en la comunidad deportiva no se esta evidenciando efectivamente en practicas de prevención deportivas. Los estudios biomecánicos sugieren que el momento valgo de la rodilla aumenta el riesgo de lesión del LCA y se centra en estudiar las correlaciones cinemáticas que contribuyen a este patrón de movimiento en la rodilla, explicando la dinámica corporal en el momento de la lesión. Sin embargo, no está disponible actualmente un método que permita evaluar e identificar a los atletas que presentan mayor riesgo de lesión del LCA. Si se pudieran identificar los vínculos entre la carga articular máxima (cinética), la cinemática y el soporte muscular (factores de riesgo biomecánicamente relevantes), estos serían útiles para desarrollar programas de capacitación de prevención de lesiones del LCA. Además, si pudiéramos transferir estos hallazgos encontrados en el laboratorio a entornos reales de entrenamiento, la eficacia de esos programas de capacitación aumentaría. Objetivo: Determinar las correlaciones entre las variables cinemáticas relacionadas con el mecanismo de ruptura del LCA en pruebas estandarizadas e identificar si son representativas en situaciones de la vida real. Resultados: El espacio de las componentes principales (CP) de las pruebas estandarizadas proporciona correlaciones entre variables que describen un aterrizaje después de un salto y un cambio de dirección permitiendo diferenciar entre patrones de movimiento riesgosos y no riesgosos para el LCA. Al comparar el espacio de CP de las pruebas estandarizadas con el espacio de las CP de las pruebas pliométricas se evidencian patrones de movimiento similares. Conclusión: Un análisis de componentes principales es una herramienta óptima para describir las correlaciones entre las características cinemáticas, y además permite la discriminación entre los patrones de movimiento. Adicionalmente, la interpretación geométrica de las CP permite identificar si los patrones de movimiento que ocurren en las pruebas estandarizadas aparecen en situaciones de la vida real.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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ACL injury mechanism: Are ACL injury motion patterns from standardised tests representative of real-life situations? / Mecanismo de lesión del LCA: ¿Son representativos los patrones de movimiento de una lesión de LCA identificados en pruebas standard en situaciones reales?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

