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Concierto de Música y Danza / Dirección del Teatro Colón. Mylba Reyes Reyes

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Pondó / Triknia Kabhelioz Danza Contamporánea

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Ballet a beneficio de la guarderia Infantil de Suba / Académia Musical Infantil

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Ballet de Bellas Artes de Calí / Fundanza. Banco de Colombia

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Presentación de la Académia de Ballet / Ministerio de Educación Nacional

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Domingo 13 / Ballet de Alicia Alonso

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Imagen de apoyo de  AL TALLER, up-cycling service for furniture = AL TALLER, Servicio de renovación para mobiliario

AL TALLER, up-cycling service for furniture = AL TALLER, Servicio de renovación para mobiliario

Por: Andrés Felipe Del Río Silva | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Hoy en día, la sociedad moderna se está olvidando del verdadero valor de los objetos. Una prueba de esto es el costo de algunos productos producidos en masa. Éstos pueden ser comprados a un precio muy bajo. Los productos de bajo precio generalmente no son tan apreciados y valorados como los productos de alto costo.  La conexión del producto con el dueño está limitada por el corto periodo de tiempo que el objeto es usado.En algunas ocasiones, el objeto no tiene ningún significado mas allá de la función inmediata que cumple. Esta tendencia está llevando a un consumo irresponsable creando además, problemáticas de desecho y un crecimiento de los vertederos de basuras. El mobiliario es uno de los ítems que mas crea inconvenientes para el desecho. Por una parte, no cabe en una caneca de basura normal y no está categorizado para el reciclaje. Sin embrago, por otra parte, el mobiliario representa la extensión de un espacio.Determina la interacción entre usuarios, espacios y entre ellos dos.En algunas comunidades populares de Colombia, el mobiliario es heredado. El gran paso de salir de la casa de los padres significa establecer un nuevo hogar propio. Generalmente, este paso viene acompañado con muebles donados por los padres.  Esta práctica continúa de generación en generación y establece una conexión entre la familia a través del mueble. Sin embargo, esta práctica no siempre tiene un final feliz.Algunos de estos muebles luego de varias generaciones se encuentran viejos y averiados, ya no son deseados o simplemente, han alcanzado un estado de desuso. Contribuyendo al incremento de los vertederos de basuras. El reto de AL TALLER, es dar una nueva razón de ser a estos muebles viejos. Cambiar su ciclo de vida para que así sean deseados nuevamente.Los diseñadores tienen el importante papel de analizar el estado del objeto, interpretar las necesidades y deseos de los usuarios y proveer una solución creativa. Una solución creativa dando un nuevo propósito al objeto. Haciéndolo entrar de nuevo en un ciclo en el cual durará más. A demás, el mayor valor impreso al nuevo mueble será que el trabajo es hecho por el dueño. Haciendo la pieza un orgullo y especialmente, única.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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AL TALLER, up-cycling service for furniture = AL TALLER, Servicio de renovación para mobiliario

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Imagen de apoyo de  Dynamic Facades and computation: Towards a control based categorization of high-performance kinetic systems

Dynamic Facades and computation: Towards a control based categorization of high-performance kinetic systems

Por: Rodrigo Velasco Gómez | Fecha: 01/01/2014

This document briefly describes the state of the art regarding computationally controlled environmentally efficient dynamic facades, and presents a proposal for a new classification according to their operation.The proposed structure is argued as more inclusive than existing ones, notably taking into account “control” as an important factor. The classification is illustrated using representative recent applications.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Dynamic Facades and computation: Towards a control based categorization of high-performance kinetic systems

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Imagen de apoyo de  Increasing value in architectural design by learning from different design disciplines and the use of value and design management

Increasing value in architectural design by learning from different design disciplines and the use of value and design management

Por: Elias Jose Gómez Osorio | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The architectural design process is a negotiation between a problem and a solution through activities of analysis, synthesis and evaluation, it is characterised by being complex, with neither established nor mandatory patterns and methodologies. Design is an activity that involves constant and intensive decision-making processes in which designers, clients and users exchange knowledge and information in order to develop a solution for a given problem. However, these solutions do not always bring benefits to the client, causing dissatisfaction and creating problems for both clients and designers.These problems are mostly caused by the gaps between expectation and realisation on behalf of the client, often streaming from a lack of mutual knowledge between client and designer. Design and value management is a series of activities that can help designers to monitor, control and channel creativity in order to generate accurate, precise and valuable solutions for their client’s need. However, other design disciplines such as graphic and product design have different and valuable skills and methodologies that can contribute to this aim, helping architects to create proposals that will deliver longlasting benefits for both clients and end-users.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Increasing value in architectural design by learning from different design disciplines and the use of value and design management

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Imagen de apoyo de  How could the vernacular architecture and crafts of the Andean region inspire the creation of an interior installation that is designed to convey a personal interpretation of the tensions associated with the current internal conflict in Colombia

How could the vernacular architecture and crafts of the Andean region inspire the creation of an interior installation that is designed to convey a personal interpretation of the tensions associated with the current internal conflict in Colombia

Por: María Paula Jurado Echeverri | Fecha: 01/01/2014

The aim of this report is to demonstrate and explore how the vernacular architecture and crafts of the Andean region of Colombia could inspire the creation of an interior installation that is designed to convey a personal interpretation of the tensions associated with the current internal conflict in Colombia and a sincere aspiration for sustainable peace. To approach this hypothesis, the perspectives of experts in those matters were imperative and guided the further research of alternative secondary methods that included books, journals, and official publications.The main structure of the report attempts to address three principal chapters. The first chapter intends to recognise and highlight the importance of Guadua to the vernacular architecture and crafts associated with the Andean region of Colombia. The second chapter focuses on the investigation of the current trends and science behind narrative design and the infinite possibilities of storytelling in exhibitions and set design. Finally, the third chapter explores the current internal conflict between the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and Colombia’s National Government, which in theory is being tried to be resolved from the study of peace agreements and new possibilities for both parts achieving justice and repair.Findings obtained throughout the research and analytical process show that Guadua’s characteristics as a construction material represent a new insight in the scenario of a sustainable world. Furthermore, Colombia’s ongoing conflict, although it depends on many factors, should be acknowledged globally and has the potential to be tackled from a new artistic perspective, where an interior installation encodes a sincere aspiration for sustainable peace.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
  • Temas:
  • Otros
  • Arte

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How could the vernacular architecture and crafts of the Andean region inspire the creation of an interior installation that is designed to convey a personal interpretation of the tensions associated with the current internal conflict in Colombia

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