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Imagen de apoyo de  CCK Revista 2. Culturas comunitarias (Enero-Marzo 2018)

CCK Revista 2. Culturas comunitarias (Enero-Marzo 2018)

Por: Félix Manito (Editor) | Fecha: 01/01/2018

CCK Revista 2. Dossier: Culturas comunitarias (Célio Turino, Inés Sanguinetti y Iván Nogales) Visiones: La cultura de la incertidumbre (Josep Ramoneda) Tendencias: Cultura digital, smart citizens y ciudad abierta (Juan Freire) Experiencias: El caso de Ferran Adrià y elBulli (Silviya Svejenova y Marcel Planellas)
Fuente: Fundación Kreanta - CCK Revista Formatos de contenido: Prensa
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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CCK Revista 2. Culturas comunitarias (Enero-Marzo 2018)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Mired in deception: escalating an environmental disaster in Colombia

Mired in deception: escalating an environmental disaster in Colombia

Por: Orlando Enrique; Claasen Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2018

This paper aims to analyze concealment and deception in self-defeating organizational crisis response strategies and the possible consequences of their adoption on a company’s reputation. It represents an example of where every guideline to address stakeholders after a crisis was dismissed. It investigates a major environmental incident that took place in Colombia in 2013 and studies how the responsible company responded to the incident through the examination of company reports, media statements and national and international newspaper articles. The analysis shows that in addition to environmental damage, the company’s reputation was affected by the way the company responded during this crisis. The outcomes highlight the importance of the manner in which a crisis response is managed, as these types of mistakes often aggravate reputational damage. This paper is an invitation for companies to be quick, consistent and transparent with their responses when facing their stakeholders in moments of crisis. Not doing so may aggravate not only social but also economic and environmental impacts. Contrary to other contributions on the subject, this study implies that a misleading crisis response, including concealment and deception, can be an even greater challenge to a company’s reputation than the crisis itself.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Mired in deception: escalating an environmental disaster in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Care Ethics and Crisis Communication: Examining Two Experiences in South America

Care Ethics and Crisis Communication: Examining Two Experiences in South America

Por: Orlando Enrique Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2018

Framed by the normative dimension of the crisis communication literature, this study examines and compares the messages conveyed by two large companies in the South American extractive industry when dealing with catastrophic crises. By focusing on the application of the ethics of care principles, this study illustrates two divergent ways of conducting interpersonal relationships and benevolence as a virtue when communicating with stakeholders in the aftermath of two recent socio-environmental disasters involving human losses in Venezuela and Brazil. For this purpose, the offending companies’ official responses obtained from various public sources are analyzed, both within and across the two cases, in light of a proposed outline of the theoretical framework at issue. The results show the contrasting ways in which these companies approached their stakeholders through crisis responses when referring to crisis casualties. Furthermore, the study compares the two cases’ backgrounds and argues that the socio-political context influences the corporate decisions on crisis responses.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Formatos de contenido: Artículos
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Care Ethics and Crisis Communication: Examining Two Experiences in South America

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Imagen de apoyo de  Business plan MeetPal (Meet + Pals)

Business plan MeetPal (Meet + Pals)

Por: María Alejandra Reyes | Fecha: 2018

MeetPal is a digital solution that connects Colombian authentic gastronomy and social interaction. This one focuses on integrating tourists and people who live in Bogota arround gastronomic meals at an affordable prices; within an exclusive offer that restaurants have in a time slot of low demand. MeetPal keeps constant negotiations with restaurants in the purchase of specific time slot of low- assistance rate. MeetPal sells that specific time to tourists who wants to interact socially and meet the authentic cuisine of Colombia in an economical, fast and simple way. The service uses technology for mobile devices as a contact channel, where the user has information about the restaurants joined MeetPal and the exclusive meals, with the advantage that all meals have the same price. Once at the restaurant, the client will find other MeetPal users, with whom they can interact and create a network of contacts in the city of Bogota.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Ciencias sociales
  • Otros
  • Economía

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Business plan MeetPal (Meet + Pals)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico en ciencias sociales a través de la lectura de los medios de comunicación

Desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico en ciencias sociales a través de la lectura de los medios de comunicación

Por: Nayerlly Triana Caballero | Fecha: 2018

In the present research work, the use of media in social sciences is proposed as a didactic alternative; through the development of critical thinking skills; consolidating in this way the competences of the area of knowledge in mention. For this, critical reading, cooperative work, the use of graphic organizers, debate, problematizing questions and pyramidal teaching were used as development strategies. The didactic proposal was applied in the educational community of the Jorge Soto del Corral district school in Bogota and the analyzed data of this research suggest that in the face of the current needs to educate, students to face a personal and professional life in a successful way, is It is necessary to consider the development of critical thinking as a guide to achieve it. The development of critical thinking addresses the technological changes as well as the ways of learning that implies responsibility, to train students in science today; not only, in order to respond to the new challenges of society, but so that they from their reasoning, estimate the relevance of the rules and the different forms of peaceful coexistence.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico en ciencias sociales a través de la lectura de los medios de comunicación

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Imagen de apoyo de  La microhistoria y el ciclo lógico de aprendizaje y formación como herramientas metodológicas en las clases de ciencias sociales