Por: María Angélica Acevedo Mesa | Fecha: 2018

Background: Functional Somatic Symptoms (FSS) are symptoms for which an underlying pathology cannot be found. High negative affect (NA) has been linked to the etiology of FSS, but little is known about the role of Positive Affect (PA). PA has been related to a lower risk for the onset of certain chronic diseases and it has been linked to healthier behaviors, which could mediate the association with FSS. Objectives: 1) To test if PA is related to current FSS and if it can predict longitudinal changes in FSS. 2) To test the role of health behaviors (alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical activity) as mediators. 3) To test if NA and sex modify the effect of PA on FSS. Methods: Data from the ‘TRacking adolescents’ individual lives’ survey’ (TRAILS) cohort were used (N=1247 cases). PA was measured with the PANAS schedule and FSS with the physical complaints subscale from the ASR. Regression analyses with bootstrapping were performed to explore the relationship between PA and FSS, and the interactions in moderation analysis. Mediation analyses were performed to estimate the indirect effect of PA on FSS through health behaviors. A PCA was performed on the physical complaints subscale of ASR, and secondary analyses were performed for the identified components. Results: PA had a negative significant association with current FSS when adjusted for covariates [B = - 0.004; BCa 95% CI = ( - 0.006 ; - 0.002)]. The association was not significant longitudinally when adjusted for covariates. No mediation or interaction was found. Two components of the physical complaints subscale were identified on the PCA. In the secondary analysis, PA was significantly related to the component “general physical symptoms” [B= - 0.019; BCa 95% CI = ( - 0.0028 ; - 0.011)] but not to the component “gastrointestinal symptoms”. Conclusion: High PA was significantly related to current lower levels of FSS, but the effect was small. Health behaviors did not mediate the association. The results of this study elucidate the need to further research individual variations, and day-to-day fluctuations on affect to obtain more insight on the etiology of FSS. The relevance of the results is theoretical rather than clinical. Introducción: Los Síntomas Somáticos Funcionales (SSF) son síntomas cuya patología subyacente no ha sido encontrada. Altos niveles de Afecto Negativo (AN) se ha relacionado con la etiología de los SSF, pero existe poca información sobre el rol del Afecto Positivo (AP). El AP se ha relacionado con un menor riesgo de aparición de enfermedades crónicas y se ha relacionado con la adopción conductas más sanas, las cuales podrían mediar la asociación entre el AP y los SSF. Objetivos: 1) Examinar si el AP está relacionado con SSF, transversal y longitudinalmente. 2) Evaluar el papel de los comportamientos de salud (consumo de alcohol, fumar y actividad física) como mediadores de la relación entre AP y SSF. 3) Explorar si el AN y el sexo modifican el efecto del AP en los FSS. Métodos: Se utilizó una muestra tomada del estudio de cohorte ‘TRacking adolescents’ individual lives’ survey’ (TRAILS) (N = 1247 casos). El AP se midió con el cuestionario PANAS y los SSF con la subescala de síntomas físicos del cuestionario “Adult Self Report” (ASR). Se realizaron análisis de regresión con método de bootstrapping para explorar la relación entre AP y SSF, y las interacciones entre AP y AN, y AP y sexo en el análisis de moderación. Se realizaron análisis de mediación para estimar el efecto indirecto del AP sobre los SSF a través de comportamientos de salud. Se realizó un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) en la subescala de síntomas físicos del cuestionario ASR y se realizaron análisis secundarios para los componentes identificados. Resultados: El AP tuvo una asociación significativa negativa con los SSF transversalmente cuando incluyeron las covariables en el modelo [B = - 0.004; BCa 95% CI = (- 0.006; - 0.002)]. Longitudinalmente, la asociación no fue significativa cuando se incluyeron las covariables. No se encontró mediación o interacción. Dos componentes de la subescala de quejas físicas se identificaron en la ACP. En el análisis secundario, el AP se relacionó significativamente con el componente "síntomas físicos generales" [B = - 0.019; BCa 95% CI = (- 0.0028; - 0.011)] pero no con el componente "síntomas gastrointestinales". Conclusión: Altos niveles de AP están relacionados significativamente con bajos niveles de SSF, pero tienen un efecto pequeño. Los comportamientos de salud no median esta relación. Los resultados de este estudio muestran la necesidad de investigar más las variaciones individuales y las fluctuaciones diarias en el afecto para obtener más información sobre la etiología de los SSF. La relevancia de los resultados es teórica más que clínica.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Positive Affect and Functional Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults: Do health behaviors mediate the association?/ Afecto Positivo y Sintomas Somáticos Funcionales en Adultos Jóvenes: ¿Los comportamientos de salud median la asociación?

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Imagen de apoyo de  Fluorescence staining as a detection method of indicators and pathogens in aerobic granular sludge. A study with Escherichia coli and Cryptosporidium parvum = Tinción fluorescente como método de detección de indicador y patógenos en lodo granular aerobio. Un estudio con Escherichia coli y Cryptosporidium parvum

Fluorescence staining as a detection method of indicators and pathogens in aerobic granular sludge. A study with Escherichia coli and Cryptosporidium parvum = Tinción fluorescente como método de detección de indicador y patógenos en lodo granular aerobio. Un estudio con Escherichia coli y Cryptosporidium parvum

