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Biofunctionalization of REDV elastin-like recombinamers improves endothelialization on CoCr alloy surfaces for cardiovascular applications
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Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care
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Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care
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Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei
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Studies on centromere organisation and function inTrypanosoma brucei
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The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population
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The morbidity of oral mucosal lesions in an adult Swedish population
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Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery
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Performance Evaluation Of The Clinimacs System For The Positive Selection Of CD34+ Cells From Stem Cell Products Factors Affecting CD34+ Cell Recovery
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Public policy frameworks for reducing social and health inequities based on determinants of health and transectorality: an exploratory qualitative study on the policy-makers’ perspectives on the Cundinamarca - Colombia experiences
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Public policy frameworks for reducing social and health inequities based on determinants of health and transectorality: an exploratory qualitative study on the policy-makers’ perspectives on the Cundinamarca - Colombia experiences
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Literature review and formative research on adolescent pregnancy interventions: recommendations for policy and practice in Mitú, Colombia
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Literature review and formative research on adolescent pregnancy interventions: recommendations for policy and practice in Mitú, Colombia
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Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für Krankenhäuser: Erzielung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen im kolum=Gestión Estratégica Sostenible en Hospitales: Logro de ventajas competitivas en el sector salud colombiano por medio de una estrategia de sosteniblidad
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Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für Krankenhäuser: Erzielung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen im kolum=Gestión Estratégica Sostenible en Hospitales: Logro de ventajas competitivas en el sector salud colombiano por medio de una estrategia de sosteniblidad
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Du traitement des kystes de l'ovaire
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Du traitement des kystes de l'ovaire
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Risk factors for health care–associated infection in hospitalized adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis
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Risk factors for health care–associated infection in hospitalized adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis
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