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Chants de nuit pour un jour à venir = Cantos de noche para un día por venir

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Diario de un olvidador íntimo = Journal d'un oublieur intime

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Imagen de apoyo de  FRANDSEN, J.: Requiem (Danish National Choir, Danish National Girls Choir, Danish National Symphony, Christensen)

FRANDSEN, J.: Requiem (Danish National Choir, Danish National Girls Choir, Danish National Symphony, Christensen)

Por: | Fecha: 2014

Introit: Requiem aeternam (Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Tenor, Bass, Choir) (07 min. 24 sec.) / Frandsen -- Kyrie (Choir) (04 min. 03 sec.) / Frandsen -- Kyrie: Hymn: Denne verden aber efter (03 min. 29 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Dies irae (Bass, Choir) (04 min. 34 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Mors stupebit et natura (Soloists) (03 min. 58 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Judex ergo cum sedebit (Choir) (04 min. 35 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Hymn: Din Frelser blir din klippe (03 min. 16 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Recordare, Jesu pie (Soprano, Mezzo-soprano) (02 min. 27 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Quaerens me, sedisti lassus (Tenor) (02 min. 03 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Qui Mariam absolvisti (Bass) (04 min. 06 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Hymn: Jeg fryser i mit verdensskrud (03 min. 48 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Confutatis maledictis (Choir) (03 min. 04 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Dies irae (Choir) (02 min. 15 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Lacrymosa dies illa (Mezzo-soprano) (05 min. 33 sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Hymn: Kaere Gud, kaere Gud (03 min. NaN sec.) / Frandsen -- Sequence: Pie Jesu, Domine (Soprano) (04 min. 52 sec.) / Frandsen -- Offertory: Domine, Jesu Christe (Choir) (04 min. NaN sec.) / Frandsen -- Sanctus: Sanctus - Benedictus (Tenor, Choir) (06 min. 30 sec.) / Frandsen -- Agnus Dei (Mezzo-soprano, Choir) (03 min. 12 sec.) / Frandsen -- Agnus Dei: Hymn: Han glemmer mig aldrig (03 min. 51 sec.) / Frandsen -- Communio: Lux aeterna (Soprano, Choir) (05 min. 03 sec.) / Frandsen -- Communio: Libera me (Bass, Choir) (03 min. 24 sec.) / Frandsen -- Communio: Hymn: Hvad er nod for Herrens trone (03 min. 57 sec.) / Frandsen -- Exitus: In paradisum deducant te Angeli (Girl's choir, Choir) (04 min. 05 sec.) / Frandsen
Fuente: Naxos Music Library Formatos de contenido: Audios
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National Geographic España - 22/09/22

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National Geographic Viajes - 17/12/24

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National Geographic Viajes - 01/12/20

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National Geographic España - 22/06/23

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National Geographic Viajes - 20/12/22

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Imagen de apoyo de  Lo que sueño y olvido

Lo que sueño y olvido

Por: Stefania Di Leo | Fecha: 20/12/2021

Occitania, una región de leyenda en el sur de Francia. 2022. Best of the World, los destinos National Geographic del año. Grecia. De Atenas al santuario de Delfos. Esquí en Colorado. Las mejores estaciones. Salamanca. La ciudad del Tormes y sus mágicas sierras. Maldivas, un Edén de coral en pleno índico.  
Fuente: Pasa La Página Formatos de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Geografía

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National Geographic Viajes - 20/12/21

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Imagen de apoyo de  2019 National Association for Music Education (NAfME): 2019 NAfME All-National Mixed Choir

2019 National Association for Music Education (NAfME): 2019 NAfME All-National Mixed Choir

Por: | Fecha: 2021

Tshotsholoza (arr. J.L. Ames for choir and percussion) (04 min. 38 sec.) / -- 5 Mystical Songs: No. 5. Antiphon (version for choir and keyboard) (03 min. 12 sec.) / Vaughan Williams -- When All Are Singing (05 min. 19 sec.) / Jacobs -- When Thunder Comes (03 min. 58 sec.) / Lewis -- Weep Not for Him (04 min. 30 sec.) / Wondemagegnehu -- They May Tell You (04 min. 27 sec.) / Ramsey -- Please Stay (05 min. 51 sec.) / Runestad -- Still I Rise (03 min. 44 sec.) / Powell
Fuente: Naxos Music Library Formatos de contenido: Audios
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2019 National Association for Music Education (NAfME): 2019 NAfME All-National Mixed Choir

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Imagen de apoyo de  Desde otros tiempos y voces

