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Señor Elisio Medina, Perfecto del Departamento, Jefe Civil y Militar, Coronel, etc., etc

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Imagen de apoyo de  Shadows of wasteland- A history of redemption = Sombras de la tierra de las basuras- Una historia de redención

Shadows of wasteland- A history of redemption = Sombras de la tierra de las basuras- Una historia de redención

Por: Juliana Hoyos Jiménez | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Abstract:Human settlements have facilitated population growth and the accumulation of possessions, enabling their survival as a species. However, these positive effects have also brought along the generation of waste throughout history (Zapata&Hall, 2013). Local production of waste in urban centres has become a global issue, as an increasing population of 7 billion inhabitants (Worldometers, 2015) are daily discarding tonnes of objects and goods. By 2013, it was estimated that the generation of solid waste in the world had increased 10 times over the past century reaching 3.5 million tonnes per day (Jacquot, 2013).Two years later, this number is even higher. According with WasteAtlas (2015) we generate around 4.38 daily million tonnes of waste that usually end in dumpsites or landfills contrary to what happened in the nineteenth century, when practices of recycling and reusing were culturally and socially accepted.The culture of consumerism has come with a change on the perceptions of waste on the last decades by which we have adopted habits of throwing away, tied to constructed ideas about hygiene and the disposal of objects as a sign of prosperity and ease (Strasser, 2000). However, this new relation with waste has signified high social and environmental costs such as air and water pollution and emission of greenhouse gases (Hyman et al. 2013).Resumen:El concepto de basura responde a una clasificación definida por ideas construidas social y culturalmente. Así, prácticas como el reciclaje, anteriormente aceptadas, fueron, a través del tiempo, rechazadas por imaginarios sobre la higiene y por una sociedad de consumo. La cantidad de basura que se genera a diario en todas las ciudades del mundo, es sin duda uno de los mayores retos de nuestros tiempos. El manejo de residuos lleva consigo dinámicas ambientales y sociales que no pueden ser ignorados por la ciudadanía ni por el Estado.Esta investigación hace un análisis de algunas de las normas sobre el servicio público de aseo en Colombia y, en especial del caso de Bogotá desde el concepto de justicia ambiental, fundado en tres elementos: justa distribución de cargas y beneficios, reconocimiento y participación. Al encontrar que el modelo de aseo en Colombia ha estado basado principalmente en la generación de basuras y en la recolección y no en prácticas que contribuyan a la reducción, se presenta el caso de la Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá y del manejo de residuos orgánicos para compostaje con el fin de conocer cómo la participación en estas dos alternativas puede contribuir a una ciudad ambientalmente más sostenible y sobretodo, más justa.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Shadows of wasteland- A history of redemption = Sombras de la tierra de las basuras- Una historia de redención

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Imagen de apoyo de  Clear objectives, flexible means: Making the case for international asset recovery in the context of peace negotiations

Clear objectives, flexible means: Making the case for international asset recovery in the context of peace negotiations

Por: Andrés Ucros Maldonado | Fecha: 01/01/2015

International recovery of illegal assets has received considerable attention in the last 25 years. International conventions against corruption, organized crime and terrorism have recognized its central importance for international and national security, development policy and the Rule of Law. International institutions such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank (WB) have created special units and programs to deliver and implement policy recommendations on the issue. Moreover, private organizations such as Transparency International and the Basel Institute on Governance have also engaged in supporting efforts done by States and local NGOs around the world, especially in developing countries.However all these initiatives to design and implement a comprehensive and effective framework to identify, trace, freeze, confiscate and recover illegal assets from abroad have not fulfilled the expectations of victims, civil society, States and international community. Extensive literature claims that political, legal and operational problems impede an effective approach to international recovery of illegal assets in the context of the fight against organized crime. Yet, there are no studies that consider international asset recovery in the context of peace negotiations between the State and illegal armed groups, where cooperation, compromise and mutual concessions are essential features of such situation.I argue that a peace process is a special opportunity for international asset recovery because in this context parties can create the incentives to overcome the key obstacles of ordinary asset recovery. Still, this requires to rethink international asset recovery in terms of restorative justice. I argue that a peace process setting is an exceptional background to create complementary, temporal and exceptional mechanisms by which illegal armed groups can effectively map, identify and cooperate with State authorities in order to recover, repatriate and liquidate their illegal assets from abroad.By pursuing this, the State would not only comply with the international standards of asset recovery, but also could fulfil the obligations owed to victims of international crimes. I claim that we should examine this new dimension of international asset recovery because most illegal armed groups involved in peace negotiations are also involved in drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism at a global scale. This dissertation aims to link the standard literature of international asset recovery with the field of restorative justice, peace-making and transitional justice to explore a new a research agenda that could have relevant policy implications. 
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Clear objectives, flexible means: Making the case for international asset recovery in the context of peace negotiations

