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Imagen de apoyo de  Condizioni socioeconomiche, disagio sociale e mortalità violenta a Torino, Italia 2001-2008 = Socioeconomic conditions, social inequalities and violent mortality in Turin, Italy 2001-2008

Condizioni socioeconomiche, disagio sociale e mortalità violenta a Torino, Italia 2001-2008 = Socioeconomic conditions, social inequalities and violent mortality in Turin, Italy 2001-2008

Por: Juan Carlos Rivillas | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Background: This study assessed the contributions of individual and characteristics of area of residence-level to socio-economic inequalities in violent mortality in a metropolitan Italian region.Setting: Turin, Italy.Methods: Study population was extracted from the Turin Longitudinal Study including all residents aged 20 years or more, who were censused in Turin in 2001. A mortality follow up was carried out from November 2001 to December 2008, taken into account all deaths for homicide (ICD IX 800-949), suicide (ICD IX 950-959), AIDS and overdose (ICD IX 960-979) and alcohol related causes (ICD IX 980-989). Two multilevel Poisson regression models were fitted to assess the effects of individual socioeconomic conditions (controlling for educational level, occupational status, and housing conditions) and the independent contribution of contextual-level socioeconomic conditions (Gini income concentration index and neighbourhood deprivation index) on mortality risk for the total number of violent-deaths.Results: the analysis suggest that risks to suffer any violent death for causes observed regularly increasing with lower education and is 50% higher in the lower educated individuals, compared with people with high education, to be employed showed significantly lower mortality than all the other categories. A significantly two-fold risk among those living in disadvantaged house and significantly higher among people living in small rented houses. After include in the second model area indicators-level neither the socio-economic characteristics of the neighborhood nor the relative distribution of income seem to be associated with an increase of risk of mortality from the analyzed causes.Conclusions: The socio-economic characteristics are the main determinants of individual variability in risk of mortality from violent causes and discomfort, while the characteristics of the social context does not seem to play a significant role in a large Italian metropolitan city, independently on the influence of individual socioeconomic status. The policy implications suggest that reducing socioeconomic inequalities in violence mortality may require continuing along the model developed by the environmental organization, and other cities to invest selectively on new environmental features that may moderate further the risk of violent death among people most deprived.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Condizioni socioeconomiche, disagio sociale e mortalità violenta a Torino, Italia 2001-2008 = Socioeconomic conditions, social inequalities and violent mortality in Turin, Italy 2001-2008

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Imagen de apoyo de  Sleep is Just a Bad Habit = Dormir es un mal hábito

Sleep is Just a Bad Habit = Dormir es un mal hábito

Por: Luis Fernando Ramírez Celis | Fecha: 01/01/2011

Modern architecture is dead. The spirit of modern architecture has evaporated. These two ideas, raised by critics such as Charles Jencks were at one point generally believed to be true. This thesis, in part, explores the ambiguity that exists around these issues and its relationship to my own work. The modern spirit refuses to disappear completely and modern architecture survives in many parts of the world. My work as an artist is not intended as a nostalgic review of these alleged losses; through images borrowed from modernity, through fictional stories, texts and cultural hybrids, my work considers the possible meanings of this hybridized, polluted, yet still desirable modernity.Using these topics, I will discuss the specific research carried out during the development of four installations exhibited over the course of the last two years at Stony Brook University galleries and other venues abroad: the project Sleep Is Just A Bad Habit has strong ties to two projects by Buckminster Fuller and his obsession with progress, time and the future; Closer Than We Think connects futuristic architecture and design from the 50s, 60s and 70s with a circular idea of time and with imagery of the future imagined in those years; the death of modern architecture and the iconic housing project Pruit Igoe by Minoru Yamasaki are the basis for the piece Superbloques in its different versions; Circa 1954 allows me to explore the relationship between text and art after Magritte's Ceci n'est pas une pipe and the idea of authorship and the author's signature. Referecia: Jencks, Charles. What is Post – Modernism? Academy Editions, London, 1986. P. 15
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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Sleep is Just a Bad Habit = Dormir es un mal hábito

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Imagen de apoyo de  Fields of deformation: tracing critical boundaries in architectural practice = Campos de deformación: trazando márgenes críticos en la práctica de la arquitectura

Fields of deformation: tracing critical boundaries in architectural practice = Campos de deformación: trazando márgenes críticos en la práctica de la arquitectura