Por: María Clara Vanegas Camero | Fecha: 2018

Waterborne diseases are transmitted by the faecal-oral route when water contaminated with faeces is ingested. Cryptosporidiosis is one of these diseases and is caused by one of the most widespread enteric parasites in the world; Cryptosporidium. To reduce the waterborne diseases, domestic wastewater needs to be treated sufficiently to reduce its pathogenic content. One of the recently introduced technologies for wastewater treatment is Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS). AGS has proven to produce effluents with high chemical quality standards. However, little is known regarding the pathogen removal efficiencies or their removal mechanisms. In addition, there is a worldwide need to treat domestic wastewater appropriately to reduce pathogens causing waterborne diseases. The removal efficiencies and fate of some pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium, have not been studied in detail within wastewater treatment processes. Indicator microorganisms such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), have been used to understand the removal mechanisms and fate of pathogens in wastewater. However, it was found there is a miscorrelation between indicators and pathogens, and therefore there is a need for studies with pathogens themselves. Due to these reasons, this research aimed to develop a fluorescent staining method for E. coli and Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) oocysts to allow their detection in AGS batch reactors, and evaluate the fate of fluorescently stained E. coli and C. parvum in these reactors. Pre-staining of E. coli and C. parvum was carried out using two fluorescent stains: dsGreen and SYBR. Experiments were carried out to test different pre-staining conditions. The stains were serial diluted, TWEEN was used to determine if it improved the staining, and the prestained microorganisms were incubated at 4 ºC, room temperature and 37 ºC. Two different batch reactors, 250 mL and 2 mL, were set up with AGS and were spiked with pre-stained microorganisms. Both reactors were run for 120 mins and sludge samples were collected and analysed using fluorescent microscopy. The filtered supernatant samples from the 250 mL were also analysed using the fluorescent microscope and the fluorescent cell count method. The best staining conditions for E. coli and C. parvum oocysts with dsGreen proved to be: 1,000x dilution of dye, incubation of stained microorganisms at room temperature for 15 mins and no need of TWEEN. SYBR photobleached rapidly and was therefore not an appropriate stain for this research. With the experiments in batch reactors, the fluorescent cell count method proved to be a generic and faster quantitative alternative to estimate E. coli concentrations in filtered supernatant samples than the E. coli agar plate method. In addition, it was qualitatively confirmed that fluorescently stained E. coli was removed by the predation of different species of protozoa. However, no conclusive results regarding protozoan predation of C. parvum oocysts were observed. Resumen: Las enfermedades transmitidas por el agua se transmiten por la ruta fecal-oral cuando se ingiere agua contaminada con heces. La criptosporidiosis es una de estas enfermedades y es causada por uno de los parásitos entéricos más extendidos del mundo; Cryptosporidium. Para reducir las enfermedades transmitidas por el agua, las aguas residuales domésticas deben tratarse lo suficiente como para reducir su contenido patógeno. Una de las tecnologías recientemente introducidas para el tratamiento de aguas residuales es el lodo granular aeróbico (AGS por sus siglas en inglés). AGS ha demostrado producir efluentes con altos estándares de calidad química. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre las eficiencias de eliminación de patógenos o sus mecanismos de eliminación. Además, existe una necesidad mundial de tratar las aguas residuales domésticas de manera adecuada para reducir los patógenos que causan enfermedades transmitidas por el agua. Las eficiencias de eliminación y el destino de algunos patógenos, como el Cryptosporidium, no se han estudiado en detalle en los procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Se han utilizado microorganismos indicadores como Escherichia coli (E. coli) para comprender los mecanismos de eliminación y el destino de los patógenos en las aguas residuales. Sin embargo, se descubrió que existe una mala correlación entre los indicadores y los agentes patógenos y, por lo tanto, es necesario realizar estudios con los mismos agentes patógenos. Debido a estas razones, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un método de tinción fluorescente para E. coli y ooquistes de Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) para permitir su detección en reactores discontinuos de AGS, y evaluar el destino de E. coli y C. parvum teñidos con fluorescencia en estos reactores. La tinción previa de E. coli y C. parvum se llevó a cabo utilizando dos tinciones fluorescentes: dsGreen y SYBR. Se llevaron a cabo experimentos para probar diferentes condiciones de pre-tinción. Las tintas se diluyeron en serie, se utilizó TWEEN para determinar si mejoraba la tinción, y los microorganismos pre-teñidos se incubaron a 4 ºC, temperatura ambiente y 37 ºC. Se prepararon dos reactores discontinuos diferentes, 250 ml y 2 ml, con AGS y se añadieron microorganismos previamente teñidos. Ambos reactores funcionaron durante 120 minutos y las muestras de lodo se recogieron y analizaron usando microscopía fluorescente. Las muestras de sobrenadante filtradas de 250 ml también se analizaron utilizando el microscopio fluorescente y el método de recuento de células fluorescentes. Las mejores condiciones de tinción para la E. coli y los ooquistes de C. parvum con dsGreen demostraron ser: dilución de colorante a 1,000x, incubación de microorganismos teñidos a temperatura ambiente durante 15 minutos y sin necesidad de TWEEN. SYBR se blanqueó rápidamente y, por lo tanto, no fue una tinta adecuada para esta investigación. Con los experimentos en reactores discontinuos, el método de recuento de células fluorescentes demostró ser una alternativa cuantitativa genérica y más rápida para estimar las concentraciones de E. coli en muestras de sobrenadante filtradas que el método de la placa de agar de E. coli. Además, se confirmó cualitativamente que E. coli teñida con fluorescencia se removió por la predación de diferentes especies de protozoos. Sin embargo, no se observaron resultados concluyentes con respecto a la predación de protozoos de los ooquistes de C. parvum.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Fluorescence staining as a detection method of indicators and pathogens in aerobic granular sludge. A study with Escherichia coli and Cryptosporidium parvum = Tinción fluorescente como método de detección de indicador y patógenos en lodo granular aerobio. Un estudio con Escherichia coli y Cryptosporidium parvum

