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Imagen de apoyo de  A Balancing Act: Drug Policy in Colombia after the UNGASS 2016

A Balancing Act: Drug Policy in Colombia after the UNGASS 2016

Por: Isabel; Cruz Olivera Pereira Aranda | Fecha: 2017

This document is the result of a project developed by Dejusticia in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and Law of Colombia and the British Embassy in Colombia, with funds from the United Kingdom through its embassy in Colombia. During 2016, two historic events were held to reflect about drug strategies in Colombia: the United Nations Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS 2016) and the signing of the Peace Agreement between the Government and the FARC-EP, which includes the agreement on the “Solution to the problem of illicit drugs”. In light of the commitments made by the Colombian State, there are challenges and possibilities for drug policy reform, particularly when hoping to achieve a better balance between a criminalization perspective and the recognition and guarantee of rights to populations affected by prohibition’s harmful effects. This balancing exercise calls for incorporating the lens of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its Objectives, as well as for integrating the sectors of defense, rural and agrarian development, protection and sustainable use of environmental resources, health and education, together with the efforts of peacebuilding in the territories most affected by war and drug trafficking. To achieve the goals proposed in these documents, the role of the international community in the coming years will be fundamental. The United Kingdom Embassy, concerned to broaden its horizons of cooperation, offers to share lessons learned and experiences hoping to improve institutional capacities to meet the challenges of organized crime, rural development, and the prevention and treatment of drug use. Thus, this document presents recommendations for cooperation between these two governments in the light of agreed obligations as well as opportunities to harmonize drug policy and peacebuilding. Description taken from: Consulte la versión en español en la siguiente URL:
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Libros
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A Balancing Act: Drug Policy in Colombia after the UNGASS 2016

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Case on a Case: Embedding Sustainable Entrepreneurship Into a Managerial-Skills Course

A Case on a Case: Embedding Sustainable Entrepreneurship Into a Managerial-Skills Course

Por: Orlando Enrique; Rodríguez Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2015

This paper documents the experience of bringing a real-business challenge into the classroom using a case that demonstrates an issue in a local utility company: the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Aqueduct. The local case study shows the dilemma the manager of a public utilities company must confront, faced with the poor impact of the bottled water business unit on income results.On the one hand, the Board of Directors is totally oriented toward financial results and perceives interesting business potential with the massive development of this product in the region. On the other hand, the natural discussion about taking advantage of that potential and what the company should do in terms of strategy tends to omit its true purpose and the strong policy of social responsibility, which should go against a business that is continually being challenged in terms of the destruction of social and environmental value that it generates (bottled water).Then, this challenge appeals to the innovative sense of the students in the Managerial Skills course of the Industrial Engineering program at the Industrial University of Santander by using active innovation methodologies such as teaching through case studies and design thinking in order to formulate different alternative business models for bottled water so that, along the lines of the actual purpose of the organization, they are able to generate, simultaneously, financial results as well as good environmental and social outcomes.The contribution of this case study centers on the validity of the results generated in terms of acceptance, motivation, and learning by making combined use of concepts such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, and education in innovation. The fact that it is a known, everyday company increased the levels of participation at the time of the respective feedback, and presumably, the students' ability to understand the concepts related to the shared value creation in new ventures creation today.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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A Case on a Case: Embedding Sustainable Entrepreneurship Into a Managerial-Skills Course

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Imagen de apoyo de  A chart of the coast of America from Cartagena to Bocca del Drago

A chart of the coast of America from Cartagena to Bocca del Drago

Por: Jeremiah; Price Seller | Fecha: 1703

Durante el siglo XVII la bahía de Portobelo fue un punto clave para las exportaciones de plata comandadas por el Imperio español; el lucrativo comercio de este asentamiento atrajo, como en muchas regiones del Caribe, la invasión de piratas y contrabandistas. Portobelo sufrió entonces diversos hostigamientos de piratas como William Parker en 1601, Henry Morgan en 1668 y Jhon Coxon en 1680. Más adelante durante el siglo XVIII, el puerto serviría como sitio de grandes asedios navales. Este mapa Portulano traza parte de la región Caribe desde Cartagena Colombia hasta Portobelo Panamá. Detalla relieve costero como rocas, bancos de arena, islas, anclajes, ríos con sus desembocaduras, puertos y poblaciones a lo largo de la costa. Incluye un recuadro con mapa de la bahía de Portobelo protegida por dos fuertes: Forta de la Mare y Forta Granda. Contiene rosa de los vientos e indica dirección de las corrientes. Fue levantado por los cartógrafos Jeremiah Seller, Charles Price y grabado por Herman Moll en 1703.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Mapas
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A chart of the coast of America from Cartagena to Bocca del Drago