Por: Lina Fawcett V. | Fecha: 01/01/2007

If architecture has succeeded the natural impulse of evolution and demonstrated its everchanging creative power, urbanism has challenged its operationality by revealing a logic that surpasses any established concepts within the field. New urbanisms today are understood by weakening public life, changing the nature of the streets and modifying the human scale. Furthermore, the emergent post-urban life appears unmanageable due to conditions never diagnosed before: edge cities, peripheries, nodality and disarticulation seem problematic to conceptualize.What is it about the challenge of architecture capable to deploy a logic that drives urban design with a certain direction? Architecture can expand its potential design approaches through the investigation of its own rationality in order to find new sources that intersect emerging urban landscapes. The façade performs as a critical surface that articulates urban affects and provides a positive understanding of the street-grid as a persistent and flexible planning instrument along time. If the plan is not sufficient anymore, by securing its spatial hierarchies the building skin becomes significant to a contemporary discussion where architecture gains an instrument to overcome the difference.The dialogue amongst architectural design process is not reducible to a fixed set of values but to opening up its own disciplinary boundaries. It intends to rethink these borders in new terms utilizing few notions and examples that have proven as techniques of formal stability within architecture, as opposed to the diffuse and complex transformational processes of the city. Paradoxically, it is inside architecture where non-static surfaces of composition open the field to creative processes, since they are by nature given to experimentation.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Arte

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Fields of deformation: tracing critical boundaries in architectural practice = Campos de deformación: trazando márgenes críticos en la práctica de la arquitectura

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Imagen de apoyo de  Information systems development methodologies for Data-driven Decision Support Systems = Metodologías de desarrollo de software para los sistemas de información de apoyo a la toma de decisiones basados en datos

Information systems development methodologies for Data-driven Decision Support Systems = Metodologías de desarrollo de software para los sistemas de información de apoyo a la toma de decisiones basados en datos

Por: Juan Manuel Muñoz Palacio | Fecha: 01/01/2010

The sum of small and big decisions made in all levels of companies determines its performance. Also, the quality of the decisions can be improved when there is information available to help decision makers in their task. All this has motivated the development of specific types of information systems aimed to provide the information necessary in the different levels of the company to support structured and semi-structured decision making. This research will be focused on a specific group of information systems to support decisions that make intensive use of historic data integrated from multiple sources; Data-driven Decision Support Systems (DDSS).On the other hand the features of the systems to support decisions together with tasks and techniques that are unique for these systems demanded the creation of specific development methodologies to perform the development process. In response to that demand, several proposals have been elaborated but there is no consensus in the field. Currently there is a debate around two development methodologies that are analysed on this paper. After the analysis of the proposed methodologies a case study organization with experience on the development of DDSS will be analysed.The research aims to understand and present the development process carried out in the organization to develop DDSS. In the analysis the influence of the existing methodologies and other sources, like traditional development methodologies and standardization is included. Finally a proposal to improve the development of DDSS in the case study organization is presented. The proposal is generated in the light of the existing methodologies and other particular proposals that deal with single tasks on the development process.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Tesis
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  • Ingeniería

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Information systems development methodologies for Data-driven Decision Support Systems = Metodologías de desarrollo de software para los sistemas de información de apoyo a la toma de decisiones basados en datos

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Imagen de apoyo de  Fístula coledocoduodenal = Choledochoduodenal fistula