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Imagen de apoyo de  Recommendations for the adoption of libre software in the public sector in South America = Recomendaciones para la adopción del software libre en el sector público en Sudamérica

Recommendations for the adoption of libre software in the public sector in South America = Recomendaciones para la adopción del software libre en el sector público en Sudamérica

Por: Juan Pablo Puentes Vargas | Fecha: 01/01/2015

Los gobiernos son unos de los mayores usuarios de software y el presupuesto público gastado en licencias de software suele ser bastante significativo. A pesar de ser tradicionalmente el software privativo el predominante en el sector público, desde la década pasada el uso de las alternativas libres ha venido creciendo. En ese sentido, Sudamérica es una de las regiones más avanzadas. Gobiernos de la mayoría de países de la región han impulsado a través de diferentes medidas la adopción de software libre en el sector público. Esto ha generado una gran debate sobre las ventajas y desventajas de avanzar hacia el software libre. A su vez, los diferentes grados de éxito de las medidas adoptadas indica que se puede y debe estudiar mejorar lo que se ha realizado hasta el momento, no solo para mejorar las implementaciones en Sudamérica sino en otras regiones del mundo.Partiendo de lo anterior, esta tesis explora en primer lugar las ventajas y posibles objeciones a la adopción del software libre en el Estado. Sobre las ventajas se consideran: reducción de costos, desarrollo de la industria y empleo local, independencia de proveedores, adaptación local del software y uso del hardware antiguo. Posteriormente, en el capítulo tres se analizan algunas medidas comunes que se han tomado en los países de la región: medidas legales, requerimiento de estándares abiertos, modelo de software público, políticas de investigación y desarrollo en cuanto a software libre, y finalmente, cooperación internacional. En el capítulo cuarto se plantean recomendaciones para una mejor adopción del software libre en el sector público. Estas recomendaciones se refieren a los siguientes aspectos: la adopción de estándares abiertos, medidas legales, institución especializada en la materia, tratados y obligaciones internacionales, cooperación internacional, oposición al software libre, y la comunidad de software libre. Finalmente, en el capítulo quinto se concluye sosteniendo que la adopción de software libre en el sector público es un paso positivo. No obstante, dadas las dificultades técnicas y de otro tipo, más los intereses que hay en juego, esta decisión es compleja y requiere de una cuidadosa planificación e implementación.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Recommendations for the adoption of libre software in the public sector in South America = Recomendaciones para la adopción del software libre en el sector público en Sudamérica

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Imagen de apoyo de  Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

Por: María Alejandra Escovar Bernal | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The main research question I explore is: What are the political and socio-environmental factors that can explain the Bogota’s river governance failure related to its pollution? To achieve this I analyse the relationship between society in the basin and the flow of water from a political ecology perspective. This work is divided in five sections, which includes a literature review relating the theories of the political ecology of the production of nature, common pool resource management, Tragedy of the Commons and governance. The scope of this work is limited to Bogota River’s basin in the spatial scale and the historical processes of the last 50 years.After evaluating the different interactions of the stakeholders and the river, I discuss that Bogota’s river has become a political object, using Robbins (2012) theses of political ecology. I arrive at this conclusion after analysing Bogota River’s situation following the flow of the water in spatial and temporal dimensions, seeing the production of nature (and in this case a polluted river as a result) as a historical spatial-ecological transformation that expresses the contradictions and tensions of modern times by the transformation of nature and society. I follow the water creating a narrative, to explore modernity as a geographical and socially contested project. Finally, I analyse how the sentence published in March 2014, by the Colombian State’s Council, currently tackles the issues that undermine good governance, identified in the rivers narrative and how it might help or hinder river restoration.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Using water flows in temporal and spatial scales as entry point to analyse the socio-ecological and political drivers for ecosystem degradation and restoration. Exploring the case of Bogota River from a political ecology perspective