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Imagen de apoyo de  Evaluation of the ExSel® self-questionnaire to screen for an excess salt intake in patients atteints of Chronic Kidney Disease = Evaluación y validación del auto cuestionario para depistar el consumo excesivo de sal en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

Evaluation of the ExSel® self-questionnaire to screen for an excess salt intake in patients atteints of Chronic Kidney Disease = Evaluación y validación del auto cuestionario para depistar el consumo excesivo de sal en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

Por: Lina Marcela; Ducher Montoya Torres | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the reliability of the ExSel® self-questionnaire to detect an excess salt intake (≥12 g/24h) in patients consulting for hypertension and/or renal failure. Methods: Results of the ExSel® self-questionnaire were compared to 24 h sodium excretion using the Cohen’s kappa test and a Chi² test. Sensitivity, specificity, VPP and VPN were calculated. A ROC curve was realized to find an accurate cut-off.Results: Mean characteristics of the 101 patients with reliable results were: age of 67+12 years, Body Mass Index 28.4+5.6 kg/m², SBP/DBP 139+23/74+13 mmHg (98% were hypertensives. Mean salt intake was 7.5+3.1 g/24h and mean creatininuria was 13.9+20.1 mmol/24 h. An excess salt intake (≥12 g/24h) was observed in 8% of the patients. The Kappa test at 0.17 and the Chi² at 0.66 signify that the agreement was very low. Sensitivity was 37%, specificity 90%, PPV 20% and NPV 94%. The AUC under the ROC curve was too low (0.665) to determine a threshold adapted to the renal patients. Conclusions: The ExSel® auto-questionnaire is not adapted to outpatients, mainly hypertensives (98%) followed in a nephrology consultation to detect an excess salt consumption.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Evaluation of the ExSel® self-questionnaire to screen for an excess salt intake in patients atteints of Chronic Kidney Disease = Evaluación y validación del auto cuestionario para depistar el consumo excesivo de sal en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Diagnostic Agreement of Microscopy Observation of Drug Susceptibility assay (MODS+) with Sensititre Myco-TB plate for first- and second-line anti-TB drugs

Diagnostic Agreement of Microscopy Observation of Drug Susceptibility assay (MODS+) with Sensititre Myco-TB plate for first- and second-line anti-TB drugs

Por: Natalia; Lopez Castaño Villegas | Fecha: 2018

Abstract: Background: Multidrug resistant TB cases have been on the rise, risking advances in TB prevalence and control. Early diagnosis and targeted initial treatment are paramount for effective management and control of spreading of MDR/XDR-TB cases Methods: 161 isolates from patients with L-J culture confirmed TB in Lima, Peru, were tested with MODS+ assay, the diagnostic test and Sensititre, the reference standard. Analysis of growth patterns of bacteria in both methods were used to determine susceptibility/resistance of each isolate to three first line and six second line anti-TB agents, using two different critical concentrations (CC) for each antibiotic. Results: Agreement between susceptibility profiles and operational characteristics of diagnostic test yielded high performance and strong agreement with rifampicin 1μg/ml (agreement percent 90%, Kappa value 0.80) and amikacin 1μg/ml (agreement percent 96%, Kappa value 0.81), moderate for isoniazid 0.4μg/ml (agreement percent 89.4%, Kappa value 0.78), moxifloxacin at both CC’s 0.5μg/ml and 0.25μg/ml (agreement percent 93 and kappa values 0.73 for both), levofloxacin 2μg/ml (agreement 93%, kappa 0.69) and amikacin 2μg/ml (agreement 96%, Kappa 0.81), minimal for levofloxacin at CC 1.5μg/ml (agreement 90%, kappa 0.57) kanamycin at both CC’s 10μg/ml and 5μg/ml (agreement 87%, kappa 0.52) and ethionamide 5μg/ml (agreement 89%, kappa 0.46), weak for PAS 10μg/ml (agreement percent 93.9, kappa value 0.29), and none for ethambutol (Kappa value 0.02 for CC 10μg/ml, 0.07 for CC 5μg/ml). Conclusions: MODS+ assay is a cost-effective option for the diagnosis of TB and MDR/XDRTB, specially, in low resource settings with high TB incidence. Further operational research using lower CC’s, results read on different days and placed in settings with high and low TB and MDR/XDRTB burden could offer better sensitivities and wider applicability of results.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Diagnostic Agreement of Microscopy Observation of Drug Susceptibility assay (MODS+) with Sensititre Myco-TB plate for first- and second-line anti-TB drugs