Fístula coledocoduodenal = Choledochoduodenal fistula

Por: John Karol; Montejo Viamontes Ramirez | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Abstract:The internal biliary fistulas are considering a rare complication of gallbladder disease and even rarer of duodenal ulcer, constituting an occasional finding during ERCP in studies of recurrent biliary disease. They are frequently in relation with the complicated cholelithiasis. Occur in up to 2 % of all patients with biliary disease and is associated with a higher incidence of carcinoma in this system. The location between the gallbladder and duodenum (cholecystoduodenal) is found in 72-80% of cases; the choledochoduodenal, which relates to the case report, is the less frequent, present in the 3 to 5 %. We present a male patient aged 44 years, he was operated 26 years ago by perforated duodenal ulcer. Since October 2015 begins with slight jaundice, dark urine and right upper quadrant pain, it impressed toxic hepatitis, the simptoms recurred on several occasions. During the study in the latest crisis choledochoduodenal fistula was found, being referred to our center for surgical treatment. In relation with the rarity of the case, it is decided to review the current literature and presentation.Resumen:La fistulas biliares internas son consideras una complicación poco frecuente de las enfermedad biliar y aún más raras del ulcus duodenal. Constituyen un hallazgo ocasional durante la colangiografía retrograda endoscópica durante el estudio de la enfermedad biliar recurrente. Se relaciona principalmente con la litiasis vesicular complicada. Puede afectar hasta un 2 % del total de los pacientes con enfermedad biliar y se asocia a una mayor incidencia de carcinoma de este sistema. La localización más habitual es entre la vesícula y el duodeno (colecistoduodenal) en un 72 – 80 % de los casos. La coledocoduodenal -la cual se relaciona con el caso a reportar- es de las menos frecuentes, la cual se encuentra solo en 3 – 5 %. Se presenta a un paciente masculino de 44 años, operado hace 26 años de úlcera duodenal perforada. En octubre de 2015 debutó con íctero ligero, coluria y dolor en hipocondrio derecho, que impresionó hepatitis toxica, cuadro que recurrió en varias ocasiones. Durante el estudio realizado en su última crisis, se halló una fístula coledocoduodenal, se remitió a nuestro centro para tratamiento quirúrgico. Debido a lo infrecuente del caso, se decidió realizar revisión de la literatura actual y su presentación.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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Fístula coledocoduodenal = Choledochoduodenal fistula

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Imagen de apoyo de  Hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa. Su comportamiento e índice de rockall. Las tunas = Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Its behavior and rockall score. Las tunas

Hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa. Su comportamiento e índice de rockall. Las tunas = Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Its behavior and rockall score. Las tunas

Por: John Karol; Araujo Malaf Ramirez | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Resumen:Introducción: la hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa es actualmente una emergencia quirúrgica de difícil manejo, hecho que motivó a conocer su comportamiento y usando el índice de Rockall, el riesgo de los afectados de sufrir resultados adversos durante su evolución, aquellos partidarios a un alta precoz y las causas que lo impidieron.Material y método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en el Hospital General Docente “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” sobre 182 pacientes atendidos durante el período 2009 – 2010.Resultados: Los hombres fueron los más afectados con el 54.4 %, el grupo de 60 - 80 años tuvo el mayor número de casos. La úlcera gastroduodenal fue la primera causa (52.7 %). La melena se presentó en 60.4 % como manifestación inicial. La Hipertensión arterial fue la comorbilidad más hallada (60.7 %). El 44.5 % necesitó de transfusión sanguínea. La mortalidad ocurrió en el 8.2 %. La mayor parte de la muestra se ubicó en el grupo de riesgo intermedio de Rockall (40.1 %). Recibió alta precoz el 11 %, siendo la inestabilidad hemodinámica la mayor responsable del bajo número (38 %). El Rockall tuvo sensibilidad del 98.3 %, especificidad del 56.9 %, VPP de 52.3 %, VPN de 98.6 % y una exactitud del 70.9 %. En los pacientes clasificados de bajo riesgo la única complicación que se presentó fue la recidiva en 1.4 % de ellos.Conclusiones: el alta precoz puede ser dada a pacientes con Rockall bajo, siempre que se tenga especial atención a la estabilidad hemodinámica.Abstract: Introduction:thenon-varice a lupper gastrointestinal bleeding is now a surgical emergency of difficult manage, motivated to know their behavior, and using the rate of Rockall, the risk of suffering adverse outcomes during their evolution, who can receive early discharged and the causes that prevented it.Methods: transversal descriptive study done at the General Teaching Hospital "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" about 182 patients attended during the period 2009 to 2010.Results: men were the most affected with 54.4 %, the group of 60- 80 years had the highest number of cases. Gastroduodenal peptic ulcer was the leading cause (52.7 %). The melena was present in 60.4 % as the initial manifestation. Hipertensión was theco-morbidity more found(60.7 %). 44.5 %requiredblood transfusion. Mortality occurred in 8.2 %. Most of the simple was placed in the intermediate risk group of Rockall (40.1 %). 11 % of patient received early discharged, being the hemodynamic instability largely responsable for the low number (38 %). The Rockall had a sensitivity of 98.3 %, specificity 56.9 %, PPV of 52.3 %, NPV of 98.6 %, and anaccuracy of 70.9 %. In patients classified as low risk the only complication which occurred was there currence in 1.4 % of them. Conclusions: early discharge may be given to patients with low Rockall, always taking special care to hemodynamic stability.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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Hemorragia digestiva alta no varicosa. Su comportamiento e índice de rockall. Las tunas = Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Its behavior and rockall score. Las tunas

