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Imagen de apoyo de  Creative advertising in research translation for a more effective knowledge transfer = Creatividad publicitaria en la traducción de investigaciones para una trasferencia de conocimiento más efectiva

Creative advertising in research translation for a more effective knowledge transfer = Creatividad publicitaria en la traducción de investigaciones para una trasferencia de conocimiento más efectiva

Por: Laura Bernal Vergara | Fecha: 2019

The importance of the knowledge universities constantly generate through research cannot be denied, and the appliance of this knowledge and its potential impact in industry has created challenges for the relation among academics and practitioners. One important topic for higher education is how to better generate relevant knowledge than can relate to industry and contribute to knowledge creation. That question has been examined by engaged scholarship where collaboration has been a tool to put both universes together. However, this model also faces some challenges which make pertinent the study of new ways to transfer knowledge from academia to industry. This research attempts to find the extent into which the appliance of creativity in knowledge translation could enhance knowledge transfer effectiveness. Advertising has shown effectiveness with the use of creativity; therefore, this research aims to link creative advertising and knowledge transfer to experiment with the role of creativity for a better academic communication. Resumen: No se puede negar la importancia del conocimiento que las universidades generan constantemente a través de la investigación y que el uso de este conocimiento y su impacto en la industria ha creado desafíos para la relación entre académicos y profesionales. Un tema importante para la educación superior es cómo generar conocimiento relevante que sea posible de relacionar con la industria y contribuir a la creación de conocimiento. Esa pregunta ha sido examinada en diferentes tipos de estudio en donde la colaboración ha sido una herramienta para unir ambos universos. Sin embargo, este modelo también enfrenta algunos desafíos que hacen pertinente el estudio de nuevas formas de transferir conocimiento de la academia a la industria. Esta investigación intenta encontrar en qué medida el uso de la creatividad en la traducción del conocimiento podría mejorar la eficacia en la transferencia de conocimiento. La publicidad ha demostrado efectividad con el uso de la creatividad; Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo vincular la publicidad creativa y la transferencia de conocimiento para experimentar el papel de la creatividad en la comunicación académica.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Creative advertising in research translation for a more effective knowledge transfer = Creatividad publicitaria en la traducción de investigaciones para una trasferencia de conocimiento más efectiva

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Imagen de apoyo de  Investigating mobility and highland occupation strategies during the Early Holocene at the Cuncaicha rock shelter through strontium and oxygen isotopes

Investigating mobility and highland occupation strategies during the Early Holocene at the Cuncaicha rock shelter through strontium and oxygen isotopes

Por: Döbereiner; Bocherens Chala Aldana | Fecha: 01/01/2014

Results from the recent excavations at the Cuncaicha rock shelter (4480 m above sea level) suggest a successful colonization of the Andean highlands by groups of foragers during the Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene. The discovery of Early and Late Holocene human remains buried in the site brings new opportunities to assess mobility and occupation strategies during this period. In this study, isotopic analysis of strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (δ18O) in faunal and human dental enamel helped to identify the most likely areas where humans obtained food and consumed water during their formative years. Collection of modern plant and water samples also helped to define a reliable background for the mobility analysis within the study area.87Sr/86Sr ratios andδ18O on dental enamel showed that Early Holocene humans lived within the Pucuncho Basin and obtained most of their resources from there. Isotopic analyses are an important step for modeling the mobility patterns of the Early Holocene occupants of Cuncaicha.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Investigating mobility and highland occupation strategies during the Early Holocene at the Cuncaicha rock shelter through strontium and oxygen isotopes

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Imagen de apoyo de  Adult size of seven wandering spider Species in central Amazonia: Temporal variations and sexual dimorphisms = Tamaño de adultos de siete especies de arañas errantes en la Amazonia Central: Variaciones temporales y dimorfismos sexuales

Adult size of seven wandering spider Species in central Amazonia: Temporal variations and sexual dimorphisms = Tamaño de adultos de siete especies de arañas errantes en la Amazonia Central: Variaciones temporales y dimorfismos sexuales