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Imagen de apoyo de  A chart of the coasts of Peru, Quito, Popayan and the isthmus of Darien

A chart of the coasts of Peru, Quito, Popayan and the isthmus of Darien

Por: Herman Moll | Fecha: 1732

Mapa portulano que representa la costa pacífica de América del sur, desde el cantón de Nicoya en la actual Costa Rica hasta el sur del Perú, indica las división político admirativas de la zona diferenciando las entidades históricas de Perú, Popayán, Quito y el istmo del Darién. Señala el relieve costero y contiene rosa de los vientos. Trazado por el alemán Herman Moll, autor de la importante obra cartográfica ‘The world described’ (1715), una colección de treinta mapas del mundo entre los cuales se destacan los famoso ‘Beaver map’ y ‘Codfish map’, documentos cartográficos relativos a la disputa entre Francia y Gran Bretaña sobre las fronteras que separaban sus colonias en el continente americano.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Mapas
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  • Historia

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A chart of the coasts of Peru, Quito, Popayan and the isthmus of Darien

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Imagen de apoyo de  A chart, shewing the track of the Centurion round the world

A chart, shewing the track of the Centurion round the world

Por: R. W. Seale | Fecha: 1800

El Barón George Anson (1697-1762) fue un aristócrata y almirante británico reconocido por realizar una circunnavegación en su barco: HMS Centurion alrededor del mundo; este viaje tenía como misión capturar las posesiones de España en las costas del pacífico de América del Sur durante la guerra con Gran Bretaña en 1746. El Mapa muestra la ruta recorrida por el barco alrededor del mundo, así como las ciudades costeras más importantes del recorrido.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Mapas
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A chart, shewing the track of the Centurion round the world

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Imagen de apoyo de  A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

Por: Lina Lorena Clavijo Rodríguez | Fecha: 2015

The purpose of this research is to present an analysis about the psychology of the luxury fashion consumer, to understand the different kinds of motivations that influence behaviour towards the purchase of luxury items. Through the exploration of theoretical approaches from both, the consumer psychology and the social culture theory, it will be explained how consumers face different kinds of needs and how they try to satisfy them in the luxury marketplace.Some of these needs will have an origin in intrinsic desires, while others will respond to affiliation needs for fitting into a certain social environment. Among the study of the cultural motivations, it will be shown how advertising plays a fundamental role of perception of luxury fashion. A selection of two case of studies of two of the most important luxury brands in the world, will illustrate how the industry uses the media communicate to the consumer the values of luxury brands, while associates to cultural representations of social success.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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A Consumers Mind: Luxury Desire. Analysis of the social context and behavior in the luxury fashion market = En la mente del consumidor: Deseo de opulencia. Análisis del contexto social y el comportamiento del consumidor en la industria de la moda de lujo

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Imagen de apoyo de  A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

Por: Juan Pablo Coy Navarro | Fecha: 2003

The main Topic of this dissertation is to critically analyze the obligations of States’ parties to the TRIPS Agreement in relation to the extent of protection that they are bound to confer on first and second medical use patents. In this sense, the Viagra case illustrates the tensions between the national pharmaceutical industries of the States members of the Andean Community and a leading pharmaceutical company like Pfizer. The dissertation pretends to demonstrate that the decisions taken by the authorities in the Andean Region were consistent with the international minimum standards of IPRs as embodied in the TRIPS Agreement.The Viagra case is the most important series of administrative and judicial decisions concerning first and second use patents in the Andean region. It is composed of the administrative rulings of the member States national authorities of the Andean Community, by the administrative rulings of the Andean Community Secretariat and by the judicial decisions of the Andean Tribunal of Justice. This case was elected as the topic of the dissertation because it doesn’t follow the international trend to expand the levels of patent protection, which has occurred in two ways. First, the scope of patentable subject- matter has been given an inclusive interpretation. Secondly, the restrictions on patentability have been narrowly interpreted.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ciencias sociales

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A critical study of the first and second use patents in the Andean Community: the Viagra case = Un estudio crítico de la negación de las patentes de primer y segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina: el caso del Viagra

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