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Imagen de apoyo de  Impact investment as a way to boost sustainable development: A multi-case company-level approach in Colombia = La inversión de impacto como medio de impulso al desarrollo sostenible: una aproximación multicaso a nivel de empresa en Colombia

Impact investment as a way to boost sustainable development: A multi-case company-level approach in Colombia = La inversión de impacto como medio de impulso al desarrollo sostenible: una aproximación multicaso a nivel de empresa en Colombia

Por: Orlando Enrique; Pedraza Avella Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Abstract:We present a conceptual approach that exposes the phenomenon of impact investments as a promoters of sustainable development from a perspective of dynamic creation and management of sustainable companies. In order to do so, we based our work on an inductive methodology that uses 3 study cases in the Colombian context, which exposes the participation of sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainable business performance as mediators in the proposed association. Like this, we contribute to the emerging topic of impact investments from the theoretical and practical scopes. Furthermore we present its link with topics like entrepreneurship and sustainable company management. Finally, we set the ground for future exercises that empirically examines the suggested model.Resumen:En el presente trabajo se formula un planteamiento conceptual que expone elfenómeno de las inversiones de impacto como promotoras del desarrollo sostenible desde la perspectiva de la dinámica de creación y gestión de empresas sostenibles. Para ello se parte de una metodología inductiva que emplea 3 casos de estudio del entorno colombiano y que expone la participación del emprendimiento sostenible y del desempeño empresarial sostenible como constructos mediadores en la relación propuesta. Con lo anterior se contribuye a ilustrar el tópico emergente de las inversiones de impacto desde un enfoque teórico y práctico, enlazándolo con las temáticas de emprendimiento y gestión de empresas sostenibles, y se cimienta el terreno para la comprobación empírica del modelo sugerido.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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Impact investment as a way to boost sustainable development: A multi-case company-level approach in Colombia = La inversión de impacto como medio de impulso al desarrollo sostenible: una aproximación multicaso a nivel de empresa en Colombia

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Imagen de apoyo de  Análisis de la situación de salud del consultorio médico familiar 35. Enero – octubre de 2010 = Analysis of the health situation of the family doctor's office 35. January - October 2010

Análisis de la situación de salud del consultorio médico familiar 35. Enero – octubre de 2010 = Analysis of the health situation of the family doctor's office 35. January - October 2010

Por: John Karol; González Escobar Ramirez | Fecha: 01/01/2010

Resumen:Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo de corte transversal con el objetivo de determinar el estado de salud en la comunidad del CMF No. 35 perteneciente al policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" durante el período de enero a octubre de 2010. 1199 pacientes fueron evaluados, predominando la población adulta, y de ellos un 13% se encontraron en el intervalo de 65 o más correspondiéndose con una población con envejecimiento avanzado. No se constató diferencia marcada entre el sexo masculino y femenino, siendo esta última ligeramente mayor con un 53,1%. Las tasas de natalidad bruta (7/1000), fecundidad general (13/1000) y mortalidad bruta (6,7/1000) son inferiores a la media nacional respectiva. La HTA es la enfermedad crónica no transmisible con mayor prevalencia e incidencia siendo descrita en 272 casos (22.6%); las IRA y EDA encabezan las enfermedades trasmisibles con 64 y 16 casos respectivamente. El nivel de escolaridad es de un 99.1. El 39% de la población se encuentra activa laboralmente. El tabaquismo fue el hábito tóxico más común referido por 160 pacientes. Se alcanzó un alto nivel inmunitario con el total de la población vacunada. Finalmente se muestra un plan de acción para cada uno de los problemas priorizados.Abstract:An epidemiological, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out with the objective of determining the state of health in the CMF No. 35 community belonging to the "Manuel Piti Fajardo" polyclinic during the period from January to October 2010. 1199 patients were evaluated, the adult population predominated, and 13% of them were in the range of 65 or more, corresponding to a population with advanced aging. No marked difference was found between the male and female sex, the latter being slightly higher with 53.1%. The crude birth rates (7/1000), general fertility (13/1000) and gross mortality (6.7 / 1000) are lower than the respective national average. Hypertension is the chronic noncommunicable disease with the highest prevalence and incidence being described in 272 cases (22.6%); the IRA and EDA lead the communicable diseases with 64 and 16 cases respectively. The level of schooling is 99.1. 39% of the population is active in the workplace. Smoking was the most common toxic habit reported by 160 patients. A high level of immunity was achieved with the total vaccinated population. Finally, an action plan for each of the prioritized problems is shown.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Medicina