Por: Thierry R.; Höfer Gasnier | Fecha: 01/01/2002

"We studied temporal variation in adult size and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) of seven hunting spider species, Ctenus amphora, C. crulsi, C. manauara, C. villasboasi (Ctenidae), Phoneutria fera, P. reidyi (Ctenidae), and Ancylometes rufus (Pisauridae) in a tropical rainforest, and one species from a relatively open vegetation habitat, C. minor, in central Amazonia. Size variation was great within and among field trips. Spiders were generally smaller in October (end of dry season) when compared with other months: adults of C. amphora, C. crulsi and C. manauara were significantly smaller in October 1995 when compared to February 1996; P. fera were smaller in October 1998 than in June 1998; and A. rufus were smaller in October 1998 than in August 1998. The temporal variation in size is possibly a result of low prey availability during the dry season. Six species had significant differences in prosoma length between males and females: C. amphora, C. crulsi, C. manauara and C. minor had larger males (which is considered rare in spiders), and P. reidyi and P. fera had larger females. However, considering an alternative index of size, the ‘‘rough area’’ (an approximate measure of the area of the spider as seen from above), the males were significantly larger for all species (up to 2.8 times in C. minor), because they have longer legs relative to their prosoma length. We suggest that selection for high mobility may be the reason for adult males with longer legs, and that the smaller species had higher degrees of sexual dimorphism in leg length because of the relative size of obstacles in the leaf litter. Resumen: Estudiamos la variación temporal en el tamaño adulto y el dimorfismo del tamaño sexual (SSD) de siete especies de arañas cazadoras, Ctenus amphora, C. crulsi, C. manauara, C. villasboasi (Ctenidae), Phoneutria fera, P. reidyi (Ctenidae) y Ancylometes rufus (Pisauridae) en una selva tropical, y una especie de un hábitat de vegetación relativamente abierto, C. minor, en la Amazonía central. La variación de tamaño fue excelente dentro y entre las excursiones. Las arañas fueron generalmente más pequeñas en octubre (final de la estación seca) en comparación con otros meses: los adultos de C. amphora, C. crulsi y C. manauara fueron significativamente más pequeños en octubre de 1995 en comparación con febrero de 1996; P. fera fueron más pequeños en octubre de 1998 que en junio de 1998; y A. rufus fueron más pequeños en octubre de 1998 que en agosto de 1998. La variación temporal en el tamaño es posiblemente el resultado de la baja disponibilidad de presas durante la estación seca. Seis especies tenían diferencias significativas en la longitud del prosoma entre machos y hembras: C. amphora, C. crulsi, C. manauara y C. minor tenían machos más grandes (lo que se considera raro en las arañas), y P. reidyi y P. fera tenían más hembras, Sin embargo, considerando un índice de tamaño alternativo, el ""área rugosa"" (una medida aproximada del área de la araña como se ve desde arriba), los machos fueron significativamente más grandes para todas las especies (hasta 2,8 veces en C. minor), porque tienen piernas más largas en relación con la longitud de su prosoma. Sugerimos que la selección para una alta movilidad puede ser la razón de los machos adultos con patas más largas, y que las especies más pequeñas tenían grados más altos de dimorfismo sexual en la longitud de las patas debido al tamaño relativo de los obstáculos en la hojarasca."
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Adult size of seven wandering spider Species in central Amazonia: Temporal variations and sexual dimorphisms = Tamaño de adultos de siete especies de arañas errantes en la Amazonia Central: Variaciones temporales y dimorfismos sexuales

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Imagen de apoyo de  ‘The Sweet Memories of Home Have Gone’: Displaced People Searching for Home in a Liminal Space  = ‘Los agradables recuerdos de mi hogar se han ido’: Personas desplazadas viviendo en el limbo y buscando un lugar al cual llamar hogar

‘The Sweet Memories of Home Have Gone’: Displaced People Searching for Home in a Liminal Space = ‘Los agradables recuerdos de mi hogar se han ido’: Personas desplazadas viviendo en el limbo y buscando un lugar al cual llamar hogar

Por: Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia | Fecha: 01/01/2018

By ignoring how conflict and displacement disrupt the location of home for those who flee within national borders, studies on displacement have largely failed to fully understand the material and symbolic impacts of living without a place called home. Drawing on the experiences of internally displaced people in Colombia, this paper argues that following conflict and displacement home becomes neither an entirely fixed place those who escape conflict unequivocally want to return nor an entirely mobile space they necessarily experience on the move. Rather than ambiguously attached to the place left behind or refashioned on the move, the empirical findings reveal that home is consistently experienced by the displaced as a tension between ‘here’ and ‘there’ or ‘nowhere’. Although many displaced people do find a physical place to live following displacement they experience the sense of being trapped in a liminal space where they feel emotionally and existentially homeless. Analysis of detailed interviews shows that most of them continue to search for a sense, rather than a place called, home. A home which is emotional and affective rather than purely physical. The paper concludes by highlighting how sedentarist and non-sedentarist understandings of home coexist in the displaced location of home.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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‘The Sweet Memories of Home Have Gone’: Displaced People Searching for Home in a Liminal Space = ‘Los agradables recuerdos de mi hogar se han ido’: Personas desplazadas viviendo en el limbo y buscando un lugar al cual llamar hogar