Desde otros tiempos y voces

Por: | Fecha: 2004

Albania [Hymni I Flamurit (Hymn To The Flag), "The flag which in battle unites us …"] (01 min. 06 sec.) / Porumbescu -- Amazing Grace (02 min. 44 sec.) / -- Andorra [Himne Andorra (Andorra Hymn), "The great Charlemagne, my Father …"] (02 min. 24 sec.) / Bons -- Argentina [Himno Nacional Argentino (Argentine National Anthem), "Mortals! Hear the sacred cry …"] (03 min. 22 sec.) / Parera -- Australia [Advance Australia Fair, "Australians all, let us rejoice …"] (01 min. 03 sec.) / McCormick -- Austria [Osterreichische Bundeshymne (Austrian Federal Hymn), "Land of mountains …"] (01 min. 09 sec.) / Holzer -- Belarus [Dziarzauny himn Respubliki Bielarus (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus), "We are the Belarussians …"] (01 min. NaN sec.) / Sakalouski -- Belgium [La Brabanconne (The Song of Brabant), "Noble Belgium, for ever a dear land …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(54 sec.) / Campenhout -- Bolivia [Cancion Patriotica (Patriotic Song), "Bolivians, a favourable destiny …"] (01 min. 29 sec.) / Vincenti -- Bosnia and Herzegovina [Drzavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine (The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina), "You're the light of the soul …"] (02 min. 03 sec.) / Sestic -- Brazil [Hino Nacional do Brasil (National Anthem of Brazil), "There was heard …"] (01 min. 53 sec.) / Silva -- Cwm Rhondda (02 min. 09 sec.) / Hughes -- Bulgaria [Mila Rodino (Dear Homeland), "Proudly rise the Balkan peaks …"] (01 min. 36 sec.) / Radoslavov -- Canada ["O Canada! Our home and native land! …"] (01 min. 32 sec.) / Lavallee -- Chile [Himno Nacional de Chile (National Anthem of Chile), "Chile, your sky …"] (02 min. 28 sec.) / Battle -- China [March of the Volunteers, "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves! …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(47 sec.) / Nie -- Colombia [Himno Nacional (National Anthem), "The fearful night came to an end …"] (02 min. 42 sec.) / Sindici -- Costa Rica [Himno Nacional (National Anthem), "Noble homeland, your beautiful flag …"] (01 min. 44 sec.) / Gutierrez -- Croatia [Lijepa naša domovino (Our Beautiful Homeland), "Our beautiful homeland, …"] (01 min. 08 sec.) / Runjanin -- Cuba [La Bayamesa (The Bayamo Song), "Hasten to battle, men of Bayamo …"] (01 min. 15 sec.) / Figueredo -- Cyprus [Imnos Eis Tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom), "I shall always recognise you …"] (01 min. 03 sec.) / Mantzaros -- Czech Republic [Ceska Statni Hymna (Czech State Hymn), "Where is my home …"] (01 min. 14 sec.) / Skroup -- Irish Tune from County Derry (Danny Boy) (arr. for orchestra) (02 min. 25 sec.) / -- Denmark (National) [Faedrelandssang (Fatherlands Song), "There is a lovely land …"] (01 min. 11 sec.) / Kroyer -- Egypt [Biladi (Homeland), "Egypt! O mother of all lands …"] (01 min. 49 sec.) / Darwish -- Estonia [Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm (My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy), "My native land, my joy and delight …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(43 sec.) / Pacius -- Eurovision (01 min. 59 sec.) / -- Finland [Maamme (Homeland), "Our land, our land, our native land …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(57 sec.) / Pacius -- France [La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland …"] (01 min. 55 sec.) / Rouget de Lisle -- France [La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland …"] (01 min. 14 sec.) / Rouget de Lisle -- France [La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland …"] (01 min. 04 sec.) / Rouget de Lisle -- Germany [Das Lied der Deutschen (The Song of the German), "Unity and Right and Freedom …"] (01 min. 20 sec.) / Haydn -- Great Britain [God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen …"] (01 min. 30 sec.) / -- Greece [Imnos Eis Tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom), "I shall always recognise you …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(56 sec.) / Mantzaros -- Netherlands [Het Wilhelmus (The Wilhelmus), "William of Nassau an I, of Germanic descent …"] (NaN min. NaN sec.)(57 sec.) / -- Hungary [Himnusz (Hymn), "God Bless the Hungarians with good cheer …"] (version for organ and orchestra) (01 min. 47 sec.) / Erkel -- Iceland [Lofsongur (Song of Praise), "O God of our land …"] (01 min. 36 sec.) / Sveinbjornsson -- India ["Glory to thee, ruler of our hearts and of India's destiny! …"] (03 min. 22 sec.) / Tagore -- Ireland [Amhran Na BhFiann (The Soldier's Song), "Soldiers are we …"] (01 min. 44 sec.) / Heeney
Fuente: Naxos Music Library Formatos de contenido: Audios
  • Temas:
  • Música

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NATIONAL ANTHEMS, Vol. 1 (The KPM Orchestra)

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