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Análisis de la situación de salud del consultorio médico familiar 35. Enero – octubre de 2010 = Analysis of the health situation of the family doctor's office 35. January - October 2010

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Imagen de apoyo de  La regulación de los conflictos de intereses de los administradores de sociedades en el derecho colombiano = The regulation of conflicts of interest of company managers under colombian law

La regulación de los conflictos de intereses de los administradores de sociedades en el derecho colombiano = The regulation of conflicts of interest of company managers under colombian law

Por: Darío; Holguín Mora Laguado Giraldo | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Resumen:El de los conflictos de intereses de los administradores es uno de los problemas centrales del derecho de sociedades. El presente artículo pretende hacer un análisis económico, legal y jurisprudencial de la regulación Columbiana en esta materia. Asimismo, partiendo de las mejores prácticas existentes a nivel internacional, se analizan distintas estrategias legales para la adecuada administración de los conflictos de intereses y algunas de las principales debilidades de la regulación colombiana al respecto, todo lo cual puede servir de base para futuras reformas. Este trabajo resulta pertinente, además, pues contiene referencias al proyecto de ley que cursa actualmente en el Congreso de Colombia con el objetivo de mejorar la regulación de los conflictos de intereses.Abstract:Conflicts of interest of company managers represent one of the main problems in corporate law. This paper seeks to undertake an economic, legal and case analysis of Colombian regulations in this respect. In addition, by looking into some of the best international practices in this field, we analyze different legal strategies to properly manage conflicts of interest and some of the main weaknesses of the Colombian regulations in this respect, all of which can be useful for future reforms. This paper is also relevant because it includes references to the bill that is currently under review by the Colombian Congress with the purpose of improving the existing regulations on conflicts of interest.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Ciencias sociales

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La regulación de los conflictos de intereses de los administradores de sociedades en el derecho colombiano = The regulation of conflicts of interest of company managers under colombian law

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Imagen de apoyo de  The Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as a tool for employee recruitment and selection in the human resource management: A literature review = Las Social Networking Sites (SNS) en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del talento humano. Revisión de literatura

The Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as a tool for employee recruitment and selection in the human resource management: A literature review = Las Social Networking Sites (SNS) en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del talento humano. Revisión de literatura

Por: Orlando Enrique; Camacho Cantillo Contreras Pacheco | Fecha: 01/01/2017

Resumen:Las Social Networking Sites (SNS) o Redes sociales, en español, han intervenido en todos los ámbitos de la vida humana y el escenario laboral no ha sido ajeno a ello; es así como el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer de qué manera se aplican estas redes a los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del talento humano, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos ISI Web of Science y Scopus, desde el año 2001 hasta 2016, que incluye las etapas de planeación, ejecución y diseminación de los resultados. El estudio del tema ha despertado a lo largo del tiempo un interés en el mundo científico, lo que permitió identificar los usos que las empresas le están dando a estas plataformas en el mercado laboral. Los principales resultados muestran que el contenido publicado por los candidatos repercute en las decisiones de los reclutadores, así como la discriminación que estas acarrean ha desencadenado un debate ético y legal, donde países como Estados Unidos han desarrollado iniciativas legales para regularlas. Con esto se logró crear bases para futuras investigaciones en torno a un tema que está incidiendo significativamente en la dinámica empresarial actualAbstract: The Social Networking Sites (SNS) or Redes Sociales, in Spanish, have taken essential part within every human life sphere and workspace has not been indifferent to this. The objective of this research is to know how the Social Networking Sites are being applied to recruitment and selection processes through a systematic literature review in ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases, from 2001 to 2016 that includes planning, implementation and dissemination of results. It has been found that the study of this topic has awakened over an especial interest in the scientific world throughout the time, which allowed to identify the uses that nowadays are being given to this platform in the labor market. The main results show that the content published by the candidates affects the decisions of the recruiters, promoting discrimination that has triggered into an ethical and legal debate, where countries such as the United States have developed legal initiatives to regulate these practices. In this way the present article has created bases for future research on a subject that is meaningfully influencing in the business dynamic.
Fuente: Biblioteca Virtual Banco de la República Tipo de contenido: Artículos
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  • Otros

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The Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as a tool for employee recruitment and selection in the human resource management: A literature review = Las Social Networking Sites (SNS) en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del talento humano. Revisión de literatura

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