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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 13/07/23

Edge - 13/07/23

Por: | Fecha: 13/07/2023

Rogue Leader. Massive Entertainment swaps military hardware for scoundrels and blasters in Star Wars: Outlaws. Play The Movie. We talk to the developers at the vanguard of videogames’ move towards interactive cinema. The Making Of… How Color Gray Games turned tower defence into detective drama in The Case Of The Golden Idol.
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 13/07/23

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Edge - 13/06/24

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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 11/08/22

Edge - 11/08/22

Por: | Fecha: 11/08/2022

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Out of this world: Ubi's Galaxy-Infused Sequel Shoots for the Stars. This Month On Edge. The things that caught our eye during the production of E375. Heavy Reign. David Cage talks us through a quarter-century of story twists and turns as Quantic Dream hits 25. The Making Of... The sheer Persistence behind Firesprite’s efforts to build a procedurally generated VR horror.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 11/08/22

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Edge - 11/07/24

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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 10/08/23

Edge - 10/08/23

Por: | Fecha: 10/08/2023

Alan Wake II. Remedy's 13-year quest to produce a survival horror masterpiece. Studio Profile. How two unlikely resurrections helped bring the UK’s Dambuster Studios back from the dead. As Above, So Below. After 13 years in the development wilderness, Remedy’s Alan Wake 2 is finally ready for its closeup.  
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Publicación periódica
  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 10/08/23

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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 08/09/22

Edge - 08/09/22

Por: | Fecha: 08/09/2022

Crime Of The Century. How the creators of Alien: Isolation are turning the hero shooter upside down in Hyenas. Paper Trails. We talk to the developers and hobbyists surveying new frontiers in videogame cartography. One More Turn. From Civilization to Hades: probing the pleasures and perils of videogame compulsion loops. The Long Game. Revisiting Joel and Ellie’s journey as they embark on it for the third time in The Last Of Us Part I.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Publicación periódica
  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 08/09/22

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Edge - 08/08/24

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Edge - 07/09/23

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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 06/10/22

Edge - 06/10/22

Por: | Fecha: 06/10/2022

Blood Moon. How Striking Distance Studios is venturing beyond Dead Space in sci-fi horror The Callisto Protocol. The Making Of... Why Arkane’s Deathloop had to prove its worth, to players and development team alike. Trigger Happy. Steven Poole ponders the possible consequences of the Metaverse. Soundbytes. Game commentary in snack-sized mouthfuls, featuring Brad Smith.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 06/10/22

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Imagen de apoyo de  Edge - 05/10/23

Edge - 05/10/23

Por: | Fecha: 05/10/2023

The 100 greatest gamer od Edge's lifetime. No arguments – for once – just lots of votes, resulting in a countdown of the finest accomplishments across 30 years of game history. Starting At Zero. Toshihiro Nagoshi returns for an anniversary-related career summary. The Long Game. Doom’s creatures might not have been too chatty, but Id’s classic FPS still has a lot to say for itself.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
  • Temas:
  • Publicación periódica
  • Ciencias sociales

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Edge - 05/10/23

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