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Imagen de apoyo de  Job sector choice and public service motivation evidence from Colombia = Decisión sectorial de empleo y motivación al servicio público: evidencia de Colombia

Job sector choice and public service motivation evidence from Colombia = Decisión sectorial de empleo y motivación al servicio público: evidencia de Colombia

Por: Pedro Pablo Sanabria Pulido | Fecha: 01/01/2012

Public administration scholarship has yet to explore the relationship between job sector choice and public service motivation in developing countries. My dissertation aims to contribute to the field by investigating the factors that explain job sector decisions among highly skilled individuals through focusing on a sample of Colombian citizens who have pursued education abroad. More specifically, I draw on the fields of job sector choice and public service motivation to identify, both quantitatively and qualitatively, factors affecting the job sector decisions of internationally educated Colombians. I answer my research questions through an analysis of quantitative data gathered from the Colombian international scholarship program Colfuturo, and also through an analysis of qualitative data gathered from interviews with highly skilled individuals working in various sectors.The main conclusion reached is that the Colombian public sector remains an attractive employer, especially within certain groups of the population. However, other groups remain doubtful about accepting a public sector job. The Colombian government still has to adjust its recruitment strategies in terms of, among other things, salaries, duration of contracts, open access and transparency. Crucially, the results collected raise an important question concerning what the Colombian government should do, that is, whether it should facilitate access to government jobs for captive groups or, instead, attract qualified individuals currently working in other sectors. According to the quantitative and qualitative evidence provided herein, the answer is that both strategies are necessary if the Colombian government wants to increase its critical mass of highly qualified people, particularly within the upper echelons of government.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Job sector choice and public service motivation evidence from Colombia = Decisión sectorial de empleo y motivación al servicio público: evidencia de Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Trade Liberalization and Food Security: The Case of Bolivia after the Structural Reforms of 1985 = Liberalización comercial y seguridad alimentaria: el caso de Bolivia luego de las reformas estructurales de 1985

Trade Liberalization and Food Security: The Case of Bolivia after the Structural Reforms of 1985 = Liberalización comercial y seguridad alimentaria: el caso de Bolivia luego de las reformas estructurales de 1985

Por: Mauricio Giovanni Valencia Amaya | Fecha: 01/01/2009

This research shows the relationship between trade liberalization and food security for the Bolivian case. As a result of the severe economic crisis of the early-1980s, Bolivia adopted a series of market-oriented reforms in 1985. The reforms included the liberalization of the trade regime and the promotion of non-traditional exports. The trade liberalization had an important effect on the performance of cash crops, especially in the development of the soybeans industry. However, food crops did not have such a great dynamics. Vegetables and starchy roots declined in per capita terms and the increase in imports were not enough to compensate the decline. Trade reforms mostly favor a small group of large-scale farmers in the lowlands, who had historically been granted land in the region. In this sense, Bolivia’s involvement in a trade liberalization process has not been reflected in an overall improvement of the country’s food security.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Trade Liberalization and Food Security: The Case of Bolivia after the Structural Reforms of 1985 = Liberalización comercial y seguridad alimentaria: el caso de Bolivia luego de las reformas estructurales de 1985

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Imagen de apoyo de  Performance management for sustainability-oriented innovation = Gestión del desempeño para la innovación orientada a la sostenibilidad

Performance management for sustainability-oriented innovation = Gestión del desempeño para la innovación orientada a la sostenibilidad

