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Revista Militar. Campo Santa Ana. 6 de Agosto de 1937. Foto 6

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Eventos cívicos en la Plaza de Bolívar. Foto 6

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Revista Militar. Campo Santa Ana. 6 de Agosto de 1937. Foto 22

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Plaza de mercado de Honda

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Imagen de apoyo de  Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

Por: Juan José Orjuela Álvarez | Fecha: 2011

The governance perspective provides a methodical approach to identify key actors and trends affecting public authority in specific contexts. This paper looks at private mining companies, which have become a critical factor to understand development paths followed by resource-rich districts in developing countries. It is argued private mining companies need to master the concept of governance and consequently work more decidedly with their stakeholders in recipient communities.Failing in doing so corrodes local democratic institutions and is detrimental for businesses´ profitability. The insights presented in this paper suggest that the most effective way to build up well-functioning local governance environments is by means of facilitating processes that bring different groups into constructive engagement, dialogue and decision making.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Effective engagement of the private mining sector in the construction of democratic governance environments = Inclusión efectiva del sector minero privado en la construcción de entornos locales de gobernanza

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Imagen de apoyo de  Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

Por: Sergio David Cortés Alonso | Fecha: 2012

The land use and land cover change is a problem which affects mostly tropical developing countries such as Colombia. Drivers of these changes are both direct and indirect, and exogenous or endogenous and include agricultural expansion, deforestation, climate change, and national and international policies. Drivers are divided according to the grade of expansion and the level of influence on the land. This project proposal evaluated the uses of the land in Colombia, the constraints, land cover, farming distribution, and permanent crops and arable land, by percentage of intensity.Two specific sites were chosen in the departments of Cundinamarca and Tolima by using Terra-i software which identified the land cover and habitat change in real time every sixteen days from 2004 to 2011. The cover and uses of the land for each site are described along with the conflicts in the uses of land. In order to fully understand the issue, both the drivers and the causes of land use and land cover are given, in addition to case studies and photographs.The data was analysed in the field qualitatively through direct interviews to communities in both sites to verify information given by Terra-i. The results focus on the changes in the land use produced by increasing industrialization and overexploitation of the land. Drivers in the land use change are divided into demographic, institutional and technological development, and global environmental change conditions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Assessing the ground truth drivers of land cover and land use changes at a local scale in Cundinamarca and Tolima Departments in Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Ethical considerations for the transposition of health policies: Human body parts donation policies = Consideraciones éticas para la transposición de políticas de salud pública: políticas para la donación de órganos

Ethical considerations for the transposition of health policies: Human body parts donation policies = Consideraciones éticas para la transposición de políticas de salud pública: políticas para la donación de órganos

Por: Diego Alejandro Peña Restrepo | Fecha: 2011

The gap between organ donors and organ recipients is a worldwide problem that has been set in national agendas around the world. However, there has not been a clear pathway to establish a standard universal guideline to deal with organ transplantation and its related processes. This paper argues through an exhaustive literature review on ethics and bioethics that the difficulty for having such system are varying conceptualizations of world health as well as the difficulty of imposing a universal ethics code. The paper has three core parts. Part I is a theoretical view of the Human Body Parts (HBP) transplantation procurements through the optics of ethics and religions. Part II is the empirical view of those issues through legal frameworks. While part III deals with the ethical considerations of transposing a health policy in a pluralistic society. This paper finds that:(1) Cultural and religious beliefs of the general public cannot be ignored when transposing health policy.(2) Bioethical traditional approaches to organ donation have a limited scope when dealing with existential or religious problems.(3) When comparing bioethical principles solidarity showed to deal with a wider spectrum of ethical problems as compared to autonomy.(4) Having a universal guideline to deal with organ transplantation isn’t impossible; however, differences in the founding principles of global health ethics are the biggest obstacle.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Ciencias sociales

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Ethical considerations for the transposition of health policies: Human body parts donation policies = Consideraciones éticas para la transposición de políticas de salud pública: políticas para la donación de órganos

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Revista Militar. Campo Santa Ana. 6 de Agosto de 1937. Foto 13

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Revista Militar. Campo Santa Ana. 9 de Agosto de 1934. Foto 1

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Revista Militar. Campo Santa Ana. 6 de Agosto de 1937. Foto 21

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