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

Por: Diana Guarnizo Peralta | Fecha: 2018

Through the financial support from the Open Society Foundations, Dejusticia developed a diagnostic research from eight countries, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama and Uruguay, regarding the access to palliative care, the institutional development and the guidelines, and the existing barriers of access to opioid medications – used for pain relief. This document is aimed at medical personnel, civil society organizations, policy makers, and any¬one interested in addressing the issue of palliative care from a human rights perspective. Although for years palliative care was confined to a strictly medical analysis, in recent times the international community and United Nations bodies have recognized palliative care as a human rights issue. This document seeks to demonstrate the many linkages between palliative care and human rights in terms of both the conception and the protection of palliative care. We hope this report serves as a useful tool for the medical community, patients, and patients’ fam¬ilies throughout the American continent who seek legal and human rights arguments to facilitate access to more humane end-of-life care, as well as for litigants and human rights activists who wish to protect and guarantee a life without pain for patients, including during their last days of life. Description taken from the introduction Consulte la versión en español en la siguiente URL:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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The Inter-American System as a Tool for Ensuring Access to Pain Relief and Palliative Care

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Imagen de apoyo de  Central Obesity is the Key Component in the Association of Metabolic Syndrome With Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain Impairment / La obesidad central es el componente clave en la asociación del síndrome metabólico con el deterioro del strain longitudinal global del ventrículo izquierdo

Central Obesity is the Key Component in the Association of Metabolic Syndrome With Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain Impairment / La obesidad central es el componente clave en la asociación del síndrome metabólico con el deterioro del strain longitudinal global del ventrículo izquierdo

