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Imagen de apoyo de  Developing responsible mining in Colombia by improving environmental impact assessment process and corporate social responsibility approach

Developing responsible mining in Colombia by improving environmental impact assessment process and corporate social responsibility approach

Por: Diana Vinchery Durán | Fecha: 2012

During the last decade, mining activity in Colombia is becoming a strong sector due to the political and economic incentives government gave to support foreign investment. This promotion and economic development should go hand by hand with environmental and social protection as it has an important contribution to the total GDP of the country. There are a high number of mining projects currently under development but despite the existence of laws, policies and regulations, there is a continuous environmental negative impact on the environment and several social problems are emerging. As a result of the current natural resource degradation, represented in a high rate of decline in vegetation cover, the increase of plant and animal species threatened, contamination of surface and ground water sources, poor air quality in major cities, land use conflicts and conditions of inadequate quality of life for the population, becomes urgent to develop responsible mining. With the aim of achieving this purpose, is necessary to evaluate the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which is the main tool to evaluate and assess the impacts generated during a project, work or activity and make decisions as Decree 2820 of 2010 states on the other hand the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach is not ruled by any law but is the voluntary role of business towards society to respond to their needs and expectations. The purpose of the study is to determine the actual and potential role of EIA and CSR, both separately and if used together as decision-making and management tools. To attain the objectives of the research, a discourse analysis between different actors is used as a research strategy in order to find the answers to the research questions by collecting data through relevant documents and interviews with experts in mining, CSR and EIA process from Ministries, academy and mining companies. In this way, different perceptions on EIA and CSR are obtained, in order to determine how one improves the other or not to achieve environmental and social objectives. The findings reveal that, according to the perceptions of some environmental experts, the EIA process in Colombia is still a weak tool; it coincides with the study developed by the General Comptroller of the Republic in 2005-2006 which states that the whole licensing process (which includes the EIA) is inefficient in many aspects. It is not being used in the appropriate way, consequently does not meet the purpose of adequately protecting the environment; the analysis revealed that the main reasons for these problems are the lack of state-regulated methodologies and the moderate control to the process. Additionally, there is not a shared agenda between the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Mines, which leads to take wrong decisions that are detrimental to either environmental protection or mining development. Regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility approach in Colombia, mining companies always work with their stakeholders developing different strategies; in most of the cases they use this approach to gain approval of communities and the social license to operate. Organizations use different instruments in order to respond to both employees and members of their geographical communities of influence. In most of the cases, their requirements centers on two main areas: basic education for them and their families and microbusiness initiatives. Even though there is no mining activity without impact, for sure there is responsible mining with less impact. The important issue is to make sure that the technical, social, economical and environmental aspects will be considered to develop a project. Moreover the guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Environment, the existent legal framework and the tools the country has, should be respected and used appropriately with the support of all the stakeholders involved in order to combine the so called “engine of the economy” with the protection of the environment and Colombian society.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Developing responsible mining in Colombia by improving environmental impact assessment process and corporate social responsibility approach

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Imagen de apoyo de  Developing cultural competences.

Developing cultural competences.

Por: Carolina Franco Ruíz | Fecha: 23/05/2009

Este documento trata la gestión intercultural como fuente de ventajas competitivas, la cual con el desarrollo del comercio internacional toma mayor relevancia. Las empresas que se expanden en mercados internacionales deben adaptarse a diferentes culturas con el fin de comunicarse de manera efectiva con el personal local y poder obtener los mejores resultados. Este trabajo es basado en la metodología de investigación y acción e incluye el análisis del contexto intercultural de la compañía Skanska Property CZ.
Fuente: Universidad del Rosario - Revista Universidad y Empresa Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Developing cultural competences.

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Detrás de Billy Sunday

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Imagen de apoyo de  Determining a GHG emission cap for Colombia under a continuation of the Kyoto protocol = Determinación de un nivel máximo de emisiones de GEI para Colombia bajo una continuación del protocolo de Kioto

Determining a GHG emission cap for Colombia under a continuation of the Kyoto protocol = Determinación de un nivel máximo de emisiones de GEI para Colombia bajo una continuación del protocolo de Kioto

Por: Juan Pablo Romero Rodríguez | Fecha: 2008

This dissertation project assesses the possibility of Colombia becoming an annex I country before 2020. This assessment assumes that the country will eventually have to define the year during which it will be required to start reducing its GHG emissions and by what amount. This project aims to answer the following questions; in which year Colombia should assume a GHG reductions cap? And how much GHG emissions should Colombia reduce? These two questions were answered by first projecting the growth of future emissions of the country based on economic parameters, population growth and energy consumption and secondly by calculating the cost of undertaking the GHG reductions to meet the target. Three separate analyses were performed in order to answer those questions; first a comparative analysis of the country’s conditions when the protocol was signed, second the concept of the Environmental Kunznets Curve was used and confronted with the available Colombian data and third it was necessary to project when Colombia will be responsible for percent of the world’s emission. The results showed that at least until the year 2020 Colombia will not be responsible for a share bigger than one percent of the world emissions; neither will it reach the peak of the EKC and lastly Colombia will not become a higher middle income country anytime before the year 2020. The main conclusion obtained in this dissertation is that Colombia should not undertake any GHG reduction targets under the continuation of the Kyoto protocol before the year 2020.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Determining a GHG emission cap for Colombia under a continuation of the Kyoto protocol = Determinación de un nivel máximo de emisiones de GEI para Colombia bajo una continuación del protocolo de Kioto

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Imagen de apoyo de  Desvictimizándome


Por: Edna Magaly Ayala Hernandez | Fecha: 2022

Se trata de una historia de la vida real como producto del proceso de resiliencia, en la que Edna Magaly Ayala Hernandez viaja al cañón de Las Hermosas, ubicado en el municipio de Rioblanco (Tolima), para conocer lo que fue la geografía de la violencia y la historia de los sobrevivientes de la época bipartidista que se encrudeció tras el Bogotazo, en la que estuvo envuelta, Rosita, su abuela, quien es su primera generación de desplazados. Magaly es acompañada, en gran parte del recorrido, por Francisco, un hombre valiente que conoce los detalles de la historia que se tejió entre los Liberales Limpios y Comunes, la cual llevó a la creación de las FARC.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Ciencias sociales

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Destrucción de las guerrillas de Cáqueza

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Imagen de apoyo de  Después de la violencia: memoria y justicia

Después de la violencia: memoria y justicia

Por: María José Bernuz Beneitez | Fecha: 2015

Sobre los límites y las posibilidades de la justicia restaurativa en contextos transicionales. / Paz con justicia. / El lugar del perdón en la justicia, en contextos de transición política. / Justicia transicional. Enigmas y aporías de un concepto difuso. / La cuadratura del círculo: una evaluación temprana del proceso de paz en Colombia. / Diálogos de paz o victoria militar ¿Paz por medio de la guerra? / El valor de la palabra. Experiencia de encuentros restaurativos entre víctimas y exmiembros de ETA.
Fuente: Digitalia Tipo de contenido: Libros
  • Temas:
  • Ciencias sociales

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Después de la violencia: memoria y justicia

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Despejemos la incognita: 4 de Octubre de 1884

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Despedida que el Presidente de Antioquia dirije al pueblo del Estado: 19 de Diciembre de 1877

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Despedida del jeneral Julian Trujillo al ejército: 19 de Diciembre de 1877

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