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Imagen de apoyo de  The process by which an interest group couples to close a policy window under the Multiple Stream Framework: An evaluation of the Colombian television policy

The process by which an interest group couples to close a policy window under the Multiple Stream Framework: An evaluation of the Colombian television policy

Por: María Alejandra Durán Manchola | Fecha: 2019

Kingdon’ (2014) Multiple Stream Framework (MSF) is a novel agenda-setting model, which is recognised for introducing agency into the agenda-setting processes. Empirical evidence indicates that there are cases in which a policy entrepreneur couples the three streams, from the MSF model, to close a policy window, for maintaining a policy status quo. Yet, the closing window policy entrepreneur role has not been developed under the MSF. Therefore, this study has been designed to initially explore the process by which an interest group couples to close a policy window under the MSF. This research applied the theoretical constructs of the MSF model in a Colombian television policy case study. In this case, two interest groups competed for a different policy result. One of them was a collective policy entrepreneur advocating for a policy status quo. The key findings of the research are that: (i) one interest group acted as a collective policy entrepreneur, and coupled the three streams to introduce a topic on the agenda for maintaining a policy status quo; and (ii) to handle the power imbalance, this coupling strategy was developed within a favourable narrative and problem categorization. These findings are synthesised and embodied in the following three key propositions: (i) Interest groups aiming for a policy status quo might act as policy entrepreneurs when they are willing to invest their resources to introduce a topic on the agenda, for maintaining a policy status quo. (ii) Policy entrepreneurs that advocate for a policy status quo might use an agenda-setting strategy within the MSF processes. (iii) When there are two competing policy entrepreneurs in an agenda-setting process and one believes that has less power than the other, the agency strategy might involve the re-categorization of the problem and a favourable narrative to handle the power imbalance. To my knowledge, this research is original as it is the first attempt across the agenda-setting literature to empirically study how a policy window is being closed under the MSF. Therefore, this work might be used in future research, to continue the exploration of the policy entrepreneur role in closing a window under the MSF model.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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The process by which an interest group couples to close a policy window under the Multiple Stream Framework: An evaluation of the Colombian television policy

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Imagen de apoyo de  Patterns of abundance, habitat use and body size structure of Phoneutria reidyi and P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) in a Central Amazonian rainforest = Patrones de abundancia, uso de hábitat y estructura de tamaños de Phoneutria reidyi y P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) en un bosque tropical de la Amazonia Central

Patterns of abundance, habitat use and body size structure of Phoneutria reidyi and P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) in a Central Amazonian rainforest = Patrones de abundancia, uso de hábitat y estructura de tamaños de Phoneutria reidyi y P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) en un bosque tropical de la Amazonia Central