Por: Wilson; Santos Cañón Montañez | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Introduction and objectives: Subclinical systolic dysfunction is one of the proposed mechanisms for increased cardiovascular risk associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). This study investigated the association between MS and impaired left ventricular global longitudinal strain (GLS) and the role of each MS criteria in this association. Methods: We analyzed a random sample of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) after excluding participants with prevalent heart disease. Results: Among the 1055 participants fulfilling the inclusion criteria (53% women; 52 ± 9 years), 444 (42%) had MS. Those with MS had worse GLS (–18.0% ± 2.5%) than those without (–19.0% ± 2.4%; P < .0001). In multiple linear regression models, MS was associated with worse GLS after adjustment for various risk factors (GLS difference = 0.86%; P < .0001), even after inclusion of body mass index. Adjusted PR for impaired GLS as assessed by 3 cutoffs (1, 1.5, and 2 standard deviations) were higher among participants with than without MS: GLS –16.1% (PR, 1.76; 95%CI, 1.30-2.39); GLS –14.8% (PR, 2.35; 95%CI, 1.45-3.81); and GLS –13.5% (PR, 2.07; 95%CI, 0.97-4.41). After inclusion of body mass index in the models, these associations were attenuated, suggesting that they may, at least in part, be mediated by obesity. In quantile regression analyses, elevated waist circumference was the only MS component found to be independently associated with GLS across the whole range of values. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is independently associated with impaired GLS. Among the MS criteria, central obesity best depicted the link between metabolic derangement and cardiac function. Introducción y objetivos: La disfunción sistólica subclínica es uno de los mecanismos propuestos para el aumento del riesgo cardiovascular asociado con el síndrome metabólico (SM). Este estudio investigó la asociación entre SM y deterioro del strain longitudinal global (SLG) del ventrículo izquierdo y el papel de cada criterio de SM en esta asociación. Métodos: Se analizó una muestra aleatoria del Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) después de excluir a aquellos con cardiopatía prevalente. Resultados: De los 1.055 participantes que cumplían los criterios de inclusión (el 53% mujeres; edad, 52 ± 9 años), 444 (42%) reunían criterios de SM. Aquellos con SM presentaron un SLG más reducido (–18,0 ± 2,5%) que aquellos sin SM (–19,0 ± 2,4%; p < 0,0001). En los modelos de regresión lineal múltiple, el SM se asoció con SLG más reducido después de ajustar por varios factores de riesgo (diferencia de SLG, 0,86%; p < 0,0001), incluso después de incluir el índice de masa corporal. Las TP ajustadas para los participantes con SLG reducido evaluados con 3 puntos de corte (1, 1,5 y 2 desviaciones estándar) fueron más altas entre aquellos con SM que sin este: SLG –16,1% (TP = 1,76; IC95%, 1,30-2,39); SLG –14,8% (TP = 2,35; IC95%, 1,45-3,81), y SLG –13,5% (TP = 2,07; IC95%, 0,97-4,41). Después de incluir el índice de masa corporal en los modelos, estas asociaciones se atenuaron; lo que indica que la obesidad puede mediar, al menos en parte, estas asociaciones. En los análisis de regresión cuantílica, la circunferencia de cintura aumentada fue el único componente del SM que se halló independientemente asociado con el SLG a lo largo de todo el rango de valores. Conclusiones: El SM se asocia de manera independiente con alteración del SLG. Entre los criterios de SM, la obesidad central describe mejor la relación entre el trastorno metabólico y la función cardiaca.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Central Obesity is the Key Component in the Association of Metabolic Syndrome With Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain Impairment / La obesidad central es el componente clave en la asociación del síndrome metabólico con el deterioro del strain longitudinal global del ventrículo izquierdo

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Imagen de apoyo de  Programa de prevención de desgaste por empatía en profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de diálisis de hospital

Programa de prevención de desgaste por empatía en profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de diálisis de hospital

Por: Juana María Cáceres Gutiérrez | Fecha: 2018

El desgaste por empatía es un concepto relativamente reciente y en evolución que ha captado el interés de los profesionales sanitarios debido a que el trabajo en el ámbito de la salud implica un coste emocional que repercute en la misma salud del trabajador y en su labor profesional. Según la literatura revisada, los programas en prevención en todos los niveles de este tipo de estrés son escasos, por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un programa de prevención del desgaste por empatía en profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de diálisis de hospital. La idea surgió de la necesidad manifiesta por la Unidad de Diálisis del Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía (HUIS), hacia la Unidad de Salud Mental del mismo Hospital y de la confianza depositada en la investigación académica, relacionada con la dificultad en el afrontamiento a la muerte de pacientes de la Unidad, por parte del personal asistencial. El propósito es entonces entrenar a los profesionales en estrategias de regulación emocional del desgaste por empatía, con el fin de disminuir los niveles de este tipo de estrés y prevenir su futura aparición, por medio del desarrollo de 6 módulos, que se llevarán a cabo a través de diferentes ciclos y que puede tener continuidad a través de una modalidad de Formación Continuada. Se ha diseñado una evaluación estandarizada con el fin de medir la presunta efectividad del programa para prevenir el desgaste por empatía. Se realiza una valoración sobre los resultados esperados, las conclusiones del diseño de la propuesta del programa, así como de sus limitaciones y sobre futuras líneas de investigación. Abstract: The compassion fatigue is a relatively recent and evolving concept that has captured the interest of health professionals because working in health implies an emotional cost that affects the health and the worker performance. According to the revised literature, prevention programs at all levels of this kind of stress are scarce, therefore, the objective of this work is to propose a program of prevention of compassion fatigue in healthcare professionals of a dialysis unit of a hospital. The idea came up from the necessity exposed by the Dialysis Unit of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia (HUIS), towards the Mental Health Unit of the same Hospital and from the confidence placed in the academic research, related to the difficulty of facing death of patients of the unit, by the assistance personnel. The purpose is then to train professionals in strategies of emotional regulation of compassion fatigue, in order to reduce the levels of this type of stress and prevent its future emergence, through the development of 6 modules, which will be carried out through different cycles and that can have continuity through a continuous training modality. A standardized assessment has been designed to measure the presumed effectiveness of the program to prevent the compassion fatigue. An assessment is made of the expected results, the conclusions of the design of the program proposal, as well as its limitations and future lines of research.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Medicina

