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ImagineFX - 14/01/22

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Imagen de apoyo de  ImagineFX - 12/04/22

ImagineFX - 12/04/22

Por: | Fecha: 12/04/2022

Improve your character design. Learn with our expert advice from veteran Blizzard artist Dave Greco. Master your portraits. Create striking art with help from pro artists. Workshop. Colourising techniques. How to create the woodblock look in Photoshop. Amir Zand. Talks about life as an artist, with workflow tips & tricks.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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ImagineFX - 12/04/22

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Artistas Eternos - 25/01/23

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Artistas Eternos - 01/09/23

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ImagineFX - 04/07/23

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Artistas Eternos - 14/07/23

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Imagen de apoyo de  ImagineFX - 10/05/22

ImagineFX - 10/05/22

Por: | Fecha: 10/05/2022

The art of Dugenons & Dragons discover the artists who are bringing the iconic Role-Playing game to life! 17 spectacular D&D sketches to fire up your imagination. In-Depth insec anatomy. Quickly paint realistic creature art in Procreate. Pro insight. How to work collaboratively. Illustrators Raide and Leffie create charming animal designs.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Publicación periódica
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ImagineFX - 10/05/22

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Artistas Eternos - 06/12/22

Copia el enlace o compártelo en redes sociales

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Imagen de apoyo de  ImagineFX - 20/12/22

ImagineFX - 20/12/22

Por: | Fecha: 20/12/2022

Paint like loish. Techniques and inspiration from the community’s favourite artist! Sketchbook: Jens Claessens Meet and greet the varied cast of characters inside the concept artist’s sketchbook. A day in the life of... Betsy Bauer. Find out how the artist and college professor juggles her jam-packed day. Pace yourself. Patrick Gañas on why pacing is king.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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ImagineFX - 20/12/22

Copia el enlace o compártelo en redes sociales

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Imagen de apoyo de  ImagineFX - 02/08/22

ImagineFX - 02/08/22

Por: | Fecha: 02/08/2022

Learn how to draw & paint. Take your art to the next level with our in-depth guides and pro advice. Create a beautiful underwater scene. Natacha Chohra demonstrates how she works with watercolour to paint an aquatic environment. How to get hired by a studio. Find out what studios look for in artist portfolios, plus career advice from the pros. Sketchbook: Cam Kendell. The comic creator shares his incredible character and creature designs.
Fuente: Pasa La Página Tipo de contenido: Publicaciones periódicas
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  • Publicación periódica
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ImagineFX - 02/08/22

Copia el enlace o compártelo en redes sociales

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