Por: Martha Patricia; Jelhen Gasnier Torres Sánchez | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Phoneutria is one of the most medically important spider genera; however, its ecology is poorly known. In Amazonian upland rainforests, there are two sympatric species of the genus Phoneutria, P. reidyi (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge 1897) and P. fera Perty 1833. For 15 months we collected data on the spatial distribution, use of habitat (activity on the ground or vegetation) and temporal changes in body size structure in a forest reserve near Manaus city in three distinct habitats: dense forest, located on the plateaus on yellow latossol; swamp forest, located in the valleys; and heath forest or “campinarana,” on dry white sand soil in the Reserva Florestal Ducke. A total of 239 P. reidyi and 239 P. fera were captured in nocturnal searches during their period of activity. There were significant differences between the two species: 1) P. reidyi existed in higher abundance in the swamp forest than in the dense forest areas and was almost absent in the heath forest, while P. fera existed in similar abundance in the three habitats. 2) During their development, members of both species used the vegetation as an area of activity, but the subadults and adults of P. reidyi were less often found on the ground than the subadults and adults of P. fera. 3) P. reidyi more frequently used small or acaulescent palms as a substrate, and its abundance was directly related to the abundance of these palms, independent of the habitat, while P. fera did not show such relationship. 4) There was a strong temporal variation in the body size structure of the P. reidyi population indicating seasonal reproduction, but there was no evidence of seasonal reproduction by P. fera. We suggest that the differences in the use of habitat and in the seasonality of reproduction are related to the avoidance of intraguild predation between these species. Abstract: Phoneutria es uno de los géneros de arañas más importantes desde el punto de vista médico; Sin embargo, su ecología es poco conocida. En las selvas tropicales de las tierras altas amazónicas, hay dos especies simpáticas del género Phoneutria, P. reidyi (FO Pickard-Cambridge 1897) y P. fera Perty 1833. Durante 15 meses recolectamos datos sobre la distribución espacial, el uso del hábitat (actividad en el suelo o vegetación) y cambios temporales en la estructura del tamaño del cuerpo en una reserva forestal cerca de la ciudad de Manaus en tres hábitats distintos: bosque denso, ubicado en las mesetas en latossol amarillo; bosque pantanoso, ubicado en los valles; y bosque de brezales o “campinarana”, en suelo seco de arena blanca en la Reserva Florestal Ducke. Un total de 239 P. reidyi y 239 P. fera fueron capturados en búsquedas nocturnas durante su período de actividad. Hubo diferencias significativas entre las dos especies: 1) P. reidyi existió en mayor abundancia en el bosque de “baixio” que en las áreas de bosque denso y estuvo casi ausente en el bosque de brezo, mientras que P. fera existió en abundancia similar en los tres hábitats. 2) Durante su desarrollo, los miembros de ambas especies usaron la vegetación como un área de actividad, pero los subadultos y adultos de P. reidyi se encontraron con menos frecuencia en el suelo que los subadultos y adultos de P. fera. 3) P. reidyi utilizó con mayor frecuencia palmeras pequeñas o acaulentas como sustrato, y su abundancia estuvo directamente relacionada con la abundancia de estas palmas, independientemente del hábitat, mientras que P. fera no mostró tal relación. 4) Hubo una fuerte variación temporal en la estructura del tamaño corporal de la población de P. reidyi indicando reproducción estacional, pero no hubo evidencia de reproducción estacional por P. fera. Sugerimos que las diferencias en el uso del hábitat y en la estacionalidad de la reproducción están relacionadas con la evitación de la depredación intragremio entre estas especies.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Patterns of abundance, habitat use and body size structure of Phoneutria reidyi and P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) in a Central Amazonian rainforest = Patrones de abundancia, uso de hábitat y estructura de tamaños de Phoneutria reidyi y P. fera (Araneae: Ctenidae) en un bosque tropical de la Amazonia Central

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Imagen de apoyo de  Increasing cellular lifespan with a flow system in organotypic culture of the Laterodorsal Tegmentum (LDT)

Increasing cellular lifespan with a flow system in organotypic culture of the Laterodorsal Tegmentum (LDT)

Por: César R.; Elnagar Romero Leguizamón | Fecha: 01/01/2019

Organotypic brain culture is an experimental tool widely used in neuroscience studies. One major drawback of this technique is reduced neuronal survival across time, which is likely exacerbated by the loss of blood flow. We have designed a novel, tube flow system, which is easily incorporated into the commonly-used, standard semi-permeable membrane culture methodology which has significantly enhanced neuronal survival in a brain stem nucleus involved in control of motivated and arousal states: the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT). Our automated system provides nutrients and removes waste in a comparatively aseptic environment, while preserving temperature, and oxygen levels. Using immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology, our system was found superior to standard techniques in preserving tissue quality and survival of LDT cells for up to 2 weeks. In summary, we provide evidence for the first time that the LDT can be preserved in organotypic slice culture, and further, our technical improvements of adding a flow system, which likely enhanced perfusion to the slice, were associated with enhanced neuronal survival. Our perfusion system is expected to facilitate organotypic experiments focused on chronic stimulations and multielectrode recordings in the LDT, as well as enhance neuronal survival in slice cultures originating from other brain regions.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Increasing cellular lifespan with a flow system in organotypic culture of the Laterodorsal Tegmentum (LDT)

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Imagen de apoyo de  Exclusion and Social Construction in Colombia: a Perspective From Three Popular Rhythms =Exclusión y construcción social en Colombia: una perspectiva desde tres ritmos populares

Exclusion and Social Construction in Colombia: a Perspective From Three Popular Rhythms =Exclusión y construcción social en Colombia: una perspectiva desde tres ritmos populares