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Programa de prevención de desgaste por empatía en profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de diálisis de hospital

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Imagen de apoyo de  Effect of early surgery in elderly patients with a hip fracture: systematic review and meta-analysis

Effect of early surgery in elderly patients with a hip fracture: systematic review and meta-analysis

Por: Kristian Andrés Espinosa Garnica | Fecha: 2018

Background: The effect of early surgery in elderly patients with hip fractures has been controversial during the last five decades due to equivocal evidence both in favour and against it. The objective of this thesis is to systematically assess all the available evidence on the effect(s) of early surgery compared with delayed surgery in elderly patients with hip fractures. Methods: Searches for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or prospective observational studies were conducted from inception to July 2017 in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (OVID), EMBASE (OVID), and they were complemented with list of references searching, review of both clinical trials registers and archives of orthopaedic meetings. Two reviewers independently selected studies for inclusion, extracted data and evaluated risk of bias; and a third reviewer resolved discrepancies. Risk ratios (RR) were calculated for dichotomous data, and mean difference (MD) or standardised mean difference (SMD) was calculated for continuous data. The quality of evidence was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. Results: 39 studies were included with 51,857 participants (range of mean age: 74 to 93 years) comparing early versus delayed surgery. Three studies were RCTs and 36 were observational studies. The evidence from RCTs and observational studies showed that early surgery reduces risk of all-cause 3 mortality in elderly patients with a hip fracture (RR 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.65 to 0.83; I2 = 67%; number needed to treat for benefit (NNTB) 20; low quality of evidence). Observational studies showed reduced risk of all-cause mortality by early surgery at 6 (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.91; I2 = 56%; very low quality of evidence) and 12 months postoperative (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.87; I2 = 76%; very low quality of evidence), and when surgery is performed within the first 48 hours upon hospital admission (RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.84; I2 = 65%; very low quality of evidence). Observational studies also showed a reduction of complications (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.51 to 0.73; I2 = 64%; very low quality of evidence) and length of hospital stay (MD -5.06, 95% CI -6.52 to -3.60; I2 = 87%; very low quality of evidence) by early surgery, but the evidence was uncertain for functionality (SMD 0.05, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.14; I2 = 0%; low quality of evidence) and pain (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.17; I2 = 0%; very low quality of evidence). RCTs showed that early surgery reduces length of stay (MD -6.73, 95% CI -12.92 to -0.54; I2 = 54%; very low quality of evidence) and improves functionality (SMD 0.32, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.59; I2 = 5%; low quality of evidence). Conclusions: Low-quality evidence showed that early surgery reduces all-cause mortality at 6 and 12 months post-surgery, especially when it is performed during the first 48 hours after hospital admission. There was very low-quality evidence of a reduction in complications including pneumonia and pressure sores, and low-quality evidence for a reduced risk of urinary tract infection for early compared with delayed surgery. Reductions in length of hospital stay and improvement of postoperative functionality with early surgery were also observed but with very low- and low-quality of evidence respectively. There was very low-quality evidence for no effect of early surgery on postoperative pain.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Medicina

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Effect of early surgery in elderly patients with a hip fracture: systematic review and meta-analysis

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Imagen de apoyo de  Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

Por: Isabel Pereira Aranda | Fecha: 2018

This report compiles the results of a research project aimed at describing the current palliative care situation in eight Latin American countries. The project’s general objective—to raise awareness and influence public policy around the need to approach palliative care from a human rights perspective—was achieved through rapprochement among professionals from various fields in the region, which in and of itself is a key step forward in terms of bringing together communities that defend patients’ rights with communities that advocate a drug policy embracing a public health focus. We hope that this diagnostic report is useful for professional associations, health professionals, patients’ rights advocates, drug policy reform activists, and decision makers, who can rely on its findings to better integrate palliative care into general health services and to use human rights language to promote public policy reform and guarantee the human rights of those in the Americas who suffer from severe and chronic pain. Description tooked from: Consulte la versión en español en la siguiente URL:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
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  • Medicina

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Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

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