Por: Pablo Emilio Fergusson Talero | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI), which is innovation directed at improving social, environmental, and economic conditions, is being studied and used as a way to address the risks and opportunities organisations have in these three areas. This research explores the use of Performance Management (PM), meaning the strategy and processes used in organisations to define and improve performance, as a way to develop SOI capabilities in companies. The conceptual model used is based around four concepts: SOI, which describes what is to be achieved, organisations, or learning organisations, as the place where this can happen, PM, which explains how this can be accomplished, and individuals and teams as the central subject that describe who is this targeted for.The research was based on a literature review around these areas and a set of semi-structured interviews to managers and senior directors of large multinational organisations with innovation or sustainability related roles. Through the analysis and interpretation of this data, the results validated the effectiveness of PM to improve SOI in organisations, as well as uncovering six specific opportunity areas to leverage it more effectively.The latter are summarised as: purpose or vision offering direction, values that enable autonomy and celebrate trying, daring and shared goals, resources committed for the long run, sustainability literacy, and enabling business processes. The research contributes to the literature by outlining pathways to connect sustainability practices with other business practices, especially Human Resources, the area of study of PM. Additionally, it contributes to the practice of SOI by providing guidelines to identify and act on potential areas of opportunities to leverage on PM to develop SOI capabilities.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Performance management for sustainability-oriented innovation = Gestión del desempeño para la innovación orientada a la sostenibilidad

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Imagen de apoyo de  Food price surge : household welfare impacts in urban Colombia

Food price surge : household welfare impacts in urban Colombia

Por: Laura Kiku Rodríguez Takeuchi | Fecha: 01/01/2011

From 2006 to 2008 the world was hit by major food price increases. The effects of these were felt worldwide and have been studied in several countries. The objective of this dissertation is to assess the specific impacts on urban households in Colombia and to quantify their welfare losses as well as the aggregate city poverty increases. Using total expenditures as a measure of household welfare, the study employs household survey information combined with disaggregated price data for the 13 main capital cities and 13 basic food commodities to address the proposed objectives. The analysis starts with the nominal adjustment of the poverty line caused by the increase in the basic consumption basket and then simulates short and medium term impacts of the price surge. These are measured in terms of monetary expenditure at the household level and using poverty headcount rate and poverty gap indicators at the aggregate level.The medium term increase in poverty is around 3%, both in the extreme and overall cases. However sub-national results vary significantly from these averages, being Barranquilla the city most affected. In addition, households with lower initial welfare and educational level, as well as female headed ones seem to be hit the hardest. These results could be applied to develop more efficiently targeted programmes directed to protect household entitlements towards a food price crisis. They could also be used to establish benefit levels or expansion directions of existing conditional cash transfer programmes that intend to improve nutritional and poverty conditions in Colombia. Finally the results become even more relevant considering the likely recurrence of events like these in the near future.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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Food price surge : household welfare impacts in urban Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  The emergence of the dutch social enterprise: opportunities for international development cooperation = El surgimiento de la empresa social holandesa: oportunidades para la cooperación internacional al desarrollo

The emergence of the dutch social enterprise: opportunities for international development cooperation = El surgimiento de la empresa social holandesa: oportunidades para la cooperación internacional al desarrollo

Por: Daniel Gómez González | Fecha: 01/01/2012

The international development arena has been transformed in the last two decades. On the one hand, NGOs have become more market oriented, both in terms of their business models and in terms of their approach. On the other hand, private actors have also become more socially engaged, and advances in technology and communications have brought new opportunities for market sector actors to create social impacts. The result has been an increasing trend of social enterprises (SEs), hybrid organisations created for a social purpose but participating actively in the market for their subsistence.This paper examines the differences between traditional NGOs, funded mainly by government grants and donations, and these new actors that rely primarily on market-based income. Furthermore, this study tries to examine how Dutch NGOs and SEs are creating links between activities focused on market building and actual participation in markets, a challenge that Helmsing and Knorringa identified in 2008. To do this, 21 SEs were interviewed and another 16 NGOs were studied on the basis of interviews (5) and their annual reports, strategy papers and official websites.We find that there are three ways in which NGOs and SEs are successfully “bridging the gap” between market building and market participation: i) through official partnerships, ii) individually by tapping market and non-market sources of funding, using new technologies and leveraging from new forms of private philanthropy, and iii) by selling specialized “market building” services that guarantee an active participation of the private sector. Furthermore, the ability of SEs to engage in market building activities and of NGOs to participate in the market depends largely on their origins and the business models and financial strategies that they adopt.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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The emergence of the dutch social enterprise: opportunities for international development cooperation = El surgimiento de la empresa social holandesa: oportunidades para la cooperación internacional al desarrollo

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