Por: Sebastián Olave Soler | Fecha: 01/01/2019

In Colombia, European, indigenous and black traditions have met and influenced each other since colonial times. However, the political and economic predominance of the elites produced a subordination of the autochthonous musical practices and their subsequent transformation. This article intends to consider the Colombian social structure as the element from which the musical traditions of the country should have been modeled. In this way, we seek to explain the evolution of certain artistic expressions of the country, in particular of the rhythms erected as national symbols, as a result of the ethnic differentiation that the pro-European ideals of the elites fostered. Resumen: En Colombia, las tradiciones europeas, indígenas y negras se han encontrado e influido mutuamente desde la época colonial. Sin embargo, el predominio político y económico de las élites produjo una subordinación de las prácticas musicales autóctonas y su posterior transformación. Este artículo pretende considerar la estructura social colombiana como el elemento a partir del cual las tradiciones musicales del país debieron ser modeladas. De esta manera, buscamos explicar la evolución de ciertas expresiones artísticas del país, en particular de los ritmos erigidos como símbolos nacionales, como resultado de la diferenciación étnica que los ideales europeístas de las élites fomentaban.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Exclusion and Social Construction in Colombia: a Perspective From Three Popular Rhythms =Exclusión y construcción social en Colombia: una perspectiva desde tres ritmos populares

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Imagen de apoyo de  História natural de algumas espécies de aranhas das famílias Ctenidae e Lycosidae na Rreserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistência = Historia natural de algunas especies de arañas de las familias Ctenidae y Lycosidae en la Reserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistencia

História natural de algumas espécies de aranhas das famílias Ctenidae e Lycosidae na Rreserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistência = Historia natural de algunas especies de arañas de las familias Ctenidae y Lycosidae en la Reserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistencia

Por: Thierry R.; Höfer Gasnier | Fecha: 01/01/2009

Um dos objetivos do grupo que estudou aranhas no projeto “Mecanismos de manutenção da alta diversidade nos Trópicos” (ver capítulo anterior) foi reconhecer variáveis bióticas e abióticas atuando na diversidade de aranhas. Uma das linhas dentro deste objetivo foi a avaliação da coexistência de um grupo restrito de espécies da família Ctenidae que ocorrem na Reserva Ducke. Resumen: Uno de los objetivos del grupo que estudió las arañas en el proyecto "Mecanismos mantener una gran diversidad en los trópicos” (ver capítulo anterior) fue Reconocer las variables bióticas y abióticas que actúan sobre la diversidad de las arañas. Una de las líneas dentro de este objetivo fue la evaluación de la coexistencia de un grupo restringido de especies de la familia Ctenidae que se encuentran en Reserva Ducke.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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História natural de algumas espécies de aranhas das famílias Ctenidae e Lycosidae na Rreserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistência = Historia natural de algunas especies de arañas de las familias Ctenidae y Lycosidae en la Reserva Ducke: bases para um modelo integrado de coexistencia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Guillermo Uribe Holguín, su estética a través de los tres ballets criollos Op. 78 o cómo se funde lo tradicional con lo académico

Guillermo Uribe Holguín, su estética a través de los tres ballets criollos Op. 78 o cómo se funde lo tradicional con lo académico

Por: Sebastián Olave Soler | Fecha: 01/01/2019

Guillermo Uribe Holguín (1880-1971) fue uno de los músicos colombianos más relevantes e influyentes del siglo XX. A través del análisis de los Tres Ballets Criollos Op. 78 para orquesta, compuestos en Bogotá en 1945, este artículo tiene por objeto resaltar, por una parte, la postura de Uribe Holguín dentro del movimiento nacionalista colombiano y, por otra, los ideales y medios artísticos, estéticos y filosóficos que éste asimilara, expandiera y desarrollara en su estancia en París y de esta manera, poder dar cuenta de la forma como ambos interactuaron en su proceso compositivo. Abstract: Guillermo Uribe Holguín (1880-1971) was one of the most relevant and influential Colombian musicians of the 20th century. Through the analysis of the Tres Ballets Criollos Op. 78 for orchestra, composed in Bogotá in 1945, this article wants to highlight, on the one hand, the position of Uribe Holguín within the Colombian nationalist movement and, on the other, the ideals and artistic, aesthetic and philosophical means that he assimilated, expanded and developed during his stay in Paris and in this way, be able to account for the way in which both interacted in his compositional process.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Guillermo Uribe Holguín, su estética a través de los tres ballets criollos Op. 78 o cómo se funde lo tradicional con lo académico

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