La microhistoria y el ciclo lógico de aprendizaje y formación como herramientas metodológicas en las clases de ciencias sociales

Por: Andrés Fernando Gómez Bolaños | Fecha: 2018

The intervention proposal was developed under the planning of six sessions. This was done with a bimonthly plan that covered the development of activities framed in a didactic sequence. Likewise, it counted with the participation of 22 students of the tenth grade of the Divino Salvador Educational Institution, 12 women and 10 male students. Each session had the implicit design of social science classes taking as a reference on April 9, 1948, this through microhistory as a conceptual sustenance, who, in turn, adheres to the institutional methodology called the logical learning cycle and training. Both the operational framework and the disciplinary and methodological support, encourages students to participate in the investigative role, with appropriation of information sources and, relating these concepts of the social sciences with the investigation of facts at the national level, without forgetting the local scope Thus, the systematization of information led to a process of abstraction according to an inter-subjective dialogue between the teacher, the students and the academy. lt ends with the general and particular conclusions and recommendations of the social sciences area.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Educación
  • Métodos de enseñanza
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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La microhistoria y el ciclo lógico de aprendizaje y formación como herramientas metodológicas en las clases de ciencias sociales

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Imagen de apoyo de  Plan de mejora para la transformación digital en una empresa de telecomunicaciones

Plan de mejora para la transformación digital en una empresa de telecomunicaciones

Por: Diana Milena Velásquez Sarmiento | Fecha: 2018

This paper presents the different approaches, about new trends in technology, such as digital transformation; it evaluates to what extent organizations incorporate not only changes or transformations due to competitiveness, but also survival and how these changes generate impact once they have been implemented and can trigger problems and often the expected results are not achieved. It includes the design of a tool, which allows to diagnose the current state in front of the components of governance, culture and people, processes and technology, which, analyzed and combined in a systemic way, give an orientation to the path that the company must travel to implement a digital transformation Project. The importance of this document in addition to formulating an improvement plan for the organization under study, is to demonstrate that, in order to carry out a digital transformation, it is necessary to evaluate various components, ensuring that they are aligned with the business strategy, and these in turn, they must work integrally to identify through the application of the tool the gaps or aspects that the Company must develop. The report excludes the implementation and closing of the gaps that are identified in the diagnosis.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Administración
  • Tecnología
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Plan de mejora para la transformación digital en una empresa de telecomunicaciones

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Imagen de apoyo de  Abordaje de las ciencias sociales a partir de tópicos generativos en un curso multigrado

Abordaje de las ciencias sociales a partir de tópicos generativos en un curso multigrado

Por: Ana Sofía Gil Peña | Fecha: 2018

This work was carried out in a multigrade high school classroom, at the El Carmen de Guasca school, Pastor Ospina campus. The population is mostly peasant, of scarce resources. In view of the difficulty of imparting the Social class to both grades at the same time, the option of a Generative Topic (Teaching for Understanding, EpC) was proposed to approach the Social Sciences without loss of time or interruptions of one or the other degree, but effectively leveraging the time in the classroom.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Abordaje de las ciencias sociales a partir de tópicos generativos en un curso multigrado

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Imagen de apoyo de  Los estudiantes con la palabra, comprenden el mundo y transforman la realidad

Los estudiantes con la palabra, comprenden el mundo y transforman la realidad

Por: María Eugenia Pulgarín Loaiza | Fecha: 2018

Este documento presenta una descripción del trabajo de intervención los estudiantes con la palabra, comprende el mundo y transforman la realidad la cual se implementó para mejorar el nivel de lectura crítica de los estudiantes del grado 602 JT de la Institución Educativa Distrital Alfonso López Pumarejo, a través del desarrollo de las habilidades y destrezas propias del científico social, los conocimientos de las ciencias sociales y las actitudes individuales y sociales de un ciudadano crítico. En cada una de las sesiones de los talleres, se hizo uso de estrategias de lectura, individuales, en grupo y en voz alta, para favorecer el desarrollo de la lectura y el pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes como lectores autónomos, proactivos y participativos.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Educación
  • Ciencias sociales
  • Otros

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Los estudiantes con la palabra, comprenden el mundo y transforman la realidad

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Imagen de apoyo de  Estrategias didácticas aplicadas al reconocimiento de mecanismo de protección y defensa de los derechos humanos

Estrategias didácticas aplicadas al reconocimiento de mecanismo de protección y defensa de los derechos humanos

Por: Mary Janeth Ramírez Ramírez | Fecha: 2018

The intervention in the classroom: "Didactic Strategies applied to the recognition of protection and defense mechanisms of the human rights" across a didactic sequence of eight sessions, it allows the development of didactic strategies applied to the recognition of protection and defense mechanisms of the human rights conducive to that in the context of the I.E.D. Pbro. "Carlos Garavito Acosta" of Gachancipá (Cund), the students of degree 703 in the area of social Sciences, not only be capable of being recognized as subjects of right - duty but it should fortify in them, the comprehension and protection of the human rights in each of the spaces that do part of his daily life.
Fuente: Universidad Externado de Colombia Formatos de contenido: Otros
  • Temas:
  • Educación
  • Ciencias sociales
  • Otros

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Estrategias didácticas aplicadas al reconocimiento de mecanismo de protección y defensa de los derechos humanos

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